
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Ramon Enslin 2023-01-23 21:37:48 +00:00 committed by md translation bot
parent 08aa8753aa
commit 6922772f3e
860 changed files with 11842 additions and 6622 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
$actor_variant_types_set['birth_name'] = 'Birth name'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$actor_variant_types_set['married_name'] = 'Married name'; array (
$actor_variant_types_set['monastic_name'] = 'Monastic name'; 'actor_variant_types_set' =>
$actor_variant_types_set['pseudonym'] = 'Pseudonym'; array (
$actor_variant_types_set['regnal_name'] = 'Regnal name'; 'birth_name' => 'Birth name',
$actor_variant_types_set['nickname'] = 'Nickname'; 'married_name' => 'Married name',
$actor_variant_types_set['artist_name'] = 'Artist name'; 'monastic_name' => 'Monastic name',
$actor_variant_types_set['civil_name'] = 'Civil name'; 'pseudonym' => 'Pseudonym',
$actor_variant_types_set['generic_other_name'] = 'Alternative Name (generic)'; 'regnal_name' => 'Regnal name',
'nickname' => 'Nickname',
'artist_name' => 'Artist name',
'civil_name' => 'Civil name',
'generic_other_name' => 'Alternative Name (generic)',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$appointment_attendance_modes['offline'] = 'Offline'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_attendance_modes['online'] = 'Online'; array (
$appointment_attendance_modes['mixed'] = 'Offline and online'; 'appointment_attendance_modes' =>
array (
'offline' => 'Offline',
'online' => 'Online',
'mixed' => 'Offline and online',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$appointment_cancellation_status_set['scheduled_done'] = 'Scheduled or done as planned'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_cancellation_status_set['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled'; array (
'appointment_cancellation_status_set' =>
array (
'scheduled_done' => 'Scheduled or done as planned',
'cancelled' => 'Cancelled',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$appointment_contributor_roles['organizer'] = 'Organizer'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_contributor_roles['presenter'] = 'Presenter'; array (
'appointment_contributor_roles' =>
array (
'organizer' => 'Organizer',
'presenter' => 'Presenter',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$appointment_status['scheduled'] = 'Scheduled'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_status['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled'; array (
$appointment_status['moved_online'] = 'Moved online'; 'appointment_status' =>
$appointment_status['postponed'] = 'Postponed'; array (
'scheduled' => 'Scheduled',
'cancelled' => 'Cancelled',
'moved_online' => 'Moved online',
'postponed' => 'Postponed',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$attendance_status_set['offline'] = 'Offline'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$attendance_status_set['online'] = 'Online'; array (
'attendance_status_set' =>
array (
'offline' => 'Offline',
'online' => 'Online',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$closer_location_types_set['0'] = ''; declare(strict_types = 1);
$closer_location_types_set['1'] = 'Place of recording'; array (
$closer_location_types_set['2'] = 'Place of discovery'; 'closer_location_types_set' =>
$closer_location_types_set['3'] = 'Former place'; array (
0 => '',
1 => 'Place of recording',
2 => 'Place of discovery',
3 => 'Former place',

View File

@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
$colors_set['black'] = 'Black'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$colors_set['green'] = 'Green'; array (
$colors_set['silver'] = 'Silver'; 'colors_set' =>
$colors_set['lime'] = 'Lime'; array (
$colors_set['gray'] = 'Gray'; 'black' => 'Black',
$colors_set['olive'] = 'Olive'; 'green' => 'Green',
$colors_set['white'] = 'White'; 'silver' => 'Silver',
$colors_set['yellow'] = 'Yellow'; 'lime' => 'Lime',
$colors_set['maroon'] = 'Maroon'; 'gray' => 'Gray',
$colors_set['navy'] = 'Navy'; 'olive' => 'Olive',
$colors_set['red'] = 'Red'; 'white' => 'White',
$colors_set['blue'] = 'Blue'; 'yellow' => 'Yellow',
$colors_set['purple'] = 'Purple'; 'maroon' => 'Maroon',
$colors_set['teal'] = 'Teal'; 'navy' => 'Navy',
$colors_set['fuchsia'] = 'Fuchsia'; 'red' => 'Red',
$colors_set['aqua'] = 'Aqua'; 'blue' => 'Blue',
'purple' => 'Purple',
'teal' => 'Teal',
'fuchsia' => 'Fuchsia',
'aqua' => 'Aqua',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
$conservation_report_type_set['damage'] = 'Damage'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$conservation_report_type_set['conservation'] = 'Conservation'; array (
$conservation_report_type_set['condition'] = 'Condition'; 'conservation_report_type_set' =>
$conservation_report_type_set['restoration'] = 'Restoration'; array (
$conservation_report_type_set['other_report'] = 'Other report'; 'damage' => 'Damage',
$conservation_report_type_set['other'] = 'Other report'; 'conservation' => 'Conservation',
'condition' => 'Condition',
'restoration' => 'Restoration',
'other_report' => 'Other report',
'other' => 'Other report',

View File

@ -1,21 +1,30 @@
$currencies_set['eu-EUR'] = 'Euro'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$currencies_set['de-DM'] = 'Deutsche Mark'; array (
$currencies_set['de-RM'] = 'Reichsmark (Germany)'; 'currencies_set' =>
$currencies_set['es-Real'] = 'Spanish Real'; array (
$currencies_set['hu-Ft'] = 'Forint'; 'eu-EUR' => 'Euro',
$currencies_set['hu-Lari'] = 'Lari'; 'de-DM' => 'Deutsche Mark',
$currencies_set['hu-Pengő'] = 'Pengő'; 'de-RM' => 'Reichsmark (Germany)',
$currencies_set['id-IDR'] = 'Indonesian Rupiah'; 'es-Real' => 'Spanish Real',
$currencies_set['pl-Złoty'] = 'Złoty'; 'hu-Ft' => 'Forint',
$currencies_set['us-USD'] = 'US Dollar'; 'hu-Lari' => 'Lari',
$currencies_set['ddr-Mark'] = 'Mark (GDR)'; 'hu-Pengő' => 'Pengő',
$currencies_set['ddr-MDN'] = 'MDN (GDR)'; 'id-IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah',
$currencies_set['hu-Korona'] = 'Austro-Hungarian krone'; 'pl-Złoty' => 'Złoty',
$currencies_set['fr-FF'] = 'French Franc'; 'us-USD' => 'US Dollar',
$currencies_set['uk-GBP'] = 'Pound Sterling'; 'ddr-Mark' => 'Mark (GDR)',
$currencies_set['by-BYN'] = 'Belarusian ruble'; 'ddr-MDN' => 'MDN (GDR)',
$currencies_set['ru-RUB'] = 'Russian ruble'; 'hu-Korona' => 'Austro-Hungarian krone',
$currencies_set['su-SUR'] = 'Soviet ruble'; 'fr-FF' => 'French Franc',
$currencies_set['ua-UAH'] = 'Ukrainian hryvnia'; 'uk-GBP' => 'Pound Sterling',
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates'; 'by-BYN' => 'Belarusian ruble',
'ru-RUB' => 'Russian ruble',
'su-SUR' => 'Soviet ruble',
'ua-UAH' => 'Ukrainian hryvnia',
'license_full_names' =>
array (
'CC BY-NC-ND' => 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$custom_report_targets_set['object_single'] = 'Single object'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$custom_report_targets_set['object_list'] = 'Multiple objects'; array (
$custom_report_targets_set['loan'] = 'Loan'; 'custom_report_targets_set' =>
$custom_report_targets_set['exhibition'] = 'Exhibition'; array (
'object_single' => 'Single object',
'object_list' => 'Multiple objects',
'loan' => 'Loan',
'exhibition' => 'Exhibition',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed'; array (
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection'; 'disposal_method_set' =>
array (
'sold' => 'Sold',
'destroyed' => 'Destroyed',
'garbage' => 'Thrown away / garbage collection',

View File

@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
$entry_types['0'] = ''; declare(strict_types = 1);
$entry_types['1'] = 'Donation'; array (
$entry_types['2'] = 'Purchase'; 'entry_types' =>
$entry_types['3'] = 'Excavation'; array (
$entry_types['4'] = 'Emergency Rescue'; 0 => '',
$entry_types['5'] = 'Inheritance'; 1 => 'Donation',
$entry_types['6'] = 'Endowment'; 2 => 'Purchase',
$entry_types['7'] = 'Dispossession'; 3 => 'Excavation',
$entry_types['8'] = 'Original condition'; 4 => 'Emergency Rescue',
$entry_types['9'] = 'Loan'; 5 => 'Inheritance',
$entry_types['10'] = 'Exchange'; 6 => 'Endowment',
$entry_types['11'] = 'In-house production'; 7 => 'Dispossession',
$entry_types['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)'; 8 => 'Original condition',
$entry_types['14'] = 'Vorlass'; 9 => 'Loan',
$entry_types['15'] = 'Finding'; 10 => 'Exchange',
$entry_types['98'] = 'To be checked'; 11 => 'In-house production',
$entry_types['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition'; 12 => 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)',
$entry_types['16'] = 'Permanent loan'; 14 => 'Vorlass',
15 => 'Finding',
98 => 'To be checked',
99 => 'Other legal acquisition',
16 => 'Permanent loan',

