This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. "Science"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not "Stockholm" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but "Stockholm, Sodergatan 4".<br>You might want to use this for example for fotos or mineralogist objects. In these cases, exact information on the "place of discovery" or the "place of recording" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Example 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (Drop-down menu).';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventry number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'as:';
$object_add['for'] = 'for:';
$object_add['by'] = 'by:';
$object_add['at'] = 'at:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximum: 250 characters';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unlimited text length';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Separated Measurements';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Entry or location of entry in the book of object entries / Certificate of donation';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Here you may enter any kind of paralelly or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: "Old ID: V17-25,4.o"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Bundle"</b><br>What "bundle" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: "Collection Widermayr"<br>Example 2: "Estate Meyerbeer"<br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br><b>Field: "Part of"</b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: "IV-14" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has an own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set\'s inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Subject Group"</b> and <b>Field: "Systematic"</b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Example 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. "donation"<br>Entry: for ... if bought: Sum and currency';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Miscellaneous information from the object´s history';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Short! At best: enter the name and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at "Information on restauration"';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Numbers';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Classification';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Object history';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Acquisition';
$object_add['values'] = 'Values';
$object_add['state'] = 'State';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: "2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords"<br>Example 2: "1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children"<br>Example 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)"<br>(... or enter them as a table)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Example 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>Only enter current loans here!';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Dates of the loan';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Insured value as can be found in the current loan contract';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Object at museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Object is currently on loan';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the copyright regarding the object';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the usage rights regarding the object';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Any kind of other note on the legal situation of the object';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: "Source unknown, research!"<br>Example 2: "Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available"<br>Example 3: "Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a file ...<br>Here you can note down, where documets regarding the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Define rule';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Less than 20 characters - too short!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Edit rule';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Delete rule';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Acquiring';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'First registration';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where</b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When</b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 / 60 characters)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material / Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public.';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public.';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object.';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated.';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information.';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Purchase';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Extrication';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'dispossession';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'old stock';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
$title_types_set['0'] = '';
$title_types_set['1'] = 'Wissenschaft';
$title_types_set['2'] = 'Alltagssprache';
$title_types_set['3'] = 'Umgangssprache';
$title_types_set['4'] = 'Dialekt';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'Gedacht für Objekte, die einen allgemeinen und zugleich einen wissenschaftlichen (oder anderen zusätzlichen) Namen haben (Häufig bei biologischen oder mineralogischen Objekten)<br><br>Links: Zusätzliche Objektbezeichnung <br>(Maximale Textlänge: 250 Zeichen)<br><br>Rechts: Gültigkeitsbereich der Bezeichnung, z.B. "Wissenschaft"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'Während innerhalb von "Ereignissen" Orte (im Sinne von Ortschaften) erfasst werden - können hier genauere Angaben (im Sinne von "Stelle") gemacht werden. Also z.B. nicht "Merseburg" (Ortschaft, deshalb bei Ereignissen/Ortsbezügen erfasst), sondern "Merseburg, Domplatz 9".<br>Gedacht für z.B. fotografische, biologische oder mineralogische Objekte, wo genauere Angaben zum "Aufnahmeort" oder "Fundort" sinnvoll sein können.<br><br>Links: Hier können Sie die Lokalisationen beliebig benennen<br>Beispiel 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Beispiel 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Steht etwas auf dem Objekt geschrieben, das in einem eigenen Feld erfasst werden soll? Hier ist Platz dafür.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Hier ist die getrennte Erfassung von Maßangaben möglich.<br>Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die jeweiligen Einheiten anzugeben (über Aufklapplisten)';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Gibt es Vergleichsobjekte in anderen Museen? Hier kann es eingetragen werden. Sie können einfach vermerken, in welchem Museum sich ein Vergleichsobjekt befindet, Sie können aber auch - wenn bekannt - die dortige Inventarnummer vermerken oder - falls das Objekt im Internet erreichbar ist - die entsprechende URL an dieser Stelle speichern.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'als:';
$object_add['for'] = 'für:';
$object_add['by'] = 'von:';
$object_add['at'] = 'auf:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximale Textlänge: 250 Zeichen';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unbegrenzte Textlänge';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Getrennte Maßangaben';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Verweis zum Eintrag im Eingangsbuch / Schenkungsnachweis';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Hier können alle Arten von früheren oder parallel vorhandenen Inventarnummern eingetragen werden<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Alte Nummer: V17-25,4.o"<br>Beispiel 2: "Nr. im KWM: A44521-7"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Feld: "Konvolut"</b><br>Zu welchem Konvolut gehört das Objekt?<br>Beispiel 1: "Sammlung Widermayr"<br>Beispiel 2: "Nachlass Meyerbeer"<br>(Maximale Textlänge 250 Zeichen)<br><br><b>Feld: "Teil von"</b><br>Das Objekt ist Teil von ...<br>Beispiel: "IV-14" (Inventarnummer einer Objektgruppe)<br>(Wenn beispielsweise ein Kaffeeservice eine Inventarnummer hat und jede Tasse eine eigene, dann sollte hier die Inventarnummer des Services eingetragen werden)<br>(Maximale Textlänge 250 Zeichen)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Feld: "Sachgruppe"</b> und <b>Feld: "Systematik"</b><br><br>Sachgruppe (links) oder Systematik (rechts)<br><br>Gerade so, wie sie das bisher verwenden<br>(Maximale Textlänge jeweils 70 und 200 Zeichen)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Wer besaß das Objekt, bevor es ins Museum kam?<br><br>(Name des direkten Vorbesitzers)<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Beispiel 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Zugang, wann ... Zeitpunkt<br>Zugang, als ... z.B. "Schenkung"<br>Zugang, für ... (bei Kauf: Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Allerlei Merkwürdigkeiten aus der Geschichte des Objektes';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Kurz, knapp und bündig. Bestenfalls auch den Namen des Feststellenden und den Zeitpunkt angeben. Längere Erklärungen sind unter "Restaurierungsangaben" möglich';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Restaurierungsangaben aller Art, am Besten mit Angaben zu:<br>Wann - Wer - Was - Zu welchem Preis';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Nummern';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Einordnung';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Objektgeschichte';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Zugang';
$object_add['values'] = 'Werte';
$object_add['state'] = 'Zustand';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Wo befindet sich das Objekt gegenwärtig (innerhalb des Museums)?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Dauerausstellung"<br>Beispiel 2: "Depot 4. Raum 1"<br>Beispiel 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Wo befindet sich das Objekt üblicherweise?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Dauerausstellung"<br>Beispiel 2: "Depot 4. Raum 1"<br>Beispiel 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'Wann wurde das Objekt ausgestellt?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "2005, Ausstellung: Fürstenkinder"<br>Beispiel 2: "1997, Foyer Stadtsparkasse, Ausstellung: Kinderporträts"<br>Beispiel 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (Leihgabe)"<br>(... oder als Tabelle untereinander eingetragen)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name der leihnehmenden Institution<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Beispiel 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>An dieser Stelle nur aktuelle Leihvorgänge vermerken';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name des Ansprechpartners in der leihnehmenden Einrichtung';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Von wann bis wann läuft der aktuelle Leihvorgang';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Der im aktuellen Leihvertrag angegebene Versicherungswert';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Alles, was Sie zum aktuellen Leihvorgang vermerken möchten';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Objekt im Museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Objekt ist aktuell im Leihverkehr';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Bemerkungen zu den Urheberrechten am Objekt';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Bemerkungen zu den Nutzungsrechten am Objekt';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Allerlei Bemerkungen zur rechtlichen Situation rund um das Objekt';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Platz für Vermerke aller Art, z.B. was noch zu bearbeiten oder zu klären ist, oder: Angaben zu Sachkundigen ...<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Provenienz unklar, klären"<br>Beispiel 2: "Gehört dieses Teil wirklich dem Museum??? Keine Akten vorhanden - prüfen"<br>Beispiel 3: "Mehr zu diesem Objekt sagen kann Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'Gedacht für wichtige Hinweise - Der Text erscheint in roter Schrift';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'Ob als Abzug auf Papier oder als hochauflösende Bilddatei ...<br>Hier kann notiert werden, wo im Museum (oder auf den Rechnern) die Ansichten zu finden sind';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'Ob als Ausdruck auf Papier oder als Text- oder Bilddatei ...<br>Hier kann notiert werden, wo im Museum (oder auf den Rechnern) die Dokumente zu finden sind';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Haus-Regel erstellen';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Weniger als 20 Buchstaben, das ist zu kurz!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Es ist nicht erkennbar, für welche Institution die einzugebende Regel gelten soll. Sie müssen das Objekt erst einer Institution zuweisen';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Haus-Regel ändern';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Haus-Regel löschen';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Erwerb';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'Ersterfassung';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Wer</b> hat das Objekt für das Museum erworben?<br><b>Wo</b> fand der Erwerb statt?<br><br>(Max. Textlänge: 120 Zeichen)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Wer</b> hat das Objekt zuerst im Museum erfasst?<br><b>Wann</b> wurde das Objekt zuerst im Museum erfasst?<br><br>(Max. Textlänge: 120 Zeichen / 60 Zeichen)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Getrennte Erfassung: Material / Technik';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Auflisten und durch Komma trennen <br>Technik: Auflisten und durch Komma trennen';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'Hier ist Platz für ausführliche Beschreibung. Wenn eine Beschreibung vorhanden ist, dann können Sie entscheiden, ob diese öffentlich angezeigt werden soll.';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Fasst die einzelnen Maßangaben zusammen und überträgt sie in das Feld Maße (Dort vorhandene Angaben werden überschrieben)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Fasst Werte für Material und Technik zusammen und überträgt sie in das Feld Material / Technik (Dort vorhandene Angaben werden überschrieben)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'Das Objekt wurde versteckt';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'Das Objekt wurde veröffentlicht';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Notizen zum Objekt wurden gespeichert';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Rechteinformation wurde gespeichert';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Information zum Verbleib wurde gespeichert';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Das Objekt wird mit Link zu Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Das Objekt wird ohne Link zu Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadaten-Rechte (Inhaber)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadaten-Rechte (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Verfügbare Informationen wurden in Feld übertragen: ';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der detaillierten Beschreibung auf museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der detaillierten Beschreibung bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Beschriftung auf museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Beschriftung bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Maßangaben auf museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Maßangaben bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte auf museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rechteinhaber der Objekt-Metadatenrechte.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'Lizenzstatus der Objekt-Metadaten.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignorieren';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Aufnahmeort';
