
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Ramon Enslin 2022-12-16 21:58:31 +00:00 committed by md translation bot
parent 6d624efcd9
commit 2504214451
34 changed files with 165 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Verkauft';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Zerstört';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Weggeworfen / Müllsammlung';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
$colors_set['black'] = 'Black';
$colors_set['green'] = 'Green';
$colors_set['silver'] = 'Silver';
$colors_set['lime'] = 'Lime';
$colors_set['gray'] = 'Gray';
$colors_set['olive'] = 'Olive';
$colors_set['white'] = 'White';
$colors_set['yellow'] = 'Yellow';
$colors_set['maroon'] = 'Maroon';
$colors_set['navy'] = 'Navy';
$colors_set['red'] = 'Red';
$colors_set['blue'] = 'Blue';
$colors_set['purple'] = 'Purple';
$colors_set['teal'] = 'Teal';
$colors_set['fuchsia'] = 'Fuchsia';
$colors_set['aqua'] = 'Aqua';
$colors_set['black'] = 'Черный';
$colors_set['green'] = 'Зеленый';
$colors_set['silver'] = 'Серебрянный';
$colors_set['lime'] = 'Лайм';
$colors_set['gray'] = 'Серый';
$colors_set['olive'] = 'Оливковый';
$colors_set['white'] = 'Белый';
$colors_set['yellow'] = 'Желтый';
$colors_set['maroon'] = 'Темно-бордовый';
$colors_set['navy'] = 'Темно-синий';
$colors_set['red'] = 'Красный';
$colors_set['blue'] = 'Голубой';
$colors_set['purple'] = 'Пурпурный';
$colors_set['teal'] = 'Бирюзовый';
$colors_set['fuchsia'] = 'Фуксия';
$colors_set['aqua'] = 'Морская волна';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$gender_set['female'] = 'Female';
$gender_set['male'] = 'Male';
$gender_set['other'] = 'Other';
$gender_set['female'] = 'Женский';
$gender_set['male'] = 'Мужской';
$gender_set['other'] = 'Другой';

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
$loan_types['outgoing'] = 'Outgoing';
$loan_types['incoming'] = 'Incoming';
$loan_types['outgoing'] = 'Исходящий';
$loan_types['incoming'] = 'Входящий';

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$object_form_set['cube'] = 'Cube';
$object_form_set['cuboid'] = 'Cuboid';
$object_form_set['sphere'] = 'Sphere';
$object_form_set['cone'] = 'Cone';
$object_form_set['cylinder'] = 'Cylinder';
$object_form_set['cube'] = 'Куб';
$object_form_set['cuboid'] = 'Кубовидный';
$object_form_set['sphere'] = 'Сфера';
$object_form_set['cone'] = 'Конус';
$object_form_set['cylinder'] = 'Цилиндр';

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
$object_status['owned'] = 'Owned';
$object_status['permanent_loan'] = 'Permanent loan';
$object_status['borrowed'] = 'Borrowed';
$object_status['to_check_for_gift'] = 'To check (for gift)';
$object_status['to_check'] = 'To check';
$object_status['deaccessed'] = 'Deaccessed';
$object_status['third_party_property'] = 'Third party property';
$object_status['owned'] = 'Принадлежит';
$object_status['permanent_loan'] = 'Постоянный займ';
$object_status['borrowed'] = 'Заимствованный';
$object_status['to_check_for_gift'] = 'Проверить (на подарок)';
$object_status['to_check'] = 'Проверить';
$object_status['deaccessed'] = 'Удалено';
$object_status['third_party_property'] = 'Собственность третьих лиц';

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
$process_types['project'] = 'Project';
$process_types['grant_application'] = 'Grant application';
$process_types['exhibition'] = 'Exhibition';
$process_types['appointment'] = 'Appointment / Event';
$process_types['loan_incoming'] = 'Loan (incoming)';
$process_types['loan_outgoing'] = 'Loan (outgoing)';
$process_types['employment_ad'] = 'Employment ad';
$process_types['purchase'] = 'Purchase';
$process_types['deaccession'] = 'Deaccession';
$process_types['construction'] = 'Construction measure';
$process_types['pest_control_campaign'] = 'Pest control campaign';
$process_types['pr_campaign'] = 'PR campaign';
$process_types['relocation'] = 'Relocation';
$process_types['discussion'] = 'Discussion';
$process_types['project'] = 'Проект';
$process_types['grant_application'] = 'Заявка на грант';
$process_types['exhibition'] = 'Выставка';
$process_types['appointment'] = 'Назначение / событие';
$process_types['loan_incoming'] = 'Займ (входящий)';
$process_types['loan_outgoing'] = 'Займ (исходящий)';
$process_types['employment_ad'] = 'Объявление о приеме на работу';
$process_types['purchase'] = 'Покупка';
$process_types['deaccession'] = 'Отсоединение';
$process_types['construction'] = 'Строительная мера';
$process_types['pest_control_campaign'] = 'Кампания борьбы с вредителями';
$process_types['pr_campaign'] = 'PR-кампания';
$process_types['relocation'] = 'Переезд';
$process_types['discussion'] = 'Обсуждение';