View File

@ -1,49 +1,55 @@
$eventname['1'] = 'مُنشأ'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$eventname['2'] = 'موجود'; array (
$eventname['3'] = 'منشور'; 'eventname' =>
$eventname['4'] = 'انشاء مرجع '; array (
$eventname['5'] = 'مُصور'; 1 => 'مُنشأ',
$eventname['6'] = 'مُستعمل'; 2 => 'موجود',
$eventname['7'] = 'مكتوب'; 3 => 'منشور',
$eventname['8'] = 'مجموع'; 4 => 'انشاء مرجع ',
$eventname['9'] = 'مُلون'; 5 => 'مُصور',
$eventname['10'] = 'صورة ملتقطة'; 6 => 'مُستعمل',
$eventname['11'] = 'مُستَلم'; 7 => 'مكتوب',
$eventname['12'] = 'انشئت الصفحة المطبوعة '; 8 => 'مجموع',
$eventname['13'] = 'مُرسل'; 9 => 'مُلون',
$eventname['14'] = 'مُحرر'; 10 => 'صورة ملتقطة',
$eventname['15'] = 'مُوقَع'; 11 => 'مُستَلم',
$eventname['16'] = 'وصف النموذج '; 12 => 'انشئت الصفحة المطبوعة ',
$eventname['19'] = 'مرسوم'; 13 => 'مُرسل',
$eventname['20'] = 'نُسخ -باليد- '; 14 => 'مُحرر',
$eventname['21'] = 'قد عاش '; 15 => 'مُوقَع',
$eventname['22'] = '[العلاقة مع الموقع]'; 16 => 'وصف النموذج ',
$eventname['23'] = '[العلاقة مع شخص او مؤسسة]'; 19 => 'مرسوم',
$eventname['24'] = '[العلاقة مع الوقت]'; 20 => 'نُسخ -باليد- ',
$eventname['25'] = 'مُكلف'; 21 => 'قد عاش ',
$eventname['26'] = 'مطبوع'; 22 => '[العلاقة مع الموقع]',
$eventname['27'] = 'مُسجل'; 23 => '[العلاقة مع شخص او مؤسسة]',
$eventname['28'] = 'مُغنى'; 24 => '[العلاقة مع الوقت]',
$eventname['29'] = 'الديكور مصمم '; 25 => 'مُكلف',
$eventname['30'] = 'الشكل مصمم'; 26 => 'مطبوع',
$eventname['31'] = 'النموذج منشأ '; 27 => 'مُسجل',
$eventname['32'] = 'مُوقع بخط اليد '; 28 => 'مُغنى',
$eventname['33'] = 'مُشار اليه '; 29 => 'الديكور مصمم ',
$eventname['34'] = 'مدفون '; 30 => 'الشكل مصمم',
$eventname['35'] = 'ابداع فكري'; 31 => 'النموذج منشأ ',
$eventname['36'] = 'مُصور'; 32 => 'مُوقع بخط اليد ',
$eventname['37'] = 'مرسوم على '; 33 => 'مُشار اليه ',
$eventname['38'] = 'مُوضح بالرسوم'; 34 => 'مدفون ',
$eventname['39'] = 'Assembled'; 35 => 'ابداع فكري',
$eventname['40'] = 'Auctioned'; 36 => 'مُصور',
$eventname['41'] = 'Bought'; 37 => 'مرسوم على ',
$eventname['42'] = 'Owned'; 38 => 'مُوضح بالرسوم',
$eventname['43'] = 'Sold'; 39 => 'Assembled',
$eventname['44'] = 'Restorated'; 40 => 'Auctioned',
$eventname['45'] = 'Damaged'; 41 => 'Bought',
$eventname['46'] = 'Destroyed'; 42 => 'Owned',
$eventname['47'] = 'Lost'; 43 => 'Sold',
$eventname['48'] = 'Edited'; 44 => 'Restorated',
$eventname['49'] = 'Donated / present'; 45 => 'Damaged',
$eventname['50'] = 'Inherited'; 46 => 'Destroyed',
47 => 'Lost',
48 => 'Edited',
49 => 'Donated / present',
50 => 'Inherited',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$exhibition_contributor_roles['concept'] = 'Concept'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$exhibition_contributor_roles['curator'] = 'Curator'; array (
$exhibition_contributor_roles['design'] = 'Design'; 'exhibition_contributor_roles' =>
$exhibition_contributor_roles['coordinator'] = 'Coordinator'; array (
$exhibition_contributor_roles['protagonist'] = 'Protagonist'; 'concept' => 'Concept',
'curator' => 'Curator',
'design' => 'Design',
'coordinator' => 'Coordinator',
'protagonist' => 'Protagonist',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$gender_set['female'] = 'Female'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$gender_set['male'] = 'Male'; array (
$gender_set['other'] = 'Other'; 'gender_set' =>
array (
'female' => 'Female',
'male' => 'Male',
'other' => 'Other',

View File

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
$license_explica['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'For non commercial purposes the material might be used (even changed) freely if the attribution is given. Rights status has to be kept as it is in case of distribution.'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$license_explica['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'For non commercial purposes the material might be used freely if the attribution is given. It may not be altered.'; array (
$license_explica['CC BY-NC'] = 'For non commercial purposes the material might be used freely if the attribution is given.'; 'license_explica' =>
$license_explica['CC BY-ND'] = 'The material might be used freely if the attribution is given. It may not be altered.'; array (
$license_explica['CC BY-SA'] = 'The material might be used freely (and even altered) if the attribution is given. Rights status has to be kept as it is in case of distribution.'; 'CC BY-NC-SA' => 'For non commercial purposes the material might be used (even changed) freely if the attribution is given. Rights status has to be kept as it is in case of distribution.',
$license_explica['CC BY'] = 'The material might be used freely (and even altered) if the attribution is given.'; 'CC BY-NC-ND' => 'For non commercial purposes the material might be used freely if the attribution is given. It may not be altered.',
$license_explica['CC0'] = 'No Rights Reserved. You only should use CC0 if you have the right to waive all rights.'; 'CC BY-NC' => 'For non commercial purposes the material might be used freely if the attribution is given.',
$license_explica['RR-F'] = 'Free access - no reuse.'; 'CC BY-ND' => 'The material might be used freely if the attribution is given. It may not be altered.',
$license_explica['RR-P'] = 'Paid access - no reuse. Previews might be freely accessible.'; 'CC BY-SA' => 'The material might be used freely (and even altered) if the attribution is given. Rights status has to be kept as it is in case of distribution.',
$license_explica['RR-R'] = 'Restricted access. Reserved rights.'; 'CC BY' => 'The material might be used freely (and even altered) if the attribution is given.',
$license_explica['Orphan Work'] = 'The rightsholder could not be determined. The work is listed at the EU list of orphan works.'; 'CC0' => 'No Rights Reserved. You only should use CC0 if you have the right to waive all rights.',
$license_explica['Public Domain Mark'] = 'This work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.'; 'RR-F' => 'Free access - no reuse.',
'RR-P' => 'Paid access - no reuse. Previews might be freely accessible.',
'RR-R' => 'Restricted access. Reserved rights.',
'Orphan Work' => 'The rightsholder could not be determined. The work is listed at the EU list of orphan works.',
'Public Domain Mark' => 'This work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.',

View File

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial'; array (
$license_full_names['CC BY-ND'] = 'Attribution - No Derivates'; 'license_full_names' =>
$license_full_names['CC BY-SA'] = 'Attribution - Share Alike'; array (
$license_full_names['CC BY'] = 'Attribution'; 'CC BY-NC-SA' => 'Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike',
$license_full_names['CC0'] = 'No Rights Reserved'; 'CC BY-NC' => 'Attribution - Non Commercial',
$license_full_names['RR-F'] = 'Rights Reserved - Free Access'; 'CC BY-ND' => 'Attribution - No Derivates',
$license_full_names['RR-P'] = 'Rights Reserved - Paid Access'; 'CC BY-SA' => 'Attribution - Share Alike',
$license_full_names['RR-R'] = 'Rights Reserved - Restricted Access'; 'CC BY' => 'Attribution',
$license_full_names['Orphan Work'] = 'Orphan Work'; 'CC0' => 'No Rights Reserved',
$license_full_names['Public Domain Mark'] = 'Public Domain Mark'; 'RR-F' => 'Rights Reserved - Free Access',
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates'; 'RR-P' => 'Rights Reserved - Paid Access',
'RR-R' => 'Rights Reserved - Restricted Access',
'Orphan Work' => 'Orphan Work',
'Public Domain Mark' => 'Public Domain Mark',
'CC BY-NC-ND' => 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates',

View File

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
$license_url['CC BY-NC-SA'] = ''; declare(strict_types = 1);
$license_url['CC BY-NC-ND'] = ''; array (
$license_url['CC BY-NC'] = ''; 'license_url' =>
$license_url['CC BY-ND'] = ''; array (
$license_url['CC BY-SA'] = ''; 'CC BY-NC-SA' => '',
$license_url['CC BY'] = ''; 'CC BY-NC-ND' => '',
$license_url['CC0'] = ''; 'CC BY-NC' => '',
$license_url['RR-F'] = ''; 'CC BY-ND' => '',
$license_url['RR-P'] = ''; 'CC BY-SA' => '',
$license_url['RR-R'] = ''; 'CC BY' => '',
$license_url['Orphan Work'] = ''; 'CC0' => '',
$license_url['Public Domain Mark'] = ''; 'RR-F' => '',
'RR-P' => '',
'RR-R' => '',
'Orphan Work' => '',
'Public Domain Mark' => '',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$loan_types['outgoing'] = 'Outgoing'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$loan_types['incoming'] = 'Incoming'; array (
'loan_types' =>
array (
'outgoing' => 'Outgoing',
'incoming' => 'Incoming',

