
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Ramon Enslin 2020-09-15 15:23:49 +02:00 committed by Stefan Rohde-Enslin
parent a6d330aadc
commit 0755f7b23a
6 changed files with 51 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial';
$license_full_names['CC BY-ND'] = 'Attribution - No Derivates';
$license_full_names['CC BY-SA'] = 'Attribution - Share Alike';
$license_full_names['CC BY'] = 'Attribution';
$license_full_names['CC0'] = 'No Rights Reserved';
$license_full_names['RR-F'] = 'Rights Reserved - Free Access';
$license_full_names['RR-P'] = 'Rights Reserved - Paid Access';
$license_full_names['RR-R'] = 'Rights Reserved - Restricted Access';
$license_full_names['Orphan Work'] = 'Orphan Work';
$license_full_names['Public Domain Mark'] = 'Public Domain Mark';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'Nevezd meg!-Ne add el!-Így add tovább!';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC'] = 'Nevezd meg!-Ne add el!';
$license_full_names['CC BY-ND'] = 'Nevezd meg!-Ne változtasd!';
$license_full_names['CC BY-SA'] = 'Nevezd meg!-Így add tovább!';
$license_full_names['CC BY'] = 'Nevezd meg!';
$license_full_names['CC0'] = 'Jogmentes';
$license_full_names['RR-F'] = 'Jog fenntartva - Szabad hozzáférés';
$license_full_names['RR-P'] = 'Jog fenntartva- Fizetett hozzáférés';
$license_full_names['RR-R'] = 'Jog fenntartva- Korlátozott hozzáférés';
$license_full_names['Orphan Work'] = 'Árva mű';
$license_full_names['Public Domain Mark'] = 'Közkincs megjelölés';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Nevezd meg! - Ne add el! - Ne változtasd!';

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
$license_url['CC BY-NC-SA'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY-NC-ND'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY-NC'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY-ND'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY-SA'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY'] = '';
$license_url['CC0'] = '';
$license_url['RR-F'] = '';
$license_url['RR-P'] = '';
$license_url['RR-R'] = '';
$license_url['Orphan Work'] = '';
$license_url['Public Domain Mark'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY-NC-SA'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY-NC-ND'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY-NC'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY-ND'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY-SA'] = '';
$license_url['CC BY'] = '';
$license_url['CC0'] = '';
$license_url['RR-F'] = '';
$license_url['RR-P'] = '';
$license_url['RR-R'] = '';
$license_url['Orphan Work'] = '';
$license_url['Public Domain Mark'] = '';

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Aláírás';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Vízjel';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Metszés';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Karc';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Bélyeg';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Felülnyomás';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Dombornyomás';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Kézzel írt';

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
$position_set['left'] = 'Left';
$position_set['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$position_set['top'] = 'Top';
$position_set['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$position_set['right'] = 'Right';
$position_set['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$position_set['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$position_set['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$position_set['center'] = 'Center';
$position_set['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$position_set['edge'] = 'Edge';
$position_set['other'] = 'Other';
$position_set['left'] = 'Bal';
$position_set['top_left'] = 'Bal felső';
$position_set['top'] = 'Felső';
$position_set['top_right'] = 'Jobb felső';
$position_set['right'] = 'Jobb';
$position_set['bottom_right'] = 'Jobb alsó';
$position_set['bottom'] = 'Alsó';
$position_set['bottom_left'] = 'Bal alsó';
$position_set['center'] = 'Közép';
$position_set['rear_side'] = 'Hátoldal';
$position_set['edge'] = 'Szegély';
$position_set['other'] = 'Egyéb';

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
$source_type_set['article'] = 'Article';
$source_type_set['inbook'] = 'Article in collected volume';
$source_type_set['book'] = 'Book';
$source_type_set['phdthesis'] = 'PhD thesis';
$source_type_set['electronical'] = 'Electronic resource';
$source_type_set['misc'] = 'Miscelaneous';
$source_type_set['article'] = 'Tanulmány';
$source_type_set['inbook'] = 'Tanulmánykötet';
$source_type_set['book'] = 'Könyv';
$source_type_set['phdthesis'] = 'Disszertáció';
$source_type_set['electronical'] = 'Elektronikus publikáció';
$source_type_set['misc'] = 'Különböző';

View File

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ $title_types_set[''] = ' ';
$title_types_set['Science'] = 'Tudományos';
$title_types_set['Everyday speech'] = 'Köznyelvi';
$title_types_set['Colloquial speech'] = 'Nyelvjárás';
$title_types_set['Dialect'] = 'Dialect';
$title_types_set['Dialect'] = 'Dialektus';