"object_add": {
"wobz_inhalt": "For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.
Left: Additional title
(At most 250 signs)
Right: Field of the name: e.g. \"Science\"",
"loka_inhalt": "As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not \"Stockholm\" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but \"Stockholm, Sodergatan 4\".
You might want to use this for example for photographic, biological, or mineralogical objects. In these cases, exact information on the \"place of discovery\" or the \"place of recording\" can be stored here.
Left: Here you can enter any locality.
Example 1: \"5\u00b0 24` 32``, 16\u00b0 12` 8``\"
Example 2: \"Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4\"",
"besch_inhalt": "Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.",
"ausm_inhalt": "Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.
Please do not forget to enter the respective units (in the drop-down menu).",
"vergl_inhalt": "Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventory number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.",
"in": "in:",
"as": "as:",
"for": "for:",
"by": "by:",
"at": "at:",
"max250": "Maximum: 250 characters",
"unlimited_textlength": "Unlimited text length",
"separated_measurements": "Separated Measurements",
"einu_inhalt": "Reference to the entry in the book of object entries\/Proof of donation",
"invp_inhalt": "Here you may enter any kind of paralell or formerly existent inventory numbers
Example 1: \"Old ID: V17-25,4.o\"
Example 2: \"No. in KWM: A44521-7\"",
"konv_inhalt": "Field: \"Bundle\"<\/b>
What \"bundle\" does the object belong to?
Example 1: \"Widermayr Collection \"
Example 2: \"Meyerbeer Estate\"
(At most 250 characters)
Field: \"Part of\"<\/b>
The object is part of ...
Example: \"IV-14\" (Inventory number of an object group)
(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has its own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set's inventory number)
(At most 250 characters)",
"syst_inhalt": "Field: \"Subject Group\"<\/b> and Field: \"Systematic\"<\/b>
Subject group (left) or systematics (right)
Just as you have been using it so far
(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)",
"vorb_inhalt": "Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?
(Name of the last owner)
Example 1: \"Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf\"
Example 2: \"VEB Kunstguss, M\u00e4gdesprung\"",
"zuga_inhalt": "Entry: when ... point in time
Entry as ... e.g. \"donation\"
Entry: for ... (if bought: sum and currency)",
"obge_inhalt": "Miscellaneous information from the object\u00b4s history",
"schw_inhalt": "When ... Time of establishment
by ... name of establisher
at ... (Sum and currency)",
"vers_inhalt": "When ... Time of establishment
by ... name of establisher
at ... (sum and currency)",
"zust_inhalt": "Short, concise, and even. At best: enter the name of the declarant and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at \"Information on restoration\"\"",
"rest_inhalt": "Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:
When - who - what - at which price",
"numbers": "Numbers",
"classification": "Classification",
"object_history": "Object history",
"acquisition": "Acquisition",
"values": "Values",
"state": "State",
"aktu_inhalt": "Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?
Example 1: \"Permanent Exhibition\"
Example 2: \"Depot 4. Room 1\"
Example 3: \"IV-1\"",
"stan_inhalt": "Where is the object usually located?
Example 1: \"Permanent Exhibition\"
Example 2: \"Depot 4. Room 1\"
Example 3: \"IV-1\"",
"aust_inhalt": "When was the object on exhibition?
Example 1: \"2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords\"
Example 2: \"1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children\"
Example 3: \"2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)\"
(... or enter them as a table)",
"verl_inhalt": "Name of the borrowing institution
Example 1: \"Kunsthalle Bremen\"
Example 2: \"B\u00f6rdemuseum Ummendorf\"
Only enter current loans here",
"ansp_inhalt": "Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution",
"vher_inhalt": "Dates of the loan",
"vlei_inhalt": "Insured value that can be found in the current loan contract",
"alei_inhalt": "Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process",
"at_museum": "Object at museum",
"on_loan": "Object is currently on loan",
"urhe_inhalt": "Notes about the copyright regarding the object",
"nure_inhalt": "Notes about the usage rights regarding the object",
"arec_inhalt": "Any kind of other note on the legal status of the object",
"noti_inhalt": "Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more
Example 1: \"Source unknown, research!\"
Example 2: \"Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available\"
Example 3: \"Hermann M\u00fcller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object\"",
"kurz_inhalt": "For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color",
"oaim_inhalt": "A print or a high resolution image file ...
Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)",
"odim_inhalt": "Whether as a printout on paper or as a text or image file ...
It can be noted here where in the museum (or on the computers) the documents can be found",
"make_rule_for": "Create rule",
"too_short": "Less than 20 characters - too short!",
"whose_rule": "Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first",
"change_rule_for": "Edit rule",
"delete_rule": "Delete rule",
"acquiring": "Acquiring",
"first_registration": "First registration",
"erwerb_inhalt": "Who<\/b> acquired the object for the museum?
Where<\/b> was the object acquired for the museum?
(Maximum: 120 characters)",
"erfasst_inhalt": "Who<\/b> registered the object first in the museum?
When<\/b> did the first registration in the museum happen?
(Maximum: 120 \/ 60 characters)",
"separate_material_technique": "Separate fields: Material and Technique",
"mat_tech_inhalt": "Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma
Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma",
"ddesc_inhalt": "This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public",
"group_values_measurements": "Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)",
"group_values_mattech": "Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material\/Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)",
"object_set_nonpublic": "The object has been made non-public",
"object_set_public": "The object has been made public",
"notes_updated": "Updated notes on the object",
"rights_updated": "Legal information has been updated",
"location_updated": "Updated location information",
"social_media_yes": "Object will be published with links to social media",
"social_media_no": "Object will be published without links to social media",
"metadata_rights_holder": "Metadata Rights (Holder)",
"metadata_rights_status": "Metadata Rights (Status)",
"transferred_available_info": "Available information has been transferred into the field:",
"ddesc_visibility_md": "Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital",
"ddesc_visibility_extern": "Visibility of detailed description for external use",
"besch_visibility_md": "Visibility of inscription on museum-digital",
"besch_visibility_extern": "Visibility of inscription for external use",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata.",
"ignore": "ignore",
"unit": "Unit",
"reception_notes": "General notes on reception"
"ortart": [
"Place of recording",
"Place of discovery",
"Former place"
"titelart": [
"Everyday speech",
"Colloquial speech",
"zugangsart": {
"0": "",
"1": "Donation",
"2": "Purchase",
"3": "Excavation",
"4": "Emergency Rescue",
"5": "Inheritance",
"6": "Endowment",
"7": "Dispossession",
"8": "Original condition",
"9": "Loan",
"10": "Exchange",
"11": "In-house production",
"12": "Material Strain (T\u00f6rzsanyag)",
"14": "Vorlass",
"15": "Finding",
"98": "To be checked",
"99": "Other legal acquisition",
"16": "Permanent loan"