    "basis": {
        "langswitch": "Change language",
        "vocswitch": "Change vocabulary",
        "logout": "Logout",
        "objects_change": "Change object",
        "objects_show": "Show object",
        "objects": "Objects",
        "send": "Submit",
        "again": "Once again",
        "alreadyknown": "is known already",
        "back": "Back",
        "back_overview": "Back to the overview",
        "novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source",
        "add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary or source",
        "add_more_vocabulary": "Add additional controlled vocabulary or source",
        "which_vocabulary": "Please choose the source (controlled vocabulary) ...",
        "enlarge_vocabulary_list": "Please enlarge the list of vocabularies",
        "delete_vocabulary": "Delete controlled vocabulary or source",
        "delete_vocabulary_check": "You are about deleting controlled vocabulary or source",
        "change_vocabulary": "Change controlled vocabulary or source",
        "general_source": "General web resource, i.e. no controlled vocabulary or thesaurus",
        "last_change": "Last changed",
        "better_not_delete": "No, that was not meant seriously (back)",
        "better_to_delete": "Of course, I mean what I say. Delete it",
        "sortorder": "Sort order",
        "sequence": "Sequence",
        "selection": "Selection",
        "showall": "Show all",
        "checkedonly": "Checked only",
        "uncheckedonly": "Unchecked only",
        "unprocessedonly": "Unprocessed only",
        "questionableonly": "Questionable only",
        "namefirstletter": "Name starts with ...",
        "numberinvoc": "ID in vocabulary",
        "linktovoc": "Link into vocabulary",
        "found": "Found:",
        "wikilink": "Link to wikipedia (New window)",
        "googlelink": "Google-search (New window)",
        "syngroup": "Synonyms",
        "syngroup_build": "Build group of synonyms",
        "syngroup_add": "Add a synonym",
        "syngroup_substract": "Take entity from group",
        "syngroup_dissolve": "Dissolve group",
        "keyword": "Keyword",
        "actor": "Actor",
        "time": "Time",
        "geo": "Place",
        "entities": "Entity encoding",
        "no_entities": "Not encoded",
        "status_green": "Turns status into CHECKED",
        "status_red": "Turns status into UNCHECKED",
        "status_question": "Turns status into TO BE CHECKED",
        "status": "Status",
        "change_status_to": "change to",
        "unknown": "is unknown",
        "create_new_entry": "create new entry",
        "or_go_back": "or: Go back",
        "select_with_click": "Select by clicking",
        "noda_source": "Source",
        "noda_number": "Nr. in source",
        "noda_link": "Link",
        "egal": "Any",
        "in": "in",
        "containing": "Containing",
        "syncronized_values": "Syncronized values",
        "back_no_change": "Back without changes",
        "sync_no_authority": "Synchronize without links to authorities",
        "synchronize": "Synchronize",
        "to_tag_control": "Did you mean one of the following keywords?",
        "to_tag_new": "It is not in the list. Create new keyword"