{ "museum": { "delete": "Hapuskan museum", "col_short": "Kol.", "obj_short": "Ben.", "export": "Ekspor", "museum_name": "Nama museum", "musnam_explica": "Nama diperlihatkan dalam tabel, maka silahkan memilih nama sependek mungkin

Harus diisi<\/b>", "museum_description": "Teks deskripsi", "musbesch_explica": "Deskripsi museum sebagai lembaga yang mengoleksi, mengonservasi dan meneliti. Panjang teks yang terbaik adalah sekitar 1000 huruf (satu atau dua paragraf)..

Deskripsi yang lebih atau kurang berdetail juga baik.

Harus diisi<\/b>", "street_house": "Alamat jalan dan rumah", "musstra_explica": "Informasi alamat jalan dan rumah

Contoh pertama: "Am Rathaus 1"
Contoh ke-2: "Jalan Bukit Raya 12"
Contoh ke-3: "Medan Merdeka"

Harus diisi<\/b>", "zip_place": "Kode pos dan kota", "musplz_explica": "Kode pos dan kota

Contoh ke-1: "06811 Landsberg"
Contoh ke-2: "33649 Bielefeld-Holtkamp"

Harus diisi<\/b>", "telefone": "Nomor telpon", "musfon_explica": "Tidak ada aturan untuk format di sini, tetapi jangan menulis sesuatu seperti "Tel. ...". Masuk nomor dari nomor telepon saja.

Contoh ke-1: (0366) 121214
Contoh ke-2: 0366-121214

Bidang ini tidak harus diisi", "telefax": "Nomor faks", "musfax_explica": "Keine Schreibvorschrift, aber bitte nicht "Fax. ..." oder \u00c4hnliches eintragen. Hier kommt nur die Nummer hinein

Beispiel 1: (0366) 121214
Beispiel 2: 0366-121214

Tidak harus diisi<\/b>", "mail": "Alamat surat-e", "musmail_explica": "Masukan surat-e kontak mHier bitteuseum di sini.

Kalau alamat surat-e dimasukkan di sini, maka akan ada opsi kontak di bawah masukan benda dalam modul publik. Kalau museum tidak mau dikontak, jangan diisi.

Tidak harus diisi<\/b>", "isil": "ISIL museum", "musisil_explica": "Silahkan memasukkan identifikor ISIL museum di sini. Nomor ISIL terutama penting untuk pemberian informasi elektronik dari satu museum ke museum yang lain.

Nomor ISIL bisa ditemukan di:
"Kunjungi www.museen-in-deutschland.de<\/a>

Tidak harus diisi<\/b>", "url": "URL situs web museum", "musurl_explica": "URL situs web museum bisa dimasukkan di sini. Kalau tidak ada, jangan mengisi.

Silahkan menggunakan URL absolut, bermula "http:\/\/".

Tidak harus diisi<\/b>", "association": "URL di asosiasi museum", "musverb_explica": "Silahkan memasukkan URL laman museum di situs web asosiasi museum. Kalau tidak ada, jangan mengisi

Silahkan menggunakan URL absolut, bermula "http:\/\/".

Tidak harus diisi<\/b>", "target_image": "URL hal klik ke gambaran", "musbild_explica": "Masukkanlah URL sasaran tautan hal klik ke gambaran museum oleh pengguna di sini. Misalnya, pengguna dipandu ke situs web museum atau ke salah satu benda di musem-digital.

Silahkan menggunakan URL absolut, bermula "http:\/\/".

Tidak harus diisi<\/b>", "datasheet": "Lembar fakta museum", "musdaba_explica": "Jangan mengisi bidang ini. Bidang ini diisi secara sentral

Inilah tempat penyimpanan intern dokumen PDF yang berdeskripsi lengkap tentang museum.", "no_name": "Silahkan memasukkan nama museum!<\/p>

[Setiap museum ada nama. Menggunakan nama sependek mungkin.]", "no_description": "Silahkan memasukkan deskripsi museum!<\/p>

[Deskripsi penting sekali untuk representasi museum. Akhirnya, ingin merepresentasi museum sebagai lembaga yang meneliti, mengonservasi dan mengoleksi. Panjang teks yang terbaik adalah 1000 huruf. Kalau kurang banyak, itu oke.]", "no_zipcode": "Silahkan memasukkan kode pos dan kota museum!<\/p>