$ortart['2'] = 'Fundort';
$ortart['3'] = 'Früherer Ort';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Wissenschaft';
$titelart['2'] = 'Alltagssprache';
$titelart['3'] = 'Umgangssprache';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialekt';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Schenkung';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Kauf';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Grabung';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Notbergung';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Erbschaft / Nachlass';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'Stiftung';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'Enteignung';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'Ursprungsbestand';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Leihgabe';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Tausch';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'Eigenproduktion';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Fund';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'Ungeklärt';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Anderer rechtmäßiger Zugang';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Dauerleihgabe';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
$title_types_set['0'] = '';
$title_types_set['1'] = 'Science';
$title_types_set['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$title_types_set['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$title_types_set['4'] = 'Dialect';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. "Science"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not "Stockholm" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but "Stockholm, Sodergatan 4".<br>You might want to use this for example for fotos or mineralogist objects. In these cases, exact information on the "place of discovery" or the "place of recording" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Example 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (Drop-down menu).';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventry number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'as:';
$object_add['for'] = 'for:';
$object_add['by'] = 'by:';
$object_add['at'] = 'at:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximum: 250 characters';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unlimited text length';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Separated Measurements';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Entry or location of entry in the book of object entries / Certificate of donation';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Here you may enter any kind of paralelly or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: "Old ID: V17-25,4.o"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Bundle"</b><br>What "bundle" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: "Collection Widermayr"<br>Example 2: "Estate Meyerbeer"<br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br><b>Field: "Part of"</b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: "IV-14" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has an own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set\'s inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Subject Group"</b> and <b>Field: "Systematic"</b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Example 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. "donation"<br>Entry: for ... if bought: Sum and currency';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Miscellaneous information from the object´s history';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Short! At best: enter the name and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at "Information on restauration"';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Numbers';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Classification';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Object history';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Acquisition';
$object_add['values'] = 'Values';
$object_add['state'] = 'State';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: "2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords"<br>Example 2: "1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children"<br>Example 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)"<br>(... or enter them as a table)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Example 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>Only enter current loans here!';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Dates of the loan';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Insured value as can be found in the current loan contract';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Object at museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Object is currently on loan';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the copyright regarding the object';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the usage rights regarding the object';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Any kind of other note on the legal situation of the object';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: "Source unknown, research!"<br>Example 2: "Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available"<br>Example 3: "Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a file ...<br>Here you can note down, where documets regarding the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Define rule';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Less than 20 characters - too short!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Edit rule';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Delete rule';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Acquiring';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'First registration';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where</b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When</b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 / 60 characters)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material / Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public.';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public.';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object.';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated.';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information.';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Purchase';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Extrication';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'dispossession';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'old stock';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. "Science"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not "Stockholm" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but "Stockholm, Sodergatan 4".<br>You might want to use this for example for fotos or mineralogist objects. In these cases, exact information on the "place of discovery" or the "place of recording" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Example 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (Drop-down menu).';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventry number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'as:';
$object_add['for'] = 'for:';
$object_add['by'] = 'by:';
$object_add['at'] = 'at:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximum: 250 characters';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unlimited text length';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Separated Measurements';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Entry or location of entry in the book of object entries / Certificate of donation';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Here you may enter any kind of paralelly or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: "Old ID: V17-25,4.o"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Bundle"</b><br>What "bundle" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: "Collection Widermayr"<br>Example 2: "Estate Meyerbeer"<br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br><b>Field: "Part of"</b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: "IV-14" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has an own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set\'s inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Subject Group"</b> and <b>Field: "Systematic"</b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Example 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. "donation"<br>Entry: for ... if bought: Sum and currency';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Miscellaneous information from the object´s history';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Short! At best: enter the name and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at "Information on restauration"';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Numbers';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Classification';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Object history';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Acquisition';
$object_add['values'] = 'Values';
$object_add['state'] = 'State';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: "2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords"<br>Example 2: "1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children"<br>Example 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)"<br>(... or enter them as a table)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Example 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>Only enter current loans here!';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Dates of the loan';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Insured value as can be found in the current loan contract';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Object at museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Object is currently on loan';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the copyright regarding the object';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the usage rights regarding the object';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Any kind of other note on the legal situation of the object';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: "Source unknown, research!"<br>Example 2: "Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available"<br>Example 3: "Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a file ...<br>Here you can note down, where documets regarding the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Define rule';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Less than 20 characters - too short!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Edit rule';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Delete rule';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Acquiring';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'First registration';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where</b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When</b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 / 60 characters)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material / Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public.';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public.';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object.';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated.';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information.';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Purchase';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Extrication';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'dispossession';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'old stock';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'Gedacht für Objekte, die einen allgemeinen und zugleich einen wissenschaftlichen (oder anderen zusätzlichen) Namen haben (Häufig bei biologischen oder mineralogischen Objekten)<br><br>Links: Zusätzliche Objektbezeichnung <br>(Maximale Textlänge: 250 Zeichen)<br><br>Rechts: Gültigkeitsbereich der Bezeichnung, z.B. "Wissenschaft"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'Während innerhalb von "Ereignissen" Orte (im Sinne von Ortschaften) erfasst werden - können hier genauere Angaben (im Sinne von "Stelle") gemacht werden. Also z.B. nicht "Merseburg" (Ortschaft, deshalb bei Ereignissen/Ortsbezügen erfasst), sondern "Merseburg, Domplatz 9".<br>Gedacht für z.B. fotografische, biologische oder mineralogische Objekte, wo genauere Angaben zum "Aufnahmeort" oder "Fundort" sinnvoll sein können.<br><br>Links: Hier können Sie die Lokalisationen beliebig benennen<br>Beispiel 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Beispiel 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Steht etwas auf dem Objekt geschrieben, das in einem eigenen Feld erfasst werden soll? Hier ist Platz dafür.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Hier ist die getrennte Erfassung von Maßangaben möglich.<br>Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die jeweiligen Einheiten anzugeben (über Aufklapplisten)';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Gibt es Vergleichsobjekte in anderen Museen? Hier kann es eingetragen werden. Sie können einfach vermerken, in welchem Museum sich ein Vergleichsobjekt befindet, Sie können aber auch - wenn bekannt - die dortige Inventarnummer vermerken oder - falls das Objekt im Internet erreichbar ist - die entsprechende URL an dieser Stelle speichern.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'als:';
