{ "instmus": { "page_museumatweb": "Witryna internetowa muzeum", "page_museumatmap": "Muzeum na mapie", "page_museumatassociation": "Muzeum w stowarzyszeniach", "page_museummoreabout": "\u2026 wi\u0119cej na temat muzeum i jego kolekcji", "page_museumsearchcollection": "Wyszukuj w\u015br\u00f3d", "page_museumshowallobjects": "Poka\u017c wszystkie obiekty z tej instytucji", "page_museumsearchobjects": "Wyszukaj obiekty z tej instytucji", "page_collection_title": "Kolekcja", "page_collection_document": "\u2026 wi\u0119cej na temat tej kolekcji (dokument)", "page_collection_web": "\u2026 wi\u0119cej na temat tej kolekcji (HTML)", "page_collection_parts": "Kolekcja ta sk\u0142ada si\u0119 z nast\u0119puj\u0105cych cz\u0119\u015bci", "page_collection_showobjects": "Poka\u017c obiekty z tej kolekcji", "page_collection_museumindatabase": "w tej bazie danych", "page_collection_super": "This collection is part of", "page_collection_onmap": "Show objects of collection at map", "page_museum_objects_onmap": "Show objects of the museum at map", "about_museum": "About the museum", "rss": "Objekte abonnieren", "export_contact": "Kontakt exportieren", "objects_from_collection": "Objects from collection", "objects_from_institution": "Objects from institution", "about_collection": "About the collection", "exhibitions_rss": "Subscribe to Exhibitions", "export_calendar_exhibitions": "Calendar: exhibitions", "upcoming_events": "Upcoming events", "see_more": "See more", "timeline_objects_museum": "Timeline for objects of the museum", "map_objects_museum": "Map showing objects of the museum", "timeline_objects_collection": "Timeline for objects of the collection", "map_objects_collection": "Map showing objects of the collection", "all_events": "Alle Veranstaltungen anzeigen" } }