Improve test coverage
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" backupGlobals="false" beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState="true" beStrictAboutOutputDuringTests="true" bootstrap="tests/bootstrap.php" cacheResult="false" colors="true" enforceTimeLimit="true" executionOrder="depends,defects" failOnRisky="true" failOnWarning="true" processIsolation="true" stopOnError="true" stopOnFailure="true" stopOnIncomplete="true" stopOnSkipped="true" stopOnRisky="true" testdox="true" timeoutForSmallTests="1" timeoutForMediumTests="10" timeoutForLargeTests="60" cacheDirectory=".phpunit.cache" backupStaticProperties="false" requireCoverageMetadata="false" beStrictAboutCoverageMetadata="false">
<phpunit xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" backupGlobals="false" beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState="true" beStrictAboutOutputDuringTests="true" bootstrap="tests/bootstrap.php" cacheResult="false" colors="true" enforceTimeLimit="true" executionOrder="depends,defects" failOnRisky="true" failOnWarning="true" processIsolation="true" stopOnError="true" stopOnFailure="true" stopOnIncomplete="true" stopOnSkipped="true" stopOnRisky="true" testdox="true" timeoutForSmallTests="1" timeoutForMediumTests="10" timeoutForLargeTests="60" cacheDirectory=".phpunit.cache" backupStaticProperties="false" requireCoverageMetadata="false" beStrictAboutCoverageMetadata="false" displayDetailsOnTestsThatTriggerWarnings="true" >
<testsuite name="tests">
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ final class MD_STD {
public static function unlink(string $filename):void {
if (\unlink($filename) === false) {
throw new Exception("Failed to delete: $filename");
throw new MDFileDoesNotExist("Failed to delete: $filename");
@ -173,26 +173,6 @@ final class MD_STD {
* Function checking if a string starts with another.
* DEPRECATED. Can be replaced by PHP8's str_starts_with.
* @param non-empty-string $haystack String to check.
* @param non-empty-string $needle Potential start of $haystack.
* @return boolean
public static function startsWith(string $haystack, string $needle):bool {
if (substr($haystack, 0, \strlen($needle)) === $needle) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* Function checking if a string starts with any input from the input array.
@ -470,12 +450,9 @@ final class MD_STD {
public static function checkUrlIsReachable(string $url):bool {
if (empty($url)) {
if (empty($url = MD_STD_IN::sanitize_url($url))) {
throw new MDInvalidUrl("Input URL cannot be empty");
if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) {
throw new MDInvalidUrl("URL to check (" . $url . ") does not seem to be a valid URL");
$ch = self::curl_init($url, 5000);
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
@ -869,7 +846,11 @@ final class MD_STD {
public static function string_to_color_code(string $str):string {
return \substr(\dechex(\crc32($str)), 0, 6);
$output = \dechex(\crc32($str));
if (\strlen($output) < 6) return '000000';
return \substr($output, 0, 6);
@ -911,10 +892,12 @@ final class MD_STD {
$max = count($input);
$offset = 0;
$sizePerEntry = max($size - 1, 1); // Size - 1 is expected, but size below 1 ends in endless loops
while ($offset < $max) {
$cur = array_slice($input, $offset, $size - 1);
$cur = array_slice($input, $offset, $sizePerEntry);
if (!empty($cur)) $output[] = $cur;
$offset += $size - 1;
$offset += $sizePerEntry;
return $output;
@ -940,10 +923,12 @@ final class MD_STD {
$max = count($input);
$offset = 0;
$sizePerEntry = max($size - 1, 1); // Size - 1 is expected, but size below 1 ends in endless loops
while ($offset < $max) {
$cur = array_slice($input, $offset, $size - 1);
$cur = array_slice($input, $offset, $sizePerEntry);
if (!empty($cur)) $output[] = $cur;
$offset += $size - 1;
$offset += $sizePerEntry;
return $output;
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ final class MD_STD_IN {
$output = \str_replace(",", ".", $input);
if (($output = \filter_var($output, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)) === false) {
throw new MDgenericInvalidInputsException("Input is readable as a floating point value");
throw new MDgenericInvalidInputsException("Input is not readable as a floating point value");
return $output;
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
* Tests for the manifest.
