"places": {
"name_contains": "Name contains ...",
"placename": "Placename",
"unite_names": "Unite locations with",
"unite_with": "unite with",
"unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"",
"unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.",
"unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.",
"in_hierarchy": "The place is part of the hierarchy",
"not_in_hierarchy": "The place is NOT a part of the hierarchy",
"placename_explica": "Please always fill in
It is a good habit to use the actual name:
Example 1: Groningen
Example 2: Halle (Saale)
Example 3: Soho (London)
Beispiel 4: Smaland - in this case use as placetype: \"Region\"\"
If not avoidable ... you might also use \"Italy\"",
"placetype": "Placetype",
"placetype_explica": "If the place (or building) is
not<\/b> an actual place of living (village, city, ...) and
not<\/b> an actual existing political entity (county, federal state, ...)
- than please chose a suitable placetype.
For actually existing villages, cities, counties ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty
If the place (or building) is not existing anymore than please chose \"historical\"
Only fill in if suitable<\/b>",
"tgn_explica": "ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty)",
"geonames_explica": "ID of the place at geonames",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"remarks_explica": "Short remarks for a better understanding
Might be left empty.",
"coordinatesNS": "Coordinates, North-South",
"coordinatesNS_explica": "Please always fill in
Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)
Example \"Berlin\": 52.518333",
"coordinatesWE": "Coordinates, West-East",
"coordinatesWE_explica": "Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen
Please always fill in
Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)
Example \"Berlin\": 13.408333",
"zoom": "Zoom",
"zoom_explica": "Determines the zoom used on maps. Allowed values: 1-17. Often a good value for a place is: 9, for a country: 7",
"delete_placename": "Delete the placename",
"build_group_synonym": "Build a group of synonyms",
"add_superordinates": "Superordinates (political)",
"add_subordinates": "Subordinates (political)",
"is_the_place": "... is the place",
"is_not_the_place": "... this is not the place looked for. Create a new entry",
"similar_placenames": "There are similar placenames",
"placename_not_listed": "The placename is not in the list (create a new entry)",
"delete_ort_check": "You are about deleting a place",
"please_select": "Please select a geographical entity",
"new_place": "New geographical entity",
"no_placename": "Please specify a name for the place",
"get_geonames_add": "Get additional info from geonames",
"get_geonames_cha": "Change additional info from geonames",
"number_inhabitants": "Number of inhabitants",
"above_zero": "Elevation",
"alternative_names": "Alternative names",
"updated_base_information_of_place": "Updated base information of place",
"synonymizing_with_a_place_itself_does_not_work": "Synonymising with a place itself does not work",
"the_link_was_already_existent": "The link was already existent",
"linked_synonyms": "Linked synonyms",
"deleted_link_to_linked_place": "Deleted link to linked place",
"added_new_translation": "Added new translation",
"deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations",
"deleted_translation": "Deleted translation",
"updated_translations": "\u00dcbersetzung aktualisiert",
"updated_approval_status_of_place": "Updated approval status of place",
"deleted_place": "Deleted place",
"merged_places": "Merged places",
"set_new_main_synonym": "Set new main synonym",
"transferred_to_tag": "Transferred to tag",
"duplicate_entries": "duplicate entries (same place)",
"not_allowed_relations_one_generation": "Not allowed relations (one generation)",
"broader_and_narrower": "entries with broader units as narrower units - (check 1",
"self_is_broader": "entries where a place is its own broader unit (check 2)",
"not_allowed_relations_second_generation": "Not allowed relations (second generation)",
"illegal_uncles": "places have as broader of broader some of their directly broader units"