View File

@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark'; array (
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving'; 'marking_types' =>
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching'; array (
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped'; 'signature' => 'Signature',
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint'; 'watermark' => 'Watermark',
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing'; 'engraving' => 'Engraving',
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten'; 'scratch' => 'Scratching',
$marking_types['glued'] = 'Glued'; 'stamp' => 'Stamped',
$marking_types['embroidered'] = 'Embroidered'; 'overprint' => 'Overprint',
$marking_types['sewn'] = 'Sewn'; 'embossing' => 'Embossing',
$marking_types['screwed'] = 'Screwed'; 'handwritten' => 'Handwritten',
$marking_types['burnt_in'] = 'Burnt in'; 'glued' => 'Glued',
$marking_types['riveted'] = 'Riveted'; 'embroidered' => 'Embroidered',
$marking_types['nailed'] = 'Nailed'; 'sewn' => 'Sewn',
$marking_types['hallmarked'] = 'Hallmarked'; 'screwed' => 'Screwed',
$marking_types['punched'] = 'Punched'; 'burnt_in' => 'Burnt in',
$marking_types['scarified'] = 'Scarified'; 'riveted' => 'Riveted',
$marking_types['cast'] = 'Cast'; 'nailed' => 'Nailed',
'hallmarked' => 'Hallmarked',
'punched' => 'Punched',
'scarified' => 'Scarified',
'cast' => 'Cast',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$object_check_types_set['condition_check'] = 'Condition check'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_check_types_set['completeness_check'] = 'Completeness check'; array (
$object_check_types_set['data_correctness_check'] = 'Data correctness check'; 'object_check_types_set' =>
array (
'condition_check' => 'Condition check',
'completeness_check' => 'Completeness check',
'data_correctness_check' => 'Data correctness check',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$object_damage_status_set['identified'] = 'Identified'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_damage_status_set['repair_possible'] = 'Reviewed; repair possible'; array (
$object_damage_status_set['repair_scheduled'] = 'Repair scheduled'; 'object_damage_status_set' =>
$object_damage_status_set['repaired'] = 'Repaired'; array (
$object_damage_status_set['irreparable'] = 'Irreparable'; 'identified' => 'Identified',
'repair_possible' => 'Reviewed; repair possible',
'repair_scheduled' => 'Repair scheduled',
'repaired' => 'Repaired',
'irreparable' => 'Irreparable',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$object_damage_types_set['water_damage'] = 'Water damage'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_damage_types_set['breakage'] = 'Breakage'; array (
'object_damage_types_set' =>
array (
'water_damage' => 'Water damage',
'breakage' => 'Breakage',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$object_form_set['cube'] = 'Cube'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_form_set['cuboid'] = 'Cuboid'; array (
$object_form_set['sphere'] = 'Sphere'; 'object_form_set' =>
$object_form_set['cone'] = 'Cone'; array (
$object_form_set['cylinder'] = 'Cylinder'; 'cube' => 'Cube',
'cuboid' => 'Cuboid',
'sphere' => 'Sphere',
'cone' => 'Cone',
'cylinder' => 'Cylinder',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
$object_publication_background['0'] = 'Image published'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_publication_background['1'] = 'Transcript published'; array (
$object_publication_background['2'] = 'Discussed'; 'object_publication_background' =>
$object_publication_background['3'] = 'Rezensiert'; array (
$object_publication_background['4'] = 'Referenced'; 0 => 'Image published',
$object_publication_background['5'] = 'Advertised'; 1 => 'Transcript published',
2 => 'Discussed',
3 => 'Rezensiert',
4 => 'Referenced',
5 => 'Advertised',

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@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
$object_status['owned'] = 'Owned'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_status['permanent_loan'] = 'Permanent loan'; array (
$object_status['borrowed'] = 'Borrowed'; 'object_status' =>
$object_status['to_check_for_gift'] = 'To check (for gift)'; array (
$object_status['to_check'] = 'To check'; 'owned' => 'Owned',
$object_status['deaccessed'] = 'Deaccessed'; 'permanent_loan' => 'Permanent loan',
$object_status['third_party_property'] = 'Third party property'; 'borrowed' => 'Borrowed',
'to_check_for_gift' => 'To check (for gift)',
'to_check' => 'To check',
'deaccessed' => 'Deaccessed',
'third_party_property' => 'Third party property',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
$phone_types['work'] = 'Work'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$phone_types['home'] = 'Home'; array (
$phone_types['mobile'] = 'Mobile'; 'phone_types' =>
$phone_types['work mobile'] = 'Work mobile'; array (
$phone_types['fax'] = 'Fax'; 'work' => 'Work',
$phone_types['fax work'] = 'Fax (Work)'; 'home' => 'Home',
'mobile' => 'Mobile',
'work mobile' => 'Work mobile',
'fax' => 'Fax',
'fax work' => 'Fax (Work)',

View File

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
$tlPlacetypes['0'] = 'Administrative'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$tlPlacetypes['1'] = 'Historical'; array (
$tlPlacetypes['2'] = 'Region'; 'tlPlacetypes' =>
$tlPlacetypes['3'] = 'Street'; array (
$tlPlacetypes['4'] = 'Building'; 0 => 'Administrative',
$tlPlacetypes['5'] = 'Mountains'; 1 => 'Historical',
$tlPlacetypes['6'] = 'Forrest'; 2 => 'Region',
$tlPlacetypes['7'] = 'Body of water'; 3 => 'Street',
$tlPlacetypes['8'] = 'Island'; 4 => 'Building',
5 => 'Mountains',
6 => 'Forrest',
7 => 'Body of water',
8 => 'Island',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$podcast_contributor_roles['onair'] = 'On air'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$podcast_contributor_roles['recording'] = 'Recording'; array (
$podcast_contributor_roles['technical_support'] = 'Technical support'; 'podcast_contributor_roles' =>
$podcast_contributor_roles['organization'] = 'Organization'; array (
'onair' => 'On air',
'recording' => 'Recording',
'technical_support' => 'Technical support',
'organization' => 'Organization',

View File

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
$position_set['left'] = 'Left'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$position_set['top_left'] = 'Top left'; array (
$position_set['top'] = 'Top'; 'position_set' =>
$position_set['top_right'] = 'Top right'; array (
$position_set['right'] = 'Right'; 'left' => 'Left',
$position_set['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right'; 'top_left' => 'Top left',
$position_set['bottom'] = 'Bottom'; 'top' => 'Top',
$position_set['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links'; 'top_right' => 'Top right',
$position_set['center'] = 'Center'; 'right' => 'Right',
$position_set['rear_side'] = 'Rear side'; 'bottom_right' => 'Bottom right',
$position_set['edge'] = 'Edge'; 'bottom' => 'Bottom',
$position_set['other'] = 'Other'; 'bottom_left' => 'Unten links',
'center' => 'Center',
'rear_side' => 'Rear side',
'edge' => 'Edge',
'other' => 'Other',

View File

@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
$process_types['project'] = 'Project'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$process_types['grant_application'] = 'Grant application'; array (
$process_types['exhibition'] = 'Exhibition'; 'process_types' =>
$process_types['appointment'] = 'Appointment / Event'; array (
$process_types['loan_incoming'] = 'Loan (incoming)'; 'project' => 'Project',
$process_types['loan_outgoing'] = 'Loan (outgoing)'; 'grant_application' => 'Grant application',
$process_types['employment_ad'] = 'Employment ad'; 'exhibition' => 'Exhibition',
$process_types['purchase'] = 'Purchase'; 'appointment' => 'Appointment / Event',
$process_types['deaccession'] = 'Deaccession'; 'loan_incoming' => 'Loan (incoming)',
$process_types['construction'] = 'Construction measure'; 'loan_outgoing' => 'Loan (outgoing)',
$process_types['pest_control_campaign'] = 'Pest control campaign'; 'employment_ad' => 'Employment ad',
$process_types['pr_campaign'] = 'PR campaign'; 'purchase' => 'Purchase',
$process_types['relocation'] = 'Relocation'; 'deaccession' => 'Deaccession',
$process_types['discussion'] = 'Discussion'; 'construction' => 'Construction measure',
'pest_control_campaign' => 'Pest control campaign',
'pr_campaign' => 'PR campaign',
'relocation' => 'Relocation',
'discussion' => 'Discussion',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$recording_types_set['audio'] = 'Audio'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$recording_types_set['video'] = 'Video'; array (
'recording_types_set' =>
array (
'audio' => 'Audio',
'video' => 'Video',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$research_status['bad'] = 'Not researched much'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$research_status['medium'] = 'Partly researched'; array (
$research_status['good'] = 'Well researched'; 'research_status' =>
array (
'bad' => 'Not researched much',
'medium' => 'Partly researched',
'good' => 'Well researched',

View File

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
$source_type_set['article'] = 'Article'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$source_type_set['inbook'] = 'Article in collected volume'; array (
$source_type_set['book'] = 'Book'; 'source_type_set' =>
$source_type_set['phdthesis'] = 'PhD thesis'; array (
$source_type_set['electronical'] = 'Electronic resource'; 'article' => 'Article',
$source_type_set['misc'] = 'Miscelaneous'; 'inbook' => 'Article in collected volume',
$source_type_set['patent'] = 'Patent'; 'book' => 'Book',
$source_type_set['unpublished'] = 'Unpublished'; 'phdthesis' => 'PhD thesis',
'electronical' => 'Electronic resource',
'misc' => 'Miscelaneous',
'patent' => 'Patent',
'unpublished' => 'Unpublished',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$space_access_status['enter'] = 'Enter'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$space_access_status['leave'] = 'Leave'; array (
'space_access_status' =>
array (
'enter' => 'Enter',
'leave' => 'Leave',