$object_add['for'] = 'für:';
$object_add['by'] = 'von:';
$object_add['at'] = 'auf:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximale Textlänge: 250 Zeichen';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unbegrenzte Textlänge';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Getrennte Maßangaben';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Verweis zum Eintrag im Eingangsbuch / Schenkungsnachweis';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Hier können alle Arten von früheren oder parallel vorhandenen Inventarnummern eingetragen werden<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Alte Nummer: V17-25,4.o"<br>Beispiel 2: "Nr. im KWM: A44521-7"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Feld: "Konvolut"</b><br>Zu welchem Konvolut gehört das Objekt?<br>Beispiel 1: "Sammlung Widermayr"<br>Beispiel 2: "Nachlass Meyerbeer"<br>(Maximale Textlänge 250 Zeichen)<br><br><b>Feld: "Teil von"</b><br>Das Objekt ist Teil von ...<br>Beispiel: "IV-14" (Inventarnummer einer Objektgruppe)<br>(Wenn beispielsweise ein Kaffeeservice eine Inventarnummer hat und jede Tasse eine eigene, dann sollte hier die Inventarnummer des Services eingetragen werden)<br>(Maximale Textlänge 250 Zeichen)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Feld: "Sachgruppe"</b> und <b>Feld: "Systematik"</b><br><br>Sachgruppe (links) oder Systematik (rechts)<br><br>Gerade so, wie sie das bisher verwenden<br>(Maximale Textlänge jeweils 70 und 200 Zeichen)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Wer besaß das Objekt, bevor es ins Museum kam?<br><br>(Name des direkten Vorbesitzers)<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Beispiel 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Zugang, wann ... Zeitpunkt<br>Zugang, als ... z.B. "Schenkung"<br>Zugang, für ... (bei Kauf: Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Allerlei Merkwürdigkeiten aus der Geschichte des Objektes';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Kurz, knapp und bündig. Bestenfalls auch den Namen des Feststellenden und den Zeitpunkt angeben. Längere Erklärungen sind unter "Restaurierungsangaben" möglich';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Restaurierungsangaben aller Art, am Besten mit Angaben zu:<br>Wann - Wer - Was - Zu welchem Preis';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Nummern';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Einordnung';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Objektgeschichte';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Zugang';
$object_add['values'] = 'Werte';
$object_add['state'] = 'Zustand';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Wo befindet sich das Objekt gegenwärtig (innerhalb des Museums)?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Dauerausstellung"<br>Beispiel 2: "Depot 4. Raum 1"<br>Beispiel 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Wo befindet sich das Objekt üblicherweise?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Dauerausstellung"<br>Beispiel 2: "Depot 4. Raum 1"<br>Beispiel 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'Wann wurde das Objekt ausgestellt?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "2005, Ausstellung: Fürstenkinder"<br>Beispiel 2: "1997, Foyer Stadtsparkasse, Ausstellung: Kinderporträts"<br>Beispiel 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (Leihgabe)"<br>(... oder als Tabelle untereinander eingetragen)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name der leihnehmenden Institution<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Beispiel 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>An dieser Stelle nur aktuelle Leihvorgänge vermerken';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name des Ansprechpartners in der leihnehmenden Einrichtung';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Von wann bis wann läuft der aktuelle Leihvorgang';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Der im aktuellen Leihvertrag angegebene Versicherungswert';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Alles, was Sie zum aktuellen Leihvorgang vermerken möchten';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Objekt im Museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Objekt ist aktuell im Leihverkehr';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Bemerkungen zu den Urheberrechten am Objekt';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Bemerkungen zu den Nutzungsrechten am Objekt';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Allerlei Bemerkungen zur rechtlichen Situation rund um das Objekt';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Platz für Vermerke aller Art, z.B. was noch zu bearbeiten oder zu klären ist, oder: Angaben zu Sachkundigen ...<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Provenienz unklar, klären"<br>Beispiel 2: "Gehört dieses Teil wirklich dem Museum??? Keine Akten vorhanden - prüfen"<br>Beispiel 3: "Mehr zu diesem Objekt sagen kann Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'Gedacht für wichtige Hinweise - Der Text erscheint in roter Schrift';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'Ob als Abzug auf Papier oder als hochauflösende Bilddatei ...<br>Hier kann notiert werden, wo im Museum (oder auf den Rechnern) die Ansichten zu finden sind';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'Ob als Ausdruck auf Papier oder als Text- oder Bilddatei ...<br>Hier kann notiert werden, wo im Museum (oder auf den Rechnern) die Dokumente zu finden sind';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Haus-Regel erstellen';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Weniger als 20 Buchstaben, das ist zu kurz!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Es ist nicht erkennbar, für welche Institution die einzugebende Regel gelten soll. Sie müssen das Objekt erst einer Institution zuweisen';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Haus-Regel ändern';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Haus-Regel löschen';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Erwerb';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'Ersterfassung';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Wer</b> hat das Objekt für das Museum erworben?<br><b>Wo</b> fand der Erwerb statt?<br><br>(Max. Textlänge: 120 Zeichen)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Wer</b> hat das Objekt zuerst im Museum erfasst?<br><b>Wann</b> wurde das Objekt zuerst im Museum erfasst?<br><br>(Max. Textlänge: 120 Zeichen / 60 Zeichen)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Getrennte Erfassung: Material / Technik';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Auflisten und durch Komma trennen <br>Technik: Auflisten und durch Komma trennen';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'Hier ist Platz für ausführliche Beschreibung. Wenn eine Beschreibung vorhanden ist, dann können Sie entscheiden, ob diese öffentlich angezeigt werden soll.';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Fasst die einzelnen Maßangaben zusammen und überträgt sie in das Feld Maße (Dort vorhandene Angaben werden überschrieben)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Fasst Werte für Material und Technik zusammen und überträgt sie in das Feld Material / Technik (Dort vorhandene Angaben werden überschrieben)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'Das Objekt wurde versteckt';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'Das Objekt wurde veröffentlicht';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Notizen zum Objekt wurden gespeichert';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Rechteinformation wurde gespeichert';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Information zum Verbleib wurde gespeichert';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Das Objekt wird mit Link zu Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Das Objekt wird ohne Link zu Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadaten-Rechte (Inhaber)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadaten-Rechte (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Verfügbare Informationen wurden in Feld übertragen: ';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der detaillierten Beschreibung auf museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der detaillierten Beschreibung bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Beschriftung auf museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Beschriftung bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Maßangaben auf museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Maßangaben bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte auf museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rechteinhaber der Objekt-Metadatenrechte.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'Lizenzstatus der Objekt-Metadaten.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignorieren';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Aufnahmeort';
$ortart['2'] = 'Fundort';
$ortart['3'] = 'Früherer Ort';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Wissenschaft';
$titelart['2'] = 'Alltagssprache';
$titelart['3'] = 'Umgangssprache';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialekt';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Schenkung';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Kauf';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Grabung';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Notbergung';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Erbschaft / Nachlass';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'Stiftung';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'Enteignung';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'Ursprungsbestand';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Leihgabe';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Tausch';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'Eigenproduktion';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Fund';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'Ungeklärt';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Anderer rechtmäßiger Zugang';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Dauerleihgabe';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
$title_types_set['0'] = '';
$title_types_set['1'] = 'Tudományos';
$title_types_set['2'] = 'Köznyelvi';
$title_types_set['3'] = 'Nyelvjárás';
$title_types_set['4'] = 'Dialect';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
$title_types_set['0'] = '';
$title_types_set['1'] = 'Ilmu';
$title_types_set['2'] = 'Bahasa sehari-hari';
$title_types_set['3'] = 'Bahasa gaul';
$title_types_set['4'] = 'Dialek';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. "Science"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not "Stockholm" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but "Stockholm, Sodergatan 4".<br>You might want to use this for example for fotos or mineralogist objects. In these cases, exact information on the "place of discovery" or the "place of recording" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Example 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (Drop-down menu).';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventry number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'as:';
$object_add['for'] = 'for:';
$object_add['by'] = 'by:';
$object_add['at'] = 'at:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximum: 250 characters';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unlimited text length';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Separated Measurements';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Entry or location of entry in the book of object entries / Certificate of donation';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Here you may enter any kind of paralelly or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: "Old ID: V17-25,4.o"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Bundle"</b><br>What "bundle" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: "Collection Widermayr"<br>Example 2: "Estate Meyerbeer"<br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br><b>Field: "Part of"</b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: "IV-14" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has an own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set\'s inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Subject Group"</b> and <b>Field: "Systematic"</b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Example 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. "donation"<br>Entry: for ... if bought: Sum and currency';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Miscellaneous information from the object´s history';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Short! At best: enter the name and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at "Information on restauration"';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Numbers';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Classification';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Object history';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Acquisition';
$object_add['values'] = 'Values';
