[A collection without a title will be hard to find]", - "no_descroption": "Please enter a description of the collection!<\/p>
[A collection`s description deals with e.g. what is included in the collection, what is special about it, how many objects there are in it... A good length is about 1000 letters (one to two paragraphs). Less is possible, too; but please: It needs to be descriptive!]",
- "subordinate": "Subordinate this collection to another",
- "subordinate_choose": "Please choose the collection it should be subordinate to from the list",
- "raise_level": "Raise level of this collection",
- "delete": "Delete collection",
- "no_description": "Description missing",
- "satellite": "Collections not belonging to a museum",
- "objects": "Objects",
- "collection_image": "Image for collection",
- "collection_image_change": "Change image",
- "collection_image_delete": "Delete image",
- "collection_no_image": "No image uploaded",
- "collection_upload_image": "Upload image",
- "connect_to_museum": "Link with a museum",
- "connected_to_museum": "Connected to museum",
- "connected_to_museums": "Connected to more than one museum",
- "no_disconnect": "Attention:<\/b> The connection to the institution can only be cut if this collection does not have any subcollections and is not a subcollection itself.",
- "no_of_objects": "Objects in collection",
- "list_of_objects": "List of objects",
- "delete_question": "You are about to delete a collection !",
- "delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
- "delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
- "add_a_collection": "Add a Collection",
- "collection_has_been_added": "The collection has been added.",
- "edit_a_collection": "Edit a Collection",
- "collection_has_been_edited": "Edits to the collection have been stored.",
- "collection_overview": "Collection Overview",
- "collection_order": "Order",
- "no_collection_yet": "You (or your institution) doesn't yet have any collections.",
- "collection_moved": "The collection was moved",
- "base_data": "Basic information about the collection",
- "related_collections": "Related collections",
- "superordinate_collections": "Superordinate collections",
- "subordinate_collections": "Subordinate collections",
- "minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
- "collection_image_deleted": "Deleted collection image",
- "all_collections": "All collections",
- "up": "Up",
- "down": "Down",
- "main_image": "Main image",
- "add_alternative_language": "All alternative language entry for this collection",
- "no_superordinate_collection": "No superordinate collection has been assigned",
- "no_subordinate_collection": "No subordinate collection has been assigned",
- "hide_collection": "Collection is public. Hide it",
- "publish_collection": "Collection is hidden. Publish.",
- "collection_signature": "Collection signature",
- "collection_signature_explica": "A signature of the collection for internal use. It can, e.g., be used for entering a reference to the collection to automatically suggested inventory numbers (see institution-wide settings page). "
+ "name": "Nom de la collection",
+ "samnam_explica": "Utiliser un nom abr\u00e9g\u00e9 - ce nom appara\u00eet dans les tableaux.
Exemple 1 : \u00ab\u00a0Peintures\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 2 : \u00ab\u00a0Collection de brasseries\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 3 : \u00ab\u00a0Succession Illies\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "description": "Texte descriptif",
+ "sambesch_explica": "Une description de la collection. Un bon volume de texte comporte environ 1\u00a0000 caract\u00e8res (un \u00e0 deux paragraphes)..
Questions possibles : Que contient la collection ? Combien d\u2019exemplaires la collection contient-elle ? Comment la collection a-t-elle \u00e9t\u00e9 obtenue ? Quelle est la signification de la collection ? Objets particuliers dans cette collection ?
Une description plus d\u00e9taill\u00e9e est \u00e9galement possible. Dans ce cas, veuillez envoyer le texte \u00e0
+ "link_to_source": "Lien vers une source externe",
+ "samurl_explica": "Vous pouvez indiquer ici un lien vers un site Internet externe pour en savoir plus sur cette collection.
Veuillez saisir une URL \u00ab\u00a0absolue\u00a0\u00bb, soit avec \u00ab\u00a0http:\/\/\u00a0\u00bb ou \u00ab\u00a0https:\/\/\u00a0\u00bb avant.",
+ "mail": "Adresse e-mail pour les questions.",
+ "sammail_explica": "Adresse e-mail pour les questions. Si ce champ est rempli, un lien permettant d\u2019ouvrir une fen\u00eatre de messagerie appara\u00eetra sous les objets de cette collection. Le formulaire d\u2019email est alors pr\u00e9-rempli avec l\u2019adresse indiqu\u00e9e ici.",
+ "image_click": "Cible pour cliquer sur l\u2019image",
+ "sambild_explica": "\u00c0 remplir uniquement si vous chargez une image. L\u2019URL indiqu\u00e9e ici est la destination vers laquelle une personne est dirig\u00e9e en cliquant sur l\u2019image pour la collection.
Veuillez donc saisir une URL \u00ab\u00a0absolue\u00a0\u00bb, soit avec \u00ab\u00a0http:\/\/\u00a0\u00bb ou \u00ab\u00a0https:\/\/\u00a0\u00bb au d\u00e9but.",
+ "factsheet": "Fiche de donn\u00e9es sur la collection",
+ "samdaba_explica": "Veuillez ne pas remplir ce champ. Il est rempli de fa\u00e7on centralis\u00e9e
Indique l\u2019emplacement interne d\u2019un document pour une description d\u00e9taill\u00e9e de la collection. G\u00e9n\u00e9ralement au format PDF.",
+ "no_name": "Veuillez sp\u00e9cifier un nom de collection !<\/p>
[Une collection sans nom est difficile \u00e0 trouver]", + "no_descroption": "Veuillez saisir une description de collection suffisante !<\/p>
[Une description de collection, par exemple, indique ce qu\u2019elle contient, ce qui la distingue, quand elle est apparue, quelle est sa taille ... . Le volume id\u00e9al est de 1 000 caract\u00e8res, mais cela peut \u00eatre moins. Un seul point : il faut que ce soit descriptif !]",
+ "subordinate": "Subordonner cette collection \u00e0 une autre",
+ "subordinate_choose": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner la collection sup\u00e9rieure dans la liste",
+ "raise_level": "Classer cette collection \u00e0 un niveau sup\u00e9rieur",
+ "delete": "Supprimer la collection",
+ "no_description": "Description manquante",
+ "satellite": "Collections sans attribution \u00e0 un mus\u00e9e",
+ "objects": "Objets",
+ "collection_image": "Illustration pour la \u00ab\u00a0page de la collection\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "collection_image_change": "Remplacer l\u2019illustration",
+ "collection_image_delete": "Supprimer l\u2019illustration",
+ "collection_no_image": "Aucune illustration charg\u00e9e",
+ "collection_upload_image": "Charger l\u2019illustration",
+ "connect_to_museum": "Ajouter une association avec le mus\u00e9e",
+ "connected_to_museum": "Associ\u00e9 avec le mus\u00e9e",
+ "connected_to_museums": "Associ\u00e9 avec plusieurs mus\u00e9es",
+ "no_disconnect": "Attention :<\/b> l'association avec l\u2019institution ne peut pas \u00eatre supprim\u00e9e, si cette collection ne comporte pas de collections partielles et n\u2019est pas une collection partielle.",
+ "no_of_objects": "Objets dans la collection",
+ "list_of_objects": "Liste d'objets",
+ "delete_question": "Vous allez supprimer une collection !",
+ "delete_no": "Non, ce n\u2019est pas ce qui \u00e9tait impliqu\u00e9 (retour)",
+ "delete_yes": "Oui, c\u2019est cela. Poursuivre ainsi",
+ "add_a_collection": "Ajouter une collection",
+ "collection_has_been_added": "Une collection a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9e",
+ "edit_a_collection": "\u00c9diter une collection",
+ "collection_has_been_edited": "La collection a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9e",
+ "collection_overview": "Aper\u00e7u de la collection",
+ "collection_order": "Ordre",
+ "no_collection_yet": "Vous (ou votre institution) n\u2019avez pas encore cr\u00e9\u00e9 de collections.",
+ "collection_moved": "La collection a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9plac\u00e9e",
+ "base_data": "Donn\u00e9es de base sur la collection",
+ "related_collections": "Collections associ\u00e9es",
+ "superordinate_collections": "Collections sup\u00e9rieures",
+ "subordinate_collections": "Collections subordonn\u00e9es",
+ "minimum_3_characters": "Au moins trois caract\u00e8res",
+ "collection_image_deleted": "L\u2019image de la collection a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "all_collections": "Toutes les collections",
+ "up": "Portrait",
+ "down": "Paysage",
+ "main_image": "\u00c9cran principal",
+ "add_alternative_language": "Cr\u00e9er une entr\u00e9e de langue alternative pour cette collection",
+ "no_superordinate_collection": "Sans collection sup\u00e9rieure",
+ "no_subordinate_collection": "Sans collection subordonn\u00e9e",
+ "hide_collection": "La collection est publique. Masquer.",
+ "publish_collection": "La collecte est masqu\u00e9e. Publier.",
+ "collection_signature": "Signature de la collection",
+ "collection_signature_explica": "Une signature de la collection \u00e0 des fins internes. Peut par exemple \u00eatre utilis\u00e9e pour faire r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 la collection en cas de suggestion automatique des num\u00e9ros d'inventaire (voir pour cela la page pour les r\u00e9glages \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9chelle du mus\u00e9e)."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/comments.json b/backend/fr/comments.json
index f9a3424e..b10cf4b2 100644
--- a/backend/fr/comments.json
+++ b/backend/fr/comments.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"tlComments": {
- "moderate_comments": "Moderate comments",
- "Moderated": "Moderated",
- "All": "All",
- "only_moderated": "Only moderated",
- "only_unmoderated": "Only unmoderated",
- "only_public": "Only public",
- "only_unpublished": "Only unpublished",
- "commented_object": "commented object",
+ "moderate_comments": "Mod\u00e9rer les commentaires",
+ "Moderated": "Mod\u00e9r\u00e9s",
+ "All": "Tout",
+ "only_moderated": "Uniquement les commentaires mod\u00e9r\u00e9s",
+ "only_unmoderated": "Uniquement les commentaires non mod\u00e9r\u00e9s",
+ "only_public": "Uniquement les commentaires publics",
+ "only_unpublished": "Uniquement les commentaires non publi\u00e9s",
+ "commented_object": "Objet comment\u00e9",
"Public": "Public"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/condition.json b/backend/fr/condition.json
index 88aeb1a2..e1f70ef8 100644
--- a/backend/fr/condition.json
+++ b/backend/fr/condition.json
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
"tlCond": {
- "condition_documentation": "Condition documentation",
- "exhibitable": "Use in exhibitions",
- "movable": "Use in loans",
- "needsRestoration": "Needs restoration",
- "short_notice": "Short notice",
- "upload_image_pdf": "Upload image or PDF",
- "specific_notes": "Single attributes",
- "value": "Value",
- "new_field": "Add attribute",
- "field_name": "Add attribute (Name)",
- "field_value": "Add attribute (Value)",
- "reports": "Reports",
- "add_report": "Add report",
- "title": "Title",
- "content": "Content",
- "damage": "Damage",
+ "condition_documentation": "Documentation d'\u00e9tat",
+ "exhibitable": "Utilisation en exposition",
+ "movable": "Utilisation pour un pr\u00eat",
+ "needsRestoration": "Pas de restauration n\u00e9cessaire",
+ "short_notice": "Note",
+ "upload_image_pdf": "Charger une image \/ un PDF",
+ "specific_notes": "Caract\u00e9ristiques individuelles",
+ "value": "Valeur",
+ "new_field": "Ajouter une caract\u00e9ristique",
+ "field_name": "Ajouter une caract\u00e9ristique (d\u00e9signation)",
+ "field_value": "Ajouter une caract\u00e9ristique (valeur)",
+ "reports": "Rapports",
+ "add_report": "Ajouter un rapport",
+ "title": "Titre",
+ "content": "Contenu",
+ "damage": "Dommages",
"conservation": "Conservation",
- "condition": "State",
- "restoration": "Restoration",
- "other_report": "Other report",
- "creator": "Creator",
+ "condition": "\u00c9tat",
+ "restoration": "Conservation",
+ "other_report": "Autre rapport",
+ "creator": "Auteur",
"date": "Date",
- "delete": "Delete",
+ "delete": "Supprimer",
"type": "Type",
- "report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
- "report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
- "report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
- "report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
- "report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation.",
+ "report_title_explica": "Titre du rapport de conservation ou de restauration. Doit \u00eatre un nom court servant \u00e0 identifier le rapport.",
+ "report_content_explica": "Texte du rapport.",
+ "report_type_explica": "Type de rapport.",
+ "report_creator_explica": "Nom du ou des auteurs du rapport.",
+ "report_date_explica": "Date de cr\u00e9ation du rapport.",
"min_temperature": "Min. viable temperature",
"max_temperature": "Max. viable temperature",
"min_humidity": "Min. viable humidity",
diff --git a/backend/fr/contacts.json b/backend/fr/contacts.json
index 8239020a..66a6cf53 100644
--- a/backend/fr/contacts.json
+++ b/backend/fr/contacts.json
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
"contacts": {
- "given_name": "Given name",
- "given_name_explica": "The given name of a person. Optional.",
- "family_name": "Family name",
- "family_name_explica": "The family name of a person. Optional.",
- "name": "Full name",
- "name_explica": "Full name of a person or institution. Required.",
+ "given_name": "Pr\u00e9nom",
+ "given_name_explica": "Le pr\u00e9nom d'une personne. Facultatif.",
+ "family_name": "Nom",
+ "family_name_explica": "Le nom d'une personne. Facultatif.",
+ "name": "Nom complet",
+ "name_explica": "Le nom complet d'une personne.",
"remark": "Note",
- "remark_explica": "Shared notes about a person. Optional.",
- "gender": "Gender",
- "gender_explica": "Gender of a person.",
- "title": "Title",
- "title_explica": "The (academic, institutional, religious, ...) title of a person.",
- "organization": "Organization",
- "organization_explica": "The organization a person belongs to.",
- "street": "Street address",
- "street_explica": "Street address of a person or institution.",
- "place": "Place",
- "place_explica": "Place of a person or institution.",
- "contacts_no_name": "A name is required for this contact.",
- "categories": "Categories",
- "categories_explica": "Categories of the person or institution. Best entered with a comma for a separator. Optional.",
- "contacts_added": "Added the new contact",
- "email": "Email",
- "email_explica": "Email address of the contact.",
- "contacts_list": "Contacts list",
- "contacts_edited": "The contact has been updated",
- "contact_belongs": "Contact belongs to",
- "export_contact": "Export contact",
- "send_mail": "Send mail",
- "contacts_deleted": "Deleted contact",
+ "remark_explica": "(Au sein du mus\u00e9e) Notes partag\u00e9es pour le contact. Facultatif.",
+ "gender": "Sexe",
+ "gender_explica": "Sexe du contact.",
+ "title": "Titre",
+ "title_explica": "Le titre (acad\u00e9mique, religieux, etc.) d\u2019une personne.",
+ "organization": "Organisation",
+ "organization_explica": "L\u2019organisation du contact. Facultatif.",
+ "street": "Rue",
+ "street_explica": "Adresse : Rue. Facultatif.",
+ "place": "Lieu",
+ "place_explica": "Adresse : Lieu. Facultatif.",
+ "contacts_no_name": "Un nom est requis pour enregistrer un contact.",
+ "categories": "Cat\u00e9gories",
+ "categories_explica": "Cat\u00e9gories du contact. Doivent \u00eatre saisies en \u00e9tant s\u00e9par\u00e9es par une virgule. Facultatif.",
+ "contacts_added": "Le nouveau contact a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9",
+ "email": "Adresse e-mail",