View File

@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
$space_types['building'] = 'Building'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$space_types['depot'] = 'Depot room'; array (
$space_types['utility_room'] = 'Utility room'; 'space_types' =>
$space_types['exhibition_room'] = 'Exhibition room'; array (
$space_types['display_cabinet'] = 'Display cabinet'; 'building' => 'Building',
$space_types['shelf'] = 'Shelf'; 'depot' => 'Depot room',
$space_types['box'] = 'Box'; 'utility_room' => 'Utility room',
$space_types['folder'] = 'Folder'; 'exhibition_room' => 'Exhibition room',
$space_types['office'] = 'Office'; 'display_cabinet' => 'Display cabinet',
$space_types['floor'] = 'Floor'; 'shelf' => 'Shelf',
$space_types['hallway'] = 'Hallway'; 'box' => 'Box',
'folder' => 'Folder',
'office' => 'Office',
'floor' => 'Floor',
'hallway' => 'Hallway',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$syndication_repos['ddb'] = 'German Digital Library (DDB)'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$syndication_repos['europeana'] = 'Europeana'; array (
$syndication_repos['smb-digital'] = 'SMB-digital'; 'syndication_repos' =>
$syndication_repos['kalliope-verbund'] = 'Kalliope Verbund'; array (
'ddb' => 'German Digital Library (DDB)',
'europeana' => 'Europeana',
'smb-digital' => 'SMB-digital',
'kalliope-verbund' => 'Kalliope Verbund',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$timing_intervals_set['weekly'] = 'Weekly'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$timing_intervals_set['monthly'] = 'Monthly'; array (
$timing_intervals_set['annual'] = 'Annual'; 'timing_intervals_set' =>
array (
'weekly' => 'Weekly',
'monthly' => 'Monthly',
'annual' => 'Annual',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$title_types_set[''] = ' '; declare(strict_types = 1);
$title_types_set['Science'] = 'Science'; array (
$title_types_set['Everyday speech'] = 'Everyday speech'; 'title_types_set' =>
$title_types_set['Colloquial speech'] = 'Colloquial speech'; array (
$title_types_set['Dialect'] = 'Dialect'; '' => ' ',
'Science' => 'Science',
'Everyday speech' => 'Everyday speech',
'Colloquial speech' => 'Colloquial speech',
'Dialect' => 'Dialect',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$todo_status['suggested'] = 'Suggested'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$todo_status['planned'] = 'Planned'; array (
$todo_status['in_progress'] = 'In progress'; 'todo_status' =>
$todo_status['done'] = 'Done'; array (
$todo_status['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled'; 'suggested' => 'Suggested',
'planned' => 'Planned',
'in_progress' => 'In progress',
'done' => 'Done',
'cancelled' => 'Cancelled',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
$units_length_set['m'] = 'm'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$units_length_set['dm'] = 'dm'; array (
$units_length_set['cm'] = 'cm'; 'units_length_set' =>
$units_length_set['mm'] = 'mm'; array (
$units_length_set['ft'] = 'ft'; 'm' => 'm',
$units_length_set['in'] = 'inch'; 'dm' => 'dm',
'cm' => 'cm',
'mm' => 'mm',
'ft' => 'ft',
'in' => 'inch',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$units_weight_set['t'] = 't'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$units_weight_set['kg'] = 'kg'; array (
$units_weight_set['g'] = 'g'; 'units_weight_set' =>
array (
't' => 't',
'kg' => 'kg',
'g' => 'g',

View File

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
$actor_variant_types_set['birth_name'] = 'Geburtsname'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$actor_variant_types_set['married_name'] = 'Ehename'; array (
$actor_variant_types_set['monastic_name'] = 'Ordensname'; 'actor_variant_types_set' =>
$actor_variant_types_set['pseudonym'] = 'Pseudonym'; array (
$actor_variant_types_set['regnal_name'] = 'Regierungsname'; 'birth_name' => 'Geburtsname',
$actor_variant_types_set['nickname'] = 'Spitzname'; 'married_name' => 'Ehename',
$actor_variant_types_set['artist_name'] = 'Künstlername'; 'monastic_name' => 'Ordensname',
$actor_variant_types_set['civil_name'] = 'Bürgerlicher Name'; 'pseudonym' => 'Pseudonym',
$actor_variant_types_set['generic_other_name'] = 'Alternative Schreibweise'; 'regnal_name' => 'Regierungsname',
'nickname' => 'Spitzname',
'artist_name' => 'Künstlername',
'civil_name' => 'Bürgerlicher Name',
'generic_other_name' => 'Alternative Schreibweise',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$appointment_attendance_modes['offline'] = 'Offline'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_attendance_modes['online'] = 'Online'; array (
$appointment_attendance_modes['mixed'] = 'Offline und online'; 'appointment_attendance_modes' =>
array (
'offline' => 'Offline',
'online' => 'Online',
'mixed' => 'Offline und online',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$appointment_cancellation_status_set['scheduled_done'] = 'Geplant oder wie geplant abgeschlossen'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_cancellation_status_set['cancelled'] = 'Abgesagt'; array (
'appointment_cancellation_status_set' =>
array (
'scheduled_done' => 'Geplant oder wie geplant abgeschlossen',
'cancelled' => 'Abgesagt',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$appointment_contributor_roles['organizer'] = 'Organisation'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_contributor_roles['presenter'] = 'Vortragender'; array (
'appointment_contributor_roles' =>
array (
'organizer' => 'Organisation',
'presenter' => 'Vortragender',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$appointment_status['scheduled'] = 'Geplant'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_status['cancelled'] = 'Abgesagt'; array (
$appointment_status['moved_online'] = 'In Online-Veranstaltung umgewandelt'; 'appointment_status' =>
$appointment_status['postponed'] = 'Verschoben'; array (
'scheduled' => 'Geplant',
'cancelled' => 'Abgesagt',
'moved_online' => 'In Online-Veranstaltung umgewandelt',
'postponed' => 'Verschoben',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$attendance_status_set['offline'] = 'Offline'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$attendance_status_set['online'] = 'Online'; array (
'attendance_status_set' =>
array (
'offline' => 'Offline',
'online' => 'Online',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$closer_location_types_set['0'] = ''; declare(strict_types = 1);
$closer_location_types_set['1'] = 'Aufnahmeort'; array (
$closer_location_types_set['2'] = 'Fundort'; 'closer_location_types_set' =>
$closer_location_types_set['3'] = 'Früherer Ort'; array (
0 => '',
1 => 'Aufnahmeort',
2 => 'Fundort',
3 => 'Früherer Ort',

View File

@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
$colors_set['black'] = 'Schwarz'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$colors_set['green'] = 'Grün'; array (
$colors_set['silver'] = 'Silber'; 'colors_set' =>
$colors_set['lime'] = 'Hellgrün'; array (
$colors_set['gray'] = 'Grau'; 'black' => 'Schwarz',
$colors_set['olive'] = 'Oliv'; 'green' => 'Grün',
$colors_set['white'] = 'Weiß'; 'silver' => 'Silber',
$colors_set['yellow'] = 'Gelb'; 'lime' => 'Hellgrün',
$colors_set['maroon'] = 'Braun'; 'gray' => 'Grau',
$colors_set['navy'] = 'Dunkelblau'; 'olive' => 'Oliv',
$colors_set['red'] = 'Rot'; 'white' => 'Weiß',
$colors_set['blue'] = 'Blau'; 'yellow' => 'Gelb',
$colors_set['purple'] = 'Lila'; 'maroon' => 'Braun',
$colors_set['teal'] = 'Blaugrün'; 'navy' => 'Dunkelblau',
$colors_set['fuchsia'] = 'Fuchsia'; 'red' => 'Rot',
$colors_set['aqua'] = 'Türkis'; 'blue' => 'Blau',
'purple' => 'Lila',
'teal' => 'Blaugrün',
'fuchsia' => 'Fuchsia',
'aqua' => 'Türkis',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
$conservation_report_type_set['damage'] = 'Schaden'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$conservation_report_type_set['conservation'] = 'Konservierung'; array (
$conservation_report_type_set['condition'] = 'Zustand'; 'conservation_report_type_set' =>
$conservation_report_type_set['restoration'] = 'Restaurierung'; array (
$conservation_report_type_set['other_report'] = 'Anderer Bericht'; 'damage' => 'Schaden',
$conservation_report_type_set['other'] = 'Anderer Bericht'; 'conservation' => 'Konservierung',
'condition' => 'Zustand',
'restoration' => 'Restaurierung',
'other_report' => 'Anderer Bericht',
'other' => 'Anderer Bericht',

View File

@ -1,21 +1,30 @@
$currencies_set['eu-EUR'] = 'Euro'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$currencies_set['de-DM'] = 'Deutsche Mark'; array (
$currencies_set['de-RM'] = 'Reichsmark (Deutsches Reich)'; 'currencies_set' =>
$currencies_set['es-Real'] = 'Real (Spanien)'; array (
$currencies_set['hu-Ft'] = 'Forint'; 'eu-EUR' => 'Euro',
$currencies_set['hu-Lari'] = 'Lari'; 'de-DM' => 'Deutsche Mark',
$currencies_set['hu-Pengő'] = 'Pengő'; 'de-RM' => 'Reichsmark (Deutsches Reich)',
$currencies_set['id-IDR'] = 'Indonesische Rupiah'; 'es-Real' => 'Real (Spanien)',
$currencies_set['pl-Złoty'] = 'Złoty'; 'hu-Ft' => 'Forint',
$currencies_set['us-USD'] = 'US Dollar'; 'hu-Lari' => 'Lari',
$currencies_set['ddr-Mark'] = 'Mark (DDR)'; 'hu-Pengő' => 'Pengő',
$currencies_set['ddr-MDN'] = 'MDN (DDR)'; 'id-IDR' => 'Indonesische Rupiah',
$currencies_set['hu-Korona'] = 'Österreichisch-ungarische Krone'; 'pl-Złoty' => 'Złoty',
$currencies_set['fr-FF'] = 'Französischer Franc'; 'us-USD' => 'US Dollar',
$currencies_set['uk-GBP'] = 'Pfund Sterling'; 'ddr-Mark' => 'Mark (DDR)',
$currencies_set['by-BYN'] = 'Belarussischer Rubel'; 'ddr-MDN' => 'MDN (DDR)',
$currencies_set['ru-RUB'] = 'Russischer Rubel'; 'hu-Korona' => 'Österreichisch-ungarische Krone',
$currencies_set['su-SUR'] = 'Sowjetischer Rubel'; 'fr-FF' => 'Französischer Franc',
$currencies_set['ua-UAH'] = 'Hrywnja'; 'uk-GBP' => 'Pfund Sterling',
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates'; 'by-BYN' => 'Belarussischer Rubel',
'ru-RUB' => 'Russischer Rubel',
'su-SUR' => 'Sowjetischer Rubel',
'ua-UAH' => 'Hrywnja',
'license_full_names' =>
array (
'CC BY-NC-ND' => 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$custom_report_targets_set['object_single'] = 'Einzelnes Objekt'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$custom_report_targets_set['object_list'] = 'Mehrere Objekte'; array (
$custom_report_targets_set['loan'] = 'Leihvorgang'; 'custom_report_targets_set' =>
$custom_report_targets_set['exhibition'] = 'Ausstellung'; array (
'object_single' => 'Einzelnes Objekt',
'object_list' => 'Mehrere Objekte',
'loan' => 'Leihvorgang',
'exhibition' => 'Ausstellung',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Verkauft'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Zerstört'; array (
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Weggeworfen / Müllsammlung'; 'disposal_method_set' =>
array (
'sold' => 'Verkauft',
'destroyed' => 'Zerstört',
'garbage' => 'Weggeworfen / Müllsammlung',