* Data provider for returning invalid URLs.
@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ final class MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS {
public static function invalid_url_provider():array {
$output = [
return [
'Space in protocol name' => ["h ttps://"],
'Unwanted protocol' => ["telegram://"],
'String without protocol' => [""],
@ -32,8 +31,6 @@ final class MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS {
'Overly long URL (> 10000 chars)' => ["" . str_repeat('a', 10000)],
return $output;
@ -145,5 +142,4 @@ final class MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS {
return $output;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
* Tests for MD_STD_IN.
* @author Joshua Ramon Enslin <>
declare(strict_types = 1);
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Small;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversClass;
* Tests for MD_STD_IN.
final class MDFormatterTest extends TestCase {
* Function for testing formatMarkdownHeadline1().
* @return void
public function testFormatMarkdownHeadline1():void {
self::assertEquals("a" . PHP_EOL . "=" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, MDFormatter::formatMarkdownHeadline1("a"));
* Function for testing formatMarkdownHeadline2().
* @return void
public function testFormatMarkdownHeadline2():void {
self::assertEquals("a" . PHP_EOL . "-" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, MDFormatter::formatMarkdownHeadline2("a"));
* Function for testing formatMarkdownHeadline3().
* @return void
public function testFormatMarkdownHeadline3():void {
self::assertEquals("### a" . PHP_EOL, MDFormatter::formatMarkdownHeadline3("a"));
* Function for testing formatMarkdownHorizontalRule().
* @return void
public function testFormatMarkdownHorizontalRule():void {
self::assertEquals("___" . PHP_EOL, MDFormatter::formatMarkdownHorizontalRule());
* Function for testing formatMarkdownNamedLink().
* @return void
public function testFormatMarkdownNamedLink():void {
self::assertEquals("[a](", MDFormatter::formatMarkdownNamedLink("a", ""));
* Function for testing formatMarkdownBlockQuote().
* @return void
public function testFormatMarkdownBlockQuote():void {
self::assertEquals("> Test" . PHP_EOL . "> test" . PHP_EOL, MDFormatter::formatMarkdownBlockQuote("Test" . PHP_EOL . "test"));
* Function for testing formatMarkdownCodeBlock().
* @return void
public function testFormatMarkdownCodeBlock():void {
self::assertEquals("```" . PHP_EOL . "Test" . PHP_EOL . "test" . PHP_EOL . "```" . PHP_EOL, MDFormatter::formatMarkdownCodeBlock("Test" . PHP_EOL . "test"));
* Function for testing formatMarkdownUnorderedListItem().
* @return void
public function testFormatMarkdownUnorderedListItem():void {
self::assertEquals("- a" . PHP_EOL, MDFormatter::formatMarkdownUnorderedListItem("a"));
self::assertEquals("- a" . PHP_EOL . " a" . PHP_EOL, MDFormatter::formatMarkdownUnorderedListItem("a" . PHP_EOL . "a"));
@ -7,10 +7,16 @@
declare(strict_types = 1);
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProviderExternal;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Small;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversClass;
* Tests for MD_STD_IN.
final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Data provider for valid IDs.
@ -34,17 +40,112 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_id().
* Data provider for valid longitudes.
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_id
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_IN_Test::valid_id_provider
* @return array<array{0: mixed, 1: float}>
public static function valid_longitude_provider():array {
$values = [
["1", 1.0],
["12", 12.0],
[12, 12.0],
[12.0, 12.0],
[95, 95.0],
[-95, -95.0],
$output = [];
foreach ($values as $value) {
$output[gettype($value[0]) . ': ' . var_export($value[0], true)] = $value;
return $output;
* Data provider for invalid longitudes.
