{ "actor": { "type_is": "The actor to introduce is", "type_institution_typename": "an institution", "type_institution_first": "e.g. \"Deutsche Bahn AG\", \"Job Center Osnabr\u00fcck\", \"Turkish Self Defense Forces\", not \"Railways station Oebisfelde\" - if a building or a country is meant, please add them as geographical terms", "type_institution_explica": "When adding institutions, please mind that institutions may carry a person's name: e.g. \"J. Friedl\u00e4nder\" is used as the name of a printing company and publisher. If this is the case, add the kind of company in brackets after the name: \"J. Friedl\u00e4nder (printing company \/ publisher)\". Historical photo studios did often carry the name of their owner. In these cases, please add the line of work of the company after, too: \"J. C. Schaarw\u00e4chter (photo studio)\". If the line of work is unknown, add [company] after the name.", "type_person_typename": "a person", "type_person_first": "e.g. \"Friedrich Schiller\", not \"Red Riding Hood\" - if the fairytale is meant. \"Red Riding Hood\", if it is the fictional character that is meant to be added, is to be added as a \"... god, ghost, hero\"", "type_person_explica": "When adding persons, please only add concrete persons. Names like \"unknown painter\" or \"unknown artist\" are no persons - they should not be used. In such cases, better refrain from entering anything.", "type_hero_typename": "a god, ghost, hero", "type_hero_first": "e.g. \"Odysseus\", \"Zeus\", or fictional characters like \"Red Riding Hood\" - if the character is meant and not the fairytale", "type_hero_explica": "When adding a \"god, ghost, hero\", please mind: In theory, you could add any person that has no given name here. You should however take care to keep the person added distinguishable. For example, it is impossible to identify a \"Smith\" (as a surname). In such cases, just do not enter anything.", "institution_name": "Name of institution", "nameinst_explica": "Concrete name of an institution<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>Schwermaschinen-Bau Kombinat \"Ernst Th\u00e4lmann\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>", "institution_short": "Short name for institution", "kurznameinst_explica": "Some institutions have set abbreviations<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>Allgemeine Elektricit\u00e4ts-Gesellschaft -> AEG<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>", "short_description": "Short desription", "kurzbeschinst_explica": "Short description (keywords)<br\/><br\/>Example \"Founded 1897. Renamed to ... in 1904. Closed shop in 1921.\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>", "hero_name": "Name", "geistname_explica": "Example:<br\/>Zeus, Peleus, Red Riding Hood (fictional character)<br\/><br\/>Basically, you can add any person, that has no given name here! But: it must be possible to identify the person. If you just add \"Smith\" because you do not know the given name here, you will cause wrong links between the object to <b>anybody<\/b> named \"Smith\". In such cases, it is better, to not enter a name at all.<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>", "kurzbeschpers_explica": "Short description (keywords)<br\/><br\/>Example: \"Painter, Author, Actor, born 1817 in Hamburg\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>", "name_first": "Given name(s)", "vorname_explica": "You can list all given names of a person<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>\"Georg Friedrich\" (Händel)<br\/>\"Gotthold Ephraim\" (Lessing)<br\/><br\/>It makes little sense to add a person, if only the surname is known (how to distinguish two persons from the same family?). If you do not know the given name, you might add their work as a name (e.g. Blacksmith)<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>", "name_first_short": "Abbreviation (Given name)", "namenskuerzel_explica": "Example:<br\/>\"G. F.\" for Georg Friedrich Händel<br\/>\"Gotthold E.\" for Lessing<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Only fill in this field if it makes sense<\/b>", "surname": "Surname", "nachname_explica": "Add prepositions used for names of the nobility after the given name<br\/><br\/>Examples:<br\/>Goethe (Given name: Johann Wolfgang von)<br\/>Sachsen-Weimar (Given name: Bernhard von)<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>", "year_birth": "Year of birth", "geburtsjahr_explica": "Always a year (number, <b>four digits<\/b>)<br\/><br\/>Example: 1815<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>", "year_death": "Year of death", "no_name": "Please enter a correct name", "name_needed": "A name is required", "surname_needed": "A surname is required", "change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> change the relation of this person or institution to an event or object", "name_long": "Long name", "langbezeichnung_explica": "Please put names of persons in the form:<br\/>[Given name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of birth][-][Year of death][)]<br\/><br\/>Example (person): Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br\/><br\/>If the years are unknown, put name in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br\/><br\/>Please put names of institutions in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is also a person's name please add \"(Firma)\" at the end of the string<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>", "name_short": "Short name", "kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please put name of persons in the form:<br\/>[Surname][,][Given name]<br\/>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br\/><br\/>Please put name of institution in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is a person name please put \"(Firma)\" behind<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out this field<\/b>", "status": "Status", "remark_change_year": "<b>Attention<\/b>: If you change the year of birth or year of death - please do not forget to correct the long name", "no_long_name": "Please enter a name for the person or institution!", "already_known": "A person (institution, ...) with similar information is already known", "add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary", "delete": "Delete person (institution, ...)", "no_shortname": "You have to provide a short form for the name (might be identical with the long version)", "actor_annotated": "An annotation has been stored for this person \/ institution.", "added": "A new actor has been added.", "edited": "Information on this actor has been updated.", "annotation": "Annotation", "add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:", "description_too_short": "The description is too short. Minimum: 10 characters.", "no_description": "The description is missing.", "gender": "Gender", "gender_female": "Female", "gender_male": "Male", "gender_other": "Other", "gender_explica": "Gender of the actor", "no_catalogue_raisonne_available": "No catalogue raisonne available", "create_new_catalogue": "Create new catalogue raisonne", "open_catalogue": "Open catalogue raisonne", "research_status_note": "Notes on Research Status", "wikipedia_page_of_entry": "Wikipedia page of the actor" } }