{ "resource_incha": { "replace_preview": "Replace preview", "resource_name": "Name of resource", "bildname_explica": "The resource name is important for<br>• search engine optimization (\"title tag\")<br>• overview in the list of representations.<br><br>In most cases it suffices to repeat the name of the object represented.<br><br>[Default value is object name]<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>", "resource_description": "Resource description", "bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations \/ remarks concerning the representation (<b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br><br>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br>Example 2: \"rear\"<br>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>", "image_folder": "Resource folder", "ordner_explica": "The image folder is displayed during the upload process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year, the month. For example: \"images 201504\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>", "image_filename": "Resource filename", "dateiname_explica": "The image filename is displayed during the upload process. It has to be entered including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>", "photographer": "Photographer", "creator": "Creator", "creator_explica": "What should appear below the representation if it is shown in single view?<br><br>This is a good place to name, e.g., those participating in the creation of a video or an audio <br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Please always fill out<\/b>", "resource_rightsholder": "Rights holder (resource)", "owner_explica": "Who owns the digital representation of the object?\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>", "rights_status": "License status (resource)", "rechte_explica": "Which <b style=\"color:#000099;\">license<\/b> applies to the resource?<br>i.e. <b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> rights of the shown objekt<br>i.e. <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br><br><br>Please choose a value from the list (left)<br>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br><br>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]", "rights_allowed": "Rights that might be choosen", "info_needed": "You have to name a rights holder and a rights status", "image_connect": "Add connection to an object", "go_object": "Go to object", "info_completeit": "Complete the info and accept by clicking on \"Save\"", "upload_pdf_title": "Upload of a PDF representation of the object", "upload_video_title": "Upload of a video representation of the object (mp4 or flv)", "upload_audio_title": "Upload of an audio representation of the object (mp3)", "prerequisites": "Prerequisites", "prerequisites_filename": "Filename does not contain umlauts, no dots, no special characters, no spaces", "prerequisites_filesize": "Filesize does not exceed 20 MB", "prerequisites_format_mp4": "File format is MP4 or FLV", "prerequisites_format_mp3": "File format is MP3", "select_pdf": "Please select a pdf file for upload", "select_video": "Please select a video file (mp4\/flv) for upload", "select_audio": "Please select an audio file (mp3) for upload", "too_large": "The file is too large", "wrong_filetype": "Wrong format - or maybe you missed selecting any file", "back_button": "Please use the \"back\"-button of your browser", "server_error": "Sorry, looks like there's a server error. Please try again later", "link_headline_image": "Create link to an image of the object available at the web. Object ID", "link_headline_pdf": "Create link to a PDF representation of the object available at the web. Object ID", "link_headline_video": "Create link to a video representation of the object available at the web. Object ID", "link_headline_audio": "Create link to an audio representation of the object available at the web. Object ID", "image_not_webseite": "Link to image file, NOT to a website !!", "pdf_not_webseite": "Link to PDF file, NOT to a website !!", "video_not_webseite": "Link to video file (mp4 or flv), NOT to a website !!", "audio_not_webseite": "Link to audio file (mp3), NOT to a website !!", "four_steps": "Four steps are necessary", "check_rights_image": "Please check very carefully if you are allowed to use (link and store a preview of) the image file", "check_rights_general": "Please check very carefully if you are allowed to use (link) the file", "link_give": "A link (absolute; incl. http:\/\/) to the file - NOT to website - is given", "preview_image": "A preview image is generated automatically", "preview_general": "A preview image (placeholder, at least 200px wide) will be uploaded (has to be at hand) or selected", "give_rightsinfo": "Rights pertaining to the external file are provided", "url": "URL (incl. http:\/\/)", "linklink_explica": "Please provide an absolute URL (i.e. incl. \"http:\/\/\")<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>", "no_url": "Please provide a link (URL) of the image file!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the file that should be linked.", "url_not_complete": "Please provide an absolute URL!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">URL has to begin with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/ and should end with - for example - \".jpg\"", "url_wrong_extension": "Please provide the address of a suitable file here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The following file extensions are allowed", "both_sides_wrong": "Wrong at front and rear!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">URL has to begin with http:\/\/ and may end with e.g. \".jpg\"", "preview_generation_error": "The automatic generation of a preview failed. You can upload a preview (minimum width 200px, jpg) yourself", "file_not_found": "File not found", "pdf_context_not_representation": "Here you can uploads PDF documents contextualising the object. Object representations in PDF form should be uploaded as \"Resource\"", "image_added": "Added a new link to an external image file.", "pdf_added": "Added a new link to a PDF file.", "video_added": "Added a new link to a video file.", "audio_added": "Added a new link to an audio file.", "edited": "Resource information has been updated." } }