+ "email_explica": "Adresse e-mail du contact",
+ "contacts_list": "R\u00e9pertoire",
+ "contacts_edited": "Le contact a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9",
+ "contact_belongs": "Le contact appartient \u00e0",
+ "export_contact": "Exporter le contact",
+ "send_mail": "Envoyer un e-mail",
+ "contacts_deleted": "Le contact a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9",
"url": "URL",
- "url_explica": "URL of the website of the person or institution. Must be an absolute URL (starting with Users will click on this text to activate the link. It is also used to identify the link in the editing\/adding tool. E.g.: \"Wikipedia entry about...\"",
- "no_url": "Please enter an URL to link to!<\/p> The URL of the website the link leads to.",
- "document_explica": "* Here you can upload documents related to the object (as PDF files exclusively) - or just link the object with an already existent document.",
- "document_not_listed": "If the document is not listed, please click here",
- "objobj_explica": "* Please use this function only if you want to link a single object<\/b> with another single object<\/b>. Les visiteurs doivent pouvoir cliquer sur ce texte, il sert \u00e9galement \u00e0 retrouver le lien dans l\u2019outil de saisie\/\u00e9dition. Par ex. : \u00ab\u00a0Article Wikipedia pour ...\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "no_url": "Veuillez saisir une destination du lien (URL) !<\/p> L\u2019URL du site web \u00e0 r\u00e9f\u00e9rencer.",
+ "document_explica": "* Vous pouvez t\u00e9l\u00e9charger des documents d\u2019accompagnement (uniquement au format PDF) vers un objet - ou relier des documents d\u00e9j\u00e0 charg\u00e9s \u00e0 un objet.",
+ "document_not_listed": "Si le document \u00e0 lier ne figure pas dans la liste ci-dessous, cliquez ici",
+ "objobj_explica": "* Utilisez cette fonction uniquement si vous souhaitez faire r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 un autre objet<\/b> \u00e0 partir d\u2019un objet<\/b> A short title is best! No title may exist more than once.",
- "series_no_description": "Please enter a description for the series!<\/p> A description of the series as a text. There are no limitations to the length of the text.",
- "series_back_object": "Back to object",
- "series_back_series": "Back to object group connection",
- "series_back_table": "Back to object group overview",
- "series_list": "Generate table from object group",
- "series_move_down": "Moves object towards the rear of the series",
- "series_move_up": "Moves object towards the front of the series",
- "relate_objekt": "Add relation to an object",
- "series_no_series": "No object group available",
- "hide_objectgroup": "Hide object group",
- "show_objectgroup": "Make object group public",
- "objectgroup_number_member": "Number of objects in this group",
- "html_catalogue": "HTML catalogue",
- "series_belongs": "Object group belongs to",
- "series_delete": "Delete object group",
- "series_delete_question": "You are about deleting an object group",
- "series_presentation": "Show object group as ...",
- "show_series_at_museumsite": "Show at museum page",
- "hide_series_at_museumsite": "Hide at museum page",
- "show_map_with_series": "Show map for public",
- "hide_map_with_series": "Hide map for public",
- "series_map_set_nonpublic": "The series page will be displayed without a map.",
- "series_map_set_public": "The series page will be displayed with a map.",
- "series_add": "Add an object group",
- "series_added": "A new object group has been added.",
- "series_update": "Edit an object group",
- "series_updated": "Information on the object group has been updated.",
- "series_objpos_backward": "The object was moved backwards.",
- "series_objpos_forward": "The object was moved forward.",
- "linked_obj_obj": "Linked object with another object.",
- "linked_obj_series": "Linked object with a series.",
- "objectgroup_hidden": "The series has been made non-public.",
- "objectgroup_visible": "The series has been made public.",
- "objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "The series will be shown at the museum page",
- "objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "The series will not be shown at the museum page",
- "single_from": "From",
- "link_edited": "Link was edited",
- "files_in_index": "Files in index",
- "links_good": "Links with no issues",
- "links_referral": "Links with a referral only",
- "links_error": "Links with errors",
- "index_more": "Index more",
+ "single_to": "Vous voulez faire r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 un autre objet sur le mus\u00e9e num\u00e9rique. Veuillez saisir le num\u00e9ro du deuxi\u00e8me objet ici",
+ "single_target": "Objet cible",
+ "single_first_bottom": "Qu\u2019est-ce qui doit \u00eatre sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 ici comme r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 l\u2019objet montr\u00e9 \u00e0 droite ? Br\u00e8ve, concise et claire. Un nom de s\u00e9rie ne doit pas appara\u00eetre \u00e0 plusieurs reprises",
+ "series_no_description": "Veuillez saisir un texte de description du groupe d'objets !<\/p> La description du groupe d'objets sous forme de texte. Le volume de texte n\u2019est pas limit\u00e9.",
+ "series_back_object": "Retour \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "series_back_series": "Retour \u00e0 l\u2019association du groupe d'objets",
+ "series_back_table": "Retour \u00e0 l\u2019aper\u00e7u du groupe d'objets",
+ "series_list": "G\u00e9n\u00e9rer un tableau \u00e0 partir du groupe d'objets",
+ "series_move_down": "D\u00e9place cet objet dans la s\u00e9rie vers l'arri\u00e8re",
+ "series_move_up": "D\u00e9place cet objet dans la s\u00e9rie vers l'avant",
+ "relate_objekt": "Ajouter une association avec un objet",
+ "series_no_series": "Aucun groupe d\u2019objet n\u2019a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 pour l\u2019instant",
+ "hide_objectgroup": "Masquer le groupe d'objets",
+ "show_objectgroup": "Rendre le groupes d'objets public",
+ "objectgroup_number_member": "Nombre d'objets dans ce groupe",
+ "html_catalogue": "Catalogue HTML",
+ "series_belongs": "Le groupe d'objets appartient \u00e0",
+ "series_delete": "Supprimer le groupe d'objets",
+ "series_delete_question": "Vous allez supprimer un groupe d'objets",
+ "series_presentation": "Afficher le groupe comme ...",
+ "show_series_at_museumsite": "Afficher sur la page du mus\u00e9e",
+ "hide_series_at_museumsite": "Masquer sur la page du mus\u00e9e",
+ "show_map_with_series": "Afficher la carte dans l'\u00e9dition",
+ "hide_map_with_series": "Masquer la carte dans l'\u00e9dition",
+ "series_map_set_nonpublic": "Aucune carte n\u2019est affich\u00e9e dans la page des groupes d'objets.",
+ "series_map_set_public": "Une carte est affich\u00e9e dans la page des groupes d'objets.",
+ "series_add": "Ajouter un groupe d'objets",
+ "series_added": "Un nouveau groupe d\u2019objets a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9.",
+ "series_update": "\u00c9diter un groupe d'objets",
+ "series_updated": "Le groupe d'objets a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9.",
+ "series_objpos_backward": "L'objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9plac\u00e9 vers l\u2019arri\u00e8re.",
+ "series_objpos_forward": "L'objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9plac\u00e9 vers l\u2019avant.",
+ "linked_obj_obj": "L'objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 associ\u00e9 avec un autre objet",
+ "linked_obj_series": "L'objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 associ\u00e9 avec un groupe d'objets",
+ "objectgroup_hidden": "Groupe d'objets d\u00e9fini sur invisible",
+ "objectgroup_visible": "Groupe d'objets d\u00e9fini sur visible",
+ "objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "Le groupe d'objets est affich\u00e9 sur la page du mus\u00e9e",
+ "objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "Le groupe d'objets n\u2019est pas affich\u00e9 sur la page du mus\u00e9e",
+ "single_from": "De",
+ "link_edited": "Le lien a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9",
+ "files_in_index": "Entr\u00e9es dans l\u2019index",
+ "links_good": "Liens sans erreur",
+ "links_referral": "Les liens dirigent vers un transfert",
+ "links_error": "Liens d\u00e9fectueux",
+ "index_more": "Indexer plus",
"url_simple": "URL",
- "status_code": "Status Code",
- "date_checked": "Date checked",
- "link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
- "no_checks_run_yet": "No checks run yet",
- "all_series": "All series",
- "series_base_data": "Basic information about the series",
- "series_objects": "Objects for series",
- "xml_export": "Export (XML)",
- "link_validation_tool": "Hyperlink validation tool",
- "linked_objects": "Linked objects",
- "series_deleted": "The series has been deleted",
- "series_no_series_text": "No series \/ object group has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
- "upload_image": "Upload image",
- "delete_image": "Delete image",
- "deleted_image": "Deleted image",
- "uploaded_image": "Uploaded series image",
- "series_image": "Main image of the series",
- "registered_urls": "Registered URLs",
- "clicks": "Clicks",
- "registered_at": "Registered at",
- "url_alias": "URL Alias",
- "explica_alias": "The main alias of the link. This tool provides pretty URLs that refer the user onwards to a given target URL. The \"prettier\" URL may e.g. be \"https:\/\/ex.musdig.org\/test\". In this example, the identifier would be \"test\" - say, anything after the main URL. Please note that each identifier must be unique. If any other user has registered the same identifier you want to use before, you will have to choose another one.",
- "explica_target_url": "This service refers the user onwards to a given website. Here you should enter the target URL of the referral.",
- "shortener_introduction": "Sometimes URLs of special pages are long, cryptic and hard to remember. Hence this service. All URLs created with this aliasing service start with \u201eex.musdig.org\u201c, what is added is determined by your entry in the field \u201eURL Alias\u201c. If for example you enter \u201eberliner-uhren\u201c, you create a short URL \"https:\/\/ex.musdig.org\/berliner-uhren\u201c. Of course you have to name the target URL as well. In the example given it is the Themator topic \"Berliner Uhren\". The target URL is https:\/\/themator.museum-digital.de\/ausgabe\/showthema.php?m_tid=1070&tid=1070.",
- "no_urls_registered": "You have not registered any URLs yet. Once entered, they will be listed here."
+ "status_code": "Code de statut",
+ "date_checked": "Dernier contr\u00f4le",
+ "link_validity_check": "Contr\u00f4le de la validit\u00e9 du lien",
+ "no_checks_run_yet": "Aucun contr\u00f4le effectu\u00e9 pour l\u2019instant",
+ "all_series": "Tous les groupes d'objets",
+ "series_base_data": "Donn\u00e9es de base du groupe d'objets",
+ "series_objects": "Objets du groupe d'objets",
+ "xml_export": "Exportation XML",
+ "link_validation_tool": "Outil de contr\u00f4le d'hyperlien",
+ "linked_objects": "Objets associ\u00e9s",
+ "series_deleted": "Le groupe d'objets a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9",
+ "series_no_series_text": "Pour votre mus\u00e9e, aucune s\u00e9rie \/ aucun groupe d'objets n\u2019a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9(e) (nous ne pouvons donc pas en r\u00e9pertorier ici). Vous pouvez :",
+ "upload_image": "Charger une image",
+ "delete_image": "Supprimer une image",
+ "deleted_image": "Image supprim\u00e9e",
+ "uploaded_image": "L'image du groupe d'objets a \u00e9t\u00e9 charg\u00e9e",
+ "series_image": "Image du groupe d'objets",
+ "registered_urls": "URL enregistr\u00e9es",
+ "clicks": "Requ\u00eates",
+ "registered_at": "Enregistr\u00e9 le",
+ "url_alias": "Identifiant",
+ "explica_alias": "La partie variable du lien \u00ab\u00a0embelli\u00a0\u00bb. Le but de cet outil est \u00ab\u00a0d\u2019embellir\u00a0\u00bb les liens en proposant des liens plus courts et plus concis qui redirigent vers une page de destination donn\u00e9e.\r\nLe lien \u00ab\u00a0plus beau\u00a0\u00bb peut \u00eatre \u00ab\u00a0https:\/\/ex.musdig.org\/test\u00a0\u00bb. Dans ce cas, \u00ab\u00a0test\u00a0\u00bb serait l\u2019alias variable. [Every museum has a name. Please use an easily recognizeable form of the name if possible.]",
- "no_description": "Please enter a description of the museum!<\/p> [The description is essential for this undertaking. After all, the museum should be represented as a place of safe-keeping, researching and collecting. At best, write about 1000 letters.]",
- "no_zipcode": "Please enter a zip code and a city here!<\/p> [Please enter the museum's zip code and city here. Enter your zipcode without spaces; a space is used to differenciate the zipcode from the city.]",
- "no_streetname": "Please enter your street address here!<\/p>http:\/\/<\/code> or
- "zip_code": "Zip code",
- "zip_code_explica": "ZIP code of the institution.",
- "contacts_added_loan": "The contact has been added. You can now link it with the loan entry.",
- "contacts_list_empty": "Your list of contacts is empty thus far.",
- "all_contacts": "All contacts",
- "contact_details": "Contact details",
- "new_contact": "New contact",
- "no_contacts": "Contacts list is empty",
- "no_contacts_text": "No contact has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
- "phone_number_added": "Phone number added",
- "phone": "Phone",
- "phone_type_work": "Work",
- "phone_type_home": "Home",
- "phone_type_mobile": "Mobile",
- "phone_type_work_mobile": "Work mobile",
+ "url_explica": "URL du site web de la personne ou de l\u2019institution. Il doit s'agir d\u2019une URL absolue. (Elle doit donc commencer par
http:\/\/<\/code> ou
+ "zip_code": "Code postal",
+ "zip_code_explica": "Code postal de l'institution",
+ "contacts_added_loan": "Le contact a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9. Vous pouvez l\u2019associer \u00e0 pr\u00e9sent.",
+ "contacts_list_empty": "Votre r\u00e9pertoire est encore vide. Veuillez d'abord ajouter un contact.",
+ "all_contacts": "Tous les contacts",
+ "contact_details": "D\u00e9tails du contact",
+ "new_contact": "Nouveau contact",
+ "no_contacts": "La liste de contacts est encore vide",
+ "no_contacts_text": "Aucun contact n\u2019a encore \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9 (nous ne pouvons donc pas en r\u00e9pertorier). Vous pouvez :",
+ "phone_number_added": "Un num\u00e9ro de t\u00e9l\u00e9phone a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9",
+ "phone": "T\u00e9l\u00e9phone",
+ "phone_type_work": "Travail",
+ "phone_type_home": "Domicile",
+ "phone_type_mobile": "Mobile ",
+ "phone_type_work_mobile": "Mobile : Travail",
"phone_type_fax": "Fax",
- "phone_type_fax_work": "Fax work",
- "phone_number_deleted": "Phone number deleted",
- "phone_number_updated": "Phone number updated"
+ "phone_type_fax_work": "Fax : Travail",
+ "phone_number_deleted": "Un num\u00e9ro de t\u00e9l\u00e9phone a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9",
+ "phone_number_updated": "Un num\u00e9ro de t\u00e9l\u00e9phone a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9"
"gender": [
- "female",
- "male",
- "other"
+ "F\u00e9minin",
+ "Masculin",
+ "Autre"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/conversations.json b/backend/fr/conversations.json
index fcfb4520..69b34f2e 100644
--- a/backend/fr/conversations.json
+++ b/backend/fr/conversations.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"tlConversations": {
- "start_conversation": "Start conversation",
- "view_conversation": "View conversation",
+ "start_conversation": "D\u00e9marrer la conversation",
+ "view_conversation": "Consulter la conversation",
"conversations": "Conversations",
- "no_messages": "There are no messages here."