$object_add['state'] = 'State';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: "2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords"<br>Example 2: "1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children"<br>Example 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)"<br>(... or enter them as a table)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Example 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>Only enter current loans here!';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Dates of the loan';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Insured value as can be found in the current loan contract';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Object at museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Object is currently on loan';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the copyright regarding the object';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the usage rights regarding the object';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Any kind of other note on the legal situation of the object';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: "Source unknown, research!"<br>Example 2: "Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available"<br>Example 3: "Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a file ...<br>Here you can note down, where documets regarding the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Define rule';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Less than 20 characters - too short!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Edit rule';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Delete rule';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Acquiring';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'First registration';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where</b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When</b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 / 60 characters)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material / Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public.';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public.';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object.';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated.';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information.';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Purchase';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Extrication';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'dispossession';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'old stock';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. "Science"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not "Stockholm" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but "Stockholm, Sodergatan 4".<br>You might want to use this for example for fotos or mineralogist objects. In these cases, exact information on the "place of discovery" or the "place of recording" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Example 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (Drop-down menu).';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventry number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'as:';
$object_add['for'] = 'for:';
$object_add['by'] = 'by:';
$object_add['at'] = 'at:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximum: 250 characters';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unlimited text length';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Separated Measurements';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Entry or location of entry in the book of object entries / Certificate of donation';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Here you may enter any kind of paralelly or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: "Old ID: V17-25,4.o"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Bundle"</b><br>What "bundle" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: "Collection Widermayr"<br>Example 2: "Estate Meyerbeer"<br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br><b>Field: "Part of"</b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: "IV-14" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has an own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set\'s inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Subject Group"</b> and <b>Field: "Systematic"</b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Example 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. "donation"<br>Entry: for ... if bought: Sum and currency';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Miscellaneous information from the object´s history';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Short! At best: enter the name and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at "Information on restauration"';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Numbers';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Classification';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Object history';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Acquisition';
$object_add['values'] = 'Values';
$object_add['state'] = 'State';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: "2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords"<br>Example 2: "1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children"<br>Example 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)"<br>(... or enter them as a table)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Example 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>Only enter current loans here!';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Dates of the loan';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Insured value as can be found in the current loan contract';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Object at museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Object is currently on loan';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the copyright regarding the object';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the usage rights regarding the object';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Any kind of other note on the legal situation of the object';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: "Source unknown, research!"<br>Example 2: "Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available"<br>Example 3: "Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a file ...<br>Here you can note down, where documets regarding the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Define rule';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Less than 20 characters - too short!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Edit rule';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Delete rule';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Acquiring';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'First registration';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where</b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When</b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 / 60 characters)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material / Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public.';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public.';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object.';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated.';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information.';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Purchase';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Extrication';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'dispossession';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'old stock';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. "Science"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not "Stockholm" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but "Stockholm, Sodergatan 4".<br>You might want to use this for example for fotos or mineralogist objects. In these cases, exact information on the "place of discovery" or the "place of recording" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Example 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (Drop-down menu).';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventry number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'as:';
$object_add['for'] = 'for:';
$object_add['by'] = 'by:';
$object_add['at'] = 'at:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximum: 250 characters';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unlimited text length';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Separated Measurements';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Entry or location of entry in the book of object entries / Certificate of donation';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Here you may enter any kind of paralelly or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: "Old ID: V17-25,4.o"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Bundle"</b><br>What "bundle" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: "Collection Widermayr"<br>Example 2: "Estate Meyerbeer"<br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br><b>Field: "Part of"</b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: "IV-14" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has an own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set\'s inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Subject Group"</b> and <b>Field: "Systematic"</b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Example 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. "donation"<br>Entry: for ... if bought: Sum and currency';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Miscellaneous information from the object´s history';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Short! At best: enter the name and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at "Information on restauration"';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Numbers';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Classification';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Object history';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Acquisition';
$object_add['values'] = 'Values';
$object_add['state'] = 'State';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: "2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords"<br>Example 2: "1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children"<br>Example 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)"<br>(... or enter them as a table)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Example 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>Only enter current loans here!';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Dates of the loan';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Insured value as can be found in the current loan contract';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Object at museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Object is currently on loan';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the copyright regarding the object';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the usage rights regarding the object';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Any kind of other note on the legal situation of the object';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: "Source unknown, research!"<br>Example 2: "Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available"<br>Example 3: "Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a file ...<br>Here you can note down, where documets regarding the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Define rule';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Less than 20 characters - too short!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Edit rule';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Delete rule';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Acquiring';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'First registration';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where</b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When</b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 / 60 characters)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material / Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public.';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public.';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object.';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated.';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information.';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Purchase';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Extrication';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'dispossession';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'old stock';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'Pola przeznaczone do wprowadzenia dodatkowej nazwy, dla obiektów posiadających np. nazwę potoczną (sól kuchenna) i specjalistyczną (chlorek sodu, halit). Zwykle dotyczy eksponatów biologicznych i mineralogicznych.<br><br>Lewe pole: dodatkowy tytuł<br>(maksymalnie 250 znaków)<br><br>Prawe pole: określenie nazwy, np. "nazwa systematyczna", "nazwa chemiczna".';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'Ponieważ w kontekście wydarzeń można dodać tylko nazwę miejscowości, pole to służy do wprowadzenia bardziej precyzyjnego określenia miejsca. Nie należy tu wprowadzać samej nazwy miasta, ale dokładniejsze określenie miejsc, uwzględniające adres lub współrzędne geograficzne.<br>Pole to może służyć również do wprowadzenia dodatkowych informacji dotyczących fotografii lub obiektów mineralogicznych. W tych przypadkach można tu umieścić informacje na temat miejsca znalezienia lub miejsca wykonania.<br><br>Po lewej można wprowadzić określenie miejsca.<br>Przykłady: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>"Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4".';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Jeśli na temat obiektu powstała publikacja, która jest warta osobnej wzmianki, można informację o niej umieścić w tym miejscu.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Pola te służą do wprowadzenia poszczególnych wymiarów obiektu.<br>Należy pamiętać również o wybraniu odpowiednich jednostek z rozwijalnego menu.';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Czy w innych muzeach znajdują się porównywalne obiekty? Informację na ich temat można wprowadzić tutaj. Można wprowadzić tylko nazwę muzeum posiadającego taki obiekt, ale również - jeśli jest znany - numer inwentarzowy. Jeśli obiekt jest dostępny online, można również wprowadzić odpowiedni adres URL.';
$object_add['in'] = 'zakres użycia:';
$object_add['as'] = 'związek obiektu z miejscem:';
$object_add['for'] = 'cena:';
$object_add['by'] = 'przez:';
