{ "wiki": { "description": "Description", "take_description_and_link": "Take description and link", "dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link", "back": "Back", "no_dbpedia": "Search in dbpedia was not successful", "no_wikipedia": "Search in wikipedia was not successful", "only_take_exact": "[If the title of the wikipedia-page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]", "overwrite_all": "Overwrite all", "so_far": "Known so far", "new_values": "New values", "take_it_or_not": "Take new value?", "transferred_from_qid": "Transferred data from wikidata", "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata", "fetch_from_wikidata": "Fetch from Wikidata" } }