{ "object": { "back_to_overview": "Ke ikhtisar", "back_to_nodac": "Kembali ke nodac", "previous": "Benda yang sebelum ini", "next": "Benda yang berikut ini", "zoom_on": "Hidupkan kaca pembesar", "zoom_off": "Matikan kaca pembesar", "image_zoom": "Melalui klik ke gambaran fungsi kaca pembesar dihidupkan atau dimatikan", "not_visible": "Benda tersembunyi", "no_resource": "Tidak ada gambaran yang terkait", "preview": "Pratinjau dalam modul penerbitan", "create_pdf": "Kartu penunjuk PDF (A5)", "create_pdfa4": "Buat PDF (A4)", "create_qr": "Buat kode QR", "hide_object": "Menyembunyikan benda", "show_object": "Memperlihatkan benda", "cannot_be_published": "Tidak ada gambaran
Penunjukan benda tidak mungkin", "export_it": "Ekspor benda", "add_to_watchlist": "Mengingat benda", "delete_object": "Hapuskan benda", "go_to_no": "Lihat benda nomor", "search_in_collection": "Pencarian dalam koleksi", "all_collections": "Semua koleksi", "added_by": "Benda, ditambahkan pada pertama kali", "revised_last": "Benda, disunting pada terakhir kali", "create_filter": "Buat saringan", "filter_active": "Saringan aktif", "inv_short": "Nomor inv.", "kind_of": "Jenis benda", "name": "Judul benda", "name_short": "Judul", "description": "Deskripsi", "mattech": "Material\/Cara", "mattech_short": "Mat.\/Cara", "equals": "sama dengan", "contains": "mengandung", "added": "Ditambahkan", "updated": "Disunting", "show_results": "Tunjukkan hasil pencarian", "list_results": "Daftarkan hasil pencarian", "export_results": "Ekspor hasil pencarian", "change_filter": "Sunting saringan", "remove_filter": "Hapuskan saringan", "multiple_changes": "Penyuntingan global", "earliest_update_first": "Penyuntingan pertama dulu", "last_update_first": "Penyuntingan terkini dulu", "earliest_added_first": "Penambahan pertama dulu", "last_added_first": "Penambahan terakhir dulu", "highest_first": "Tertinggi dulu", "lowest_first": "Terbawah dulu", "alphabet_za": "Abjad (Z-A)", "alphabet_az": "Abjad (A-Z)", "changes_order_to": "Ubahkan urutan ke", "shows_visible_only": "Tunjukkan benda yang diperlihatkan secara publik saja", "shows_all_objects": "Tunjukkan semua benda", "shows_hidden_only": "Tunjukkan benda yang tersembunyi saja", "last": "Terakhir", "external_resource": "Ekstern", "delete_intro": "Anda sedang menghapuskan benda", "delete_hint": "Laman benda ini tidak bisa diakses lagi setelah ini. Tautan ke laman itu tidak akan bersasaran lagi.", "delete_no": "Ah, tidak (kembali)", "delete_yes": "Ya", "be_careful": "Hati-hati", "change_all_data": "Semua kumpulan data yang sesuai dengan kondisi akan diubah", "which_field_change": "Informasi dari bidang yang mana akan diubah", "replace": "Gantikan", "whole_word": "Seluruh kata", "letters": "Urutan huruf", "replace_with": "Gantikan dengan", "field": "Bidang", "new": "Baru", "sets_changed": "kumpulan data diubahkan", "nothing_to_do": "Tidak ada apapun untuk dibuat", "yes_do": "Ya", "no_back": "Tidak (kembali)", "selectswithout": "Select objects without ...", "imageorresource": "image or resource", "assigned_insertions": "Assignment executed: Multiple insertions", "assigned_deletions": "Assignment executed: Multiple deletions", "all_institutions": "All institutions", "publish_social_media_yes": "Show SM buttons", "publish_social_media_no": "Hide SM buttons", "generate_pdf": "Generate PDF", "PuQi": "PuQi" }, "objekt": { "assign_results": "Assign results", "assignment": "Assignment", "assignment_to": "Assignment to", "assignment_create": "Create assignment", "assignment_terminate": "Terminate assignment", "assignment_if_not_exists": "if not exists", "assignment_if_exists": "if exists", "all_objectgroups": "All objectgroups", "goto_mdid_title": "Search for Object-ID", "goto_mdid_explica": "If you search a certain object and you know the md:ID you can insert the ID here. The md:ID can be found when calling an object in the frontend as last part of the URL: ... oges=nnn where nnn is the md:ID.", "goto_without_title": "Search for incomplete object-records", "goto_without_explica": "By choosing an attribute from this menu you can select all object-records without entries for this attribute.", "goto_inv_title": "Search for inventory-number", "goto_inv_explica1": "By inserting a search-value you can find an object with exactly this search-value as the inventory-number.", "goto_inv_explica2": "By placing % directly behind a search-value you select objects with an inventory-number that start with the search-value.", "goto_inv_explica3": "By placing % directly before a search-value you select objects with an inventory-number that ends with the search-value.", "goto_inv_explica4": "By placing % directly before and directly behind a search value you select objects with the search-value somewhere inside the inventory-number.", "goto_inv_explica5": "By using comma as a separator you may search for more than one inventory-number.", "assign_visiblity": "Visiblity of results", "changed_visiblity": "Visibility adjusted", "visibility": "Visibility", "social_media": "Social Media", "allow_all": "Allow for all", "disallow_all": "Disallow for all" } }