$object_add['at'] = 'w:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maksymalnie 250 znaków';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Nie ma ograniczeń długości tekstu';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Dokładne wymiary';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Wpis lub miejsce wpisu w rejestrze zakupów / Protokole przyjęcia obiektu';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Dawne lub alternatywne numery inwentarzowe<br><br>Przykład: "Dawny ID: V17-25,4.o"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Pole: "Zespół"</b><br>Do jakiego "zespołu" należy obiekt?<br>Przykłady: "Fototeka Lanckorońskich"<br>"Majoliki nieborowskie"<br>(maksymalnie 250 znaków)<br><br><b>Pole: "Grupa obiektów, której obiekt jest częścią"</b><br>Obiekt jest częścią grupy...<br>Przykład: "IV-14" (numer inwentarzowy grupy obiektów)<br>(W przypadku np. filiżanki, posiadającej własny numer inwentarzowy, ale będącej częścią serwisu stołowego, należy podać numer inwentarzowy całego serwisu.)<br>Maksymalnie 250 znaków.';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Pola: "Klasyfikacja tematyczna"</b>i<b>"Klasyfikacja systematyczna"</b><br><br>Klasyfikacja tematyczna (po lewej) lub klasyfikacja systematyczna (po prawej)<br><br>Należy użyć terminów stosowanych do tej pory.<br>Maksymalnie odpowiednio 70 i 200 znaków.';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Właściciel obiektu, zanim trafił on do muzeum<br><br>(Nazwa ostatniego właściciela)<br><br>Przykłady: "Stanisław Kostka Potocki"<br>""';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Data pozyskania<br>Sposób pozyskania (np. donacja)<br>Cena zakupu wraz z określeniem waluty';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Różne informacje dotyczące historii obiektu';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'Data wyceny<br>Wyceniający<br>Wycena (suma i waluta)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'Data wyceny<br>Wyceniający<br>Wycena (suma i waluta)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Skrótowo. Wystarczy nazwisko osoby sporządzającej wycenę oraz data wyceny. Bardziej obszerne wyjaśnienia mogą zostać umieszczone w polu "Informacja na temat prac konserwatorskich.';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Uwagi różne dotyczące prac konserwatorskich, wystarczą informacje:<br>Kiedy - kto - co - koszt.';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Liczby';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Klasyfikacja';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Historia obiektu';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Pozyskanie';
$object_add['values'] = 'Wartości';
$object_add['state'] = 'Stan zachowania';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Obecna lokalizacja obiektu w muzeum<br><br>Przykłady: "Wystawa czasowa malarstwa"<br>"Magazyn 4, pomieszczenie nr 1"<br>"IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Miejsce stałego przechowywania obiektu.<br><br>Przykłady: "Wystawa stała malarstwa polskiego"<br>"Magazyn 4, pomieszczenie nr 1"<br>"IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'Rok wystawienia i nazwa ekspozycji, w ramach której eksponowany był obiekt<br><br>Przykłady: "2005, Wystawa czasowa: rzeźba polska"<br>"1997, hol wejściowy banku, wystawa: portrety dziecięce"<br>"2007, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie (wypożyczenie)"<br>(dane można też wprowadzić w formie tabeli';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Nazwa instytucji, do której obiekt został wypożyczony<br><br>Przykłady: "Galeria Zachęta"<br>"Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie"<br><br>Dotyczy tylko aktualnych wypożyczeń!';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Nazwa osoby odpowiedzialnej za obiekt w instytucji, do której obiekt został wypożyczony';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Zakres czasowy wypożyczenia';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Wartość przedmiotu według wartości ubezpieczenia, wziętej z umowy pożyczki';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Wszelkie dodatkowe uwagi na temat aktualnej pożyczki';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Przedmiot w muzeum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Przedmiot aktualnie wypożyczony';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Uwagi dotyczące praw autorskich związanych z przedmiotem';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Uwagi na temat praw użytkowania przedmiotu';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Wszelkie uwagi innego rodzaju na temat stanu prawnego przedmiotu';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Miejsce na wszelkiego rodzaju notatki, np. na temat informacji, jakie jeszcze trzeba uzyskać lub dodać, lub osób mogących udzielić więcej informacji<br><br>Przykłady: "Źródło nieznane, sprawdzić!"<br>"Nie jest pewne, czy muzeum jest wciąż posiadaczem przedmiotu. Brak dokumentów potwierdzających własność"<br>"Piotr Kowalski z Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie może udzielić więcej informacji na temat tego przedmiotu"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'Miejsce na ważne uwagi - tekst dodany w tym miejscu będzie podświetlony na czerwono';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'Wydruk lub obraz wysokiej rozdzielczości...<br>W tym miejscu można podać miejsce przechowywania wizerunków przedmiotu w muzeum';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'Wydruk lub plik...<br>W tym miejscu można podać miejsce przechowywania dokumentów dotyczących przedmiotu w muzeum';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Zdefiniuj regułę';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Mniej niż 20 znaków - za krótko!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Nie można określić, do której instytucji należy zastosować tę regułę. Najpierw należy połączyć obiekt z instytucją.';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Zmień regułę';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Usuń regułę';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Pozyskiwanie';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'Pierwsza rejestracja';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Kto</b> pozyskał przedmiot dla muzeum?<br><b>Gdzie</b> znajdował się przedmiot pozyskany do muzeum?<br><br>(maksymalnie 120 znaków)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Kto</b> jako pierwszy zarejestrował obiekt w muzeum?<br><b>Kiedy</b> dokonano pierwszej rejestracji?<br><br>(maksymalnie 120 / 60 znaków)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material / Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public.';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public.';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object.';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated.';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information.';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Purchase';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Extrication';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'dispossession';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'old stock';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'Destina-se a objetos que tenham mais de um nome, por exemplo, nome popular e nome científico. Geralmente, é o caso de artefatos biológicos e mineralógicos.<br><br>Esquerda: Nome Adicional<br>(comprimento máximo - 250 caracteres)<br><br>Direita: Âmbito do nome: p.e., “Científico”';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'Como você só pode inserir o nome de uma cidade, vila, etc., ao adicionar lugares no campo “eventos”, aqui você poderá fornecer informações mais precisas. Por exemplo: não “São Paulo” (Cidade, na entrada de eventos >locais) e sim “São Paulo, Rua Augusta nº 4”.<br>Você pode querer usar, por exemplo, fotos ou artefatos biológicos e mineralógicos. Nestes casos, pode ser digitada neste campo a informação exata do “local de descoberta” ou “local de registro”.<br><br>Esquerda: Neste campo você digitar qualquer formato de localização<br>Exemplo 1: "5 ° 24` 32``, 16 ° 12` 8``"<br>Exemplo 2: "Ouro Preto, Igreja N. S. do Carmo - Rua Costa Sena 289”';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Há algo escrito no objeto que mereça destaque? Transcreva-o aqui.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Neste campo é possível dar entrada a diferentes unidades de medida.<br>or favor, não se esqueça de indicar as respectivas unidades (menu abaixo)';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Existem alguns objetos semelhantes em outros museus? Registre-os aqui. Digite apenas o nome do museu ao qual pertence os referidos objetos, mas - se souber – é possível também digitar seu número de inventário ( neste museu). Se a visualização do objeto for acessível pela internet salve neste campo o respectivo endereço eletrônico (URL).';
$object_add['in'] = 'em:';
$object_add['as'] = 'como:';
$object_add['for'] = 'para:';
$object_add['by'] = 'por:';
$object_add['at'] = 'no:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Tamanho máximo do texto: 250 caracteres';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Tamanho de texto ilimitado';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Medidas específicas';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Entrada ou localização no livro de entradas de objetos / Certificado de doação';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Neste campo você pode digitar quaisquer números de inventários paralelos ou anteriormente existentes<br><br>Exemplo 1: "Antiga ID: V17-25,4.o"<br>Exemplo 2: "Nº. na KWM: A44521-7"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = 'Campo: “Coletânea”<br><br>A qual “coletânea” o objeto pertence?<br>Exemplo 1: "Coleção Widermayr"<br>Exemplo 2: "Coleção particular"<br><br>(comprimento máximo - 250 caracteres)<br><br>Campo: “Parte de” "<br>O objeto faz parte de ...<br>Exemplo: "IV-14" (Número de inventário de um grupo de objetos)<br>( Por exemplo, no caso de um conjunto de mesa de café que tenha um número de inventário e uma xícara que faça parte deste conjunto, que tem um número próprio de inventário. Neste caso, você deve digitar o número de inventário do conjunto de mesa de café)<br>(comprimento máximo - 250 caracteres)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = 'Campo: "Assunto" e Campo: "Sistemática"<br><br>>Assunto (esquerda) ou sistemática (direita)<br><br>Da forma como foi feita até o momento<br>(Comprimento máximo de texto, respectivamente, 70 e 200 caracteres)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Quem era o proprietário do objeto antes de sua vinda para o museu?<br><br> (Nome do último proprietário)<br><br>Exemplo 1: "Joaquim da Silva, São Paulo"<br> Exemplo 2: "Fundação XXX, Rio de Janeiro"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Entrada: quando ... até o momento<br>Entrada como ... p.e. "doação"<br>Entrada: para ... se for comprada: Valor de mercado e moeda ';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Todos os fatos interessantes da história do objeto';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'Quando... Tempo da estimativa<br>feita por ... Nome do avaliador <br>por ... (Valor de Mercado e moeda cotada)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'Quando... Tempo da estimativa<br>feita por ... Nome do avaliador <br>por ... (Valor de Mercado e moeda cotada)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Curta! Na melhor das hipóteses, digite a estimativa e há quanto tempo esta foi feita. Maiores informações podem ser adicionadas em “Informação sobre a restauração”.';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Notas aleatórias sobre o processo de restauro, na melhor das hipóteses, contendo informações sobre:<br>Quando - Quem – O quê - Preço';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Números';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Classificação';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Históra do objeto';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Aquisição';
$object_add['values'] = 'Valores de mercado';
$object_add['state'] = 'Estado';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'No momento aonde se encontra o objeto (dentro do museu) ?<br><br>Exemplo 1: "Exposição Permanente"<br>Exemplo 2: "Depósito 4 – Quarto 1"<br>Exemplo 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Aonde é exibido o objeto?<br><br> Exemplo 1: "Exposição Permanente"<br>Exemplo 2: "Depósito 4 – Quarto 1"<br>Exemplo 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'Quando foi exibido o objeto?<br><br>Exemplo 1: "2005, Exposição: Crianças Nobres"<br>Exemplo 2: "1997, Foyer do Banco da Cidade, Exposição: Porta-retratos de Crianças"<br>Exemplo 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (comodato)"<br>(... ou registre-os como uma tabela )';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Nome da instituição que emprestou a obra<br><br>Exemplo 1: "Galeria de Arte Bremen"<br>Exemplo 2: "Museu Börde Ummendorf"<br><br>Digite aqui somente empréstimos atuais! ';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Nome da pessoa responsável pelo objeto na instituição ';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Datas dos empréstimos';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Valor do seguro do atual contrato de comodato';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Tudo o que você quiser destacar no atual contrato de comodato';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'O objeto está no museu';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'O objeto está emprestado ';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Comentários sobre os direitos de copyright do objeto';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Comentários sobre os direitos de uso do objeto';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Todo e qualquer tipo de comentário sobre a situação jurídica do objeto';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Campo para qualquer tipo de nota, por exemplo, qual informação ainda deve ser obtida ou editada ou deveria se saber mais: informações de especialistas"<br><br>Exemplo 1: “Fonte desconhecida, sob pesquisa” <br>Exemplo 2: “O museu realmente tem a propriedade do objeto??? Nenhum registro disponível” <br>Exemplo 3: “Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4, pode fornecer maiores informações sobre este objeto”';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'Para informações importantes - O texto aqui digitado será mostrado com uma cor de fonte vermelha';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'Uma cópia ou um arquivo de imagem de alta resolução... <br>Neste campo você pode digitar aonde podem ser encontradas imagens do objeto no museu ( ou em seus computadores)';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'Uma cópia ou um arquivo... <br> Neste campo você pode digitar aonde pode ser encontrada documentação sobre o objeto no museu (ou em seus computadores)';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Estabeleça uma regra';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Menos de 20 caracteres – muito curta! ';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Não ficou claro para qual instituição esta regra deve ser aplicada. Você deve, primeiramente, relacionar o objeto a uma instituição.';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Altere a regra';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Excluir a regra';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Acquiring';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'First registration';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where</b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When</b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 / 60 characters)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material / Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public.';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public.';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object.';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated.';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information.';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Purchase';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Extrication';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'dispossession';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'old stock';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'Gedacht für Objekte, die einen allgemeinen und zugleich einen wissenschaftlichen (oder anderen zusätzlichen) Namen haben (Häufig bei biologischen oder mineralogischen Objekten)<br><br>Links: Zusätzliche Objektbezeichnung <br>(Maximale Textlänge: 250 Zeichen)<br><br>Rechts: Gültigkeitsbereich der Bezeichnung, z.B. "Wissenschaft"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'Während innerhalb von "Ereignissen" Orte (im Sinne von Ortschaften) erfasst werden - können hier genauere Angaben (im Sinne von "Stelle") gemacht werden. Also z.B. nicht "Merseburg" (Ortschaft, deshalb bei Ereignissen/Ortsbezügen erfasst), sondern "Merseburg, Domplatz 9".