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2018-07-26 16:18:40 +02:00
"persinst": {
"langbezeichnung": "Name (detailed)",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Write name of person as: [Given name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of Birth][-][Year of Death][)]<br>Example (person):<br>Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br><br>If years are unknown, just write the name in regular way<br>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br><br>Names of institution in complete form<br>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"<br>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)",
"kurzbezeichnung": "Name (short)",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Write name of person as: [Surname][,][Given name]<br>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br><br>Names of institutions in short form<br>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"<br>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)",
"english_name": "... in english",
"english_name_explica": "Only fill in if known and different from the original name",
"birthyear": "Year of birth",
"birthyear_explica": "Only fill in if known<br><br>A four digit number<br>Example: 1815",
"deathyear": "Year of death",
"deathyear_explica": "Only fill in if known<br><br>A four digit number<br>Example: 1900",
"annotation": "Remarks",
"annotation_explica": "Please fill in if possible<br><br>Might be only short<br><br>Example \"Painter, Writer, Actor\"",
"no_short_name": "You have to give a short name (for the person or institution) !",
"no_detailed_name": "You have to give a detailed name (for the person or institution) !",
"entity_known": "A person or institution with this name is already known !",
"problemtoadmin": "A problem was encountered, please contact admin",
"delete_persinst": "Delete the person or institution",
"delete_persinst_check": "You are going to delete an entry for a person or institution",
"attention1": "<b>Attention:<\/b> If you change the year of birth or year of death field for a person-entry you have to change the detailed name too !",
"name_detailed_contains": "Name contains ...",
"unite_titel": "Unite persons etc.",
"unite_with": "unite with",
"unite_really": "Relly unite ?",
"unite_instruction": "Please click the entity that should be kept.",
"unite_better_not": "No, better not unite",
"unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"",
"unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.",
"unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.",
"please_select": "Please choose a person or institution",
"new_persinst": "New person or institution",
"add_superordinates": "Superordinate (Companies etc.)",
"add_subordinates": "Subordinate (Firmen etc.)",
"build_group_synonym": "Build group of synonyms for actual term"