* @return array<array{0: mixed, 1: string}>
public static function invalid_longitude_provider():array {
$values = [
["test", MDgenericInvalidInputsException::class],
["test1", MDgenericInvalidInputsException::class],
["", MDgenericInvalidInputsException::class],
["1900", MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
[1900, MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
[-1900, MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
[185, MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
[-185, MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
foreach ($values as $value) {
$output[gettype($value[0]) . ': ' . var_export($value[0], true)] = $value;
return $output;
* Data provider for valid latitudes.
* @return array<array{0: mixed, 1: float}>
public static function valid_latitude_provider():array {
$values = [
["1", 1.0],
["12", 12.0],
[12, 12.0],
[12.0, 12.0],
[85, 85.0],
[-85, -85.0],
$output = [];
foreach ($values as $value) {
$output[gettype($value[0]) . ': ' . var_export($value[0], true)] = $value;
return $output;
* Data provider for invalid latitudes.
* @return array<array{0: mixed, 1: string}>
public static function invalid_latitude_provider():array {
$values = [
["test", MDgenericInvalidInputsException::class],
["test1", MDgenericInvalidInputsException::class],
["", MDgenericInvalidInputsException::class],
["1900", MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
[1900, MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
[-1900, MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
[95, MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
[-95, MDCoordinateOutOfRange::class],
foreach ($values as $value) {
$output[gettype($value[0]) . ': ' . var_export($value[0], true)] = $value;
return $output;
* Function for testing sanitize_id().
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param integer $expected Expected output.
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_id_works(mixed $to_validate, int $expected):void {
self::assertEquals($expected, MD_STD_IN::sanitize_id($to_validate));
@ -66,14 +167,11 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_id().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_id
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_IN_Test::invalid_id_provider
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_id_fails(mixed $to_validate):void {
@ -98,15 +196,12 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_id_or_zero().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_id_or_zero
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_IN_Test::valid_id_or_zero_provider
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param integer $expected Expected output.
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_id_or_zero_works(mixed $to_validate, int $expected):void {
self::assertEquals($expected, MD_STD_IN::sanitize_id_or_zero($to_validate));
@ -132,14 +227,11 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_id_or_zero().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_id_or_zero
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_IN_Test::invalid_id_provider_without_zero
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_id_or_zero_fails(mixed $to_validate):void {
@ -171,15 +263,12 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_text().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_text
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_IN_Test::text_with_expected_return_value_provider
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param string $expected Expected output.
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_text(mixed $to_validate, string $expected):void {
self::assertEquals($expected, MD_STD_IN::sanitize_text($to_validate));
@ -230,15 +319,12 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_rgb_color().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_rgb_color
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_IN_Test::valid_rgb_colors_provider
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param string $expected Expected output.
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_rgb_color_works(mixed $to_validate, string $expected):void {
self::assertEquals($expected, MD_STD_IN::sanitize_rgb_color($to_validate));
@ -248,14 +334,11 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_rgb_color()'s failure modes.
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_rgb_color
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_IN_Test::invalid_rgb_colors_provider
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_rgb_color_fails(mixed $to_validate):void {
@ -264,10 +347,22 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_id_array().
* Function for testing sanitize_text_array().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_id_array
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_text_array():void {
self::assertEquals(["1"], MD_STD_IN::sanitize_text_array([1, '']));
self::assertEquals(["1", "2"], MD_STD_IN::sanitize_text_array(["1", 2]));
* Function for testing sanitize_id_array().
* @return void
@ -294,9 +389,6 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing get_http_input_text().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::get_http_input_text
* @return void
public function test_get_http_input_text():void {
@ -323,9 +415,6 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing get_http_post_text().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::get_http_post_text
* @return void
public function test_get_http_post_text():void {
@ -348,9 +437,6 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_url().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_url
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_url_with_empty_string():void {
@ -363,15 +449,12 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_url().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_url
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS::valid_url_provider
* @param string $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param string $expected Expected output.