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$syndication_repos['ddb'] = 'German Digital Library (DDB) ';
$syndication_repos['europeana'] = 'Europeana ';
$syndication_repos['smb-digital'] = 'SMB-digital ';
$syndication_repos['ddb'] = 'Немецкая цифровая библиотека (DDB)';
$syndication_repos['europeana'] = 'Европейская';
$syndication_repos['smb-digital'] = 'SMB-цифровой';
$syndication_repos['kalliope-verbund'] = 'Kalliope Verbund ';

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$todo_status['suggested'] = 'Suggested';
$todo_status['planned'] = 'Planned';
$todo_status['in_progress'] = 'In progress';
$todo_status['done'] = 'Done';
$todo_status['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled';
$todo_status['suggested'] = 'Предложенный';
$todo_status['planned'] = 'Планируется';
$todo_status['in_progress'] = 'В процессе';
$todo_status['done'] = 'Сделанно';
$todo_status['cancelled'] = 'Отменено';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$appointment_attendance_modes['offline'] = 'Офлайн';
$appointment_attendance_modes['online'] = 'Онлайн';
$appointment_attendance_modes['mixed'] = 'Офлайн й онлайн';
$appointment_attendance_modes['mixed'] = 'Офлайн та онлайн';

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
$colors_set['black'] = 'Black';
$colors_set['green'] = 'Green';
$colors_set['silver'] = 'Silver';
$colors_set['lime'] = 'Lime';
$colors_set['gray'] = 'Gray';
$colors_set['olive'] = 'Olive';
$colors_set['white'] = 'White';
$colors_set['yellow'] = 'Yellow';
$colors_set['maroon'] = 'Maroon';
$colors_set['navy'] = 'Navy';
$colors_set['red'] = 'Red';
$colors_set['blue'] = 'Blue';
$colors_set['purple'] = 'Purple';
$colors_set['teal'] = 'Teal';
$colors_set['fuchsia'] = 'Fuchsia';
$colors_set['aqua'] = 'Aqua';
$colors_set['black'] = 'Чорний';
$colors_set['green'] = 'Зелений';
$colors_set['silver'] = 'Срібний';
$colors_set['lime'] = 'Лайм';
$colors_set['gray'] = 'Сірий';
$colors_set['olive'] = 'Оливковий';
$colors_set['white'] = 'Білий';
$colors_set['yellow'] = 'Жовтий';
$colors_set['maroon'] = 'Темно-бордовий';
$colors_set['navy'] = 'Темно-синій';
$colors_set['red'] = 'Червоний';
$colors_set['blue'] = 'Блакитний';
$colors_set['purple'] = 'Пурпуровий';
$colors_set['teal'] = 'Бірюзовий';
$colors_set['fuchsia'] = 'Фуксія';
$colors_set['aqua'] = 'Морська хвиля';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$gender_set['female'] = 'Female';
$gender_set['male'] = 'Male';
$gender_set['other'] = 'Other';
$gender_set['female'] = 'Жіночий ';
$gender_set['male'] = 'Чоловічий';
$gender_set['other'] = 'Інший';

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$object_form_set['cube'] = 'Cube';
$object_form_set['cuboid'] = 'Cuboid';
$object_form_set['sphere'] = 'Sphere';
$object_form_set['cone'] = 'Cone';
$object_form_set['cylinder'] = 'Cylinder';
$object_form_set['cube'] = 'Куб';
$object_form_set['cuboid'] = 'Кубоподібний';
$object_form_set['sphere'] = 'Сфера';
$object_form_set['cone'] = 'Конус';
$object_form_set['cylinder'] = 'Циліндр';

View File

@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ $object_status['borrowed'] = 'Запозичення';
$object_status['to_check_for_gift'] = 'Для перевірки (на подарунок)';
$object_status['to_check'] = 'Для перевірки';
$object_status['deaccessed'] = 'Відключено доступ';
$object_status['third_party_property'] = 'Third party property';
$object_status['third_party_property'] = 'Власність третіх осіб';

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$syndication_repos['ddb'] = 'German Digital Library (DDB) ';
$syndication_repos['europeana'] = 'Europeana ';
$syndication_repos['smb-digital'] = 'SMB-digital ';
$syndication_repos['kalliope-verbund'] = 'Kalliope Verbund ';
$syndication_repos['ddb'] = 'Німецька цифрова бібліотека (DDB)';
$syndication_repos['europeana'] = 'європейський';
$syndication_repos['smb-digital'] = 'SMB-цифровий';
$syndication_repos['kalliope-verbund'] = 'Kalliope мережа';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$disposal_method_set['sold'] = 'Sold';
$disposal_method_set['destroyed'] = 'Destroyed';
$disposal_method_set['garbage'] = 'Thrown away / garbage collection';