+ "no_messages": "Aucun message disponible."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/data_history.json b/backend/fr/data_history.json
index 7d27cd39..db6dca2d 100644
--- a/backend/fr/data_history.json
+++ b/backend/fr/data_history.json
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
"data_history": {
- "addendum": "Additional information",
- "addition": "Object record created",
- "administration": "Administrative information",
- "base": "Basic information",
- "collection": "Link with collection",
- "deletion": "Object deleted",
- "event": "Event",
- "link": "Link with hyperlink",
- "literature": "Link with literature",
- "location": "Information about whereabouts",
- "notes": "Remarks",
- "record": "Alternative language record",
- "resource": "Link with image or resource",
- "rights": "Rights informationen",
- "serie": "Link with object group",
- "tag": "Link with keyword",
- "visibility": "Visibility",
- "type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
- "date": "at",
- "user": "by",
+ "addendum": "Informations suppl\u00e9mentaires",
+ "addition": "Ensemble de donn\u00e9es g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9",
+ "administration": "Informations sur la gestion de l\u2019objet",
+ "base": "Informations de base",
+ "collection": "Association avec la collection",
+ "deletion": "Objet supprim\u00e9",
+ "event": "Entr\u00e9e de l'\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "link": "Association avec lien",
+ "literature": "Association avec entr\u00e9e de documentation",
+ "location": "Informations sur le devenir",
+ "notes": "Notes sur l\u2019objet",
+ "record": "Version de langue alternative",
+ "resource": "Association avec image ou ressource",
+ "rights": "Informations l\u00e9gales",
+ "serie": "Association avec un groupe d\u2019objets",
+ "tag": "Association avec mot-cl\u00e9",
+ "visibility": "Visibilit\u00e9",
+ "type_of_edit": "Modifi\u00e9 ...",
+ "date": "le",
+ "user": "par",
"transcription": "Transcription",
- "restorationReport": "Restoration report",
- "exhibition": "Exhibition",
- "loan": "Loan",
- "provenance": "Provenance report",
- "image": "Image",
- "condition": "Condition",
- "series": "Linked with object group",
- "persinst_merge": "Actor entry merged",
- "profile_publish": "Profile published",
- "profile_unpublish": "Profile hidden",
- "upload_profile_image": "Profile image uploaded",
- "unlink_image": "Image deleted",
- "user_description_edited": "User description",
- "profile_hide": "Profile hidden",
- "update_2fa_information": "Updated two factor authentication setting",
- "update_pgp_key": "PGP key updated",
- "more": "Additional information",
- "ticket_prices": "Ticket types",
- "opening_hours": "Opening hours",
- "rooms": "Rooms",
- "rooms;addition": "Added a new room",
- "rooms;deletion": "Removed a room",
- "ticket_type": "Ticket types",
+ "restorationReport": "Rapports de restauration\/conservation",
+ "exhibition": "Exposition",
+ "loan": "Pr\u00eat",
+ "provenance": "Provenance",
+ "image": "Illustration",
+ "condition": "\u00c9tat",
+ "series": "Association avec un groupe d\u2019objets",
+ "persinst_merge": "Acteurs regroup\u00e9s (donn\u00e9es normalis\u00e9es)",
+ "profile_publish": "Profil publi\u00e9",
+ "profile_unpublish": "Profil masqu\u00e9",
+ "upload_profile_image": "Image de profil charg\u00e9e",
+ "unlink_image": "Image de profil supprim\u00e9e",
+ "user_description_edited": "Description du profil",
+ "profile_hide": "Profil masqu\u00e9",
+ "update_2fa_information": "R\u00e9glages pour l\u2019authentification \u00e0 deux facteurs",
+ "update_pgp_key": "Cl\u00e9 PGP actualis\u00e9e",
+ "more": "Informations suppl\u00e9mentaires",
+ "ticket_prices": "Types de billet",
+ "opening_hours": "Heures d'ouverture",
+ "rooms": "Salles",
+ "rooms;addition": "Nouvelle salle ajout\u00e9e",
+ "rooms;deletion": "Salle supprim\u00e9e",
+ "ticket_type": "Types de billet",
"position": "Position",
- "hierarchy": "Hierarchy",
- "faq;updated": "Updated FAQ entry",
- "faq;deleted": "Removed an FAQ entry",
- "faq;addition": "Added an FAQ entry",
- "faq;deletion": "FAQ entry deleted",
- "map": "Map",
- "object": "Object",
- "reception_publication": "Reception",
- "visibility (sm)": "Visibility (social media)",
- "link_persinst": "Linked an actor",
- "unlink_persinst": "Remove link to an actor",
- "chapter_updated": "Chapter information updated",
- "chapter_added": "Chapter added",
- "chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
- "unlink_source": "Deleted link to source",
- "link_source": "Linked a source",
- "source_link_updated": "Link to a source has been updated",
- "institution": "institution",
- "flagged_for_deletion": "Flagged for deletion",
- "link_collection": "Link collection",
- "link_museum": "Link museum",
- "remove_museum": "Removed museum",
- "objekt": "Object",
- "link_tag": "Linked a tag",
- "unlink_tag": "Removed a tag",
- "marking": "Marking",
+ "hierarchy": "Hi\u00e9rarchie",
+ "faq;updated": "Entr\u00e9e de FAQ \u00e9dit\u00e9e",
+ "faq;deleted": "Entr\u00e9e de FAQ supprim\u00e9e",
+ "faq;addition": "Entr\u00e9e de FAQ ajout\u00e9e",
+ "faq;deletion": "Entr\u00e9e de FAQ supprim\u00e9e",
+ "map": "Carte",
+ "object": "Objet",
+ "reception_publication": "R\u00e9ception",
+ "visibility (sm)": "Visibilit\u00e9 (boutons de r\u00e9seaux sociaux)",
+ "link_persinst": "Acteur associ\u00e9",
+ "unlink_persinst": "Association avec l'acteur supprim\u00e9e",
+ "chapter_updated": "Informations sur le chapitre \u00e9dit\u00e9es",
+ "chapter_added": "Chapitre ajout\u00e9",
+ "chapter_deleted": "Un chapitre supprim\u00e9",
+ "unlink_source": "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 la source supprim\u00e9e",
+ "link_source": "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 la source saisie",
+ "source_link_updated": "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 la source \u00e9dit\u00e9e",
+ "institution": "Institution",
+ "flagged_for_deletion": "Marqu\u00e9 pour suppression",
+ "link_collection": "Collection associ\u00e9e",
+ "link_museum": "Mus\u00e9e associ\u00e9",
+ "remove_museum": "Mus\u00e9e supprim\u00e9",
+ "objekt": "Objet",
+ "link_tag": "Jour associ\u00e9",
+ "unlink_tag": "Jour supprim\u00e9",
+ "marking": "Marquage",
"remove_collection": "Remove collection",
"move_space": "Moved to different space",
"owner": "Ownership"
diff --git a/backend/fr/db_links.json b/backend/fr/db_links.json
index d2fedbba..1831f29e 100644
--- a/backend/fr/db_links.json
+++ b/backend/fr/db_links.json
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
"db_links": {
- "deleted_obj_persinst": "Link to person has been removed from the object.",
- "deleted_obj_time": "Link to time has been removed from the object.",
- "deleted_obj_place": "Link to place has been removed from the object.",
- "deleted_obj_tag": "Link to tag has been removed from the object.",
- "deleted_obj_lit": "Link to literature entry has been removed from the object.",
- "deleted_obj_link": "Link to hyperlink has been removed from the object.",
- "deleted_obj_image": "The image has been removed.",
- "deleted_obj_museum": "Object has been removed from the museum.",
- "deleted_obj_collection": "Object has been removed from the collection.",
- "deleted_obj_series": "Object has been removed from the object group.",
- "deleted_tag_obj": "Link to object has been removed from the tag.",
- "deleted_lit_obj": "Link to object has been removed from the literature entry.",
- "deleted_museum_collection": "Collection has been removed from the museum.",
- "added_obj_collection": "Added object to collection.",
- "added_obj_literature": "The bibliographic entry has been linked with the object.",
- "added_obj_link": "The link has been connected with the object.",
- "added_obj_tag": "The object has been linked to tag(s)",
- "annotation_deleted": "The annotation has been removed.",
- "obj_tag_already_added": "The tag was already linked with the object",
- "obj_link_already_added": "The link was already linked with the object",
- "obj_literature_already_added": "The literature entry was already linked with the object",
- "obj_collection_already_added": "The collection was already linked with the object",
- "similar_tag_already_known": "The tag was already known by a different name,
linked that entry.",
- "identified_rewritten_tag": "The tag is known to mean the same as the following tags (now linked):",
- "tag_in_blacklist": "The entered tag is blacklisted"
+ "deleted_obj_persinst": "L\u2019association entre la personne et l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_obj_time": "L\u2019association entre le temps et l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_obj_place": "L\u2019association entre le lieu et l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_obj_tag": "L\u2019association entre le mot-cl\u00e9 et l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_obj_lit": "L\u2019association entre l\u2019entr\u00e9e de bibliographie et l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_obj_link": "L\u2019association entre l\u2019hyperlien et l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_obj_image": "L'image a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_obj_museum": "L\u2019association entre l\u2019objet et le mus\u00e9e a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_obj_collection": "L\u2019association entre l\u2019objet et la collection a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_obj_series": "L\u2019association entre l\u2019objet et le groupe d'objets a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_tag_obj": "L\u2019association de l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 s\u00e9par\u00e9e du mot-cl\u00e9",
+ "deleted_lit_obj": "L\u2019association de l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 s\u00e9par\u00e9e de l\u2019entr\u00e9e de bibliographie",
+ "deleted_museum_collection": "La collection a \u00e9t\u00e9 retir\u00e9e du mus\u00e9e",
+ "added_obj_collection": "L'objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9 \u00e0 une collection",
+ "added_obj_literature": "L\u2019entr\u00e9e de bibliographie a \u00e9t\u00e9 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "added_obj_link": "L\u2019hyperlien a \u00e9t\u00e9 associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "added_obj_tag": "L'objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 associ\u00e9 avec un(\/des) mot(s)-cl\u00e9(s)",
+ "annotation_deleted": "La remarque a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "obj_tag_already_added": "La date \u00e9tait d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "obj_link_already_added": "Le lien \u00e9tait d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "obj_literature_already_added": "L\u2019entr\u00e9e de bibliographie \u00e9tait d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "obj_collection_already_added": "La collection \u00e9tait d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "similar_tag_already_known": "Le mot-cl\u00e9 \u00e9tait d\u00e9j\u00e0 connu sous un nom (l\u00e9g\u00e8rement) diff\u00e9rent.
L\u2019association a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9e.",
+ "identified_rewritten_tag": "Le mot-cl\u00e9 est d\u00e9j\u00e0 connu sous l'autre nom suivant (ils sont associ\u00e9s \u00e0 pr\u00e9sent) :",
+ "tag_in_blacklist": "Le terme enregistr\u00e9 est interdit"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/event.json b/backend/fr/event.json
index 02869bf1..6139f26e 100644
--- a/backend/fr/event.json
+++ b/backend/fr/event.json
@@ -1,98 +1,102 @@
"event": {
- "choose_new_type": "Please select another type of event",
- "what": "What",
- "when": "When",
- "who": "Who",
- "where": "Where",
- "add_placename": "Insert place name",
- "no_place": "Delete place name in event",
- "add_actor": "Insert actor",
- "no_actor": "Delete actor in event",
- "add_time": "Insert time",
- "no_time": "Delete time in event",
- "last_used": "Last used",
- "delete_event": "Delete the event",
- "delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
- "delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
- "delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
- "check_not_enough": "There is not enough information to save an event",
- "check_stop_input": "Stop event generation - return to object",
- "check_time_heading": "Adding an event ... Checking time term",
- "check_time_term": "Time term",
- "check_time_already_related": "is already related to the object through a time relation! You should add relations to time terms only if the object is especially typical for this time.",
- "check_time_already_event": "is already related to the object via an event! Do you really like to add another event with the same time term?",
- "check_time_already_related_event": "is already related to the object via a time relation AND an event! Do you really like to add another event with the same time term?",
- "check_time_new": "Introduce new time term and connect",
- "check_time_connect": "Connect object with this time",
- "check_time_ignore": "Ignore time term",
- "found_similar": "Found similar terms",
- "check_use_time": "Use new time term",
- "check_already_special relation": "is already related to the object through a time relation or an event!",
- "check_takeit": "... use it",
- "check_takeit_nevermind": "Never mind, use it",
- "check_actor_heading": "Adding an event ... Checking actor name",
- "check_actor_term": "The actor name",
- "check_actor_already_related": "is already related to the object through an actor-relation - in the form of",
- "check_actor_additional_event_with": "Should an additional event for the object be created - with",
- "check_actor_already_event": "is already related to the object through an event - in the form of",
- "check_actor_already_related_event": "is already related to the object through an actor-relation AND an event - in the form of",
- "check_actor_new": "Introduce new person or institution and connect",
- "check_actor_notmeant": "Not the actor that was meant (introduce new actor and connect)",
- "check_actor_introduce": "introduce as actor",
- "check_actor_ignore": "Ignore actor name",
- "check_use_actor": "Use new actor name",
- "check_place_heading": "Adding an event ... Checking place name",
- "check_place_term": "The place name",
- "check_place_already_related": "is already related to the object through a geographical relation! You should add additional geographical relations only if the object is very closely related to the place.",
- "check_place_already_event": "is already related to the object through an event! Should an additional event be created using",
- "check_place_new": "Introduce new placename and connect",
- "check_place_notmeant": "Not the place that was meant (introduce new placename and connect)",
- "check_place_connect": "Connect the object with this place",
- "check_place_ignore": "Ignore place name",
- "check_use_place": "Use new place name",
- "you_entered": "You entered",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "check_already_other_event": "is already related to the object through another event! Should an additional event for the object be created using",
- "check_additional_event": "Yes, another event with the same term is related to the object (Save)",
- "check_better_back": "Ok, better not ... (Go back)",
- "classic_new_event": "New event relating to",
- "classic_do_nothing": "Don't save, go back to object",
- "classic_recently_used": "Recently used",
- "classic_one_element_minimum": "At least one answer to the questions of \"When\"-\"Who\"-\"Where\"<\/i> has to be provided",
- "classic_eventtype_needed": "You have to select an event type",
- "classic_annotation_intro": "Annotation to the event",
- "classic_explica_recently": "Table: \"Recently used ...\"<\/b>
Instead of choosing a term by clicking at When<\/b>, Who<\/b> or Where<\/b> (above) you may use a recently used term by clicking in this table",
- "change_title": "Edit event related to",
- "title_help": "Event types (... and how they should be used ...)",
- "event_deleted": "The event has been removed.",
- "event_edited": "The event has been updated.",
- "event_switched_uncertain": "Relation has marked as uncertain.",
- "event_switched_certain": "Relation has marked as certain.",
- "aborted_short_input": "Aborted: Text is too short.",
- "add_pers_first": "Please check first if the actor you want to add is known already.",
- "add_pers_second": "To do so please type in the name slowly.",
- "add_pers_third": "If the appearing window contains the name click on it.",
- "add_pers_forth": "If not, simply complete typing the name and press Enter.",
- "add_placename_first": "Please check first if the place you want to use is known already.",
- "add_placename_second": "To do so please type in the place slowly.",
- "add_placename_third": "If the appearing window contains the place click on it.",
- "add_placename_forth": "If not, simply complete typing the place and press Enter.",
- "add_time_first": "Please check first if the time you want to use is known already.",
- "add_time_second": "To do so please type in the time slowly.",
- "add_time_third": "If the appearing window contains the time click on it.",
- "add_time_forth": "If not, simply complete typing the time and press Enter.",
- "find_actor": "Find an actor",
- "find_placename": "Find a place",
- "find_time": "Find a time",
- "input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
- "minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
- "similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
- "event_added": "The event has been added",
- "check_already_special_relation": "is already related to the object through a time relation or an event!",
- "edit_event": "Edit the event",
- "clone_event": "Clone the event",
- "gnd": "Gemeinsame Normdatei",
- "recognized_uncertainty": "Recognized uncertainty"
+ "choose_new_type": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner un type d'\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "what": "Quoi",
+ "when": "Quand",
+ "who": "Qui",
+ "where": "O\u00f9",
+ "add_placename": "Saisir le nom du lieu",
