{ "tlGraphView": { "info": "Info", "help": "Help", "options": "Options", "hide": "Hide", "explanation_title": "Viewing museum-digital through graphs", "explanation_content": "<p>The graph view offers a unique new perspective on the relationships between content on museum-digital. Each database entry (an object, an institution, a collection, etc.) is displayed as a node.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each of these nodes is color coded based on their respective type. E.g. institutions are displayed on an orange background.<\/p>\r\n<p>By clicking on a node, you can find out about that entry's relationships. A short description on the selected node will be displayed in this sidebar, if you click on \"Info\" in the navigation above.<\/p>\r\n<p>By double clicking on a node, or by clicking on the \"eye\" symbol at the top right of the info sidebar, you can access the page of the corresponding entry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Additionally, you can hide nodes by their content type. To do so, select \"Options\" in the navigation above and drag the respective slider to the left.<\/p>", "display_types": "Displayed types", "focus_selected_node": "Focus selected node", "time": "Time", "person": "Person", "place": "Place", "toggle_boxes_view": "Toggle display in boxes", "toggle_visjs_config": "Toggle visjs configuration" } }