<br>Gedacht für z.B. fotografische, biologische oder mineralogische Objekte, wo genauere Angaben zum "Aufnahmeort" oder "Fundort" sinnvoll sein können.<br><br>Links: Hier können Sie die Lokalisationen beliebig benennen<br>Beispiel 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Beispiel 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Steht etwas auf dem Objekt geschrieben, das in einem eigenen Feld erfasst werden soll? Hier ist Platz dafür.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Hier ist die getrennte Erfassung von Maßangaben möglich.<br>Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die jeweiligen Einheiten anzugeben (über Aufklapplisten)';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Gibt es Vergleichsobjekte in anderen Museen? Hier kann es eingetragen werden. Sie können einfach vermerken, in welchem Museum sich ein Vergleichsobjekt befindet, Sie können aber auch - wenn bekannt - die dortige Inventarnummer vermerken oder - falls das Objekt im Internet erreichbar ist - die entsprechende URL an dieser Stelle speichern.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'als:';
$object_add['for'] = 'für:';
$object_add['by'] = 'von:';
$object_add['at'] = 'auf:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximale Textlänge: 250 Zeichen';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unbegrenzte Textlänge';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Getrennte Maßangaben';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Verweis zum Eintrag im Eingangsbuch / Schenkungsnachweis';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Hier können alle Arten von früheren oder parallel vorhandenen Inventarnummern eingetragen werden<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Alte Nummer: V17-25,4.o"<br>Beispiel 2: "Nr. im KWM: A44521-7"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Feld: "Konvolut"</b><br>Zu welchem Konvolut gehört das Objekt?<br>Beispiel 1: "Sammlung Widermayr"<br>Beispiel 2: "Nachlass Meyerbeer"<br>(Maximale Textlänge 250 Zeichen)<br><br><b>Feld: "Teil von"</b><br>Das Objekt ist Teil von ...<br>Beispiel: "IV-14" (Inventarnummer einer Objektgruppe)<br>(Wenn beispielsweise ein Kaffeeservice eine Inventarnummer hat und jede Tasse eine eigene, dann sollte hier die Inventarnummer des Services eingetragen werden)<br>(Maximale Textlänge 250 Zeichen)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Feld: "Sachgruppe"</b> und <b>Feld: "Systematik"</b><br><br>Sachgruppe (links) oder Systematik (rechts)<br><br>Gerade so, wie sie das bisher verwenden<br>(Maximale Textlänge jeweils 70 und 200 Zeichen)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Wer besaß das Objekt, bevor es ins Museum kam?<br><br>(Name des direkten Vorbesitzers)<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Beispiel 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Zugang, wann ... Zeitpunkt<br>Zugang, als ... z.B. "Schenkung"<br>Zugang, für ... (bei Kauf: Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Allerlei Merkwürdigkeiten aus der Geschichte des Objektes';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Kurz, knapp und bündig. Bestenfalls auch den Namen des Feststellenden und den Zeitpunkt angeben. Längere Erklärungen sind unter "Restaurierungsangaben" möglich';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Restaurierungsangaben aller Art, am Besten mit Angaben zu:<br>Wann - Wer - Was - Zu welchem Preis';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Nummern';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Einordnung';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Objektgeschichte';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Zugang';
$object_add['values'] = 'Werte';
$object_add['state'] = 'Zustand';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Wo befindet sich das Objekt gegenwärtig (innerhalb des Museums)?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Dauerausstellung"<br>Beispiel 2: "Depot 4. Raum 1"<br>Beispiel 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Wo befindet sich das Objekt üblicherweise?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Dauerausstellung"<br>Beispiel 2: "Depot 4. Raum 1"<br>Beispiel 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'Wann wurde das Objekt ausgestellt?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "2005, Ausstellung: Fürstenkinder"<br>Beispiel 2: "1997, Foyer Stadtsparkasse, Ausstellung: Kinderporträts"<br>Beispiel 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (Leihgabe)"<br>(... oder als Tabelle untereinander eingetragen)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name der leihnehmenden Institution<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Beispiel 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>An dieser Stelle nur aktuelle Leihvorgänge vermerken';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name des Ansprechpartners in der leihnehmenden Einrichtung';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Von wann bis wann läuft der aktuelle Leihvorgang';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Der im aktuellen Leihvertrag angegebene Versicherungswert';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Alles, was Sie zum aktuellen Leihvorgang vermerken möchten';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Objekt im Museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Objekt ist aktuell im Leihverkehr';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Bemerkungen zu den Urheberrechten am Objekt';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Bemerkungen zu den Nutzungsrechten am Objekt';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Allerlei Bemerkungen zur rechtlichen Situation rund um das Objekt';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Platz für Vermerke aller Art, z.B. was noch zu bearbeiten oder zu klären ist, oder: Angaben zu Sachkundigen ...<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Provenienz unklar, klären"<br>Beispiel 2: "Gehört dieses Teil wirklich dem Museum??? Keine Akten vorhanden - prüfen"<br>Beispiel 3: "Mehr zu diesem Objekt sagen kann Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'Gedacht für wichtige Hinweise - Der Text erscheint in roter Schrift';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'Ob als Abzug auf Papier oder als hochauflösende Bilddatei ...<br>Hier kann notiert werden, wo im Museum (oder auf den Rechnern) die Ansichten zu finden sind';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'Ob als Ausdruck auf Papier oder als Text- oder Bilddatei ...<br>Hier kann notiert werden, wo im Museum (oder auf den Rechnern) die Dokumente zu finden sind';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Haus-Regel erstellen';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Weniger als 20 Buchstaben, das ist zu kurz!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Es ist nicht erkennbar, für welche Institution die einzugebende Regel gelten soll. Sie müssen das Objekt erst einer Institution zuweisen';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Haus-Regel ändern';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Haus-Regel löschen';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Erwerb';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'Ersterfassung';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Wer</b> hat das Objekt für das Museum erworben?<br><b>Wo</b> fand der Erwerb statt?<br><br>(Max. Textlänge: 120 Zeichen)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Wer</b> hat das Objekt zuerst im Museum erfasst?<br><b>Wann</b> wurde das Objekt zuerst im Museum erfasst?<br><br>(Max. Textlänge: 120 Zeichen / 60 Zeichen)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Getrennte Erfassung: Material / Technik';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Auflisten und durch Komma trennen <br>Technik: Auflisten und durch Komma trennen';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'Hier ist Platz für ausführliche Beschreibung. Wenn eine Beschreibung vorhanden ist, dann können Sie entscheiden, ob diese öffentlich angezeigt werden soll.';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Fasst die einzelnen Maßangaben zusammen und überträgt sie in das Feld Maße (Dort vorhandene Angaben werden überschrieben)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Fasst Werte für Material und Technik zusammen und überträgt sie in das Feld Material / Technik (Dort vorhandene Angaben werden überschrieben)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'Das Objekt wurde versteckt';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'Das Objekt wurde veröffentlicht';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Notizen zum Objekt wurden gespeichert';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Rechteinformation wurde gespeichert';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Information zum Verbleib wurde gespeichert';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Das Objekt wird mit Link zu Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Das Objekt wird ohne Link zu Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadaten-Rechte (Inhaber)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadaten-Rechte (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Verfügbare Informationen wurden in Feld übertragen: ';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der detaillierten Beschreibung auf museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der detaillierten Beschreibung bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Beschriftung auf museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Beschriftung bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Maßangaben auf museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Maßangaben bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte auf museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte bei externer Ausspielung';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rechteinhaber der Objekt-Metadatenrechte.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'Lizenzstatus der Objekt-Metadaten.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignorieren';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Einheit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'Generelle Anmerkungen zur Rezeption';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Veröffentlichungen';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Mit Publikation verknüpfen';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Hintergrund';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional: Position in der Quelle. Etwa die Seitenzahl der Seite, auf der das Objekt veröffentlicht wurde, oder die Nummer der Abbildung.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'Die Publikation, in der das Objekt veröffentlicht wurde. Tippen Sie den Namen des Autors oder des Werkes, bis dieser in der Drop-Down-Liste erscheint. Ist die Publikation augenscheinlich noch nicht erfasst, können Sie eine Neue mit einem Klick auf den "+"-Button hinzufügen.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'Die Art, auf die das Objekt in der ausgewählten Quelle veröffentlicht wurde. Ist das Objekt eine Fotografie, die in der Quelle als Beispielmaterial abgedruckt wurde, wäre dies etwa "Abbildung veröffentlicht".';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notizen und Bemerkungen zum Hintergrund der Publikation.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Publikation des Objektes wurde erfasst';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Ein Publikationseintrag für das Objekt wurde entfernt';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Publikationshintergrund des Objektes wurde bearbeitet';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Aufnahmeort';
$ortart['2'] = 'Fundort';
$ortart['3'] = 'Früherer Ort';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Wissenschaft';
$titelart['2'] = 'Alltagssprache';
$titelart['3'] = 'Umgangssprache';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialekt';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Schenkung';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Kauf';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Grabung';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Notbergung';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Erbschaft / Nachlass';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'Stiftung';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'Enteignung';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'Ursprungsbestand';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Leihgabe';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Tausch';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'Eigenproduktion';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Fund';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'Ungeklärt';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Anderer rechtmäßiger Zugang';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Dauerleihgabe';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Abbildung veröffentlicht';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transkript veröffentlicht';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'besprochen';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'referenziert';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'beworben';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. "Science"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not "Stockholm" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but "Stockholm, Sodergatan 4".<br>You might want to use this for example for fotos or mineralogist objects. In these cases, exact information on the "place of discovery" or the "place of recording" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Example 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (Drop-down menu).';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventry number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'as:';