[Silahkan memasukkan tanda kosong sebagai pemisah kode pos dan nama kota\/tempat]", "no_streetname": "Silahkan memasukkan alamat jalan dan - kalau ada - alamat rumah dalam jalan!", "museum_image": "Gambaran untuk laman museum di museum-digital", "museum_image_change": "Gantikan gambaran", "museum_no_image_uploaded": "Gambaran tidak akan diunggah !", "upload_image": "Unggah gambaran", "settings_services": "Pengaturan dan layanan museum", "add_collection": "Tambahkan koleksi", "collections_added": "Koleksi yang sudah ditambahkan", "objectgroups_added": "Kelompok benda yang sudah ditambahkan", "objects_added": "Benda yang sudah ditambahkan", "collections_overview": "Ikhtisar koleksi", "objectgroups_overview": "Ikhtisar kelompok benda", "objects_overview": "Ikhtisar benda", "delete_question": "Anda sedang menghapuskan museum !", "delete_no": "Ah, bukan (kembali)", "delete_yes": "Ya, hapuskanlahnya", "target_image_rights": "Hak cipta gambaran museum", "musbild_rights_explica": "Informasi pemilik dan status hak cipta untuk gambaran yang diperlihatkan di halaman museum.", "location_ns": "Map, latitude", "location_ns_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (latitute)", "location_ow": "Map, longitude", "location_ow_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (longitude)", "location_zoom": "Map, zoom", "location_zoom_explica": "Zoom-faktor for display on map", "museum_has_been_added": "The museum has been added", "museum_has_been_edited": "Edits to the museum have been stored.", "museum_has_been_deleted": "The museum has been deleted.", "museum_add_record": "Add alternative language data for the museum", "museumrecord_deleted": "Removed alternative language record.", "museumrecord_visibility_off": "The alternative language record has been made non-public.", "museumrecord_visibility_on": "The alternative language record has been made public.", "collections": "Collections", "public": "Public", "add_edit_tour": "Add \/ edit tour of the museum", "tour_tool_headline": "Tour creation tool", "tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers \/ info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click into the input fields for pitch and yaw to enter the current position for a given hotspot.", "scene_data": "Scene data", "sceneHaov": "haov", "sceneVoav": "vaov", "edit_hotspots": "Edit hotspots", "hotspot": "Hotspot", "pitch": "Pitch", "yaw": "yaw", "hotspotText": "Text", "hotspotType": "Type", "hotspotURL": "URL", "hotspotSceneID": "Scene ID", "remove_hotspot": "Remove hotspot", "options": "Options", "add_hotspot": "Add a new hotspot", "remove_scene_image": "Remove image", "add_scene": "Add scene", "remove_scene": "Remove scene", "remove_tour": "Remove tour", "add_tour": "Add tour of the museum", "edit_tour": "Edit tour of the museum", "sceneTitle": "Scene Title", "sceneVaov": "vaov", "sceneChange": "Scene Change", "return_to_museum": "Return to museum page", "return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page", "accessibility": "Accessibility", "accessibility_explica": "Can the museum be categorized as accessible to disabled people or not?", "accessibility_text": "Notes on accessibility", "accessibility_text_explica": "Here you can describe the accessibility situation of the institution in detail.", "founding_date": "Founding date", "founding_date_explica": "Year the museum was founded.", "photos_allowed": "Photos allowed?", "photos_allowed_explica": "Is it allowed to take photos in the museum?", "cloakroom_available": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?", "lockers_available": "Lockers available?", "lockers_available_explica": "Are lockers available in the museum?", "shop_available": "Shop available?", "shop_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum store?", "cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available?", "cafe_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum caf\u00e9?", "babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available", "babycare_room_available_explica": "Is a baby care room available at the museum?", "cloakroom_available_explica": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?", "general_note_opening_hours": "General note on opening hours", "start_hour": "Start (HH:MM)", "end_hour": "End (HH:MM)", "opening_hours_note": "Note for this time time block", "dow": "Day of week", "regular_opening_hours": "Regular opening hours", "new_entry": "New entry", "entries": "Entries", "ticket_types": "Ticket types", "new_ticket_type_name": "New ticket type: name", "price": "Price", "currency": "Currency", "ticket_type_name": "Ticket type: name", "view_visitor_statistics": "View visitor statistics", "dow_0": "Monday", "dow_1": "Tuesday", "dow_2": "Wednesday", "dow_3": "Thursday", "dow_4": "Friday", "dow_5": "Saturday", "dow_6": "Sunday", "base_data": "Base data about the museum", "check_map": "Check for availability of map", "public_page": "Public page", "minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum", "all_museums": "All museums", "must_be_float": "Muss ein numerischer Wert sein, ggfs. mit Komma. Z.B. 5,2; 1.20, etc", "opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Edit to the opening hours has been saved", "ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Your edit to the ticket prices has been saved", "zip_code": "Zip code", "place": "Place", "must_upload_image_for_scene": "You must upload an image for this scene. There is none yet.", "room_information_updated": "Room information has been updated", "rooms": "Rooms", "new_room_name": "New Room: Name", "temperature_ideal": "Temperature (ideal)", "temperature_current": "Temperature (current)", "humidity_ideal": "Humidity (ideal)", "humidity_current": "Humidity (current)", "room_name": "Room name", "room_has_been_added": "A new room has been added", "room_has_been_deleted": "The room has been deleted", "room_objects": "Objects from this room", "icon": "Icon" } }