View File

@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
$entry_types['0'] = ''; declare(strict_types = 1);
$entry_types['1'] = 'Schenkung'; array (
$entry_types['2'] = 'Kauf'; 'entry_types' =>
$entry_types['3'] = 'Grabung'; array (
$entry_types['4'] = 'Notbergung'; 0 => '',
$entry_types['5'] = 'Erbschaft / Nachlass'; 1 => 'Schenkung',
$entry_types['6'] = 'Stiftung'; 2 => 'Kauf',
$entry_types['7'] = 'Enteignung'; 3 => 'Grabung',
$entry_types['8'] = 'Ursprungsbestand'; 4 => 'Notbergung',
$entry_types['9'] = 'Leihgabe'; 5 => 'Erbschaft / Nachlass',
$entry_types['10'] = 'Tausch'; 6 => 'Stiftung',
$entry_types['11'] = 'Eigenproduktion'; 7 => 'Enteignung',
$entry_types['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)'; 8 => 'Ursprungsbestand',
$entry_types['14'] = 'Vorlass'; 9 => 'Leihgabe',
$entry_types['15'] = 'Fund'; 10 => 'Tausch',
$entry_types['98'] = 'Ungeklärt'; 11 => 'Eigenproduktion',
$entry_types['99'] = 'Anderer rechtmäßiger Zugang'; 12 => 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)',
$entry_types['16'] = 'Dauerleihgabe'; 14 => 'Vorlass',
15 => 'Fund',
98 => 'Ungeklärt',
99 => 'Anderer rechtmäßiger Zugang',
16 => 'Dauerleihgabe',

View File

@ -1,49 +1,55 @@
$eventname['1'] = 'Hergestellt'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$eventname['2'] = 'Gefunden'; array (
$eventname['3'] = 'Veröffentlicht'; 'eventname' =>
$eventname['4'] = 'Vorlagenerstellung'; array (
$eventname['5'] = 'Wurde abgebildet (Akteur)'; 1 => 'Hergestellt',
$eventname['6'] = 'Wurde genutzt'; 2 => 'Gefunden',
$eventname['7'] = 'Verfasst'; 3 => 'Veröffentlicht',
$eventname['8'] = 'Gesammelt'; 4 => 'Vorlagenerstellung',
$eventname['9'] = 'Gemalt'; 5 => 'Wurde abgebildet (Akteur)',
$eventname['10'] = 'Aufgenommen'; 6 => 'Wurde genutzt',
$eventname['11'] = 'Empfangen'; 7 => 'Verfasst',
$eventname['12'] = 'Druckplatte hergestellt'; 8 => 'Gesammelt',
$eventname['13'] = 'Abgeschickt'; 9 => 'Gemalt',
$eventname['14'] = 'Ausgefertigt'; 10 => 'Aufgenommen',
$eventname['15'] = 'Unterzeichnet'; 11 => 'Empfangen',
$eventname['16'] = 'Erstbeschreibung'; 12 => 'Druckplatte hergestellt',
$eventname['19'] = 'Gezeichnet'; 13 => 'Abgeschickt',
$eventname['20'] = 'Abgeschrieben'; 14 => 'Ausgefertigt',
$eventname['21'] = 'Hat gelebt'; 15 => 'Unterzeichnet',
$eventname['22'] = '[Geographischer Bezug]'; 16 => 'Erstbeschreibung',
$eventname['23'] = '[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug]'; 19 => 'Gezeichnet',
$eventname['24'] = '[Zeitbezug]'; 20 => 'Abgeschrieben',
$eventname['25'] = 'Beauftragt'; 21 => 'Hat gelebt',
$eventname['26'] = 'Gedruckt'; 22 => '[Geographischer Bezug]',
$eventname['27'] = 'Gesprochen'; 23 => '[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug]',
$eventname['28'] = 'Gesungen'; 24 => '[Zeitbezug]',
$eventname['29'] = 'Dekor entworfen'; 25 => 'Beauftragt',
$eventname['30'] = 'Form entworfen'; 26 => 'Gedruckt',
$eventname['31'] = 'Modelliert'; 27 => 'Gesprochen',
$eventname['32'] = 'Signiert'; 28 => 'Gesungen',
$eventname['33'] = 'Wurde erwähnt'; 29 => 'Dekor entworfen',
$eventname['34'] = 'Vergraben'; 30 => 'Form entworfen',
$eventname['35'] = 'Geistige Schöpfung'; 31 => 'Modelliert',
$eventname['36'] = 'Wurde abgebildet (Ort)'; 32 => 'Signiert',
$eventname['37'] = 'Bemalt'; 33 => 'Wurde erwähnt',
$eventname['38'] = 'Illustriert'; 34 => 'Vergraben',
$eventname['39'] = 'Zusammengefügt'; 35 => 'Geistige Schöpfung',
$eventname['40'] = 'Versteigert'; 36 => 'Wurde abgebildet (Ort)',
$eventname['41'] = 'Gekauft'; 37 => 'Bemalt',
$eventname['42'] = 'Besessen'; 38 => 'Illustriert',
$eventname['43'] = 'Verkauft'; 39 => 'Zusammengefügt',
$eventname['44'] = 'Restauriert'; 40 => 'Versteigert',
$eventname['45'] = 'Beschädigt'; 41 => 'Gekauft',
$eventname['46'] = 'Zerstört'; 42 => 'Besessen',
$eventname['47'] = 'Verschollen'; 43 => 'Verkauft',
$eventname['48'] = 'Herausgegeben'; 44 => 'Restauriert',
$eventname['49'] = 'Gespendet / Geschenkt'; 45 => 'Beschädigt',
$eventname['50'] = 'Geerbt'; 46 => 'Zerstört',
47 => 'Verschollen',
48 => 'Herausgegeben',
49 => 'Gespendet / Geschenkt',
50 => 'Geerbt',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$exhibition_contributor_roles['concept'] = 'Konzept'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$exhibition_contributor_roles['curator'] = 'Kurator'; array (
$exhibition_contributor_roles['design'] = 'Design'; 'exhibition_contributor_roles' =>
$exhibition_contributor_roles['coordinator'] = 'Koordination'; array (
$exhibition_contributor_roles['protagonist'] = 'Protagonist'; 'concept' => 'Konzept',
'curator' => 'Kurator',
'design' => 'Design',
'coordinator' => 'Koordination',
'protagonist' => 'Protagonist',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$gender_set['female'] = 'Weiblich'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$gender_set['male'] = 'Männlich'; array (
$gender_set['other'] = 'Weiteres'; 'gender_set' =>
array (
'female' => 'Weiblich',
'male' => 'Männlich',
'other' => 'Weiteres',

View File

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
$license_explica['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'Für nicht kommerzielle Zwecke kann das Material bei Namensnennung frei verwendet (auch verändert) werden. Bei einer Weitergabe muss der Rechtestatus erhalten bleiben.'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$license_explica['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Für nicht kommerzielle Zwecke kann das Material bei Namensnennung frei verwendet werden. Es darf nicht verändert werden.'; array (
$license_explica['CC BY-NC'] = 'Für nicht kommerzielle Zwecke kann das Material bei Namensnennung frei verwendet werden.'; 'license_explica' =>
$license_explica['CC BY-ND'] = 'Das Material kann bei Namensnennung frei verwendet werden. Es darf nicht verändert werden.'; array (
$license_explica['CC BY-SA'] = ' Material kann bei Namensnennung frei verwendet (auch verändert) werden. Bei einer Weitergabe muss der Rechtestatus erhalten bleiben.'; 'CC BY-NC-SA' => 'Für nicht kommerzielle Zwecke kann das Material bei Namensnennung frei verwendet (auch verändert) werden. Bei einer Weitergabe muss der Rechtestatus erhalten bleiben.',
$license_explica['CC BY'] = 'Das Material kann bei Namensnennung frei verwendet werden.'; 'CC BY-NC-ND' => 'Für nicht kommerzielle Zwecke kann das Material bei Namensnennung frei verwendet werden. Es darf nicht verändert werden.',
$license_explica['CC0'] = 'Verzicht auf alle Rechte. Sollte nur gewählt werden, wenn das Recht auf Rechte zu verzichten besteht.'; 'CC BY-NC' => 'Für nicht kommerzielle Zwecke kann das Material bei Namensnennung frei verwendet werden.',
$license_explica['RR-F'] = 'Freier Zugang - Keine Weiterverwendung.'; 'CC BY-ND' => 'Das Material kann bei Namensnennung frei verwendet werden. Es darf nicht verändert werden.',
$license_explica['RR-P'] = 'Zugang erst nach Zahlung - Keine Weiterverwendung. Voransichten sind möglicherweise frei zugänglich.'; 'CC BY-SA' => ' Material kann bei Namensnennung frei verwendet (auch verändert) werden. Bei einer Weitergabe muss der Rechtestatus erhalten bleiben.',
$license_explica['RR-R'] = 'Eingeschränkter Zugang. Rechte bleiben vorbehalten.'; 'CC BY' => 'Das Material kann bei Namensnennung frei verwendet werden.',
$license_explica['Orphan Work'] = 'Der Rechteinhaber läßt sich auch nach eingehender Prüfung nicht mehr ermitteln.'; 'CC0' => 'Verzicht auf alle Rechte. Sollte nur gewählt werden, wenn das Recht auf Rechte zu verzichten besteht.',
$license_explica['Public Domain Mark'] = 'Das Material ist gemeinfrei.'; 'RR-F' => 'Freier Zugang - Keine Weiterverwendung.',
'RR-P' => 'Zugang erst nach Zahlung - Keine Weiterverwendung. Voransichten sind möglicherweise frei zugänglich.',
'RR-R' => 'Eingeschränkter Zugang. Rechte bleiben vorbehalten.',
'Orphan Work' => 'Der Rechteinhaber läßt sich auch nach eingehender Prüfung nicht mehr ermitteln.',
'Public Domain Mark' => 'Das Material ist gemeinfrei.',

