[Setiap museum ada nama. Menggunakan nama sependek mungkin.]", "no_description": "Silahkan memasukkan deskripsi museum!<\/p>
[Deskripsi penting sekali untuk representasi museum. Akhirnya, ingin merepresentasi museum sebagai lembaga yang meneliti, mengonservasi dan mengoleksi. Panjang teks yang terbaik adalah 1000 huruf. Kalau kurang banyak, itu oke.]", "no_zipcode": "Silahkan memasukkan kode pos dan kota museum!<\/p>
[Silahkan memasukkan tanda kosong sebagai pemisah kode pos dan nama kota\/tempat]", "no_streetname": "Silahkan memasukkan alamat jalan dan - kalau ada - alamat rumah dalam jalan!", "museum_image": "Gambaran untuk laman museum di museum-digital", "museum_image_change": "Gantikan gambaran", "museum_no_image_uploaded": "Gambaran tidak akan diunggah !", "upload_image": "Unggah gambaran", "settings_services": "Pengaturan dan layanan museum", "add_collection": "Tambahkan koleksi", "collections_added": "Koleksi yang sudah ditambahkan", "objectgroups_added": "Kelompok benda yang sudah ditambahkan", "objects_added": "Benda yang sudah ditambahkan", "collections_overview": "Ikhtisar koleksi", "objectgroups_overview": "Ikhtisar kelompok benda", "objects_overview": "Ikhtisar benda", "delete_question": "Anda sedang menghapuskan museum !", "delete_no": "Ah, bukan (kembali)", "delete_yes": "Ya, hapuskanlahnya", "target_image_rights": "Hak cipta gambaran museum", "musbild_rights_explica": "Informasi pemilik dan status hak cipta untuk gambaran yang diperlihatkan di halaman museum.", "location_ns": "Peta, garis lintang", "location_ns_explica": "Koordinat garis lintang di peta.", "location_ow": "Peta, garis bujur", "location_ow_explica": "Koordinat garis bujur di peta.", "location_zoom": "Peta, zoom", "location_zoom_explica": "Tingkat zoom dalam peta", "museum_has_been_added": "Museum sudah ditambahkan", "museum_has_been_edited": "Suntingan masukan museum ini sudah disimpan", "museum_has_been_deleted": "Museum ini sudah dihapuskan", "museum_add_record": "Menerjemahkan informasi dasar museum", "museumrecord_deleted": "Terjemahan sudah dihapuskan", "museumrecord_visibility_off": "Terjemahan informasi museum sudah tersembunyi", "museumrecord_visibility_on": "Terjemahan informasi museum sudah diterbitkan", "collections": "Koleksi", "public": "Publik", "add_edit_tour": "Tambahkan \/ sunting tur museum", "tour_tool_headline": "Alat kreasi tur", "tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers \/ info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click into the input fields for pitch and yaw to enter the current position for a given hotspot.", "scene_data": "Informasi latar", "sceneHaov": "haov", "sceneVoav": "vaov", "edit_hotspots": "Sunting hotspot", "hotspot": "Hotspot", "pitch": "Pitch", "yaw": "yaw", "hotspotText": "Teks", "hotspotType": "Jenis", "hotspotURL": "URL", "hotspotSceneID": "ID latar", "remove_hotspot": "Hapuskan hotspot", "options": "Opsi", "add_hotspot": "Tambahkan hotspot", "remove_scene_image": "Hapuskan gambaran", "add_scene": "Tambahkan latar", "remove_scene": "Hapuskan latar", "remove_tour": "Hapuskan tur", "add_tour": "Tambahkan tur museum", "edit_tour": "Sunting tur museum", "sceneTitle": "Judul latar", "sceneVaov": "vaov", "sceneChange": "Perubahan latar", "return_to_museum": "Kembali ke halaman museum", "return_to_exhibition": "Kembali ke halaman pameran", "accessibility": "Aksesibilitas", "accessibility_explica": "Apakah museum ini bisa dikunjingi oleh penyandang cacat?", "accessibility_text": "Catatan aksesibilitas", "accessibility_text_explica": "Di sini, situasi aksesibilitas di museum bisa dijelaskan", "founding_date": "Tanggal pendirian", "founding_date_explica": "Tahun pendirian museum", "photos_allowed": "Apakah boleh membuat foto?", "photos_allowed_explica": "Apakah para pengunjung boleh membuat foto?", "cloakroom_available": "Apakah ada penitipan pakaian?", "lockers_available": "Apakah ada loker?", "lockers_available_explica": "Apakah ada loker \/ lemari kecil yang bisa dikunci di museum anda?", "shop_available": "Apakah ada toko museum?", "shop_available_explica": "Apakah ada toko museum?", "cafe_available": "Apakah ada warung kopi?", "cafe_available_explica": "Apakah ada warung kopi museum ini?", "babycare_room_available": "Apakah ada ruang perawatan bayi?", "babycare_room_available_explica": "Apakah ada ruang perawatan bayi di museum ini?", "cloakroom_available_explica": "Apakah ada penitipan pakaian di museum?", "general_note_opening_hours": "Catatan umum tentang jam buka", "start_hour": "Mula (HH:MM)", "end_hour": "Akhir (HH:MM)", "opening_hours_note": "Catatan blok waktu ini", "dow": "Hari dalam minggu", "regular_opening_hours": "Waktu terbuka biasa", "new_entry": "Masukan baru", "entries": "Masukan", "ticket_types": "Jenis tiket", "new_ticket_type_name": "Nama jenis tiket yang baru", "price": "Harga", "currency": "Mata uang", "ticket_type_name": "Nama jenis tiket", "view_visitor_statistics": "Lihat statistik pengunjung", "dow_0": "Senin", "dow_1": "Selasa", "dow_2": "Rabu", "dow_3": "Kamis", "dow_4": "Jum'at", "dow_5": "Sabtu", "dow_6": "Minggu", "base_data": "Informasi museum dasar ", "check_map": "Cek apakah ada peta", "public_page": "Halaman publik", "minimum_3_characters": "Minimum: 3 huruf", "all_museums": "Semua museum", "must_be_float": "Harus bernilai numerik. Misalnya: 5.2; 1.2; dll.", "opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Perubahan informasi jam buka sudah disimpan", "ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Perubahan informasi harga tiket sudah disimpan", "zip_code": "Kode pos", "place": "Tempat", "must_upload_image_for_scene": "Harus unggah gambaran latar ini. Saat ini, kehilangan gambaran", "room_information_updated": "Informasi kamar sudah disunting", "rooms": "Kamar", "new_room_name": "Kamar baru: nama", "temperature_ideal": "Suhu (terbaik)", "temperature_current": "Suhu (sekarang ini)", "humidity_ideal": "Kelembaban (terbaik)", "humidity_current": "Kelembaban (sekarang ini)", "room_name": "Nama kamar", "room_has_been_added": "Kamar baru sudah ditambahkan", "room_has_been_deleted": "Kamar sudah dihapuskan", "room_objects": "Benda dari kkamar ini", "icon": "Icon", "faq": "FAQ", "add_new_faq_entry": "Add a new FAQ entry", "faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added", "faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted", "faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated", "institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions", "survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution", "survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)", "survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection", "survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?", "survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?", "survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.", "survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?" } }