[Every museum has a name. Please use a succinct short form of the name if possible.]", "no_description": "Please enter a description of the museum!<\/p>
[The description is essential for this undertaking. After all, the museum should be represented as a place of safe-keeping, researching and collecting. At best, write about 1000 characters.]", "no_zipcode": "Please enter a zip code and a city here!<\/p>
[Please enter the museum's zip code and city here. Enter your zipcode without spaces; a space is used to differenciate the zipcode from the city.]", "no_streetname": "Please enter your street address here!<\/p>
[Let people find their way to your museum!]", "museum_image": "Image for the museum's profile page", "museum_image_change": "Change image", "museum_no_image_uploaded": "No image uploaded!", "upload_image": "Upload image", "settings_services": "Settings and services concerning the museum", "add_collection": "Add collection", "collections_added": "Collections recorded", "objectgroups_added": "Object groups recorded", "objects_added": "Objects recorded", "collections_overview": "Collections overview", "objectgroups_overview": "Objectgroups overview", "objects_overview": "Object overview", "delete_question": "You are about to delete a museum !", "delete_no": "No, that is not what I meant (go back)", "delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want", "target_image_rights": "Rights for image on the museums page", "musbild_rights_explica": "Information about rights holders and status concerning the image used to illustrate the museum", "location_ns": "Map, latitude", "location_ns_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (latitute)", "location_ow": "Map, longitude", "location_ow_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (longitude)", "location_zoom": "Map, zoom", "location_zoom_explica": "Zoom factor for display on map", "museum_has_been_added": "The museum has been added", "museum_has_been_edited": "Edits to the museum have been stored", "museum_has_been_deleted": "The museum has been deleted", "museum_add_record": "Add alternative language data for the museum", "museumrecord_deleted": "Removed alternative language record", "museumrecord_visibility_off": "The alternative language record has been made non-public", "museumrecord_visibility_on": "The alternative language record has been made public.", "collections": "Collections", "public": "Make public?", "add_edit_tour": "Add\/edit tour of the museum", "tour_tool_headline": "Tour creation tool", "tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers\/info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click on the input fields for \"pitch\" and \"yaw\" to enter the current position for a given hotspot.", "scene_data": "Scene data", "sceneHaov": "haov", "sceneVoav": "vaov", "edit_hotspots": "Edit hotspots", "hotspot": "Hotspot", "pitch": "Pitch", "yaw": "yaw", "hotspotText": "Text", "hotspotType": "Type", "hotspotURL": "URL", "hotspotSceneID": "Scene ID", "remove_hotspot": "Remove hotspot", "options": "Options", "add_hotspot": "Add a new hotspot", "remove_scene_image": "Remove image", "add_scene": "Add scene", "remove_scene": "Remove scene", "remove_tour": "Remove tour", "add_tour": "Add tour of the museum", "edit_tour": "Edit tour of the museum", "sceneTitle": "Scene Title", "sceneVaov": "vaov", "sceneChange": "Scene Change", "return_to_museum": "Return to museum page", "return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page", "accessibility": "Accessibility", "accessibility_explica": "Is the museum accessible to people with disabilities?", "accessibility_text": "Notes on accessibility", "accessibility_text_explica": "Here you can describe the accessibility situation of the institution in detail", "founding_date": "Founding date", "founding_date_explica": "Year the museum was founded", "photos_allowed": "Are photos allowed?", "photos_allowed_explica": "Are visitors allowed to take photos in the museum?", "cloakroom_available": "Is a coat check available in the museum?", "lockers_available": "Are lockers available?", "lockers_available_explica": "Are lockers available in the museum?", "shop_available": "Is a museum shop available?", "shop_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum store?", "cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available?", "cafe_available_explica": "Does the museum have a caf\u00e9?", "babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available?", "babycare_room_available_explica": "Is a baby care room available at the museum?", "cloakroom_available_explica": "Is a coat check available in the museum?", "general_note_opening_hours": "General note on opening hours", "start_hour": "Start (HH:MM)", "end_hour": "End (HH:MM)", "opening_hours_note": "Note for this time block", "dow": "Day of week", "regular_opening_hours": "Regular opening hours", "new_entry": "New entry", "entries": "Entries", "ticket_types": "Ticket types", "new_ticket_type_name": "New ticket type: name", "price": "Price", "currency": "Currency", "ticket_type_name": "Ticket type: name", "view_visitor_statistics": "View visitor statistics", "dow_0": "Monday", "dow_1": "Tuesday", "dow_2": "Wednesday", "dow_3": "Thursday", "dow_4": "Friday", "dow_5": "Saturday", "dow_6": "Sunday", "base_data": "Base data about the museum", "check_map": "Check for availability of map", "public_page": "Public page", "minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum", "all_museums": "All museums", "must_be_float": "Must be a numeric value, if necessary with a comma. For example, 5.2; 1.20, etc", "opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Edit to the opening hours has been saved", "ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Your edit to the ticket prices has been saved", "zip_code": "Zip code", "place": "Place", "must_upload_image_for_scene": "You must upload an image for this scene. There is none yet", "room_information_updated": "Room information has been updated", "rooms": "Rooms", "new_room_name": "New Room: Name", "temperature_ideal": "Temperature (ideal)", "temperature_current": "Temperature (current)", "humidity_ideal": "Humidity (ideal)", "humidity_current": "Humidity (current)", "room_name": "Room name", "room_has_been_added": "A new room has been added", "room_has_been_deleted": "The room has been deleted", "room_objects": "Objects from this room", "icon": "Icon", "faq": "FAQ", "add_new_faq_entry": "Add a new FAQ entry" } }