View File

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC'] = 'Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell'; array (
$license_full_names['CC BY-ND'] = 'Namensnennung - Keine Bearbeitung'; 'license_full_names' =>
$license_full_names['CC BY-SA'] = 'Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen'; array (
$license_full_names['CC BY'] = 'Namensnennung'; 'CC BY-NC-SA' => 'Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen',
$license_full_names['CC0'] = 'Gemeinfrei (Verzicht auf Rechte)'; 'CC BY-NC' => 'Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell',
$license_full_names['RR-F'] = 'Freier Zugang - Keine Weiterverwendung'; 'CC BY-ND' => 'Namensnennung - Keine Bearbeitung',
$license_full_names['RR-P'] = 'Bezahlter Zugang - Keine Weiterverwendung'; 'CC BY-SA' => 'Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen',
$license_full_names['RR-R'] = 'Eingeschränkter Zugang - Rechte vorbehalten'; 'CC BY' => 'Namensnennung',
$license_full_names['Orphan Work'] = 'Verwaistes Werk'; 'CC0' => 'Gemeinfrei (Verzicht auf Rechte)',
$license_full_names['Public Domain Mark'] = 'Gemeinfrei'; 'RR-F' => 'Freier Zugang - Keine Weiterverwendung',
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen'; 'RR-P' => 'Bezahlter Zugang - Keine Weiterverwendung',
'RR-R' => 'Eingeschränkter Zugang - Rechte vorbehalten',
'Orphan Work' => 'Verwaistes Werk',
'Public Domain Mark' => 'Gemeinfrei',
'CC BY-NC-ND' => 'Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen',

View File

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
$license_url['CC BY-NC-SA'] = ''; declare(strict_types = 1);
$license_url['CC BY-NC-ND'] = ''; array (
$license_url['CC BY-NC'] = ''; 'license_url' =>
$license_url['CC BY-ND'] = ''; array (
$license_url['CC BY-SA'] = ''; 'CC BY-NC-SA' => '',
$license_url['CC BY'] = ''; 'CC BY-NC-ND' => '',
$license_url['CC0'] = ''; 'CC BY-NC' => '',
$license_url['RR-F'] = ''; 'CC BY-ND' => '',
$license_url['RR-P'] = ''; 'CC BY-SA' => '',
$license_url['RR-R'] = ''; 'CC BY' => '',
$license_url['Orphan Work'] = ''; 'CC0' => '',
$license_url['Public Domain Mark'] = ''; 'RR-F' => '',
'RR-P' => '',
'RR-R' => '',
'Orphan Work' => '',
'Public Domain Mark' => '',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$loan_types['outgoing'] = 'Ausgehend'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$loan_types['incoming'] = 'Eingehend'; array (
'loan_types' =>
array (
'outgoing' => 'Ausgehend',
'incoming' => 'Eingehend',

View File

@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signatur'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Wasserzeichen'; array (
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Gravur'; 'marking_types' =>
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Gekratzt'; array (
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Gestempelt'; 'signature' => 'Signatur',
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Gedruckt'; 'watermark' => 'Wasserzeichen',
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Geprägt'; 'engraving' => 'Gravur',
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handschriftlich'; 'scratch' => 'Gekratzt',
$marking_types['glued'] = 'Geklebt'; 'stamp' => 'Gestempelt',
$marking_types['embroidered'] = 'Gestickt'; 'overprint' => 'Gedruckt',
$marking_types['sewn'] = 'Genäht'; 'embossing' => 'Geprägt',
$marking_types['screwed'] = 'Geschraubt'; 'handwritten' => 'Handschriftlich',
$marking_types['burnt_in'] = 'Eingebrannt'; 'glued' => 'Geklebt',
$marking_types['riveted'] = 'Angenietet'; 'embroidered' => 'Gestickt',
$marking_types['nailed'] = 'Genagelt'; 'sewn' => 'Genäht',
$marking_types['hallmarked'] = 'Gepunzt'; 'screwed' => 'Geschraubt',
$marking_types['punched'] = 'Gestanzt'; 'burnt_in' => 'Eingebrannt',
$marking_types['scarified'] = 'Geritzt'; 'riveted' => 'Angenietet',
$marking_types['cast'] = 'Guss'; 'nailed' => 'Genagelt',
'hallmarked' => 'Gepunzt',
'punched' => 'Gestanzt',
'scarified' => 'Geritzt',
'cast' => 'Guss',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$object_check_types_set['condition_check'] = 'Zustands-Check'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_check_types_set['completeness_check'] = 'Vollständigkeits-Check'; array (
$object_check_types_set['data_correctness_check'] = 'Überprüfung der Korrektheit der erfassten Daten'; 'object_check_types_set' =>
array (
'condition_check' => 'Zustands-Check',
'completeness_check' => 'Vollständigkeits-Check',
'data_correctness_check' => 'Überprüfung der Korrektheit der erfassten Daten',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$object_damage_status_set['identified'] = 'Schaden identifiziert'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_damage_status_set['repair_possible'] = 'Instandsetzung möglich'; array (
$object_damage_status_set['repair_scheduled'] = 'Instandsetzung geplant'; 'object_damage_status_set' =>
$object_damage_status_set['repaired'] = 'Repariert'; array (
$object_damage_status_set['irreparable'] = 'Nicht reparierbar'; 'identified' => 'Schaden identifiziert',
'repair_possible' => 'Instandsetzung möglich',
'repair_scheduled' => 'Instandsetzung geplant',
'repaired' => 'Repariert',
'irreparable' => 'Nicht reparierbar',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$object_damage_types_set['water_damage'] = 'Wasserschaden'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_damage_types_set['breakage'] = 'Bruchschaden'; array (
'object_damage_types_set' =>
array (
'water_damage' => 'Wasserschaden',
'breakage' => 'Bruchschaden',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$object_form_set['cube'] = 'Würfel'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_form_set['cuboid'] = 'Quader'; array (
$object_form_set['sphere'] = 'Kugel'; 'object_form_set' =>
$object_form_set['cone'] = 'Kegel'; array (
$object_form_set['cylinder'] = 'Zylinder'; 'cube' => 'Würfel',
'cuboid' => 'Quader',
'sphere' => 'Kugel',
'cone' => 'Kegel',
'cylinder' => 'Zylinder',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
$object_publication_background['0'] = 'Abbildung veröffentlicht'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_publication_background['1'] = 'Transkript veröffentlicht'; array (
$object_publication_background['2'] = 'besprochen'; 'object_publication_background' =>
$object_publication_background['3'] = 'rezensiert'; array (
$object_publication_background['4'] = 'referenziert'; 0 => 'Abbildung veröffentlicht',
$object_publication_background['5'] = 'beworben'; 1 => 'Transkript veröffentlicht',
2 => 'besprochen',
3 => 'rezensiert',
4 => 'referenziert',
5 => 'beworben',

View File

@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
$object_status['owned'] = 'Eigentum des Museums'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_status['permanent_loan'] = 'Dauerleihe'; array (
$object_status['borrowed'] = 'Geliehen'; 'object_status' =>
$object_status['to_check_for_gift'] = 'Zur Prüfung im Museum (Schenkung)'; array (
$object_status['to_check'] = 'Zur Prüfung im Museum'; 'owned' => 'Eigentum des Museums',
$object_status['deaccessed'] = 'Deakzessiert'; 'permanent_loan' => 'Dauerleihe',
$object_status['third_party_property'] = 'Fremdeigentum'; 'borrowed' => 'Geliehen',
'to_check_for_gift' => 'Zur Prüfung im Museum (Schenkung)',
'to_check' => 'Zur Prüfung im Museum',
'deaccessed' => 'Deakzessiert',
'third_party_property' => 'Fremdeigentum',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
$phone_types['work'] = 'Arbeit'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$phone_types['home'] = 'Daheim'; array (
$phone_types['mobile'] = 'Mobil'; 'phone_types' =>
$phone_types['work mobile'] = 'Mobil: Arbeit'; array (
$phone_types['fax'] = 'Fax'; 'work' => 'Arbeit',
$phone_types['fax work'] = 'Fax: Arbeit'; 'home' => 'Daheim',
'mobile' => 'Mobil',
'work mobile' => 'Mobil: Arbeit',
'fax' => 'Fax',
'fax work' => 'Fax: Arbeit',

View File

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
$tlPlacetypes['0'] = 'Administrativ'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$tlPlacetypes['1'] = 'Historisch'; array (
$tlPlacetypes['2'] = 'Region'; 'tlPlacetypes' =>
$tlPlacetypes['3'] = 'Straße'; array (
$tlPlacetypes['4'] = 'Gebäude'; 0 => 'Administrativ',
$tlPlacetypes['5'] = 'Berg - Gebirge'; 1 => 'Historisch',
$tlPlacetypes['6'] = 'Wald'; 2 => 'Region',
$tlPlacetypes['7'] = 'Gewässer'; 3 => 'Straße',
$tlPlacetypes['8'] = 'Insel'; 4 => 'Gebäude',
5 => 'Berg - Gebirge',
6 => 'Wald',
7 => 'Gewässer',
8 => 'Insel',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$podcast_contributor_roles['onair'] = 'Sprecher'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$podcast_contributor_roles['recording'] = 'Aufnahme'; array (
$podcast_contributor_roles['technical_support'] = 'Technik'; 'podcast_contributor_roles' =>
$podcast_contributor_roles['organization'] = 'Organisation'; array (
'onair' => 'Sprecher',
'recording' => 'Aufnahme',
'technical_support' => 'Technik',
'organization' => 'Organisation',

View File

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
$position_set['left'] = 'Links'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$position_set['top_left'] = 'Oben links'; array (
$position_set['top'] = 'Oben'; 'position_set' =>
$position_set['top_right'] = 'Oben rechts'; array (
$position_set['right'] = 'Rechts'; 'left' => 'Links',
$position_set['bottom_right'] = 'Unten rechts'; 'top_left' => 'Oben links',
$position_set['bottom'] = 'Unten'; 'top' => 'Oben',
$position_set['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links'; 'top_right' => 'Oben rechts',
$position_set['center'] = 'Mittig'; 'right' => 'Rechts',
$position_set['rear_side'] = 'Rückseite'; 'bottom_right' => 'Unten rechts',
$position_set['edge'] = 'Rand'; 'bottom' => 'Unten',
$position_set['other'] = 'Weiteres'; 'bottom_left' => 'Unten links',
'center' => 'Mittig',
'rear_side' => 'Rückseite',
'edge' => 'Rand',
'other' => 'Weiteres',