+ "no_place": "Supprimer une entr\u00e9e de lieu de l\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "add_actor": "Saisir un acteur",
+ "no_actor": "Supprimer une entr\u00e9e d'acteur de l\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "add_time": "Saisir une entr\u00e9e de temps",
+ "no_time": "Supprimer une entr\u00e9e de temps de l\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "last_used": "Derni\u00e8re utilisation",
+ "delete_event": "Supprimer l\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "delete_question": "Vous allez supprimer un \u00e9v\u00e9nement !",
+ "delete_no": "Non, ce n\u2019est pas ce qui \u00e9tait impliqu\u00e9 (retour)",
+ "delete_yes": "Oui, c\u2019est cela. Poursuivre ainsi",
+ "check_not_enough": "Il n\u2019y a pas assez d\u2019informations disponibles pour enregistrer un \u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "check_stop_input": "Annuler la saisie de l'\u00e9v\u00e9nement (retour \u00e0 l\u2019objet)",
+ "check_time_heading": "Enregistrement d'un \u00e9v\u00e9nement ... Comparaison des donn\u00e9es normalis\u00e9es pour l\u2019indication de temps",
+ "check_time_term": "L\u2019indication de temps",
+ "check_time_already_related": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet via une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence de temps ! Vous ne devez enregistrer une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence temporelle suppl\u00e9mentaire que si l\u2019objet est particuli\u00e8rement typique pour cette p\u00e9riode.",
+ "check_time_already_event": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet via un \u00e9v\u00e9nement ! Voulez-vous vraiment cr\u00e9er un autre \u00e9v\u00e9nement avec la m\u00eame indication de temps ?",
+ "check_time_already_related_event": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet via une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence temporelle ET un \u00e9v\u00e9nement ! Voulez-vous vraiment cr\u00e9er un autre \u00e9v\u00e9nement avec la m\u00eame indication de temps ?",
+ "check_time_new": "Introduire et associer une nouvelle indication de temps",
+ "check_time_connect": "Associer un objet \u00e0 cette indication de temps",
+ "check_time_ignore": "Ignorer l'indication de temps",
+ "found_similar": "R\u00e9sultat similaire trouv\u00e9",
+ "check_use_time": "Utiliser une nouvelle indication de temps",
+ "check_already_special relation": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet par une relation particuli\u00e8re ou un \u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "check_takeit": "Reprendre",
+ "check_takeit_nevermind": "Reprendre tout de m\u00eame",
+ "check_actor_heading": "Enregistrement d'un \u00e9v\u00e9nement ... Comparaison des donn\u00e9es normalis\u00e9es pour l\u2019indication des acteurs",
+ "check_actor_term": "Le nom de la personne\/de l\u2019institution",
+ "check_actor_already_related": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019objet via une relation personne-entit\u00e9 - sous la forme",
+ "check_actor_additional_event_with": "Un \u00e9v\u00e9nement suppl\u00e9mentaire doit \u00eatre associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l'objet - avec",
+ "check_actor_already_event": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019objet via un \u00e9v\u00e9nement - sous la forme",
+ "check_actor_already_related_event": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019objet via une relation personne-entit\u00e9 ET un \u00e9v\u00e9nement - sous la forme",
+ "check_actor_new": "Introduire et associer une nouvelle personne\/institution",
+ "check_actor_notmeant": "Il ne s'agit pas de la personne\/de l\u2019entit\u00e9 souhait\u00e9e (introduire et associer un nouvel acteur)",
+ "check_actor_introduce": "Enregistrer comme acteur",
+ "check_actor_ignore": "Ignorer l'indication de l'acteur",
+ "check_use_actor": "Utiliser un nouvel acteur",
+ "check_place_heading": "Enregistrement d'un \u00e9v\u00e9nement ... Comparaison des donn\u00e9es normalis\u00e9es pour l\u2019indication de lieu",
+ "check_place_term": "La d\u00e9signation de lieu",
+ "check_place_already_related": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet via une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence g\u00e9ographique ! Vous ne devez enregistrer une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence de lieu suppl\u00e9mentaire que si l\u2019objet est particuli\u00e8rement li\u00e9 \u00e0 ce lieu.",
+ "check_place_already_event": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet via un \u00e9v\u00e9nement ! Un \u00e9v\u00e9nement suppl\u00e9mentaire doit \u00eatre associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l'objet avec",
+ "check_place_new": "Introduire et associer un nouveau nom de lieu",
+ "check_place_notmeant": "Il ne s'agit pas du lieu souhait\u00e9 (introduire et associer un nouveau nom de lieu)",
+ "check_place_connect": "Associer un objet \u00e0 ce lieu",
+ "check_place_ignore": "Ignorer l\u2019indication de lieu",
+ "check_use_place": "Utiliser un nouveau nom de lieu",
+ "you_entered": "Votre saisie \u00e9tait",
+ "yes": "Oui",
+ "check_already_other_event": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l'objet via un autre \u00e9v\u00e9nement ! Un autre \u00e9v\u00e9nement doit \u00eatre associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l'objet - avec",
+ "check_additional_event": "Oui, un autre \u00e9v\u00e9nement avec la m\u00eame indication est associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019objet. (Enregistrer)",
+ "check_better_back": "Alors il ne vaut mieux pas ... (Retour)",
+ "classic_new_event": "Nouvel \u00e9v\u00e9nement avec r\u00e9f\u00e9rence",
+ "classic_do_nothing": "Ne pas enregistrer et revenir \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "classic_recently_used": "Abr\u00e9g\u00e9",
+ "classic_one_element_minimum": "Il faut saisir au moins l\u2019une des informations parmi \u00a0\u00bbQuand\u00a0\u00bb -\u00a0\u00ab\u00a0Qui\u00a0\u00bb - \u00ab\u00a0O\u00f9\u00a0\u00bb<\/i>.",
+ "classic_eventtype_needed": "Vous devez saisir un type d'\u00e9v\u00e9nement (par ex. \u00ab\u00a0fabriqu\u00e9\u00a0\u00bb)",
+ "classic_annotation_intro": "Remarque concernant l'\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "classic_explica_recently": "Tableau : \u00ab\u00a0Abr\u00e9g\u00e9 ...\u00a0\u00bb<\/b>
Au lieu de cliquer surQuand<\/b>, Qui<\/b> ou O\u00f9<\/b> (en haut) pour s\u00e9lectionner un terme correspondant, vous pouvez \u00e9galement cliquer tout simplement dans ce tableau, si vous avez utilis\u00e9 ce terme r\u00e9cemment.",
+ "change_title": "\u00c9diter un \u00e9v\u00e9nement avec r\u00e9f\u00e9rence",
+ "title_help": "Types d\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nements (... et comment ils devraient \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s ...)",
+ "event_deleted": "L'\u00e9v\u00e9nement a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9",
+ "event_edited": "L'\u00e9v\u00e9nement a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9",
+ "event_switched_uncertain": "La relation a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9e comme \u00e9tant incertaine",
+ "event_switched_certain": "La relation a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9e comme \u00e9tant s\u00fbre",
+ "aborted_short_input": "Annulation : le texte est trop court",
+ "add_pers_first": "Veuillez d\u2019abord v\u00e9rifier si l\u2019acteur que vous souhaitez enregistrer est d\u00e9j\u00e0 connu.",
+ "add_pers_second": "Pour ce faire, saisissez lentement le nom de famille dans la barre de recherche.",
+ "add_pers_third": "Si le nom de l\u2019acteur appara\u00eet dans la fen\u00eatre d\u00e9roulante, cliquez dessus.",
+ "add_pers_forth": "Si l\u2019acteur que vous recherchez n\u2019appara\u00eet pas dans la fen\u00eatre d\u00e9roulante, appuyez simplement sur Entr\u00e9e apr\u00e8s la saisie compl\u00e8te.",
+ "add_placename_first": "Veuillez d\u2019abord v\u00e9rifier si le lieu que vous souhaitez saisir est d\u00e9j\u00e0 connu.",
+ "add_placename_second": "Pour ce faire, saisissez lentement le nom de lieu dans la barre de recherche.",
+ "add_placename_third": "Si le nom de lieu appara\u00eet dans la fen\u00eatre d\u00e9roulante, cliquez dessus.",
+ "add_placename_forth": "Si le nom de lieu que vous recherchez n\u2019appara\u00eet pas dans la fen\u00eatre d\u00e9roulante, appuyez simplement sur Entr\u00e9e apr\u00e8s la saisie compl\u00e8te.",
+ "add_time_first": "Veuillez d\u2019abord v\u00e9rifier si la p\u00e9riode que vous souhaitez saisir est d\u00e9j\u00e0 connue.",
+ "add_time_second": "Pour ce faire, saisissez lentement la p\u00e9riode ans la barre de recherche.",
+ "add_time_third": "Si la p\u00e9riode appara\u00eet dans la fen\u00eatre d\u00e9roulante, cliquez dessus.",
+ "add_time_forth": "Si la p\u00e9riode que vous recherchez n\u2019appara\u00eet pas dans la fen\u00eatre d\u00e9roulante, appuyez simplement sur Entr\u00e9e apr\u00e8s la saisie compl\u00e8te.",
+ "find_actor": "Trouver un acteur",
+ "find_placename": "Trouver un nom de lieu",
+ "find_time": "Trouver un concept de temps",
+ "input_too_short_aborted": "Votre saisie \u00e9tait trop courte. Annulation.",
+ "minimum_3_characters": "Au moins trois caract\u00e8res",
+ "similar_event_already_added": "Ce type d'\u00e9v\u00e9nement \u00e9tait d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "event_added": "Un \u00e9v\u00e9nement a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9",
+ "check_already_special_relation": "est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet par une relation particuli\u00e8re ou un \u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "edit_event": "\u00c9diter l\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "clone_event": "Cloner l'\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "gnd": "Fichier normalis\u00e9 commun",
+ "recognized_uncertainty": "Incertitude reconnue",
+ "86": "",
+ "88": "",
+ "90": "",
+ "92": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/eventtype_explica.json b/backend/fr/eventtype_explica.json
index 21898f1b..2f01dae1 100644
--- a/backend/fr/eventtype_explica.json
+++ b/backend/fr/eventtype_explica.json
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"ereignistyp_explica": {
- "1": "Fits nearly in all cases for man-made objects. Use this if no other event type suits better.",
- "2": "Please only use for archaelogical or geological objects",
- "3": "Please use for books, maps and similar things",
- "4": "Creation of something inspiring e.g. a painting",
- "5": "Please use if someone is depicted at the object (only persons or institutions)",
- "6": "Use in \"real world\" (i.e. outside of exhibitions etc.)",
- "7": "Please use for letters, books, musical notations, ...",
- "8": "Please use for biological objects (NOT: The museum as collector)",
- "9": "Please use for paintings of all kinds ...",
- "10": "Please use for photographies, audio- or video recordings ...",
- "11": "Please use for letters and other mailed documents.",
- "12": "Please use for engravings and woodcuts ...",
- "13": "Please use for letters and other mailed documents.",
- "14": "Please ONLY use for certificates and documents",
- "15": "Please use for documents.",
- "16": "Please use for archaeological finds, zoological typus definition, ...",
- "19": "Use for drawings",
- "20": "Copying a text of any kind by hand",
- "21": "Please use if the object itself is a prehistoric life form (saurus, neanderthaler, exstinguished fern, ...).",
- "22": "Genearal, not exactly defined relation to a place",
- "23": "Genearal, not exactly defined relation to a person or institution",
- "24": "Genearal, not exactly defined relation to a time",
- "25": "Please use to add information about commissioning e.g. the creation of an object",
- "26": "Please use to add information about the creation of printed material",
- "27": "Please use if the object is an audio recording",
- "28": "Please use if the object is a recorded song",
- "29": "Please use for ceramics",
- "30": "Please use for ceramics",
- "31": "Please use for ceramics",
- "32": "Please use if the object contains a signature (e.g. painting, graphics, ...)",
- "33": "Please use if the object is a letter or document in which a person or institution is mentioned",
- "34": "Please use for archaeological objects that were buried intentionally",
- "35": "Please use for the intellectual creation of an object",
- "36": "Please use if a settlement or building is depicted at the objects (not a person or institution)",
- "37": "Please use, if the object was painted on (e.g. a painting on a cup)",
- "38": "Please use, if the object was illustrated (e.g. a book)",
- "44": "For objects that have been restorated.",
- "45": "To be used if a part of the object was damaged, e.g. if a statue lost its arm.",
- "46": "To be used for the complete destruction of an objection.",
- "47": "To be used for objects that have been lost.",
- "48": "For textual objects (like books), that were edited or compiled.",
- "39": "Final step of production. E.g. to be used for the final assembly of all parts of a bus.",
- "40": "The object was traded via auctions.",
- "41": "Here you can note down when the object was bought, and who bought it.",
- "42": "Here, the ownership status of the object can be recorded. The information is published. To enter \"hidden\" information, use the \"administration\" and \"provenance\" tabs.",
- "43": "Here you can note down when the object was sold, and who sold it.",
+ "1": "Convient presque toujours aux objets fabriqu\u00e9s par l\u2019homme. \u00c0 utiliser si un autre type d\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement ne convient mieux.",
+ "2": "\u00c0 utiliser uniquement sur des objets arch\u00e9ologiques ou g\u00e9ologiques",
+ "3": "\u00c0 utiliser pour les livres, les cartes et autres",
+ "4": "Cr\u00e9ation de mod\u00e8les pour peintures, etc.",
+ "5": "\u00c0 utiliser si quelqu\u2019un est repr\u00e9sent\u00e9 sur l\u2019objet (personnes\/institutions uniquement)",
+ "6": "Veuillez indiquer l\u2019utilisation de l\u2019objet dans le monde r\u00e9el (PAS : utilisation en exposition)",
+ "7": "\u00c0 utiliser pour les lettres, les livres, les partitions, ...",
+ "8": "\u00c0 utiliser pour les objets biologiques (PAS\u00a0: le mus\u00e9e comme collectionneur)",
+ "9": "Veuillez utiliser pour les peintures, pastels, aquarelles, etc.",
+ "10": "Veuillez utiliser pour les photographies, les enregistrements audio ou vid\u00e9o\/films ...",
+ "11": "Veuillez utiliser pour les lettres et autres documents similaires.",
+ "12": "Veuillez utiliser pour les gravures sur cuivre, sur bois ...",
+ "13": "Veuillez utiliser pour les lettres et autres documents envoy\u00e9s.",
+ "14": "Veuillez utiliser UNIQUEMENT pour les actes et documents",
+ "15": "Veuillez utiliser pour les documents.",
+ "16": "Veuillez utiliser pour les documents arch\u00e9ologiques, les sp\u00e9cimens de type zoologiques, ...",
+ "19": "Valable pour les sch\u00e9mas",
+ "20": "Copier du texte d\u2019apr\u00e8s n\u2019importe quel mod\u00e8le",
+ "21": "Veuillez utiliser si l\u2019objet lui-m\u00eame est une forme de vie pr\u00e9historique (dinosaure, Homme de N\u00e9andertal, foug\u00e8re \u00e9teinte, ...).",
+ "22": "Relation g\u00e9n\u00e9rale non d\u00e9finie avec un lieu",
+ "23": "Relation g\u00e9n\u00e9rale non d\u00e9finie avec la personne ou l\u2019institution",
+ "24": "Relation g\u00e9n\u00e9rale non d\u00e9finie avec une p\u00e9riode",
+ "25": "Veuillez utiliser pour saisir des informations sur la commande (par exemple, la cr\u00e9ation d\u2019un objet)",
+ "26": "Veuillez utiliser pour enregistrer la cr\u00e9ation de documents imprim\u00e9s (livres, magazines, ...)",
+ "27": "Veuillez utiliser si l\u2019objet est un enregistrement sonore (par exemple, entrevue de t\u00e9moin parl\u00e9, po\u00e8me lu \u00e0 haute voix, ...)",
+ "28": "Veuillez utiliser si l\u2019objet est un enregistrement vocal",
+ "29": "\u00c0 utiliser pour la c\u00e9ramique par ex.",
+ "30": "\u00c0 utiliser pour la c\u00e9ramique par ex.",
+ "31": "\u00c0 utiliser pour la c\u00e9ramique par ex.",
+ "32": "Veuillez utiliser si l\u2019objet contient une signature (par exemple, des peintures, des graphiques, des cartes postales d\u2019artistes, ...)",
+ "33": "Veuillez utiliser si l\u2019objet est par exemple une lettre ou un document mentionnant une personne\/une institution.",
+ "34": "\u00c0 utiliser pour les objets arch\u00e9ologiques qui ont \u00e9t\u00e9 enterr\u00e9s intentionnellement (par exemple, les trouvailles de d\u00e9p\u00f4t)",
+ "35": "\u00c0 utiliser pour la cr\u00e9ation d\u2019objets",
+ "36": "Veuillez utiliser si un lieu ou un b\u00e2timent a \u00e9t\u00e9 repr\u00e9sent\u00e9 sur l\u2019objet (pas de personnes \/ institutions)",
+ "37": "Veuillez utiliser si l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 peint",
+ "38": "Veuillez utiliser si l\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 illustr\u00e9",
+ "44": "Ici on peut noter chaque restauration de l\u2019objet",
+ "45": "Ici, vous pouvez noter tout dommage \u00e0 l\u2019objet, dommage partiel ou \u00e9v\u00e9nement dans la note d\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement",
+ "46": "Ici vous pouvez noter la destruction d\u2019un objet",
+ "47": "Ici vous pouvez noter la perte d\u2019un objet",
+ "48": "Par exemple, des volumes collectifs qui ont \u00e9t\u00e9 compil\u00e9s et \u00e9dit\u00e9s par un \u00e9diteur",
+ "39": "Fabrication finale, par exemple image dans le cadre, montage d\u2019un autobus",
+ "40": "Objet en vente aux ench\u00e8res",
+ "41": "Ici on peut noter chaque achat de l\u2019objet",
+ "42": "Ici on peut noter chaque possession de l\u2019objet. Les informations sont affich\u00e9es publiquement. Pour une saisie non publique, les champs correspondants dans les onglets \u00ab\u00a0Gestion\u00a0\u00bb et \u00ab\u00a0Provenance\u00a0\u00bb peuvent \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s.",
+ "43": "Ici on peut noter chaque vente de l\u2019objet",
"49": "Here you can note down when the object was given away and who did so.",
"50": "Here you can note down when the object was inherited to somebody."
