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        "all_shouts": "Alle Notizen",
        "shoutbox_write": "Etwas schreiben",
        "your_message": "Ihre Nachricht",
        "additions_edits_month": "Neue Objekte und Bearbeitungen nach Monaten",
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        "account": "Nutzerkonto",
        "logged_in_as": "Angemeldet als",
        "username": "Anmeldename",
        "mail": "Mail",
        "private_notice": "Pers\u00f6nliche Notizen",
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        "web_search_duckduckgo": "Web-Suche mit DuckDuckGo",
        "search_the_web_duckduckgo": "Web-Suche mit DuckDuckGo durchf\u00fchren",
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        "add_tile": "Kachel hinzuf\u00fcgen",
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        "institution_elsewhere": "Meine Institution anderswo",
        "visitors_statistics_today": "Museumsbesucher heute",
        "visitors_statistics_week": "Museumsbesucher diese Woche",
        "visitors_statistics_month": "Museumsbesucher in diesem Monat",
        "visitors_statistics_year": "Museumsbesucher dieses Jahr",
        "view_statistics": "Statistik ansehen",
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        "did_not_delete_no_image": "Hintergrundbild konnte nicht entfernt werden - es existiert nicht",
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        "instance_health": "Instanz-Gesundheit",
        "version_links": "Links zu anderen Services",
        "public_frontend": "\u00d6ffentliche Seite",
        "norm_data_controlled_voc": "Normdaten \/ kontrollierte Vokabulare",
        "handbook": "Handbuch",
        "blog": "Blog",
        "global_timers": "N\u00e4chste Aktualisierung von Zwischenspeichern",
        "public_objects_cache": "Zwischenspeicher f\u00fcr \u00f6ffentliche Objekte",
        "comments_moderation": "Neueste Kommentare",
        "show_all_comments": "Alle Kommentare anzeigen",
        "online_usage_last_31_days": "Online usage of the last 31 days",
        "users_by_country": "Users by country",
        "visitors_by_language": "Browser languages",
        "visitors_by_time_of_day": "Visitors by time of day",
        "online_usage_last_30_days": "Online usage of the last 30 days",
        "searches": "Searches",
        "pageviews": "Page views",
        "total": "Total",
        "checked": "Checked",
        "approved_generally": "Enrichment progress overall",
        "noda_enrichment_status_institution": "Enrichment progress for entries of the museum",
        "actors_most_linked_to_objects": "Actors most linked to objects of the museum",
        "places_most_linked_to_objects": "Places most linked to objects of the museum",
        "times_most_linked_to_objects": "Times most linked to objects of the museum",
        "tags_most_linked_to_objects": "Tags most linked to objects of the museum",
        "development_of_db": "Development of the database",
        "questions_on_data": "Questions on data",
        "actor_links_by_gender": "Actor links by gender",
        "linked_actors_by_gender": "Linked actors by gender",
        "place_links_by_distance": "Place links by distance",
        "imported_actor_ids": "IDs of imported actors",
        "imported_places_ids": "IDs of imported places",
        "imported_tag_ids": "IDs of imported tags",
        "fav_object_searches": "Favorite object searches",
        "outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
        "outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
        "email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
        "email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."