declare(strict_types = 1);
$eventname = array (
  1 => 'Created',
  2 => 'Found',
  3 => 'Published',
  4 => 'Template creation',
  5 => 'Was depicted (Actor)',
  6 => 'Was used',
  7 => 'Written',
  8 => 'Collected',
  9 => 'Painted',
  10 => 'Image taken',
  11 => 'Received',
  12 => 'Printing plate produced',
  13 => 'Sent',
  14 => 'Issued',
  15 => 'Signed',
  16 => 'First description',
  19 => 'Drawn',
  20 => 'Copied (by hand)',
  21 => 'Lived',
  22 => '[Relationship to location]',
  23 => '[Relation to person or institution]',
  24 => '[Relation to time]',
  25 => 'Commissioned',
  26 => 'Printed',
  27 => 'Recorded',
  28 => 'Sung',
  29 => 'Decor designed',
  30 => 'Form designed',
  31 => 'Modelled',
  32 => 'Autographed/Signed',
  33 => 'Mentioned',
  34 => 'Buried',
  35 => 'Intellectual creation',
  36 => 'Was depicted',
  37 => 'Painted on',
  38 => 'Illustrated',
  39 => 'Assembled',
  40 => 'Auctioned',
  41 => 'Bought',
  42 => 'Owned',
  43 => 'Sold',
  44 => 'Restorated',
  45 => 'Damaged',
  46 => 'Destroyed',
  47 => 'Lost',
  48 => 'Edited',
  49 => 'Donated / present',
  50 => 'Inherited',