* @return void
#[DataProviderExternal(\MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS::class, 'valid_url_provider')]
public function test_sanitize_url_works(string $to_validate, string $expected):void {
self::assertEquals($expected, MD_STD_IN::sanitize_url($to_validate));
@ -381,15 +464,11 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_url().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_url
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS::invalid_url_provider
* @param string $to_validate Input to validate.
* @return void
#[DataProviderExternal(\MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS::class, 'invalid_url_provider')]
public function test_sanitize_url_fails(string $to_validate):void {
@ -400,9 +479,6 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_email().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_email
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_email_empty():void {
@ -414,15 +490,12 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_email().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_email
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS::valid_email_provider
* @param string $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param string $expected Expected output.
* @return void
#[DataProviderExternal(\MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS::class, 'valid_email_provider')]
public function test_sanitize_email_works(string $to_validate, string $expected):void {
self::assertEquals($expected, MD_STD_IN::sanitize_email($to_validate));
@ -431,14 +504,11 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_email() fails when it should.
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_email
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS::invalid_email_provider
* @param string $to_validate Input to validate.
* @return void
#[DataProviderExternal(\MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS::class, 'invalid_email_provider')]
public function test_sanitize_email_fails(string $to_validate):void {
@ -449,9 +519,6 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing validate_password().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::validate_password
* @return void
public function test_validate_password():void {
@ -466,9 +533,6 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing validate_phone_number().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::validate_phone_number
* @return void
public function test_validate_phone_number():void {
@ -488,9 +552,6 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing sanitize_float().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::sanitize_float
* @return void
public function test_sanitize_float():void {
@ -510,69 +571,68 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing validate_longitude().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::validate_longitude
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param float $expected Expected output.
* @return void
public function test_validate_longitude():void {
public function test_validate_longitude_with_valid_entries(mixed $to_validate, float $expected):void {
self::assertEquals(0, MD_STD_IN::validate_longitude("0"));
self::assertEquals(12, MD_STD_IN::validate_longitude("12"));
self::assertEquals(12, MD_STD_IN::validate_longitude(12));
self::assertEquals(12.12, MD_STD_IN::validate_longitude("12.12"));
self::assertEquals(12.12, MD_STD_IN::validate_longitude("12,12"));
self::assertEquals(12.12, MD_STD_IN::validate_longitude(12.12));
self::assertEquals($expected, MD_STD_IN::validate_longitude($to_validate));
* Function for testing validate_longitude().
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param string $exceptionClass Exception class.
* @return void
public function test_validate_longitude_with_invalid_entries(mixed $to_validate, string $exceptionClass):void {
* Function for testing validate_latitude().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::validate_latitude
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param float $expected Expected output.
* @return void
public function test_validate_latitude():void {
public function test_validate_latitude_with_valid_entries(mixed $to_validate, float $expected):void {
self::assertEquals(0, MD_STD_IN::validate_latitude("0"));
self::assertEquals(12, MD_STD_IN::validate_latitude("12"));
self::assertEquals(12, MD_STD_IN::validate_latitude(12));
self::assertEquals(12.12, MD_STD_IN::validate_latitude("12.12"));
self::assertEquals(12.12, MD_STD_IN::validate_latitude("12,12"));
self::assertEquals(12.12, MD_STD_IN::validate_latitude(12.12));
self::assertEquals($expected, MD_STD_IN::validate_latitude($to_validate));
* Function for testing validate_latitude().
* @param mixed $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param string $exceptionClass Exception class.
* @return void
public function test_validate_latitude_with_invalid_entries(mixed $to_validate, string $exceptionClass):void {
* Function for testing validate_isbn().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::validate_isbn
* @return void
public function test_validate_isbn():void {
@ -596,9 +656,6 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing validate_zip_code().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::validate_zip_code
* @return void
public function test_validate_zip_code():void {
@ -614,9 +671,6 @@ final class MD_STD_IN_Test extends TestCase {
* Function for testing ensureStringIsUtf8().