$object_add['for'] = 'for:';
$object_add['by'] = 'by:';
$object_add['at'] = 'at:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximum: 250 characters';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unlimited text length';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Separated Measurements';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Entry or location of entry in the book of object entries / Certificate of donation';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Here you may enter any kind of paralelly or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: "Old ID: V17-25,4.o"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Bundle"</b><br>What "bundle" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: "Collection Widermayr"<br>Example 2: "Estate Meyerbeer"<br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br><b>Field: "Part of"</b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: "IV-14" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has an own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set\'s inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Subject Group"</b> and <b>Field: "Systematic"</b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Example 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. "donation"<br>Entry: for ... if bought: Sum and currency';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Miscellaneous information from the object´s history';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Short! At best: enter the name and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at "Information on restauration"';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Numbers';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Classification';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Object history';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Acquisition';
$object_add['values'] = 'Values';
$object_add['state'] = 'State';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: "Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: "2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords"<br>Example 2: "1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children"<br>Example 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)"<br>(... or enter them as a table)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Example 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>Only enter current loans here!';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Dates of the loan';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Insured value as can be found in the current loan contract';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Object at museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Object is currently on loan';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the copyright regarding the object';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the usage rights regarding the object';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Any kind of other note on the legal situation of the object';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: "Source unknown, research!"<br>Example 2: "Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available"<br>Example 3: "Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a file ...<br>Here you can note down, where documets regarding the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Define rule';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Less than 20 characters - too short!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Edit rule';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Delete rule';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Acquiring';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'First registration';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where</b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When</b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 / 60 characters)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material / Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public.';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public.';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object.';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated.';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information.';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Purchase';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Extrication';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'dispossession';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'old stock';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'Gedacht für Objekte, die einen allgemeinen und zugleich einen wissenschaftlichen (oder anderen zusätzlichen) Namen haben (Häufig bei biologischen oder mineralogischen Objekten)<br><br>Links: Zusätzliche Objektbezeichnung <br>(Maximale Textlänge: 250 Zeichen)<br><br>Rechts: Gültigkeitsbereich der Bezeichnung, z.B. "Wissenschaft"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'Während innerhalb von "Ereignissen" Orte (im Sinne von Ortschaften) erfasst werden - können hier genauere Angaben (im Sinne von "Stelle") gemacht werden. Also z.B. nicht "Merseburg" (Ortschaft, deshalb bei Ereignissen/Ortsbezügen erfasst), sondern "Merseburg, Domplatz 9".<br>Gedacht für z.B. fotografische, biologische oder mineralogische Objekte, wo genauere Angaben zum "Aufnahmeort" oder "Fundort" sinnvoll sein können.<br><br>Links: Hier können Sie die Lokalisationen beliebig benennen<br>Beispiel 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Beispiel 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Steht etwas auf dem Objekt geschrieben, das in einem eigenen Feld erfasst werden soll? Hier ist Platz dafür.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Hier ist die getrennte Erfassung von Maßangaben möglich.<br>Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die jeweiligen Einheiten anzugeben (über Aufklapplisten)';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Gibt es Vergleichsobjekte in anderen Museen? Hier kann es eingetragen werden. Sie können einfach vermerken, in welchem Museum sich ein Vergleichsobjekt befindet, Sie können aber auch - wenn bekannt - die dortige Inventarnummer vermerken oder - falls das Objekt im Internet erreichbar ist - die entsprechende URL an dieser Stelle speichern.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'als:';
$object_add['for'] = 'für:';
$object_add['by'] = 'von:';
$object_add['at'] = 'auf:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximale Textlänge: 250 Zeichen';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unbegrenzte Textlänge';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Getrennte Maßangaben';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Verweis zum Eintrag im Eingangsbuch / Schenkungsnachweis';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Hier können alle Arten von früheren oder parallel vorhandenen Inventarnummern eingetragen werden<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Alte Nummer: V17-25,4.o"<br>Beispiel 2: "Nr. im KWM: A44521-7"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Feld: "Konvolut"</b><br>Zu welchem Konvolut gehört das Objekt?<br>Beispiel 1: "Sammlung Widermayr"<br>Beispiel 2: "Nachlass Meyerbeer"<br>(Maximale Textlänge 250 Zeichen)<br><br><b>Feld: "Teil von"</b><br>Das Objekt ist Teil von ...<br>Beispiel: "IV-14" (Inventarnummer einer Objektgruppe)<br>(Wenn beispielsweise ein Kaffeeservice eine Inventarnummer hat und jede Tasse eine eigene, dann sollte hier die Inventarnummer des Services eingetragen werden)<br>(Maximale Textlänge 250 Zeichen)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Feld: "Sachgruppe"</b> und <b>Feld: "Systematik"</b><br><br>Sachgruppe (links) oder Systematik (rechts)<br><br>Gerade so, wie sie das bisher verwenden<br>(Maximale Textlänge jeweils 70 und 200 Zeichen)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Wer besaß das Objekt, bevor es ins Museum kam?<br><br>(Name des direkten Vorbesitzers)<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Beispiel 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Zugang, wann ... Zeitpunkt<br>Zugang, als ... z.B. "Schenkung"<br>Zugang, für ... (bei Kauf: Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Allerlei Merkwürdigkeiten aus der Geschichte des Objektes';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus Währung)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Kurz, knapp und bündig. Bestenfalls auch den Namen des Feststellenden und den Zeitpunkt angeben. Längere Erklärungen sind unter "Restaurierungsangaben" möglich';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Restaurierungsangaben aller Art, am Besten mit Angaben zu:<br>Wann - Wer - Was - Zu welchem Preis';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Nummern';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Einordnung';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Objektgeschichte';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Zugang';
$object_add['values'] = 'Werte';
$object_add['state'] = 'Zustand';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Wo befindet sich das Objekt gegenwärtig (innerhalb des Museums)?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Dauerausstellung"<br>Beispiel 2: "Depot 4. Raum 1"<br>Beispiel 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Wo befindet sich das Objekt üblicherweise?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Dauerausstellung"<br>Beispiel 2: "Depot 4. Raum 1"<br>Beispiel 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'Wann wurde das Objekt ausgestellt?<br><br>Beispiel 1: "2005, Ausstellung: Fürstenkinder"<br>Beispiel 2: "1997, Foyer Stadtsparkasse, Ausstellung: Kinderporträts"<br>Beispiel 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (Leihgabe)"<br>(... oder als Tabelle untereinander eingetragen)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name der leihnehmenden Institution<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Beispiel 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>An dieser Stelle nur aktuelle Leihvorgänge vermerken';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name des Ansprechpartners in der leihnehmenden Einrichtung';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Von wann bis wann läuft der aktuelle Leihvorgang';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Der im aktuellen Leihvertrag angegebene Versicherungswert';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Alles, was Sie zum aktuellen Leihvorgang vermerken möchten';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Objekt im Museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Objekt ist aktuell im Leihverkehr';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Bemerkungen zu den Urheberrechten am Objekt';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Bemerkungen zu den Nutzungsrechten am Objekt';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Allerlei Bemerkungen zur rechtlichen Situation rund um das Objekt';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Platz für Vermerke aller Art, z.B. was noch zu bearbeiten oder zu klären ist, oder: Angaben zu Sachkundigen ...<br><br>Beispiel 1: "Provenienz unklar, klären"<br>Beispiel 2: "Gehört dieses Teil wirklich dem Museum??? Keine Akten vorhanden - prüfen"<br>Beispiel 3: "Mehr zu diesem Objekt sagen kann Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'Gedacht für wichtige Hinweise - Der Text erscheint in roter Schrift';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'Ob als Abzug auf Papier oder als hochauflösende Bilddatei ...<br>Hier kann notiert werden, wo im Museum (oder auf den Rechnern) die Ansichten zu finden sind';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'Ob als Ausdruck auf Papier oder als Text- oder Bilddatei ...<br>Hier kann notiert werden, wo im Museum (oder auf den Rechnern) die Dokumente zu finden sind';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Haus-Regel erstellen';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Weniger als 20 Buchstaben, das ist zu kurz!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Es ist nicht erkennbar, für welche Institution die einzugebende Regel gelten soll. Sie müssen das Objekt erst einer Institution zuweisen';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Haus-Regel ändern';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Haus-Regel löschen';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Erwerb';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'Ersterfassung';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Wer</b> hat das Objekt für das Museum erworben?<br><b>Wo</b> fand der Erwerb statt?<br><br>(Max. Textlänge: 120 Zeichen)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Wer</b> hat das Objekt zuerst im Museum erfasst?<br><b>Wann</b> wurde das Objekt zuerst im Museum erfasst?<br><br>(Max. Textlänge: 120 Zeichen / 60 Zeichen)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Getrennte Erfassung: Material / Technik';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Auflisten und durch Komma trennen <br>Technik: Auflisten und durch Komma trennen';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'Hier ist Platz für ausführliche Beschreibung. Wenn eine Beschreibung vorhanden ist, dann können Sie entscheiden, ob diese öffentlich angezeigt werden soll.';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Fasst die einzelnen Maßangaben zusammen und überträgt sie in das Feld Maße (Dort vorhandene Angaben werden überschrieben)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Fasst Werte für Material und Technik zusammen und überträgt sie in das Feld Material / Technik (Dort vorhandene Angaben werden überschrieben)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'Das Objekt wurde versteckt';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'Das Objekt wurde veröffentlicht';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Notizen zum Objekt wurden gespeichert';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Rechteinformation wurde gespeichert';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Information zum Verbleib wurde gespeichert';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Das Objekt wird mit Link zu Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Das Objekt wird ohne Link zu Sozialen Medien veröffentlicht';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadaten-Rechte (Inhaber)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadaten-Rechte (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Verfügbare Informationen wurden in Feld übertragen: ';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Aufnahmeort';
