    "tlAppointments": {
        "appointment": "Appointment",
        "title": "Judul",
        "name_explica": "Judul peristiwa.",
        "start_time": "Mula",
        "start_time_explica": "Waktu permulaan.",
        "end_time": "Akhir",
        "end_time_explica": "Waktu akhir peristiwa",
        "appointment_belongs": "Institusi",
        "appointment_added": "Peristiwa baru ditambahkan",
        "description": "Deskripsi",
        "description_explica": "Deskripsi peristiwa.",
        "there_are_no_appointments": "Belum ada peristiwa",
        "appointments_list": "Daftar peristiwa",
        "appointment_no_name": "Tidak ada judul peristiwa",
        "appointments_edit": "Sunting peristiwa",
        "image_uploaded": "Gambaran sudah diunggah",
        "appointment_deleted": "Peristiwa baru dihapuskan",
        "image_deleted": "Gambaran sudah dihapuskan",
        "appointment_edited": "The appointment has been edited.",
        "make_public": "Terbitkan",
        "make_hidden": "Sembunyikan",
        "upload_image": "Unggah gambaran",
        "delete_image": "Hapuskan",
        "start_time_hour": "Jam",
        "start_time_min": "Menit",
        "images": "Gambaran",
        "url": "URL",
        "url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the appointment. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
        "allAppointments": "Semua peristiwa",
        "new_appointment": "Peristiwa yang baru",
        "base_data": "Informasi dasar peristiwa",
        "no_appointments_text": "Belum ada peristiwa dalamn daftar museum anda. Bisa:",
        "live_recording": "Live Recording",
        "external_source": "Source",
        "upcoming_appointments": "Upcoming events",
        "attendance_status": "Attendance mode",
        "attendance_status_explica": "Mode in which the appointment can be attended.",
        "cancellation_status": "Cancellation status",
        "cancellation_status_explica": "Here the appointment can be marked as cancelled."