{ "lists": { "searched_for": "Pencarian kepada", "objects_found": "benda yang ditemukan", "all_objects_shown": "Tunjukkan semua benda", "objects_as_grid": "Hasil dalam kisi", "browse_objects": "Lihat hasil", "objects_as_list": "Hasil dalam daftar", "objects_from": "Benda dari", "objects_collection": "Benda dari koleksi", "from": "dari", "searched_object_relation": "Anda mencari benda yang terhubung", "objects_related_to": "Benda yang terhubung dengan", "searched_in_relation_to": "ke", "connector": "dan", "objects": "benda", "kind": "jenis", "objects_same_kind": "Benda yang sejenis ini", "related": "berhubungkan", "no_valid_search": "Anda tidak menggunakan salah satu istilah yang diusulkan. Semungkinnya lebih baik kalau menggunakan pencarian umum - lanjut ...", "new_advanced_search": "Pencarian lanjutan yang baru", "objects_keyword": "Terhubung dengan kata kunci", "columns_minus": "Hapus satu kolon", "columns_plus": "Tambahkan satu kolon", "rows_minus": "Hapus satu baris", "rows_plus": "Tambahkan satu baris", "more_info": "... lebih banyak", "refined_search": "Pencarian lanjutan", "fulltextsearch": "Pencarian teks lengkap", "proposedsearch": "Saranan pencarian", "keyword": "kata kunci", "placename": "nama tempat", "including_narrower": "mengandung istilah yang lebih persis", "direct": "langsung", "undefined": "belum didefinisi", "undefinedRelation": "berkaitan yang belum didefinisi dengan", "collection": "Collection", "museum": "Museum", "you_may": "You may ...", "keyword_not_found": "Nothing found relating to this keyword.", "search_keyword_other_collections": "... search for this keyword in other collections of the museum", "search_keyword_in_this_version": "... search for this keyword at other places", "search_keyword_in_md_nat": "... search for this keyword in the German national version of museum-digital", "place_not_found": "Nothing found relating to this placename.", "search_place_other_collections": "... search for this placename in other collections of the museum", "search_place_in_this_version": "... search for this placename at other places", "search_place_in_md_nat": "... search for this placename in the German national version of museum-digital", "time_not_found": "Nothing found relating to this point in time.", "search_time_other_collections": "... search for this point in time in other collections of the museum", "search_time_in_this_version": "... search for this point in time at other places", "search_time_in_md_nat": "... search for this point in time in the German national version of museum-digital", "fulltext_search_this_version": "... conduct a full-text search", "places_for_objects": "Places for objects", "time": "Time", "actor": "Actor", "places": "Places", "disambiguation": "Disambiguation", "please_narrow_search": "Please narrow your search.", "sorted_by": "Sorted by", "object_addition": "Addition", "object_name": "Object title", "inventory_number": "Inventory number", "ascending": "Ascending", "descending": "Descending", "search_mode_raster": "Grid", "search_mode_grid": "Grid", "search_mode_liste": "List view", "search_mode_browse": "Browse mode", "search_results_by_museum": "Search results by museum", "calculate_distance": "Calculate distance", "time_filter_from": "Time filter (start)", "time_filter_end": "Time filter (end)", "include_indirect_links": "Also display indirect links to places", "include_direct_links": "Restrict to direct links only", "hide_biographical_markers": "Hide biographical markers" } }