    "lists": {
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        "objects_found": "Oggetti trovati",
        "all_objects_shown": "Mostra tutti gli oggetti",
        "objects_as_grid": "Mostra i risultati in una griglia",
        "browse_objects": "Sfoglia i risultati",
        "objects_as_list": "Mostra i risultati in una lista",
        "objects_from": "Oggetti di",
        "objects_collection": "Oggetti dalla collezione",
        "from": "di",
        "searched_object_relation": "Ricerca",
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        "objects_same_kind": "Oggetti dello stesso tipo",
        "related": "in relazione",
        "no_valid_search": "Non \u00e8 stato usato alcuno dei termini suggeriti. Continuare attraverso la ricerca semplice",
        "new_advanced_search": "Nuova ricerca avanzata",
        "objects_keyword": "Oggetti corrispondenti alla parola chiave",
        "columns_minus": "Una colonna in meno",
        "columns_plus": "Una colonna in pi\u00f9",
        "rows_minus": "Una riga in meno",
        "rows_plus": "Una riga in pi\u00f9",
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        "refined_search": "Ricerca avanzata",
        "fulltextsearch": "Ricerca a testo libero",
        "proposedsearch": "Suggerimenti di ricerca",
        "keyword": "Parola chiave",
        "placename": "Nome di luogo",
        "including_narrower": "include termini pi\u00f9 specifici",
        "direct": "diretto",
        "undefined": "indefinito",
        "undefinedRelation": "in relazione indefinita con",
        "collection": "Collezione",
        "museum": "Museo",
        "you_may": "You may ...",
        "keyword_not_found": "Nothing found relating to this keyword.",
        "search_keyword_other_collections": "... search for this keyword in other collections of the museum",
        "search_keyword_in_this_version": "... search for this keyword at other places",
        "search_keyword_in_md_nat": "... search for this keyword in the German national version of museum-digital",
        "place_not_found": "Nothing found relating to this placename.",
        "search_place_other_collections": "... search for this placename in other collections of the museum",
        "search_place_in_this_version": "... search for this placename at other places",
        "search_place_in_md_nat": "... search for this placename in the German national version of museum-digital",
        "time_not_found": "Nothing found relating to this point in time.",
        "search_time_other_collections": "... search for this point in time in other collections of the museum",
        "search_time_in_this_version": "... search for this point in time at other places",
        "search_time_in_md_nat": "... search for this point in time in the German national version of museum-digital",
        "fulltext_search_this_version": "... conduct a full-text search",
        "places_for_objects": "Places for objects",
        "time": "Time",
        "actor": "Actor",
        "places": "Places",
        "disambiguation": "Disambiguation",
        "please_narrow_search": "Please narrow your search.",
        "sorted_by": "Sorted by",
        "object_addition": "Addition",
        "object_name": "Object title",
        "inventory_number": "Inventory number",
        "ascending": "Ascending",
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        "time_filter_end": "Time filter (end)",
        "include_indirect_links": "Also display indirect links to places",
        "include_direct_links": "Restrict to direct links only",
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        "overview": "Overview",
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        "bibliography": "Bibliography",
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        "search_results_on": "Search results on",
        "refine_search": "Refine search",
        "series": "Object group",
        "exhibition": "Exhibition",
        "please_select_type": "Please select",
        "open_entity_page": "Open page of the entity",
        "searched_place": "Searched place",
        "formulate_stmt_search": "Formulate Statement-Based Search",
        "search_entities": "Search entities",
        "map_source": "Map source",
        "search_event": "Event",
        "search_query_no_result": "No results could be found for your search query.",
        "did_you_mean": "Did you mean to search any of the following?",
        "display_search_string": "Display search string",
        "relevance": "Relevance"