{ "tlSources": { "add_new_source": "Add a new source", "type": "Type", "type_explica": "The type of the source.", "article": "Article", "inbook": "Article in edited volume", "book": "Book", "phdthesis": "PhD thesis", "electronical": "Electronical", "misc": "Miscelaneous", "author_creator": "Author \/ creator", "author_creator_explica": "The creator of the source. Type a name to select the author or creator. You can add multiple authors \/ creators for a work.", "title": "Title", "title_explica": "Title of the source.", "year": "Year", "year_explica": "Year the work was published.", "venue": "Venue", "venue_explica": "The venue the work was published in.<br\/>In the case of an article, this field stands for the volume the article was published in.<br\/>In case of a book, it represents the publisher.", "pages": "Pages", "pages_explica": "The page number of the work. In case of an article, this is the page range within the journal or volume. In case of a book, this field is all optional, but can be filled with the total sum of pages.", "url": "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL<\/abbr>", "url_explica": "A URL representing the work. Usually, the page where it or a digitized version of it can be found.", "doi": "<abbr title=\"Digital Object Identifier\">DOI<\/abbr>", "doi_explica": "A DOI representing the source.", "journal": "Journal", "publisher": "Publisher", "institution": "Institution", "edit_source": "Edit source", "bibliography": "Bibliography", "elsewhere": "Elsewhere", "statements": "Statements", "added_new_statement": "Added new statement", "manage_statement": "Manage statement", "statement": "Statement", "added_new_link_w_statement": "Added a new link with a statement", "involvement": "Involvement", "sources": "Sources", "add_new_statement": "Add a new statement", "pos_in_src": "Position in source", "source": "Source", "linked_with": "Linked with", "linked_with_entity": "Entity to link", "linked_with_involvement": "Involvement of the linked entity", "added_new_source": "A new source has been added", "deleted_link_w_statement": "A link with the statement has been deleted", "deleted_statement": "The statement has been deleted,<br \/>because only one link with it was left.", "volume": "Volume", "volume_explica": "The volume of the journal the article was published in.", "issue": "Issue", "issue_explica": "The issue of the volume the article was published in.", "medium": "Medium", "random_actor": "Random actor", "random_place": "Random place", "random_time": "Random time", "random_tag": "Random tag", "broader": "Broader", "narrower": "Narrower", "involvement_in_statement": "Involvement in the statement", "entity_of_origin": "Entity of origin", "entity_target": "Target entity", "about_backgrounds": "About the Backgrounds Section", "about_backgrounds_text": "A text about the backgrounds section will appear here.", "license": "License", "license_explica": "The license of the source or the digitized version thereof.", "source_fulltext": "Full text" } }