diff --git a/backend/fr/exhibitions.json b/backend/fr/exhibitions.json
index 6b25ccee..608114f3 100644
--- a/backend/fr/exhibitions.json
+++ b/backend/fr/exhibitions.json
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
- "title": "Title",
+ "title": "Titre",
"description": "Description",
- "start_date": "Start date",
- "end_date": "End date",
- "visible_publicly": "Visibility on public page",
- "exhibitions_added": "A new exhibition has been added",
- "name_explica": "The name of the exhibition. Required.",
- "start_date_explica": "Start date of the exhbtion.",
- "end_date_explica": "End date of the exhibition.",
- "description_explica": "Description of the exhibition.",
- "exhibitions_list": "List of exhibitions",
- "exhibition_edited": "The exhibition has been updated",
- "exhibition_deleted": "The exhibition has been deleted",
- "exhibitions_edit": "Edit an exhibition",
- "catalogue_link": "Link to Catalogue",
- "catalogue_link_explica": "Link to the catalogue. For example in PDF format. Must be an absolute URL.",
- "make_public": "Make this exhibition public",
- "make_hidden": "Set this exhibition to not public",
- "uploaded_poster": "Uploaded image for exhibition",
- "select_exhibition": "Select an Exhibition",
- "exhibition_belongs": "Exhibition belongs to",
- "upload_image_pdf": "Upload image or PDF",
- "delete_image_pdf": "Delete",
- "obj_link_with_exhibition": "Link with an Exhibition",
- "obj_linked_exhibitions": "Linked Exhibitions",
- "exhibitions_list_empty": "Your list of exhibitions is empty thus far. Add one.",
- "remove_obj": "Unlink",
+ "start_date": "D\u00e9but",
+ "end_date": "Fin",
+ "visible_publicly": "Visibilit\u00e9 dans l'\u00e9dition",
+ "exhibitions_added": "Une nouvelle exposition a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9e",
+ "name_explica": "Le nom de l\u2019exposition.",
+ "start_date_explica": "La date du d\u00e9but de l\u2019exposition.",
+ "end_date_explica": "La date de fin de l\u2019exposition.",
+ "description_explica": "Description de la collection",
+ "exhibitions_list": "Liste des expositions",
+ "exhibition_edited": "L\u2019exposition a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9e",
+ "exhibition_deleted": "L\u2019exposition a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "exhibitions_edit": "\u00c9diter une exposition",
+ "catalogue_link": "Lien vers le catalogue",
+ "catalogue_link_explica": "Lien vers le catalogue, sous forme de PDF par exemple. Il doit s'agir d\u2019une URL absolue.",
+ "make_public": "Publier l\u2019exposition",
+ "make_hidden": "Masquer l\u2019exposition",
+ "uploaded_poster": "L\u2019illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 charg\u00e9e pour l\u2019exposition",
+ "select_exhibition": "S\u00e9lectionner une exposition",
+ "exhibition_belongs": "L\u2019exposition fait partie de",
+ "upload_image_pdf": "Charger une image ou un PDF",
+ "delete_image_pdf": "Supprimer l\u2019illustration",
+ "obj_link_with_exhibition": "Associer avec une exposition",
+ "obj_linked_exhibitions": "Expositions associ\u00e9es",
+ "exhibitions_list_empty": "Votre liste d\u2019expositions est encore vide.",
+ "remove_obj": "Supprimer",
"options": "Options",
- "description_too_short": "Description too short (should be min. 25 characters)",
+ "description_too_short": "La description est trop courte (min. 25 caract\u00e8res)",
"url": "URL",
- "url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the exhibition. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
- "upload_image": "Upload image",
- "add_tour": "Add tour of the exhibition",
- "edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition",
- "all_exhibitions": "All exhibitions",
- "minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
- "base_data": "Basic information about the exhibition",
- "exhibitions_list_empty_text": "No exhibition entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
- "linked_an_exhibition": "Linked an exhibition with the object",
- "removed_obj_exh_link": "Removed link of object with an exhibition",
- "permanent_exhibition": "Permanent exhibition",
- "toggled_highlighting": "Toggled highlight status",
- "highlight": "Highlight",
- "deleted_poster": "Deleted exhibition image",
- "exhibition_poster": "Poster of the exhibition",
- "select_exhibition_explica": "Select an exhibition to link from the list. If the exhibition has not yet been added, you can add it by clicking the \"+\"-Button in front of the selection boss.",
- "obj_desc_in_exhibition": "Object description in exhibition",
- "obj_desc_in_exhibition_explica": "The object description as it can be found specifically in the exhibition.",
+ "url_explica": "URL d'un autre site web, qui repr\u00e9sente cette exposition. Il doit s'agir d'une URL valide ; c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire qu\u2019elle doit commencer par http:\/\/ ou https:\/\/.",
+ "upload_image": "Charger l\u2019illustration",
+ "add_tour": "Ajouter une visite de l\u2019exposition",
+ "edit_tour": "\u00c9diter une visite de l\u2019exposition",
+ "all_exhibitions": "Toutes les expositions",
+ "minimum_3_characters": "Au moins trois caract\u00e8res",
+ "base_data": "Donn\u00e9es de base de l\u2019exposition",
+ "exhibitions_list_empty_text": "Aucune exposition n\u2019a encore \u00e9t\u00e9 saisie pour votre mus\u00e9e (nous ne pouvons donc pas en r\u00e9pertorier). Vous pouvez :",
+ "linked_an_exhibition": "L\u2019exposition a \u00e9t\u00e9 associ\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019objet",
+ "removed_obj_exh_link": "L\u2019association entre l\u2019objet et l\u2019exposition a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "permanent_exhibition": "Exposition permanente",
+ "toggled_highlighting": "Le statut d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment phare a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9",
+ "highlight": "\u00c9l\u00e9ment phare",
+ "deleted_poster": "L'image de l\u2019exposition a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "exhibition_poster": "Afficher de l\u2019exposition",
+ "select_exhibition_explica": "S\u00e9lectionnez une exposition dans la liste. Si l\u2019exposition d\u00e9sign\u00e9e n\u2019est pas dans la liste, vous pouvez l\u2019ajouter en cliquant sur le symbole \u00ab\u00a0+\u00a0\u00bb et l\u2019associer avec l\u2019objet.",
+ "obj_desc_in_exhibition": "Description de l'objet dans l\u2019exposition",
+ "obj_desc_in_exhibition_explica": "\u00ab\u00a0Texte C\u00a0\u00bb : Un texte d'objet r\u00e9dig\u00e9 sp\u00e9cifiquement pour l\u2019exposition. ",
"publications": "Publications",
- "linked_publication": "A publication has been linked",
- "unlinked_publication": "Removed link to a publication",
- "link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
- "contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
+ "linked_publication": "Une publication a \u00e9t\u00e9 associ\u00e9e",
+ "unlinked_publication": "L\u2019association avec la publication a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "link_a_contributor": "Ajouter de nouveaux participants",
+ "contributor_explica": "Vous pouvez ajouter d'autres participants du r\u00e9pertoire personnel ici. Si un(e) participant(e) est d\u00e9j\u00e0 enregistr\u00e9(e) dans le r\u00e9pertoire personnel, il ou elle peut \u00eatre s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9(e) dans la liste d\u00e9roulante, qui s'affiche en appuyant dans le champ de saisie.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
diff --git a/backend/fr/export.json b/backend/fr/export.json
index e7b4d3a5..1382f5be 100644
--- a/backend/fr/export.json
+++ b/backend/fr/export.json
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
"export": {
- "no_institution": "Cannot detect the institution for which the export is to be prepared.",
- "welcome": "Welcome at the export dialogue system for",
- "intro_general": "Here you can export your data as an XML file. You decide a) which objects' data you are going to export and b) which specific information about each single object is to be exported. If you export all information about all objects (default), you will create data for backing up, that can be processed by also by other programs. Do not give this data to a third person! If you set \"Public info only\" to \"Yes\", you can determine what data is to be exported yourself.",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "all": "All",
- "selection": "Selection",
- "nothing": "Nothing",
- "datasets_which": "Which datasets are to be exported",
- "datasets_hidden": "Export hidden data",
- "datasets_all": "Export all data",
- "single_collection": "Export a single collection",
- "single_objectgroup": "Export a single object group",
- "title_filter": "Filter-based XML-Export",
- "intro_filter": "You are about to export all objects that match your filter rules. Here you can determine which information about the objects will be exported. You can also determine the format the XML file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without changing anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:
• You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:
• You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
- "title_watchlist": "Watchlist-based XML-Export",
- "intro_watchlist": "You are about to export all objects of the current watchlist. Here, you can determine which information about the objects will be exported. You can also determine the format the xml file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without chaning anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:
• You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:
• You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
- "title_singleobject": "Export of a single object",
- "intro_singleobject": "You are about to export a single object. Here, you can determine which information about the object will be exported. You can also determine the format the xml file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without chaning anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:
• You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:
• You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
- "objectinfo_which": "Which object information to export",
- "publicinfo_only": "Public info only",
- "per_object": "Which information of an object",
- "basicinfo": "Basic informationen",
- "objectid": "Object ID",
- "invnr": "Inventory number",
- "objectkind": "Object type",
- "objectname": "Object name",
- "objectdescription": "Object description",
- "mattech": "Material\/Technique",
- "measures": "Measurements",
- "deployment": "Deployment",
- "lastupdate_at": "Last edit, date",
- "lastupdate_by": "Last edit, by",
- "firstsaved_at": "First edit, date",
- "firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
- "addendum": "Additional information",
- "administration": "Object administration",
- "backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains all<\/b> informationen from all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p>
Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p>
As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",
- "exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
- "exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations of place 2",
- "exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
- "exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Exact location, latitude of place 2",
- "alternative_object_name": "Alternative objekt name",
- "alternative_object_name_qualifier": "Alternative objekt name (qualifier)",
- "extended_description": "Extended description",
- "inscription": "Inscription",
- "exact_measurements_length_value": "Exact measurements, length (value)",
- "exact_measurements_length_unit": "Exact measurements, length (unit)",
- "exact_measurements_width_value": "Exact measurements, width (value)",
- "exact_measurements_width_unit": "Exact measurements, width (unit)",
- "exact_measurements_height_value": "Exact measurements, height (value)",
- "exact_measurements_height_unit": "Exact measurements, height (unit)",
- "exact_measurements_weight_value": "Exact measurements, weight (value)",
- "exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Exact measurements, weight (unit)",
- "exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Exact measurements, wall size (value)",
- "exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Exact measurements, wall size (unit)",
- "exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Exact measurements, diameter (value)",
- "exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Exact measurements, diameter (unit)",
- "exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Exact measurements, number of pieces",
- "exact_measurements_number_pages": "Exact measurements, number of pages",
- "exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Exact measurements, stamp position",
- "similar_objects": "Similar objects",
- "specific_entries_material": "Specific entries: Material",
- "specific_entries_technique": "Specific entries: technique",
- "export_in_which_format": "Export in which format ?",
- "md_standard_format": "md:xml (museum-digital standard format)",
- "unit": "Einheit",
+ "no_institution": "Impossible de d\u00e9terminer pour quelle configuration l\u2019exportation doit \u00eatre effectu\u00e9e.",
+ "welcome": "Bienvenue dans le syst\u00e8me de dialogue d\u2019exportation pour",
+ "intro_general": "Ici, vous pouvez cr\u00e9er des fichiers d\u2019exportation de vos informations d\u2019objet (en XML). Vous pouvez d\u00e9terminer a) quels enregistrements (objets) et b) quelles informations sont export\u00e9es pour chaque objet. Si vous exportez toutes les informations sur tous les objets (par d\u00e9faut), vous cr\u00e9ez des fichiers de sauvegarde qui peuvent \u00e9galement \u00eatre lus dans d\u2019autres programmes (utilis\u00e9s en interne). Ne partagez pas ces fichiers ! Avec le param\u00e8tre \u00ab\u00a0Donn\u00e9es de publication uniquement\u00a0\u00bb d\u00e9fini sur \u00ab\u00a0Oui\u00a0\u00bb, vous pouvez cr\u00e9er des fichiers xml autonomes \u00e0 partager.",
+ "yes": "Oui",
+ "no": "Non",
+ "all": "Tout",
+ "selection": "S\u00e9lection",
+ "nothing": "Rien",
+ "datasets_which": "Quels ensembles de donn\u00e9es exporter",
+ "datasets_hidden": "Exporter les ensembles de donn\u00e9es masqu\u00e9s",
+ "datasets_all": "Exporter tous les ensembles de donn\u00e9es",
+ "single_collection": "Exporter une collection individuelle",
+ "single_objectgroup": "Exporter un groupe d'objets individuel",
+ "title_filter": "Exportation XML bas\u00e9e sur un filtre",
+ "intro_filter": "Vous souhaitez exporter tous les objets qui correspondent aux conditions de filtrage que vous avez d\u00e9finies. Vous pouvez d\u00e9terminer ici les informations que vous souhaitez exporter pour chaque objet. Vous pouvez \u00e9galement choisir le format d\u2019exportation.
Si vous cliquez sur \u00ab\u00a0Ex\u00e9cuter\u00a0!\u00a0\u00bb sans rien changer, toutes les informations sur les objets s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s seront export\u00e9es au format md:xml. S\u00e9lectionnez \u00ab\u00a0LIDO\u00a0\u00bb comme format d\u2019exportation pour exporter uniquement les informations partag\u00e9es sur les objets s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s - vous pouvez restreindre davantage cette s\u00e9lection d\u2019informations si n\u00e9cessaire. R\u00e8gle de base :
\u2022 Si vous s\u00e9lectionnez md:xml comme format d\u2019exportation, cliquez alors sur \u00ab\u00a0Envoyer\u00a0\u00bb pour obtenir du serveur un fichier avec toutes les informations sur les objets. Ou :
\u2022 Si vous s\u00e9lectionnez LIDO comme format d\u2019exportation, cliquez alors sur \u00ab\u00a0Envoyer\u00a0\u00bb pour obtenir du serveur un fichier avec les informations de publication classiques sur les objets.",
+ "title_watchlist": "Exportation XML bas\u00e9e sur une liste de favoris",
+ "intro_watchlist": "Vous souhaitez exporter tous les objets de la liste de favoris actuelle. Vous pouvez d\u00e9terminer ici les informations que vous souhaitez exporter pour chaque objet. Vous pouvez \u00e9galement choisir le format d\u2019exportation.