* @small
* @covers \MD_STD_IN::ensureStringIsUtf8
* @return void
public function test_ensureStringIsUtf8():void {
@ -7,11 +7,77 @@
declare(strict_types = 1);
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProviderExternal;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Small;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversClass;
* Tests for MD_STD.
final class MD_STD_Test extends TestCase {
* Data provider for returning a tmp file.
* @return array<string, array{0: string, 1: string}>
public static function file_name_in_tmp_provider():array {
$temp_file = \tempnam(\sys_get_temp_dir(), 'test_md_std');
if (!$temp_file) throw new Exception("Failed to get tmp dir");
return [
$temp_file => [$temp_file],
* Data provider for invalid directories.
* @return array<string, array{0: string}>
public static function invalid_directory_provider():array {
$non_existent = __DIR__ . '/' . uniqid();
return [
"File, not directory" => [__FILE__],
"Non-existent directory" => [$non_existent],
* Data provider for invalid files for file_get_contents.
* @return array<string, array{0: string, 1: string}>
public static function invalid_files_for_file_get_contents():array {
return [
'External path: FTP' => ["ftp://test", MDFileDoesNotExist::class], // Invalid external
'Non-existent file' => ["jklsdjfklasdjfklasdkl.jpg", MDFileDoesNotExist::class], // Non-existent file
* Data provider for invalid files for file_get_contents.
* @return array<string, array{0: string, 1: array<string>, 2: string}>
public static function failure_cases_ensure_file():array {
return [
'Non-existent file' => ["jklsdjfklasdjfklasdkl.jpg", [], MDFileDoesNotExist::class], // Non-existent file
'Invalid mime type' => [__FILE__, ["image/jpeg"], MDWrongFileType::class], // Non-existent file
* Returns sample dates and their equivalent integer values according
* to MD_STD::date_to_int().
@ -39,15 +105,456 @@ final class MD_STD_Test extends TestCase {
* Checks if dates can be translated to int and back.
* Checks if a file can be read.
* @dataProvider \MD_STD_Test::date_to_int_provider
* @return void
public function test_file_get_contents_works():void {
self::assertNotEmpty(MD_STD::file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../phpunit.xml'));
* Checks if a file can be written.
* @param string $temp_file Tmp file.
* @return void
public function test_file_put_contents_works(string $temp_file):void {
MD_STD::file_put_contents($temp_file, "Test");
self::assertEquals("Test", MD_STD::file_get_contents($temp_file));
* Check MD_STD::realpath returns absolute file path of an existing file.
* @return void
public function test_realpath_works():void {
self::assertEquals(__FILE__, MD_STD::realpath(__FILE__));
* Check MD_STD::realpath throws exception on non-existing path.
* @param string $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param string $exceptionClass Exception class.
* @return void
public function test_realpath_fails(string $to_validate, string $exceptionClass):void {
* Checks if a file can be read.
* @param string $to_validate Input to validate.
* @param string $exceptionClass Exception class.
* @return void
public function test_file_get_contents_fails_as_expected(string $to_validate, string $exceptionClass):void {
* Checks that json_encode works.
* @return void
public function test_json_encode_works():void {
self::assertEquals('[0]', MD_STD::json_encode([0]));
* Checks that json_encode_object works.
* @return void
public function test_json_encode_object_works():void {
self::assertEquals('{"0":0}', MD_STD::json_encode_object((object)[0]));
* Checks that mkdir works.
* @return void
public function test_mkdir_works():void {
$testDir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . uniqid("_test_");
if (file_exists($testDir)) {
throw new Exception("Test dir already exists");
* Checks that nothing happens with mkdir.
* @return void
public function test_mkdir_works_with_invalid():void {
* Checks if nothing happens if a file does not exist.
* @param string $temp_file Tmp file.
* @return void
public function test_unlink_if_exists_passes_if_not_exists(string $temp_file):void {
if (file_exists($temp_file)) {
* Checks unlink_if_exists works.