View File

@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
$process_types['project'] = 'Projekt'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$process_types['grant_application'] = 'Förderantrag'; array (
$process_types['exhibition'] = 'Ausstellung'; 'process_types' =>
$process_types['appointment'] = 'Veranstaltung'; array (
$process_types['loan_incoming'] = 'Leihverkehr (eingehend)'; 'project' => 'Projekt',
$process_types['loan_outgoing'] = 'Leihverkehr (ausgehend)'; 'grant_application' => 'Förderantrag',
$process_types['employment_ad'] = 'Stellenausschreibung'; 'exhibition' => 'Ausstellung',
$process_types['purchase'] = 'Ankauf'; 'appointment' => 'Veranstaltung',
$process_types['deaccession'] = 'Deakzession'; 'loan_incoming' => 'Leihverkehr (eingehend)',
$process_types['construction'] = 'Baumaßnahme'; 'loan_outgoing' => 'Leihverkehr (ausgehend)',
$process_types['pest_control_campaign'] = 'Schädlingsbekämpfungs-Kampagne'; 'employment_ad' => 'Stellenausschreibung',
$process_types['pr_campaign'] = 'PR-Kampagne'; 'purchase' => 'Ankauf',
$process_types['relocation'] = 'Umzug'; 'deaccession' => 'Deakzession',
$process_types['discussion'] = 'Diskussion / Abstimmung'; 'construction' => 'Baumaßnahme',
'pest_control_campaign' => 'Schädlingsbekämpfungs-Kampagne',
'pr_campaign' => 'PR-Kampagne',
'relocation' => 'Umzug',
'discussion' => 'Diskussion / Abstimmung',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$recording_types_set['audio'] = 'Audio'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$recording_types_set['video'] = 'Video'; array (
'recording_types_set' =>
array (
'audio' => 'Audio',
'video' => 'Video',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$research_status['bad'] = 'Nicht gut erforscht'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$research_status['medium'] = 'Teilweise erforscht'; array (
$research_status['good'] = 'Gut erforscht'; 'research_status' =>
array (
'bad' => 'Nicht gut erforscht',
'medium' => 'Teilweise erforscht',
'good' => 'Gut erforscht',

View File

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
$source_type_set['article'] = 'Artikel'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$source_type_set['inbook'] = 'Artikel in Sammelband'; array (
$source_type_set['book'] = 'Buch'; 'source_type_set' =>
$source_type_set['phdthesis'] = 'Doktorarbeit'; array (
$source_type_set['electronical'] = 'Elektronische Resource'; 'article' => 'Artikel',
$source_type_set['misc'] = 'Weiteres'; 'inbook' => 'Artikel in Sammelband',
$source_type_set['patent'] = 'Patentschrift'; 'book' => 'Buch',
$source_type_set['unpublished'] = 'Unveröffentlicht'; 'phdthesis' => 'Doktorarbeit',
'electronical' => 'Elektronische Resource',
'misc' => 'Weiteres',
'patent' => 'Patentschrift',
'unpublished' => 'Unveröffentlicht',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$space_access_status['enter'] = 'Eintreten'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$space_access_status['leave'] = 'Verlassen'; array (
'space_access_status' =>
array (
'enter' => 'Eintreten',
'leave' => 'Verlassen',

View File

@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
$space_types['building'] = 'Gebäude'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$space_types['depot'] = 'Depotraum'; array (
$space_types['utility_room'] = 'Allzweckraum'; 'space_types' =>
$space_types['exhibition_room'] = 'Ausstellungsraum'; array (
$space_types['display_cabinet'] = 'Vitrine'; 'building' => 'Gebäude',
$space_types['shelf'] = 'Regal'; 'depot' => 'Depotraum',
$space_types['box'] = 'Kiste'; 'utility_room' => 'Allzweckraum',
$space_types['folder'] = 'Mappe'; 'exhibition_room' => 'Ausstellungsraum',
$space_types['office'] = 'Büro'; 'display_cabinet' => 'Vitrine',
$space_types['floor'] = 'Stockwerk'; 'shelf' => 'Regal',
$space_types['hallway'] = 'Flur'; 'box' => 'Kiste',
'folder' => 'Mappe',
'office' => 'Büro',
'floor' => 'Stockwerk',
'hallway' => 'Flur',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$syndication_repos['ddb'] = 'Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB)'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$syndication_repos['europeana'] = 'Europeana'; array (
$syndication_repos['smb-digital'] = 'SMB-digital'; 'syndication_repos' =>
$syndication_repos['kalliope-verbund'] = 'Kalliope Verbund'; array (
'ddb' => 'Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB)',
'europeana' => 'Europeana',
'smb-digital' => 'SMB-digital',
'kalliope-verbund' => 'Kalliope Verbund',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$timing_intervals_set['weekly'] = 'Wöchentlich'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$timing_intervals_set['monthly'] = 'Monatlich'; array (
$timing_intervals_set['annual'] = 'Jährlich'; 'timing_intervals_set' =>
array (
'weekly' => 'Wöchentlich',
'monthly' => 'Monatlich',
'annual' => 'Jährlich',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$title_types_set[''] = ' '; declare(strict_types = 1);
$title_types_set['Science'] = 'Wissenschaft'; array (
$title_types_set['Everyday speech'] = 'Alltagssprache'; 'title_types_set' =>
$title_types_set['Colloquial speech'] = 'Umgangssprache'; array (
$title_types_set['Dialect'] = 'Dialekt'; '' => ' ',
'Science' => 'Wissenschaft',
'Everyday speech' => 'Alltagssprache',
'Colloquial speech' => 'Umgangssprache',
'Dialect' => 'Dialekt',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
$todo_status['suggested'] = 'Vorgeschlagen'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$todo_status['planned'] = 'Geplant'; array (
$todo_status['in_progress'] = 'In Arbeit'; 'todo_status' =>
$todo_status['done'] = 'Getan'; array (
$todo_status['cancelled'] = 'Abgebrochen'; 'suggested' => 'Vorgeschlagen',
'planned' => 'Geplant',
'in_progress' => 'In Arbeit',
'done' => 'Getan',
'cancelled' => 'Abgebrochen',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
$units_length_set['m'] = 'm'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$units_length_set['dm'] = 'dm'; array (
$units_length_set['cm'] = 'cm'; 'units_length_set' =>
$units_length_set['mm'] = 'mm'; array (
$units_length_set['ft'] = 'Fuß'; 'm' => 'm',
$units_length_set['in'] = 'Zoll'; 'dm' => 'dm',
'cm' => 'cm',
'mm' => 'mm',
'ft' => 'Fuß',
'in' => 'Zoll',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$units_weight_set['t'] = 't'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$units_weight_set['kg'] = 'kg'; array (
$units_weight_set['g'] = 'g'; 'units_weight_set' =>
array (
't' => 't',
'kg' => 'kg',
'g' => 'g',

View File

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
$actor_variant_types_set['birth_name'] = 'Birth name'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$actor_variant_types_set['married_name'] = 'Married name'; array (
$actor_variant_types_set['monastic_name'] = 'Monastic name'; 'actor_variant_types_set' =>
$actor_variant_types_set['pseudonym'] = 'Pseudonym'; array (
$actor_variant_types_set['regnal_name'] = 'Regnal name'; 'birth_name' => 'Birth name',
$actor_variant_types_set['nickname'] = 'Nickname'; 'married_name' => 'Married name',
$actor_variant_types_set['artist_name'] = 'Artist name'; 'monastic_name' => 'Monastic name',
$actor_variant_types_set['civil_name'] = 'Civil name'; 'pseudonym' => 'Pseudonym',
$actor_variant_types_set['generic_other_name'] = 'Alternative Name (generic)'; 'regnal_name' => 'Regnal name',
'nickname' => 'Nickname',
'artist_name' => 'Artist name',
'civil_name' => 'Civil name',
'generic_other_name' => 'Alternative Name (generic)',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$appointment_attendance_modes['offline'] = 'Offline'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_attendance_modes['online'] = 'Online'; array (
$appointment_attendance_modes['mixed'] = 'Offline and online'; 'appointment_attendance_modes' =>
array (
'offline' => 'Offline',
'online' => 'Online',
'mixed' => 'Offline and online',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$appointment_cancellation_status_set['scheduled_done'] = 'Scheduled or done as planned'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_cancellation_status_set['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled'; array (
'appointment_cancellation_status_set' =>
array (
'scheduled_done' => 'Scheduled or done as planned',
'cancelled' => 'Cancelled',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$appointment_contributor_roles['organizer'] = 'Organizer'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_contributor_roles['presenter'] = 'Presenter'; array (
'appointment_contributor_roles' =>
array (
'organizer' => 'Organizer',
'presenter' => 'Presenter',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$appointment_status['scheduled'] = 'Scheduled'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$appointment_status['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled'; array (
$appointment_status['moved_online'] = 'Moved online'; 'appointment_status' =>
$appointment_status['postponed'] = 'Postponed'; array (
'scheduled' => 'Scheduled',
'cancelled' => 'Cancelled',
'moved_online' => 'Moved online',
'postponed' => 'Postponed',

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
$attendance_status_set['offline'] = 'Offline'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$attendance_status_set['online'] = 'Online'; array (
'attendance_status_set' =>
array (
'offline' => 'Offline',
'online' => 'Online',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$closer_location_types_set['0'] = ''; declare(strict_types = 1);
$closer_location_types_set['1'] = 'Place of recording'; array (
$closer_location_types_set['2'] = 'Place of discovery'; 'closer_location_types_set' =>
$closer_location_types_set['3'] = 'Former place'; array (
0 => '',
1 => 'Place of recording',
2 => 'Place of discovery',
3 => 'Former place',