Si vous cliquez sur \u00ab\u00a0Ex\u00e9cuter\u00a0!\u00a0\u00bb sans rien changer, toutes les informations sur les objets s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s seront export\u00e9es au format md:xml. S\u00e9lectionnez \u00ab\u00a0LIDO\u00a0\u00bb comme format d\u2019exportation pour exporter uniquement les informations partag\u00e9es sur les objets s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s - vous pouvez restreindre davantage cette s\u00e9lection d\u2019informations si n\u00e9cessaire. R\u00e8gle de base :
\u2022 Si vous s\u00e9lectionnez md:xml comme format d\u2019exportation, cliquez alors sur \u00ab\u00a0Ex\u00e9cuter !\u00a0\u00bb pour obtenir du serveur un fichier avec toutes les informations sur les objets. Ou :
\u2022 Si vous s\u00e9lectionnez LIDO comme format d\u2019exportation, cliquez alors sur \u00ab\u00a0Ex\u00e9cuter !\u00a0\u00bb pour obtenir du serveur un fichier avec les informations de publication classiques sur les objets.",
+ "title_singleobject": "Exporter un objet individuel",
+ "intro_singleobject": "Vous souhaitez exporter un objet individuel. Vous pouvez d\u00e9terminer ici les informations que vous souhaitez exporter pour chaque objet. Vous pouvez \u00e9galement choisir le format d\u2019exportation.
Si vous cliquez sur \u00ab\u00a0Ex\u00e9cuter\u00a0!\u00a0\u00bb sans rien changer, toutes les informations sur les objets s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s seront export\u00e9es au format md:xml. S\u00e9lectionnez \u00ab\u00a0LIDO\u00a0\u00bb comme format d\u2019exportation pour exporter uniquement les informations partag\u00e9es sur les objets s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s - vous pouvez restreindre davantage cette s\u00e9lection d\u2019informations si n\u00e9cessaire. R\u00e8gle de base :
\u2022 Si vous s\u00e9lectionnez md:xml comme format d\u2019exportation, cliquez alors sur \u00ab\u00a0Ex\u00e9cuter !\u00a0\u00bb pour obtenir du serveur un fichier avec toutes les informations sur les objets. Ou :
\u2022 Si vous s\u00e9lectionnez LIDO comme format d\u2019exportation, cliquez alors sur \u00ab\u00a0Ex\u00e9cuter !\u00a0\u00bb pour obtenir du serveur un fichier avec les informations de publication classiques sur les objets.",
+ "objectinfo_which": "Quelles informations sur l\u2019objet exporter",
+ "publicinfo_only": "Donn\u00e9es de publication uniquement",
+ "per_object": "Quelles informations par objet",
+ "basicinfo": "Informations de base",
+ "objectid": "ID de l\u2019objet",
+ "invnr": "Num\u00e9ro d'inventaire",
+ "objectkind": "Type d'objet",
+ "objectname": "Nom de l\u2019objet",
+ "objectdescription": "Description de l\u2019objet",
+ "mattech": "Mat\u00e9riau\/Technique",
+ "measures": "Dimensions",
+ "deployment": "D\u00e9ploiement",
+ "lastupdate_at": "Derni\u00e8re \u00e9dition le",
+ "lastupdate_by": "Derni\u00e8re \u00e9dition par",
+ "firstsaved_at": "Premier enregistrement le",
+ "firstsaved_by": "Premier enregistrement par",
+ "addendum": "Informations suppl\u00e9mentaires",
+ "administration": "Gestion de l\u2019objet",
+ "backup_intro": "La sauvegarde que vous pouvez obtenir ici contient toutes<\/b> les informations sur tous<\/b> les objets de votre mus\u00e9e - au moment de la derni\u00e8re cr\u00e9ation d'un fichier d\u2019exportation. Les fichiers d\u2019exportation sont g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement cr\u00e9\u00e9s quotidiennement (voir ci-dessous). En particulier, si vous utilisez le mus\u00e9e num\u00e9rique pour l\u2019inventaire\u00a0: <\/p>
Ne transmettez pas cette sauvegarde en externe !<\/b><\/p>
D\u00e8s que vous cliquez sur \u00ab\u00a0T\u00e9l\u00e9charger\u00a0\u00bb, le serveur vous enverra un dossier zip. Ce dossier contient plusieurs petits fichiers - un fichier xml par objet. Vous devez enregistrer ce dossier \u00e0 un emplacement s\u00e9curis\u00e9. Vous devez g\u00e9n\u00e9rer des sauvegardes r\u00e9guli\u00e8rement (par ex. toutes les 2 semaines).<\/p>",
+ "exact_location_place_two": "Indication de lieu pr\u00e9cise, nom Lieu2",
+ "exact_location_place_relation_two": "Indication de lieu pr\u00e9cise, relation Lieu2",
+ "exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Indication de lieu pr\u00e9cise, longueur g\u00e9ogr. 2",
+ "exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Indication de lieu pr\u00e9cise, largeur g\u00e9ogr. 2",
+ "alternative_object_name": "D\u00e9signation d\u2019objet alternative",
+ "alternative_object_name_qualifier": "D\u00e9signation d\u2019objet alternative (qualificateur)",
+ "extended_description": "Description d\u00e9taill\u00e9e",
+ "inscription": "Inscription \/ Marquage",
+ "exact_measurements_length_value": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, longueur (valeur)",
+ "exact_measurements_length_unit": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, longueur (unit\u00e9)",
+ "exact_measurements_width_value": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, largeur (valeur)",
+ "exact_measurements_width_unit": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, largeur (unit\u00e9)",
+ "exact_measurements_height_value": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, hauteur (valeur)",
+ "exact_measurements_height_unit": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, hauteur (unit\u00e9)",
+ "exact_measurements_weight_value": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, poids (valeur)",
+ "exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, poids (unit\u00e9)",
+ "exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, \u00e9paisseur de paroi (valeur)",
+ "exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, \u00e9paisseur de paroi (unit\u00e9)",
+ "exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, diam\u00e8tre (valeur)",
+ "exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, diam\u00e8tre (unit\u00e9)",
+ "exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, nombre de pi\u00e8ces",
+ "exact_measurements_number_pages": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, nombre de pages",
+ "exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Indication de dimensions pr\u00e9cise, tampon",
+ "similar_objects": "Objets de comparaison",
+ "specific_entries_material": "Informations s\u00e9par\u00e9es, mat\u00e9riel",
+ "specific_entries_technique": "Informations s\u00e9par\u00e9es, technique",
+ "export_in_which_format": "Dans quel format effectuer l\u2019exportation ?",
+ "md_standard_format": "md:xml (mus\u00e9e num\u00e9rique format standard)",
+ "unit": "Unit\u00e9",
"date": "Date",
- "position_in_lit": "Position in literature",
- "main_image": "Main image",
- "image_order": "Position in image order",
- "only_export_main_image": "Extra: Only export main image",
- "position_in_series": "Position of object in series",
- "backup": "Backup",
- "status": "Status",
- "backup_not_yet_generated": "Backup archive has not been generated yet",
- "backup_file_exists": "Backup file exists",
- "backup_archive_last_generated": "Backup: Last generation date",
- "download": "Download",
- "date_last_object_edited": "Date the last object was edited"
+ "position_in_lit": "Position dans la documentation",
+ "main_image": "\u00c9cran principal",
+ "image_order": "Position dans l'ordre des images",
+ "only_export_main_image": "Suppl\u00e9ment : Exporter l'\u00e9cran principal uniquement",
+ "position_in_series": "Position de l'objet dans la s\u00e9rie",
+ "backup": "Sauvegarde",
+ "status": "Statut",
+ "backup_not_yet_generated": "L'archive de sauvegarde n'a pas encore \u00e9t\u00e9 g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9e",
+ "backup_file_exists": "Un fichier de sauvegarde existe",
+ "backup_archive_last_generated": "Fichier d\u2019exportation, cr\u00e9\u00e9 en dernier",
+ "download": "T\u00e9l\u00e9chargements",
+ "date_last_object_edited": "Date de la derni\u00e8re modification de l'objet"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/handbook_links.json b/backend/fr/handbook_links.json
index aee04ff1..3146e4cc 100644
--- a/backend/fr/handbook_links.json
+++ b/backend/fr/handbook_links.json
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
"handbook_links": {
- "dashboard": "",
- "user_edit": "",
- "user_roles": "",
+ "dashboard": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Dashboard\/index.html",
+ "user_edit": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Benutzerkonto\/index.html",
+ "user_roles": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Benutzerkonto\/Berechtigungen.html",
"user_account_security": "",
"user_profile": "",
- "user_add": "",
- "museum_overview": "",
- "museum_settings": "",
- "batch_update_image_licenses": "",
+ "user_add": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Benutzerkonto\/Neues-Kontro-hinzufuegen.html",
+ "museum_overview": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Museum\/museumsinfo.html",
+ "museum_settings": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Museum\/Einstellungen.html",
+ "batch_update_image_licenses": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objekte\/Abbildungen\/Bildlizenzen-Stapelbearbeitung.html",
"pdf_catalogue": "",
"link_validation_tool": "",
"comments_moderation_list": "",
"fav_object_searches": "",
"visitor_statistics": "",
- "collections": "",
- "object_groups": "",
+ "collections": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Sammlungen\/index.html",
+ "object_groups": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objektgruppen\/index.html",
"object_groups_edit": "",
- "listendruck": "",
- "export_object_data": "",
+ "listendruck": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objektsuche\/Listendruck.html",
+ "export_object_data": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objektsuche\/Export.html",
"html_catalogue": "",
"exhibitions": "",
"literature": "",
@@ -26,25 +26,25 @@
"contacts": "",
"appointments": "",
"article": "",
- "resources": "",
- "licence_list": "",
- "normdata": "",
- "actors": "",
- "places": "",
- "times": "",
- "tags": "",
+ "resources": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objekte\/Abbildungen.html",
+ "licence_list": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/Grundkonzepte\/Lizenzen.html",
+ "normdata": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/Grundkonzepte\/Normdaten.html",
+ "actors": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/Grundkonzepte\/Akteure.html",
+ "places": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/Grundkonzepte\/Orte.html",
+ "times": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/Grundkonzepte\/Zeiten.html",
+ "tags": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/Grundkonzepte\/Schlagworte.html",
"backgrounds": "",
"improvement_suggestions": "",
"video_conference": "",
- "working_with_filters": "",
- "working_with_watchlist": "",
- "batch_editing_obj_info": "",
- "object_query_language": "",
- "object_edit": "",
- "object_base_data": "",
- "object_edit_tab_base": "",
- "object_edit_tag_images": "",
- "event_types_list": "",
+ "working_with_filters": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objektsuche\/Filtern.html",
+ "working_with_watchlist": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objektsuche\/Merkliste.html",
+ "batch_editing_obj_info": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objektsuche\/Batch\/index.html",
+ "object_query_language": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objektsuche\/Abfragesprache.html",
+ "object_edit": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objekte\/index.html",
+ "object_base_data": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objekte\/Basisangaben.html",
+ "object_edit_tab_base": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objekte\/Registerkarten-Standard\/Basis.html",
+ "object_edit_tag_images": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/musdb\/Objekte\/Registerkarten-Standard\/Abbildung.html",
+ "event_types_list": "https:\/\/de.handbook.museum-digital.info\/Grundkonzepte\/Ereignistypen.html",
"transcriptions": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/image_incha.json b/backend/fr/image_incha.json
index 91d49a06..1f53563e 100644
--- a/backend/fr/image_incha.json
+++ b/backend/fr/image_incha.json
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
"image_incha": {
- "replace_version": "Replace version of image",
- "replace_maximum": "Largest version",
- "replace_medium": "Medium-size version",
- "replace_small": "Smallest version",
- "replace_all": "All three versions",
- "replace_remark": "What is shown is the medium-size version. Because of later edits the smaller or bigger version might differ.",
- "image_name": "Name of image",
- "bildname_explica": "The image name is important for
• search engine optimization (\"Title-Tags\")
• overview in the list of representations.
In most cases it suffices to repeat the name of the object represented.
[Default value is object name]
Please always fill out<\/b>",
- "image_description": "Image description",
- "bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations and remarks concerning the object representation (NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself)
Example 1: \"Detail\"
Example 2: \"Rear side\"
Example 3: \"1 of 4\"
Might be left empty<\/b>",
- "image_folder": "Image folder",
- "ordner_explica": "The image folder is shown during the uploading process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year, the month. For example: \"images 201504\"
Please always fill out<\/b>",
- "image_filename": "Image filename",
- "dateiname_explica": "The filename of the image is shown during the uploading process. It has to be provided including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)
Please always fill out<\/b>",
- "photographer": "Photographer",
- "creator_explica": "If it is not unknown, the photographer's name should be mentioned here. Please enter only the name.
Example: \"A. Schnitzler\"
Example: \"Manfred Zweigelt\"
Please always fill out<\/b>",
- "image_rightsholder": "Rights holder (image)",
- "owner_explica": "Who owns the digital representation of the object?\"
Please always fill out<\/b>",
- "rights_status": "Rights status (image)",
- "rechte_explica": "Which license applies for the image<\/b> (in all sizes) apply?
i.e. NOT<\/b> rights of the displayed object
E.g. NOT<\/b> rights of previews
Please select a value from the list (left)
More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)
[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
- "rights_allowed": "Licenses that might be selected",
- "info_needed": "You have to name rights holder and rights status",
- "image_connect": "Link with an object",
- "go_object": "Go to object",
- "info_completeit": "Complete the info and accept by clicking on \"Save\"",
- "replace": "Replace",
- "change_from_folder": "From folder",
- "change_file": "the file",
- "replace_with": "Replace with",
- "upload_jpg_title": "Upload of an object image (JPG)",
- "prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
- "prerequisites_fileformat": "The image has to be a JPG file with a resolution of 72 dpi or 96 dpi",
- "prerequisites_imagesize_general": "The short side should have a minimum of 540px. The long side should not exceed 3000px",
- "prerequisites_imagesize_mussam": "Mininum width of 200px",
- "prerequisites_filesize_general": "Filesize should not exceed 2 MB (for maps etc. up to 10 MB). Usually 100 kb to 500 kb suffices. JPG files with a quality \/ compression levelf 60-70% often give rather good results already",
- "prerequisites_filesize_mussam": "Filesize should not exceed 2 MB",
- "reduction_museum": "Please select a file for upload. Will be resized automatically",
- "reduction_general": "Please select a file for upload in maximum size. The two smaller versions of the image will be created automatically",
- "last_uploaded": "Last uploaded",
- "upload_failed": "Something went wrong. Possibly you did not give a filename. To try again, please use the back<\/em> button of your browser",
- "too_small": "You tried to upload an image smaller than the minimum size",
- "shortcuts": "Shortcuts",
- "shortcut_description": "Click to take as image description",
- "global_max_upload_size": "Overall, the maximum size of a given upload is:",
- "image_data": "Image data",
- "annotate_image": "Annotate image",
- "added_annotation": "Added annotation",
- "updated_annotation": "Updated annotation",
- "deleted_annotation": "Deleted annotation",
- "annotation_explica": "To annotate an image section, click into the image at the top left of the area you want to annotate. Then, move the cursor to the bottom right of the area to be annotated and release the click. A sidebar will open, offering you to enter your annotation.",
- "added_annotation_translation": "Added annotation translation",
- "updated_annotation_translation": "Updated annotation translation",
- "deleted_annotation_translation": "Deleted annotation translation",
- "global_max_file_uploads": "Overall, the maximum number of images that can be uploaded in one go is",
- "image_upload_page_title": "Image upload form",
- "master_filename": "Name of master file",
- "master_filename_explica": "The name of the masterfile including the file extension but without the filepath",
- "color": "Color",
- "orientation": "Orientation",
- "image_size": "Image size",
- "minimum_width": "Minimum width",
- "maximum_width": "Maximum width",
- "minimum_height": "Minimum height",
- "maximum_height": "Maximum height",
- "orientation_landscape": "Landscape",
- "orientation_square": "Square",
- "orientation_portrait": "Portrait",
- "rotate_left": "Rotate counterclockwise",
- "rotate_right": "Rotate clockwise",
- "dominant_color": "Dominant color",
- "color_black": "black",
- "color_green": "green",
- "color_silver": "silver",
- "color_lime": "lime",
- "color_gray": "gray",
+ "replace_version": "Remplacer la version de l'affichage",
+ "replace_maximum": "Seulement la grande version",
+ "replace_medium": "Seulement la moyenne version",
+ "replace_small": "Seulement la petite version",
+ "replace_all": "Les trois versions",
+ "replace_remark": "La version moyenne de l\u2019affichage est affich\u00e9e. En cas de remplacement, la version grande ou petite peut diff\u00e9rer",
+ "image_name": "Nom de l'illustration",
+ "bildname_explica": "Le nom de l\u2019illustration est important pour
• l'optimisation du moteur de recherche (\u00ab\u00a0balise de titre\u00a0\u00bb)
• Aper\u00e7u dans la liste des repr\u00e9sentations.
