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2018-04-08 01:56:08 +02:00
{"backend_tl":{"input_interface":"Input Interface","topics":"Topics","add":"Tambahkan","delete":"Delete","users":"Users","edit":"Edit","logged_in_as":"Logged in as","logout":"Log out","topic":"Topic","selectmuseumforediting":"Select a museum for editing ...","museum_edit":"Edit a museum ...","museum_add":"Add a museum ...","collection_select":"Select a collection for editing ...","collection_edit":"Edit a collection ...","collection_add":"Add a collection ...","object_select":"Select an object for editing ...","object_edit":"Edit an object ...","object_add":"Add an object ...","ufo_edit":"Edit an U-F-O ...","ufo_add":"Add an U-F-O ...","event_select":"Select an event for editing ...","event_edit":"Edit an event ...","event_add":"Add an event ...","time_select":"Select a time term for editing ...","time_edit":"Edit a time term ...","time_add":"Add a time term ...","persinst_select":"Select an actor for editing ...","persinst_edit":"Edit an actor ...","persinst_add":"Add an actor ...","place_select":"Select a place for editing ...","place_edit":"Edit a place ...","place_add":"Add a place ...","tag_select":"Select a tag for editing ...","tag_edit":"Edit a tag ...","tag_add":"Add a tag ...","literature_select":"Select a literature entry for editing ...","literature_edit":"Edit a literature entry ...","literature_add":"Add a literature entry ...","link_select":"Select a hyperlink for editing ...","link_edit":"Edit hyperlink","link_add":"Add hyperlink!","image_edit":"Select an image for editing ...","document_attach":"Attach a document ...","tag_select_simple":"Please select a tag ...","settings_edit":"Edit settings ...","user_select":"Select a user for editing ...","topic_edit":"Edit a <b style=","subtopic_edit":"Add a <b style=","document_edit":"Edit document","source_add":"Add link with a source!","object_add_complicated":"Add an <b style=","object_edit_complicated":"Edit an <b style=","user_role_change_alt":"Changes the relation between a user and a topic","send":"Send","once_again":"Once again","field":"Field","definitelyconfirm":"Yes!!","explanation_short_title":"<b>Field \"Short Title\"<\/b><br><br>This field is mandatory!<br><br>The short title is used for listing the entry in the navigation<br><br>Example 1: \"Archaology of the Lords of Anhalt\"<br>Example 2: \"Excavations\"","explanation_long_title":"<b>Field: \"Long Title\"<\/b><br><br>This field is mandatory!<br><br>Der \"Langtitel\" ist der eigentliche Titel des Themas. Bestenfalls nicht mehr als 150 Zeichen.<br><br>Example: \"Arch\u00e4ologie der anhaltischen F\u00fcrsten vom 15. Jahrhundert bis in unsere Tage","explanation_abstract":"<b>Field: ","explanation_text":"<b>Field: \"Image Text\"<\/b><br><br>This field is mandatory!<br><br>Unrestricted length of text. Ideally, the text fills about one screen. If possible, write sentences and avoid lists.<br><br>You can - but are not required to - upload an image for the topic. The image will appear on the left of the text.","explanation_text_image":"<b>Field: \"Image Text\"<\/b><br><br>Please only fill this out, if you have uploaded an image for the topic. This text appears upon hovering over the image. Useful for information on copyright and origin.","explanation_link_image":"<b>Field: \"Target for click on image\"<\/b><br><br>Please only fill this out if you have uploaded an image for the topic and want the user to be linked to another source on the web upon clicking on the image.<br><br>Requires absolute URLs, beginning with \"http(s):\/\/\".","topic_image":"Image for topic:","topic_image_switch":"Change image","topic_image_noimage":"No image available","topic_image_upload":"Upload image","map":"Map","topic_map_disabled":"Show topic without a map","topic_map_enabled":"Display topic with a map (objects of the topic on a map)","topic_map_enabled_inclusive":"Display topic with a map (objects of the topic and all lower level topics on a map)","short_title":"Short Title","long_title":"Long Title","abstract":"Abstract","text_for_topic":"Text on the Topic","text_for_image":"Image Text","link_image":"Target for Clicking on