* @param string $temp_file Tmp file.
* @return void
public function test_unlink_if_exists_works(string $temp_file):void {
* Checks scandir works.
* @return void
public function test_scandir():void {
$files = scandir(__DIR__);
$filesChecked = MD_STD::scandir(__DIR__);
foreach ($filesChecked as $file) {
self::assertTrue(in_array($file, $files, true));
foreach (['.', '..', '.git'] as $excluded) {
self::assertFalse(in_array($excluded, $filesChecked, true));
* Checks invalid directory.
* @param string $dir Dir name.
* @return void
public function test_invalid_directory_throws_error_on_scandir(string $dir):void {
* Checks that startsWithAny works.
* @return void
public function test_startsWithAny():void {
self::assertTrue(MD_STD::startsWithAny("abc", ["a"]));
self::assertFalse(MD_STD::startsWithAny("abc", ["b"]));
* Checks that stri_contains works.
* @return void
public function test_stri_contains():void {
self::assertTrue(MD_STD::stri_contains("abc", "a"));
self::assertTrue(MD_STD::stri_contains("abc", "b"));
self::assertTrue(MD_STD::stri_contains("abc", "C"));
self::assertFalse(MD_STD::stri_contains("abc", "u"));
* Checks that stri_contains_any works.
* @return void
public function test_stri_contains_any():void {
self::assertTrue(MD_STD::stri_contains_any("abc", ["a"]));
self::assertTrue(MD_STD::stri_contains_any("abc", ["b"]));
self::assertTrue(MD_STD::stri_contains_any("abc", ["C"]));
self::assertTrue(MD_STD::stri_contains_any("abc", ["C", "u"]));
self::assertFalse(MD_STD::stri_contains_any("abc", ["u"]));
self::assertFalse(MD_STD::stri_contains_any("abc", ["u", "z"]));
* Checks that strtotime works.
* @return void
public function test_strtotime_works():void {
self::assertEquals(strtotime("2024-01-01"), MD_STD::strtotime("2024-01-01"));
* Checks that strtotime works.
* @return void
public function test_strtotime_fails_as_expected():void {
* Checks that strtotime_for_public_apis works.
* @return void
public function test_strtotime_for_pulic_apis_works():void {
self::assertEquals(strtotime("2024-01-01"), MD_STD::strtotime_for_public_apis("2024-01-01"));
* Checks that strtotime_for_public_apis works.
* @return void
public function test_strtotime_for_pulic_apis_fails_as_expected():void {
* Checks that curl_init works.
* @return void
public function test_curl_init():void {
MD_STD::curl_init("", 2000);
* Checks that runCurl works.
* @return void
public function test_runCurl():void {
self::assertNotEmpty(MD_STD::runCurl("", headers: ['X-TEST: Test']));
* Checks that runCurl works.
* @return void
public function test_runCurlMulti():void {
$output = MD_STD::runCurlMulti(["" => ""], headers: ['X-TEST: Test']);
self::assertEquals([""], array_keys($output));
* Checks that checkUrlIsReachable works.
* @return void
public function test_checkUrlIsReachable():void {
* Checks that checkUrlIsReachable fails as expected.
* @param string $invalid_url Input to validate.
* @return void
#[DataProviderExternal(\MD_STD_TEST_PROVIDERS::class, 'invalid_url_provider')]
public function test_checkUrlIsReachable_fails_as_expected(string $invalid_url):void {
* Checks that checkUrlIsReachable fails as expected.
* @return void
public function test_checkUrlIsReachable_fails_as_expected_on_empty_input():void {
* Checks that filesize works.
* @return void
public function test_filesize():void {
* Checks that human_filesize works.
* @return void
public function test_human_filesize_works():void {
self::assertEquals("2.00B", MD_STD::human_filesize(2));
self::assertEquals("2.00kB", MD_STD::human_filesize(2048));
* Checks that minimizeHTMLString works.