Dans la plupart des cas, une r\u00e9p\u00e9tition du nom de l\u2019objet \u00e0 cet emplacement suffit. Cependant, il est bon de faire en sorte que plusieurs repr\u00e9sentations d\u2019un objet puissent \u00eatre distingu\u00e9es les unes des autres par de petits ajouts tels que \u00ab\u00a0(page 1)\u00a0\u00bb.
[La valeur par d\u00e9faut est Nom de l\u2019objet]",
+ "image_description": "Texte descriptif",
+ "bildbesch_explica": "Des remarques \/ informations sur l\u2019affichage (PAS<\/b> sur l\u2019objet) peuvent \u00eatre not\u00e9es \u00e0 cet emplacement
Exemple 1 : \u00ab\u00a0D\u00e9tail\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 2 : \u00ab\u00a0Arri\u00e8re\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 3 : \u00ab\u00a01 sur 4",
+ "image_folder": "Dossier de fichiers d'image",
+ "ordner_explica": "Le dossier de fichiers d'image est affich\u00e9 lors du chargement. Il se compose g\u00e9n\u00e9ralement du mot \u00ab\u00a0images\u00a0\u00bb, de l\u2019ann\u00e9e (par exemple \u00ab\u00a02009\u00a0\u00bb) et du mois (par exemple \u00ab\u00a011\u00a0\u00bb). Il s'appelle donc par exemple \u00ab\u00a0images200911\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "image_filename": "Nom de fichier d'image",
+ "dateiname_explica": "Le nom de fichier d'image est affich\u00e9 lors du chargement. Il doit \u00eatre indiqu\u00e9 avec \u00ab\u00a0extension\u00a0\u00bb, c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire pas \u00ab\u00a0317\u00a0\u00bb, mais \u00ab\u00a0317.jpg\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "photographer": "Photographe",
+ "creator_explica": "Les photographes, m\u00eame si vous travaillez pour le compte du mus\u00e9e, ont un droit de recherche de nom. Saisissez ici le nom du photographe, s\u2019il est connu, et il appara\u00eetra sous l\u2019image dans la vue agrandie.
Vous n\u2019avez pas besoin de faire pr\u00e9c\u00e9der par la mention \u00ab\u00a0photo:\u00a0\u00bb ou \u00ab\u00a0photographe:\u00a0\u00bb
... simplement le nom uniquement ...",
+ "image_rightsholder": "Titulaire des droits de l\u2019illustration",
+ "owner_explica": "Qui poss\u00e8de les droits sur cette illustration num\u00e9rique ?",
+ "rights_status": "Statut juridique de la repr\u00e9sentation",
+ "rechte_explica": "Quels sont les droits pour cette illustration<\/b> elle-m\u00eame
c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire PAS<\/b> les droits concernant l\u2019objet repr\u00e9sent\u00e9
c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire PAS<\/b> les droits sur l\u2019aper\u00e7u
Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner une valeur dans la liste d\u00e9roulante (\u00e0 gauche)
Obtenez plus d'informations en cliquant sur le [i] brun (\u00e0 droite)
[Par d\u00e9faut : CC BY-NC-SA]",
+ "rights_allowed": "Formes l\u00e9gales possibles",
+ "info_needed": "Vous devez sp\u00e9cifier un propri\u00e9taire d\u2019image et nommer un statut juridique",
+ "image_connect": "Ajouter une association avec un objet",
+ "go_object": "Vers l\u2019objet",
+ "info_completeit": "Veuillez compl\u00e9ter et confirmer les informations en cliquant sur \u00ab\u00a0Envoyer\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "replace": "Remplacer",
+ "change_from_folder": "Du dossier",
+ "change_file": "Le fichier",
+ "replace_with": "Remplacer par",
+ "upload_jpg_title": "Chargement d'une illustration de l'objet (fichier JPG)",
+ "prerequisites": "Conditions pr\u00e9alables",
+ "prerequisites_fileformat": "L\u2019image doit \u00eatre au format JPG et avoir une r\u00e9solution de 72 dpi ou 96 dpi",
+ "prerequisites_imagesize_general": "Le c\u00f4t\u00e9 le plus court doit avoir une LONGUEUR MINIMALE de 540 pixels.",
+ "prerequisites_imagesize_mussam": "La largeur minimale doit \u00eatre de 200 px",
+ "prerequisites_filesize_general": "Le fichier image ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 2 m\u00e9gaoctets (jusqu\u2019\u00e0 10 Mo pour les cartes, les lettres, etc.). Id\u00e9alement, il comporte 100 kb \u00e0 500 kb (les petits fichiers se chargent plus rapidement). Le contr\u00f4le qualit\u00e9 JPG donne souvent de bons r\u00e9sultats \u00e0 60-70 %",
+ "prerequisites_filesize_mussam": "Le fichier image ne doit pas d\u00e9passer 2 m\u00e9gaoctets",
+ "reduction_museum": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le fichier image \u00e0 charger. Il est r\u00e9duit automatiquement",
+ "reduction_general": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner les grands fichiers image \u00e0 charger. Les aper\u00e7us sont g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9s automatiquement.",
+ "last_uploaded": "Dernier chargement",
+ "upload_failed": "Il y a eu un probl\u00e8me ! (Vous n\u2019avez probablement pas saisi de nom de fichier.) Pour une nouvelle tentative, il suffit d\u2019utiliser le bouton de retour du navigateur",
+ "too_small": "Vous avez essay\u00e9 de t\u00e9l\u00e9charger une image qui n\u2019a pas la taille minimale de 540 pixels pour la page courte",
+ "shortcuts": "Aide \u00e0 la saisie",
+ "shortcut_description": "Cliquer pour utiliser comme description d'image",
+ "global_max_upload_size": "La taille de toutes les images t\u00e9l\u00e9charg\u00e9es lors d\u2019une op\u00e9ration de t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement ne doit pas d\u00e9passer\u00a0: ",
+ "image_data": "Donn\u00e9es d'image",
+ "annotate_image": "Annoter l'image",
+ "added_annotation": "Une remarque a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9e",
+ "updated_annotation": "Une remarque a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_annotation": "Une remarque a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "annotation_explica": "Pour annoter une section d\u2019image, cliquez d\u2019abord dans le coin sup\u00e9rieur gauche de la section \u00e0 commenter. D\u00e9placez ensuite le pointeur vers le bas \u00e0 droite de la zone et rel\u00e2chez le bouton gauche de la souris. Une colonne lat\u00e9rale avec l\u2019option de la zone s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e s\u2019ouvre alors \u00e0 droite.",
+ "added_annotation_translation": "La traduction de la remarque a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9e",
+ "updated_annotation_translation": "La traduction de la remarque a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_annotation_translation": "La traduction de la remarque a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "global_max_file_uploads": "Le nombre de toutes les images t\u00e9l\u00e9charg\u00e9es lors d\u2019une op\u00e9ration de t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement ne doit pas d\u00e9passer",
+ "image_upload_page_title": "Formulaire de saisie pour les photos",
+ "master_filename": "Fichier ma\u00eetre",
+ "master_filename_explica": "Le nom du fichier ma\u00eetre, avec une extension (par ex. .tif) mais sans indication de chemin. Cette indication n\u2019est n\u00e9cessaire que si vous souhaitez transmettre le nom des fichiers ma\u00eetres via le mus\u00e9e num\u00e9rique par exportation.",
+ "color": "Couleur",
+ "orientation": "Rapport d'aspect",
+ "image_size": "Taille de l\u2019image",
+ "minimum_width": "Largeur minimale",
+ "maximum_width": "Largeur maximale",
+ "minimum_height": "Hauteur minimale",
+ "maximum_height": "Hauteur maximale",
+ "orientation_landscape": "Horizontal",
+ "orientation_square": "Carr\u00e9",
+ "orientation_portrait": "Vertical",
+ "rotate_left": "Dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre",
+ "rotate_right": "Dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre",
+ "dominant_color": "Couleur dominante",
+ "color_black": "noir",
+ "color_green": "vert",
+ "color_silver": "argent",
+ "color_lime": "citron vert",
+ "color_gray": "gris",
"color_olive": "olive",
- "color_white": "white",
- "color_yellow": "yellow",
- "color_maroon": "maroon",
- "color_navy": "navy",
- "color_red": "red",
- "color_blue": "blue",
- "color_purple": "purple",
- "color_teal": "teal",
+ "color_white": "blanc",
+ "color_yellow": "jaune",
+ "color_maroon": "noisette",
+ "color_navy": "bleu marine",
+ "color_red": "rouge",
+ "color_blue": "bleu",
+ "color_purple": "pourpre",
+ "color_teal": "bleu-vert",
"color_fuchsia": "fuchsia",
- "color_aqua": "aqua",
- "object_filter_active": "You have an active filter for objects. The listed images are restricted to images of these objects.",
- "toggle_display_with_master": "Toggle display of image with a master file",
- "toggle_display_without_master": "Toggle display of image without an available master file",
- "flip": "Invert horizontally",
- "flop": "Invert vertically",
- "sort_object_images": "Sort object images",
- "sort_object_images_explica": "On this page, you can more easily sort object images one by one. Left and right of the image, you can find two buttons for moving the object one position to the front or back. At the very bottom of the page, you can find a list of all resources linked to the object, to quickly jump to them without moving the currently selected image."
+ "color_aqua": "bleu eau",
+ "object_filter_active": "Vous avez un filtre actif pour les objets. Les images r\u00e9pertori\u00e9es sont limit\u00e9es aux images de ces objets.",
+ "toggle_display_with_master": "Activer\/d\u00e9sactiver l\u2019affichage des images avec le fichier ma\u00eetre",
+ "toggle_display_without_master": "Activer\/d\u00e9sactiver l\u2019affichage des images sans le fichier ma\u00eetre",
+ "flip": "Inverser \u00e0 l\u2019horizontale",
+ "flop": "Inverser \u00e0 la verticale",
+ "sort_object_images": "Trier les illustrations d'objet",
+ "sort_object_images_explica": "Cette page vous permet de trier individuellement les images d\u2019un objet. Utilisez les boutons \u00e0 gauche et \u00e0 droite de l\u2019image mise au point (ou la combinaison de touches CTRL+GAUCHE \/ CTRL+DROITE) pour avancer le fichier ou le reculer. Avec les aper\u00e7us tout en bas, vous pouvez rapidement mettre au point l\u2019illustration de l\u2019objet."
"incha_image": {
- "front": "Front view",
- "rear": "Rear view",
- "overall": "Overall view",
- "detail": "Detail view",
- "insert": "Insert",
- "insert_go": "Insert and continue",
- "no_title": "Please provide a title for the image",
- "image_switched_forward": "The image was moved forward in the order of images.",
- "image_switched_backward": "The image was moved backwards in the order of images.",
- "made_main": "The image was made the main image for this object.",
- "switched_non-public": "The image was made non-public.",
- "switched_public": "The image was made public.",
- "edit_image": "Edit image information",
- "rewrote_iptc": "Updated IPTC data.",
- "rewrote_iptc_all": "Updated IPTC data for all linked images.",
- "rotated": "The image has been rotated.",
- "flipped": "The image has been inverted vertically.",
- "flopped": "The image has been inverted horizontally.",
- "edited": "Resource information was updated.",
- "deleted": "The resource has been removed.",
- "uploaded": "The image has been uploaded."
+ "front": "Avant",
+ "rear": "Arri\u00e8re",
+ "overall": "Vue globale",
+ "detail": "D\u00e9tail",
+ "insert": "Enregistrer",
+ "insert_go": "Enregistrer et envoyer",
+ "no_title": "Veuillez saisir un titre pour l'image",
+ "image_switched_forward": "L\u2019illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9plac\u00e9e vers l\u2019avant dans l\u2019ordre.",
+ "image_switched_backward": "L\u2019illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9plac\u00e9e vers l\u2019arri\u00e8re dans l\u2019ordre.",
+ "made_main": "L'image a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9finie comme \u00e9cran principal.",
+ "switched_non-public": "L\u2019illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 masqu\u00e9e.",
+ "switched_public": "L'illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9finie comme publique.",
+ "edit_image": "\u00c9diter une illustration",
+ "rewrote_iptc": "Les donn\u00e9es IPTC ont \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9\u00e9dit\u00e9es.",
+ "rewrote_iptc_all": "Les donn\u00e9es IPTC ont \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9\u00e9dit\u00e9es pour toutes les illustrations associ\u00e9es.",
+ "rotated": "L\u2019illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 tourn\u00e9e.",
+ "flipped": "L'illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 invers\u00e9e \u00e0 la verticale.",
+ "flopped": "L'illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 invers\u00e9e \u00e0 l\u2019horizontale.",
+ "edited": "Les informations sur l'illustration ont \u00e9t\u00e9 mises \u00e0 jour.",
+ "deleted": "L\u2019illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e.",
+ "uploaded": "L\u2019illustration a \u00e9t\u00e9 charg\u00e9e."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/improvement_suggestions.json b/backend/fr/improvement_suggestions.json
index 94605377..821df816 100644
--- a/backend/fr/improvement_suggestions.json
+++ b/backend/fr/improvement_suggestions.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
- "improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
- "dismiss": "Dismiss",
- "accept": "Accept",
- "tag_by_object_type": "The entry for object type is known as a keyword. Should it be linked as a keyword?",
- "self_portrait_as_displayed_person": "The object is a self-portrait. The creator is known. Should the creator be linked as the displayed person as well?",
- "default_language_for_written_objects": "The object was written. Should the language of this instance of museum-digital be entered as the language of the object?",
- "accepted": "Accepted",
- "dismissed": "Dismissed",
- "precise_eventtype_by_objecttype": "An event of the unspecific type \"creation\" has been entered. The object type suggests a more precise type of creation."