View File

@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
$colors_set['black'] = 'Black'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$colors_set['green'] = 'Green'; array (
$colors_set['silver'] = 'Silver'; 'colors_set' =>
$colors_set['lime'] = 'Lime'; array (
$colors_set['gray'] = 'Gray'; 'black' => 'Black',
$colors_set['olive'] = 'Olive'; 'green' => 'Green',
$colors_set['white'] = 'White'; 'silver' => 'Silver',
$colors_set['yellow'] = 'Yellow'; 'lime' => 'Lime',
$colors_set['maroon'] = 'Maroon'; 'gray' => 'Gray',
$colors_set['navy'] = 'Navy'; 'olive' => 'Olive',
$colors_set['red'] = 'Red'; 'white' => 'White',
$colors_set['blue'] = 'Blue'; 'yellow' => 'Yellow',
$colors_set['purple'] = 'Purple'; 'maroon' => 'Maroon',
$colors_set['teal'] = 'Teal'; 'navy' => 'Navy',
$colors_set['fuchsia'] = 'Fuchsia'; 'red' => 'Red',
$colors_set['aqua'] = 'Aqua'; 'blue' => 'Blue',
'purple' => 'Purple',
'teal' => 'Teal',
'fuchsia' => 'Fuchsia',
'aqua' => 'Aqua',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
$conservation_report_type_set['damage'] = 'Damage'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$conservation_report_type_set['conservation'] = 'Conservation'; array (
$conservation_report_type_set['condition'] = 'Condition'; 'conservation_report_type_set' =>
$conservation_report_type_set['restoration'] = 'Restoration'; array (
$conservation_report_type_set['other_report'] = 'Other report'; 'damage' => 'Damage',
$conservation_report_type_set['other'] = 'Other report'; 'conservation' => 'Conservation',
'condition' => 'Condition',
'restoration' => 'Restoration',
'other_report' => 'Other report',
'other' => 'Other report',

View File

@ -1,21 +1,30 @@
$currencies_set['eu-EUR'] = 'Euro'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$currencies_set['de-DM'] = 'Deutsche Mark'; array (
$currencies_set['de-RM'] = 'Reichsmark (Germany)'; 'currencies_set' =>
$currencies_set['es-Real'] = 'Spanish Real'; array (
$currencies_set['hu-Ft'] = 'Forint'; 'eu-EUR' => 'Euro',
$currencies_set['hu-Lari'] = 'Lari'; 'de-DM' => 'Deutsche Mark',
$currencies_set['hu-Pengő'] = 'Pengő'; 'de-RM' => 'Reichsmark (Germany)',
$currencies_set['id-IDR'] = 'Indonesian Rupiah'; 'es-Real' => 'Spanish Real',
$currencies_set['pl-Złoty'] = 'Złoty'; 'hu-Ft' => 'Forint',
$currencies_set['us-USD'] = 'US Dollar'; 'hu-Lari' => 'Lari',
$currencies_set['ddr-Mark'] = 'Mark (GDR)'; 'hu-Pengő' => 'Pengő',
$currencies_set['ddr-MDN'] = 'MDN (GDR)'; 'id-IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah',
$currencies_set['hu-Korona'] = 'Austro-Hungarian krone'; 'pl-Złoty' => 'Złoty',
$currencies_set['fr-FF'] = 'French Franc'; 'us-USD' => 'US Dollar',
$currencies_set['uk-GBP'] = 'Pound Sterling'; 'ddr-Mark' => 'Mark (GDR)',
$currencies_set['by-BYN'] = 'Belarusian ruble'; 'ddr-MDN' => 'MDN (GDR)',
$currencies_set['ru-RUB'] = 'Russian ruble'; 'hu-Korona' => 'Austro-Hungarian krone',
$currencies_set['su-SUR'] = 'Soviet ruble'; 'fr-FF' => 'French Franc',
$currencies_set['ua-UAH'] = 'Ukrainian hryvnia'; 'uk-GBP' => 'Pound Sterling',
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates'; 'by-BYN' => 'Belarusian ruble',
'ru-RUB' => 'Russian ruble',
'su-SUR' => 'Soviet ruble',
'ua-UAH' => 'Ukrainian hryvnia',
'license_full_names' =>
array (
'CC BY-NC-ND' => 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
$custom_report_targets_set['object_single'] = 'Single object'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$custom_report_targets_set['object_list'] = 'Multiple objects'; array (
$custom_report_targets_set['loan'] = 'Loan'; 'custom_report_targets_set' =>
$custom_report_targets_set['exhibition'] = 'Exhibition'; array (
'object_single' => 'Single object',
'object_list' => 'Multiple objects',
'loan' => 'Loan',
'exhibition' => 'Exhibition',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed'; array (
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection'; 'disposal_method_set' =>
array (
'sold' => 'Sold',
'destroyed' => 'Destroyed',
'garbage' => 'Thrown away / garbage collection',

View File

@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
$entry_types['0'] = ''; declare(strict_types = 1);
$entry_types['1'] = 'Donation'; array (
$entry_types['2'] = 'Purchase'; 'entry_types' =>
$entry_types['3'] = 'Excavation'; array (
$entry_types['4'] = 'Emergency Rescue'; 0 => '',
$entry_types['5'] = 'Inheritance'; 1 => 'Donation',
$entry_types['6'] = 'Endowment'; 2 => 'Purchase',
$entry_types['7'] = 'Dispossession'; 3 => 'Excavation',
$entry_types['8'] = 'Original condition'; 4 => 'Emergency Rescue',
$entry_types['9'] = 'Loan'; 5 => 'Inheritance',
$entry_types['10'] = 'Exchange'; 6 => 'Endowment',
$entry_types['11'] = 'In-house production'; 7 => 'Dispossession',
$entry_types['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)'; 8 => 'Original condition',
$entry_types['14'] = 'Vorlass'; 9 => 'Loan',
$entry_types['15'] = 'Finding'; 10 => 'Exchange',
$entry_types['98'] = 'To be checked'; 11 => 'In-house production',
$entry_types['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition'; 12 => 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)',
$entry_types['16'] = 'Permanent loan'; 14 => 'Vorlass',
15 => 'Finding',
98 => 'To be checked',
99 => 'Other legal acquisition',
16 => 'Permanent loan',

View File

@ -1,49 +1,55 @@
$eventname['1'] = 'Hergestellt'; declare(strict_types = 1);
$eventname['2'] = 'Gefunden'; array (
$eventname['3'] = 'Veröffentlicht'; 'eventname' =>
$eventname['4'] = 'Vorlagenerstellung'; array (
$eventname['5'] = 'Wurde abgebildet (Akteur)'; 1 => 'Hergestellt',
$eventname['6'] = 'Wurde genutzt'; 2 => 'Gefunden',
$eventname['7'] = 'Verfasst'; 3 => 'Veröffentlicht',
$eventname['8'] = 'Gesammelt'; 4 => 'Vorlagenerstellung',
$eventname['9'] = 'Gemalt'; 5 => 'Wurde abgebildet (Akteur)',
$eventname['10'] = 'Aufgenommen'; 6 => 'Wurde genutzt',
$eventname['11'] = 'Empfangen'; 7 => 'Verfasst',
$eventname['12'] = 'Druckplatte hergestellt'; 8 => 'Gesammelt',
$eventname['13'] = 'Abgeschickt'; 9 => 'Gemalt',
$eventname['14'] = 'Ausgefertigt'; 10 => 'Aufgenommen',
$eventname['15'] = 'Unterzeichnet'; 11 => 'Empfangen',
$eventname['16'] = 'Erstbeschreibung'; 12 => 'Druckplatte hergestellt',
$eventname['19'] = 'Gezeichnet'; 13 => 'Abgeschickt',
$eventname['20'] = 'Abgeschrieben'; 14 => 'Ausgefertigt',
$eventname['21'] = 'Hat gelebt'; 15 => 'Unterzeichnet',
$eventname['22'] = '[Geographischer Bezug]'; 16 => 'Erstbeschreibung',
$eventname['23'] = '[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug]'; 19 => 'Gezeichnet',
$eventname['24'] = '[Zeitbezug]'; 20 => 'Abgeschrieben',
$eventname['25'] = 'Beauftragt'; 21 => 'Hat gelebt',
$eventname['26'] = 'Gedruckt'; 22 => '[Geographischer Bezug]',
$eventname['27'] = 'Gesprochen'; 23 => '[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug]',
$eventname['28'] = 'Gesungen'; 24 => '[Zeitbezug]',
$eventname['29'] = 'Dekor entworfen'; 25 => 'Beauftragt',
$eventname['30'] = 'Form entworfen'; 26 => 'Gedruckt',
$eventname['31'] = 'Modelliert'; 27 => 'Gesprochen',
$eventname['32'] = 'Signiert'; 28 => 'Gesungen',
$eventname['33'] = 'Wurde erwähnt'; 29 => 'Dekor entworfen',
$eventname['34'] = 'Vergraben'; 30 => 'Form entworfen',
$eventname['35'] = 'Geistige Schöpfung'; 31 => 'Modelliert',
$eventname['36'] = 'Wurde abgebildet (Ort)'; 32 => 'Signiert',
$eventname['37'] = 'Bemalt'; 33 => 'Wurde erwähnt',
$eventname['38'] = 'Illustriert'; 34 => 'Vergraben',
$eventname['39'] = 'Assembled'; 35 => 'Geistige Schöpfung',
$eventname['40'] = 'Auctioned'; 36 => 'Wurde abgebildet (Ort)',
$eventname['41'] = 'Bought'; 37 => 'Bemalt',
$eventname['42'] = 'Owned'; 38 => 'Illustriert',
$eventname['43'] = 'Sold'; 39 => 'Assembled',
$eventname['44'] = 'Restorated'; 40 => 'Auctioned',
$eventname['45'] = 'Damaged'; 41 => 'Bought',
$eventname['46'] = 'Destroyed'; 42 => 'Owned',
$eventname['47'] = 'Lost'; 43 => 'Sold',
$eventname['48'] = 'Edited'; 44 => 'Restorated',
$eventname['49'] = 'Donated / present'; 45 => 'Damaged',
$eventname['50'] = 'Inherited'; 46 => 'Destroyed',
47 => 'Lost',
48 => 'Edited',
49 => 'Donated / present',
50 => 'Inherited',

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More