* @return void
public function test_minimizeHTMLString():void {
self::assertEquals("hi" . PHP_EOL . "hi" . PHP_EOL, MD_STD::minimizeHTMLString(" hi" . PHP_EOL . " hi"));
* Checks that createTextSnippet works.
* @return void
public function test_createTextSnippet():void {
self::assertEquals("Hallo...", MD_STD::createTextSnippet("Hallo Hallo, jkfljksdlajkfas", 8));
* Checks that ensure_file works.
* @return void
public function test_ensure_file_works():void {
* Checks that minimizeHTMLString works.
* @param string $filepath File path.
* @param array<string> $mime_types Mime types expected.
* @param string $exception Exception class name.
* @return void
public function test_ensure_file_fails_as_expected(string $filepath, array $mime_types, string $exception):void {
MD_STD::ensure_file($filepath, $mime_types);
* Checks that levenshtein works.
* @return void
public function test_levensthein_works():void {
MD_STD::levenshtein(str_repeat("hi", 500), str_repeat("ho", 500));
* Checks if dates can be translated to int and back.
* @param string $date Date to translate.
* @param integer $expectedInt Expected integer value for it.
* @return void
public function test_date_to_int(string $date, int $expectedInt):void {
$toInt = MD_STD::date_to_int($date);
@ -57,4 +564,143 @@ final class MD_STD_Test extends TestCase {
self::assertEquals($date, $toStr);
* Checks check_is_writable does not work with non-existent or non-directory paths.
* @param string $dir Dir name.
* @return void
public function test_invalid_directory_throws_error_on_check_is_writable(string $dir):void {
* Checks check_is_writable does not work with non-existent or non-directory paths.
* @return void
public function test_is_writable_returns_false_without_permissions():void {
* Checks check_is_writable does not work with non-existent or non-directory paths.
* @return void
public function test_remote_mime_content_type_works():void {
self::assertEquals("text/html", MD_STD::remote_mime_content_type(""));
* Checks string_to_color_code works.
* @return void
public function test_string_to_color_code():void {
self::assertEquals(6, strlen(MD_STD::string_to_color_code("")));
self::assertEquals(6, strlen(MD_STD::string_to_color_code("a")));
self::assertEquals(6, strlen(MD_STD::string_to_color_code("dsaf")));
* Checks split_int_array_into_sized_parts works.
* @return void
public function test_split_int_array_into_sized_parts():void {
self::assertEquals([[0 => 1], [0 => 1], [0 => 1], [0 => 1]], MD_STD::split_int_array_into_sized_parts([1, 1, 1, 1], 1));
* Checks split_string_array_into_sized_parts works.
* @return void
public function test_split_string_array_into_sized_parts():void {
self::assertEquals([[0 => "1"], [0 => "1"], [0 => "1"], [0 => "1"]], MD_STD::split_string_array_into_sized_parts(["1", "1", "1", "1"], 1));
* Checks openssl_random_pseudo_bytes works.
* @return void
public function test_openssl_random_pseudo_bytes():void {
* Checks lang_getfrombrowser works by getting value from HTTP header HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE.
* @return void
public function test_lang_getfrombrowser_via_http_header():void {
$_SERVER = [
self::assertEquals("de", MD_STD::lang_getfrombrowser(["de", "en"], "en", ""));
$_SERVER = [
self::assertEquals("en", MD_STD::lang_getfrombrowser(["de", "en"], "en", ""));
* Checks lang_getfrombrowser returns default without any further information being provided.
* @return void
public function test_lang_getfrombrowser_get_default():void {
self::assertEquals("en", MD_STD::lang_getfrombrowser(["de", "en"], "en", ""));
* Checks get_user_lang_no_cookie works with GET variable set.
* @return void
public function test_get_user_lang_no_cookie_works_from_get_var():void {
$_GET = [
'navlang' => 'de',
self::assertEquals("de", MD_STD::get_user_lang_no_cookie(["de", "en"], "en"));
* Checks get_user_lang_no_cookie works with GET variable set.
* @return void