$ortart['2'] = 'Fundort';
$ortart['3'] = 'Früherer Ort';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Wissenschaft';
$titelart['2'] = 'Alltagssprache';
$titelart['3'] = 'Umgangssprache';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialekt';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Schenkung';
$zugangsart['2'] = 'Kauf';
$zugangsart['3'] = 'Grabung';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Notbergung';
$zugangsart['5'] = 'Erbschaft';
$zugangsart['6'] = 'Stiftung';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'Enteignung';
$zugangsart['8'] = 'Ursprungsbestand';
$zugangsart['9'] = 'Loan';
$zugangsart['10'] = 'Exchange';
$zugangsart['11'] = 'In-house production';
$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
$positions['left'] = 'Left';
$positions['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$positions['top'] = 'Top';
$positions['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$positions['right'] = 'Right';
$positions['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$positions['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$positions['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$positions['center'] = 'Center';
$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$positions['edge'] = 'Edge';
$positions['other'] = 'Other';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
$object_add['wobz_inhalt'] = 'For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. "Science"';
$object_add['loka_inhalt'] = 'As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not "Stockholm" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but "Stockholm, Sodergatan 4".<br>You might want to use this for example for photographic, biological, or mineralogical objects. In these cases, exact information on the "place of discovery" or the "place of recording" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: "5° 24` 32``, 16° 12` 8``"<br>Example 2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"';
$object_add['besch_inhalt'] = 'Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.';
$object_add['ausm_inhalt'] = 'Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (in the drop-down menu).';
$object_add['vergl_inhalt'] = 'Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventory number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.';
$object_add['in'] = 'in:';
$object_add['as'] = 'as:';
$object_add['for'] = 'for:';
$object_add['by'] = 'by:';
$object_add['at'] = 'at:';
$object_add['max250'] = 'Maximum: 250 characters';
$object_add['unlimited_textlength'] = 'Unlimited text length';
$object_add['separated_measurements'] = 'Separated Measurements';
$object_add['einu_inhalt'] = 'Reference to the entry in the book of object entries/Proof of donation';
$object_add['invp_inhalt'] = 'Here you may enter any kind of paralell or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: "Old ID: V17-25,4.o"<br>Example 2: "No. in KWM: A44521-7"';
$object_add['konv_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Bundle"</b><br>What "bundle" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: "Widermayr Collection "<br>Example 2: "Meyerbeer Estate"<br>(At most 250 characters)<br><br><b>Field: "Part of"</b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: "IV-14" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has its own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set\'s inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)';
$object_add['syst_inhalt'] = '<b>Field: "Subject Group"</b> and <b>Field: "Systematic"</b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)';
$object_add['vorb_inhalt'] = 'Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Example 2: "VEB Kunstguss, Mägdesprung"';
$object_add['zuga_inhalt'] = 'Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. "donation"<br>Entry: for ... (if bought: sum and currency)';
$object_add['obge_inhalt'] = 'Miscellaneous information from the object´s history';
$object_add['schw_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of establishment<br>by ... name of establisher<br>at ... (Sum and currency)';
$object_add['vers_inhalt'] = 'When ... Time of establishment<br>by ... name of establisher<br>at ... (sum and currency)';
$object_add['zust_inhalt'] = 'Short, concise, and even. At best: enter the name of the declarant and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at "Information on restoration""';
$object_add['rest_inhalt'] = 'Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price';
$object_add['numbers'] = 'Numbers';
$object_add['classification'] = 'Classification';
$object_add['object_history'] = 'Object history';
$object_add['acquisition'] = 'Acquisition';
$object_add['values'] = 'Values';
$object_add['state'] = 'State';
$object_add['aktu_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: "Permanent Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['stan_inhalt'] = 'Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: "Permanent Exhibition"<br>Example 2: "Depot 4. Room 1"<br>Example 3: "IV-1"';
$object_add['aust_inhalt'] = 'When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: "2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords"<br>Example 2: "1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children"<br>Example 3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)"<br>(... or enter them as a table)';
$object_add['verl_inhalt'] = 'Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: "Kunsthalle Bremen"<br>Example 2: "Bördemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>Only enter current loans here';
$object_add['ansp_inhalt'] = 'Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution';
$object_add['vher_inhalt'] = 'Dates of the loan';
$object_add['vlei_inhalt'] = 'Insured value that can be found in the current loan contract';
$object_add['alei_inhalt'] = 'Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process';
$object_add['at_museum'] = 'Object at museum';
$object_add['on_loan'] = 'Object is currently on loan';
$object_add['urhe_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the copyright regarding the object';
$object_add['nure_inhalt'] = 'Notes about the usage rights regarding the object';
$object_add['arec_inhalt'] = 'Any kind of other note on the legal status of the object';
$object_add['noti_inhalt'] = 'Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: "Source unknown, research!"<br>Example 2: "Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available"<br>Example 3: "Hermann Müller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object"';
$object_add['kurz_inhalt'] = 'For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color';
$object_add['oaim_inhalt'] = 'A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)';
$object_add['odim_inhalt'] = 'Whether as a printout on paper or as a text or image file ...<br>It can be noted here where in the museum (or on the computers) the documents can be found';
$object_add['make_rule_for'] = 'Create rule';
$object_add['too_short'] = 'Less than 20 characters - too short!';
$object_add['whose_rule'] = 'Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first';
$object_add['change_rule_for'] = 'Edit rule';
$object_add['delete_rule'] = 'Delete rule';
$object_add['acquiring'] = 'Acquiring';
$object_add['first_registration'] = 'First registration';
$object_add['erwerb_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where</b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)';
$object_add['erfasst_inhalt'] = '<b>Who</b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When</b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 / 60 characters)';
$object_add['separate_material_technique'] = 'Separate fields: Material and Technique';
$object_add['mat_tech_inhalt'] = 'Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma';
$object_add['ddesc_inhalt'] = 'This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public';
$object_add['group_values_measurements'] = 'Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['group_values_mattech'] = 'Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material/Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)';
$object_add['object_set_nonpublic'] = 'The object has been made non-public';
$object_add['object_set_public'] = 'The object has been made public';
$object_add['notes_updated'] = 'Updated notes on the object';
$object_add['rights_updated'] = 'Legal information has been updated';
$object_add['location_updated'] = 'Updated location information';
$object_add['social_media_yes'] = 'Object will be published with links to social media';
$object_add['social_media_no'] = 'Object will be published without links to social media';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder'] = 'Metadata Rights (Holder)';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status'] = 'Metadata Rights (Status)';
$object_add['transferred_available_info'] = 'Available information has been transferred into the field:';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital';
$object_add['ddesc_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of detailed description for external use';
$object_add['besch_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of inscription on museum-digital';
$object_add['besch_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of inscription for external use';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital';
$object_add['ausm_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of separated measurements for external use';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_md'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital';
$object_add['vergl_visibility_extern'] = 'Visibility of comparable object information for external use';
$object_add['metadata_rights_holder_explica'] = 'Rights holder of the metadata of the object.';
$object_add['metadata_rights_status_explica'] = 'License of the object metadata.';
$object_add['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$object_add['unit'] = 'Unit';
$object_add['reception_notes'] = 'General notes on reception';
$object_add['publication_history'] = 'Publication history';
$object_add['link_with_another_publication'] = 'Link with another publication';
$object_add['obj_pub_type'] = 'Publication type';
$object_add['pos_in_src_explica'] = 'Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.';
$object_add['reception_source_explica'] = 'The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the "+" in front of the input field.';
$object_add['reception_publication_type_explica'] = 'The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be "image published". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.';
$object_add['reception_annotation_explica'] = 'Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.';
$object_add['added_obj_pub_link'] = 'Added link between object and publication';
$object_add['deleted_obj_pub_link'] = 'Removed publication entry for object';
$object_add['updated_obj_pub_link'] = 'Updated publication of object';
$object_add['updated_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Updated information on the object as a reference';
$object_add['added_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Added information on the object being in reference to something else';
$object_add['deleted_obj_is_reference_link'] = 'Deleted link between object and a work it references';
$object_add['reception_and_pub_history'] = 'Reception and publication history';
$object_add['object_is_referencing'] = 'The object is a reference to ...';
$object_add['general_note_on_object_as_reference'] = 'General notes on the object as a reference';
$object_add['object_references_explica'] = 'If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.';
$object_add['referenced_source'] = 'Referenced Source';
$object_add['markings'] = 'Markings';
$object_add['add_new_marking'] = 'Record a new marking';
$object_add['marking_type'] = 'Marking type';
$object_add['marking_position'] = 'Position';
$object_add['marking_width_mm'] = 'Width (mm)';
$object_add['marking_height_mm'] = 'Height (mm)';
$object_add['marking_type_explica'] = 'Please select the type of marking.';
$object_add['marking_position_explica'] = 'Where is the marking positioned?';
$object_add['marking_creator_explica'] = 'Please name the creator of the marking, if known.';
$object_add['marking_time_explica'] = 'Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.';
$object_add['marking_width_explica'] = 'The width of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_height_explica'] = 'The height of the marking in mm.';
$object_add['marking_transcription_explica'] = 'The transcribed content of the marking.';
$object_add['marking_annotations_explica'] = 'Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.';
$ortart['0'] = '';
$ortart['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$ortart['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$ortart['3'] = 'Former place';
$titelart['0'] = '';
$titelart['1'] = 'Science';
$titelart['2'] = 'Everyday speech';
$titelart['3'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$titelart['4'] = 'Dialect';
$zugangsart['0'] = '';
$zugangsart['1'] = 'Donation';
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$zugangsart['3'] = 'Excavation';
$zugangsart['4'] = 'Emergency Rescue';
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$zugangsart['6'] = 'Endowment';
$zugangsart['7'] = 'Dispossession';
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$zugangsart['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$zugangsart['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$zugangsart['15'] = 'Finding';
$zugangsart['98'] = 'To be checked';
$zugangsart['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$zugangsart['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$obj_publication_bg['0'] = 'Image published';
$obj_publication_bg['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$obj_publication_bg['2'] = 'Discussed';
$obj_publication_bg['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$obj_publication_bg['4'] = 'Referenced';
$obj_publication_bg['5'] = 'Advertised';
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$positions['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
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$positions['other'] = 'Other';
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$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
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