+ "improvement_suggestions_help": "Balayez vers la gauche (refuser) ou vers la droite (accepter). Comme alternative, vous pouvez \u00e9galement s\u00e9lectionner \u00ab\u00a0+\u00a0\u00bb (accepter) ou \u00ab\u00a0-\u00a0\u00bb (refuser) sur le clavier.",
+ "dismiss": "Refuser",
+ "accept": "Accepter",
+ "tag_by_object_type": "Le type d\u2019objet est indiqu\u00e9 dans la liste des mots-cl\u00e9s. Doit-il \u00e9galement \u00eatre enregistr\u00e9 comme mot-cl\u00e9 ?",
+ "self_portrait_as_displayed_person": "L'objet est un auto-portrait. Le peintre (ou photographe) est connu. L\u2019auteur doit-il aussi \u00eatre inscrit comme personnage repr\u00e9sent\u00e9 ?",
+ "default_language_for_written_objects": "L\u2019objet a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9. La langue par d\u00e9faut de l\u2019instance doit-elle \u00eatre enregistr\u00e9e comme langue de l\u2019objet ?",
+ "accepted": "Accept\u00e9",
+ "dismissed": "Refus\u00e9",
+ "precise_eventtype_by_objecttype": "Un \u00e9v\u00e9nement du type \u00ab\u00a0fabriqu\u00e9\u00a0\u00bb est disponible. Compte tenu du type d\u2019objet, celui-ci peut \u00eatre pr\u00e9cis\u00e9."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/link.json b/backend/fr/link.json
index 904eba02..7afe5772 100644
--- a/backend/fr/link.json
+++ b/backend/fr/link.json
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
"link": {
- "link_explica": "Please enter sources from anywhere else on the Internet here. The sources should have a close relation to the object. Please do not enter links to sources, which focus on the creator instead of the object itself. Mind, linking is only worthwhile if the source is trustworthy and it is probable that it will not vanish too soon. For example: private homepages often disappear soon after they have been created.",
- "link_not_listed": "If you want to link to a source that is not yet listed, please click here",
- "text": "Text to be shown",
- "linkname_explica": "This text will be displayed along with the object. It should be as short as possible. If it links to Wikipedia, please start it like this: \"Wikipedia entry about ...\"
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "url": "URL (with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/)",
- "linklink_explica": "Please enter an absolute URL here!! (That means, incl. \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\")
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "no_text": "Please enter a text for displaying the link!<\/p>
* Please do not<\/b> use it if you want to link it with a group (2 or more) of objects.",
+ "link_explica": "Veuillez saisir ici des liens vers des sources Internet en dehors du mus\u00e9e num\u00e9rique. Les sources doivent \u00eatre \u00e9troitement li\u00e9es \u00e0 l\u2019objet. Veuillez ne pas saisir de liens vers des sources si celles-ci se rapportent au cr\u00e9ateur de l\u2019objet - et donc pas \u00e0 l\u2019objet lui-m\u00eame - (des liens vers des personnes sont plac\u00e9s lors de l\u2019enregistrement centralis\u00e9 des donn\u00e9es standard). Gardez \u00e0 l\u2019esprit qu\u2019il ne vaut la peine d\u2019enregistrer un lien que si la source est fiable et probablement disponible \u00e0 long terme. Une page d\u2019accueil priv\u00e9e, par exemple, aura souvent disparu en peu de temps.",
+ "link_not_listed": "Si le lien \u00e0 saisir renvoie \u00e0 une source Internet qui ne figure pas dans la liste, veuillez cliquer ici",
+ "text": "Texte d'affichage",
+ "linkname_explica": "Ce texte appara\u00eet dans l\u2019affichage. Il doit \u00eatre aussi court que possible. Si le lien renvoie vers Wikipedia, alors veuillez commencer par \u00ab\u00a0Article Wikipedia pour ...\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "url": "URL (avec http:\/\/ ou https:\/\/)",
+ "linklink_explica": "Veuillez imp\u00e9rativement indiquer l\u2019URL absolue (c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire avec \u00ab\u00a0http:\/\/\u00a0\u00bb)",
+ "no_text": "Veuillez saisir un texte d\u2019affichage !<\/p>
* Veuillez ne pas<\/b> utiliser pour rassembler des objets (plus de 2) dans un groupe.",
"link_from": "First",
- "single_to": "You are about to link to another object at museum-digital. Please enter the ID of the target object here",
- "single_target": "Second",
- "single_first_bottom": "What links the objects to each other? Please enter here how the object on the left is related to the one on the right?
Example 1: \"Almost identical object\"
Example 2: \"Object of the same kind in another museum\"
Example 3: \"The person on the left can be found on the other photo\"",
- "single_second_bottom": "What links the objects to each other? Please enter here how the object on the right is related to the one on the left?
Example 1: \"Almost identical object\"
Example 2: \"Object of the same kind in another museum\"
Example 3: \"The person on the left can be found on the other photo\"",
- "single_either": "Either add ... and send",
- "single_as_left": "Same text on both sides",
- "single_no_backlink": "No link back to the first object",
- "series_explica": "* Here you can link an object with a Objekt einer group of objects. Examples for object groups are: a photo album, a folder containing drawings, a series of bills, ...
* Please do not use to link to another single object.",
- "series_part_of": "The object already belongs to the following object groups",
- "series_make_part": "You may make the object part of an existing object group",
- "series_create_series": "You may create a new object group",
- "series_name": "Name of object group",
- "seriename_explica": "This text is the name of the object group\/series in the editing tool and it is used for overview functions. No name of a series may exist more than once.
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "series_description": "Description of object group",
- "serietext_explica": "This text will serve as the description of the group\/series\/album ...
Suggestions on content: What similarities do the objects share? How many objects are contained? Are there any notable facts about the group\/album\/series?
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "series_no_name": "Please enter a title for the series!<\/p>
Exemple 1 : \u00ab\u00a0Objet quasi identique\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 2 : \u00ab\u00a0Objet de type identique au mus\u00e9e du ch\u00e2teau de Bernbourg\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 3 : \u00ab\u00a0La personne repr\u00e9sent\u00e9e sur la photo \u00e0 gauche sur une autre prise de vue\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "single_second_bottom": "Que faut-il mentionner dans cet objet comme une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence au lien existant ?
Exemple 1\u00a0: \u00ab\u00a0Objet quasi identique\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 2 : \u00ab\u00a0Repr\u00e9sentation tr\u00e8s similaire\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 3 : \u00ab\u00a0Objet comparable\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "single_either": "Soit enregistrer ... et envoyer",
+ "single_as_left": "Texte identique aux liens",
+ "single_no_backlink": "Ne pas d\u00e9finir de r\u00e9f\u00e9rence de l\u2019objet cible \u00e0 l\u2019objet source",
+ "series_explica": "* A cet emplacement, vous pouvez affecter un objet<\/b> \u00e0 un groupe d\u2019objets<\/b>. Les exemples pour les groupes d'objets sont les suivants : un album photo, une carte graphique, une s\u00e9rie de billets, ...
* Veuillez ne pas<\/b> utiliser pour faire r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 un autre objet individuel.",
+ "series_part_of": "L\u2019objet est d\u00e9j\u00e0 associ\u00e9 aux groupes d'objets suivants",
+ "series_make_part": "Vous pouvez associer l\u2019objet \u00e0 un groupe d\u2019objets existant",
+ "series_create_series": "Vous pouvez cr\u00e9er un nouveau groupe d\u2019objets",
+ "series_name": "D\u00e9signation du groupe d'objets",
+ "seriename_explica": "Ce texte appara\u00eet dans l\u2019affichage en tant que nom du groupe d\u2019objets et sert de vue d\u2019ensemble dans l\u2019outil de saisie. Les noms de groupes d\u2019objets ne doivent pas appara\u00eetre plusieurs fois.\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "series_description": "Description du groupe d'objets",
+ "serietext_explica": "Le texte appara\u00eet dans l\u2019affichage comme une description du groupe d\u2019objets \/ s\u00e9rie \/ album \/ dossier ...
Contenus possibles : Quels sont les points communs de tous les objets associ\u00e9s ? Nombre d'objets contenus ? Sp\u00e9cificit\u00e9s de ce groupe d'objets ?",
+ "series_no_name": "Veuillez saisir une d\u00e9signation pour la s\u00e9rie !<\/p>
\r\nModifier : Les URL doivent \u00eatre uniques. Si le lien que vous avez choisi est d\u00e9j\u00e0 utilis\u00e9, vous devrez en choisir un autre.",
+ "explica_target_url": "Ce service redirige les utilisateurs vers une URL que vous avez d\u00e9finie. Ici vous pouvez entrer l\u2019URL de destination. Veuillez noter que seules les URL compl\u00e8tes (avec le pr\u00e9fixe \u00ab\u00a0http:\/\/\u00a0\u00bb ou \u00ab\u00a0https:\/\/\u00a0\u00bb) sont accept\u00e9es.",
+ "shortener_introduction": "Parfois, les adresses Internet de pages sp\u00e9ciales sont tr\u00e8s longues, cryptiques et difficiles \u00e0 retenir. Ce service est cens\u00e9 y rem\u00e9dier. Toutes les URL g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9es par ce service commencent par \u00ab\u00a0ex.musdig.org\u00a0\u00bb, qui est ensuite ajout\u00e9, vous pouvez le d\u00e9terminer en entrant un \u00ab\u00a0identifiant\u00a0\u00bb. Si vous saisissez \u00ab\u00a0berliner-uhren\u00a0\u00bb, vous cr\u00e9ez une adresse Internet \u00ab\u00a0https:\/\/ex.musdig.org\/berliner-uhren\u00a0\u00bb. Bien s\u00fbr, vous devez \u00e9galement sp\u00e9cifier o\u00f9 cette petite adresse doit rediriger. Dans l\u2019exemple, il s\u2019agit du portail th\u00e9matique \u00ab\u00a0Berliner Uhren\u00a0\u00bb dans le th\u00e8me du mus\u00e9e num\u00e9rique, dont la \u00ab\u00a0destination\u00a0\u00bb est \u00ab\u00a0https:\/\/themator.museum-digital.de\/ausgabe\/showthema.php?m_tid=1070&tid=1070\u00a0\u00bb. Ainsi, en plus de \u00ab\u00a0l\u2019identifiant\u00a0\u00bb, vous devez sp\u00e9cifier \u00ab\u00a0l\u2019adresse de destination\u00a0\u00bb pour obtenir une URL courte et \u00ab\u00a0parlante\u00a0\u00bb.",
+ "no_urls_registered": "Vous n\u2019avez pas encore enregistr\u00e9 d\u2019URL. Une fois que vous l\u2019aurez fait, vos entr\u00e9es seront r\u00e9pertori\u00e9es ici."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/listen.json b/backend/fr/listen.json
index bcfc1f2c..a5b5f0e3 100644
--- a/backend/fr/listen.json
+++ b/backend/fr/listen.json
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
"watchlist": {
- "empty": "Erase the current watchlist",
- "load": "Load a stored watchlist",
- "create_table": "Creates a table with further selection",
- "export_xml": "Export objects of current watchlist in XML",
- "save": "Save the current watchlist",
- "remove_object": "Remove object from watchlist",
- "reload": "Reload current watchlist",
- "switchstyle": "Switch style of watchlist",
- "removed_object": "Removed object from watchlist",
- "added_object": "Added object to watchlist",
- "reloaded": "Reloaded watchlist",
- "emptied": "Emptied watchlist",
- "switched_style": "Switched style of watch list",
- "create_watchlist": "Create new watch list",
- "watchlist_overview": "Available watch lists",
- "watchlist_name": "Watch list name"
+ "empty": "Vide la liste de favoris actuelle",
+ "load": "Charge une liste de favoris enregistr\u00e9e",
+ "create_table": "G\u00e9n\u00e8re un tableau avec une autre s\u00e9lection de champs",
+ "export_xml": "Exporte les objets de la liste de favoris actuelle au format XML",
+ "save": "Enregistre la liste de favoris actuelle",
+ "remove_object": "Supprime l\u2019objet de la liste de favoris",
+ "reload": "Recharger la liste de favoris",
+ "switchstyle": "Changer d'affichage",
+ "removed_object": "Objet retir\u00e9 de la liste de favoris",
+ "added_object": "Objet ajout\u00e9 \u00e0 la liste de favoris",
+ "reloaded": "Liste de favoris recharg\u00e9e",
+ "emptied": "Liste de favoris vid\u00e9e",
+ "switched_style": "Style de la liste de favoris modifi\u00e9",
+ "create_watchlist": "Cr\u00e9er une nouvelle liste de favoris",
+ "watchlist_overview": "Listes de favoris disponibles",
+ "watchlist_name": "Nom de la liste de favoris"
"table": {
- "table_from_filter": "Table from filter",
- "table_from_watchlist": "Table from watchlist",
- "table_from_objectgroup": "Table from object group",
- "export_xml": "Export objekts of table in XML",
- "export_csv": "Export objekts of table in CSV",
- "per_page": "Per page",
- "definition": "Definition",
- "order": "Order by",
- "columns": "Columns",
- "all_fields": "All fields"
+ "table_from_filter": "Tableau \u00e0 partir du filtre",
+ "table_from_watchlist": "Tableau \u00e0 partir de la liste de favoris",
+ "table_from_objectgroup": "Tableau \u00e0 partir du groupe d'objets",
+ "export_xml": "Exporte les objets s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s au format XML",
+ "export_csv": "Exporte les objets s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s au format CSV",
+ "per_page": "Par page",
+ "definition": "D\u00e9finition",
+ "order": "Tri\u00e9 par",
+ "columns": "Colonnes",
+ "all_fields": "Tous les champs"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/literature.json b/backend/fr/literature.json
index a587ac70..b2f1e6cd 100644
--- a/backend/fr/literature.json
+++ b/backend/fr/literature.json
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"literature": {
- "if_unknown": "If the work of literature is not listed below, please click here",
- "author": "Author",
- "autor_explica": "Name in reverse order, that means:
[Surname][, ][Given name]
Example 1: \"Albrecht, Rainer\"
Example 2: \"Puhle, Matthias (Ed.)\"
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "year": "Date of publication",
- "jahr_explica": "Date of publication (Year)
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "title": "Title",
- "titel_explica": "Title of the work
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "place": "Place of publication",
- "ort_explica": "Book: Place the book was published at
Article: Name of the magazine\/newspaper the article was published in, page numbers and an \"In: \" at the start.
Example 1: \"London\"
Example 2: \"In: Merkur, Vol. 27, P.7-54\"
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "kvk": "Link in KVK",
- "kvk_explica": "The arrow to the right opens a window where you can find the literature in KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog). After finding the literature, please copy the whole URL into this field. Please only fill in links to the KVK",
- "no_autor": "Please enter the name of the author",
- "where_inside": "Location within the work",
- "where_in_explica": "Where in the work of literature is the object mentioned or depicted?",
- "no_where_inside": "Please insert a location within the work",
- "relate_to_object": "Link with an object",
- "insert_object_id": "Insert object ID",
- "delete": "Delete this entry",
- "literature_show_all": "Show all",
- "literature_show_assigned": "Show only entries that are assigned to an institution",
- "literature_show_notassigned": "Show only entries that are NOT assigned to an institution",
- "abbr": "Short form",
- "abbr_explica": "An abbreviation for this entry
Might be left empty<\/b>",
- "id_in_museum": "ID (in museum)",
- "id_in_museum_explica": "The ID of the literature in the library of the museum
Might be left empty<\/b>",
- "annotation": "Remarks (internal)",
- "annotation_explica": "Any remarks concerning this literatur (will not be published)
Might be left empty<\/b>",
+ "if_unknown": "Si l\u2019indication de documentation n\u2019est pas mentionn\u00e9e ici, alors veuillez cliquer ici",
+ "author": "Auteur",
+ "autor_explica": "Nom orthographi\u00e9 en sens inverse, c\u2019est-\u00e0-dire :
[Nom][, ][Pr\u00e9nom]
Exemple 1 : \u00ab\u00a0Albrecht, Rainer\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 2 : \u00ab\u00a0Puhle, Matthias (Hrsg.)\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "year": "Ann\u00e9e de publication",
+ "jahr_explica": "Ann\u00e9e de publication",
+ "title": "Titre",
+ "titel_explica": "Titre du livre ou de l\u2019article",
+ "place": "Lieu de publication",
+ "ort_explica": "Livre : Lieu de publication du livre
Article : Indication du journal avec le nombre de pages et \u00ab\u00a0\u00c0\u00a0: \u00bb avant.
Exemple 1 : \u00ab\u00a0I\u00e9na\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 2 : \u00ab\u00a0\u00c0\u00a0: Merkur, 27e Jg, p.7-54\u00a0\u00bb",
+ "kvk": "Liens dans KVK",
+ "kvk_explica": "La fl\u00e8che \u00e0 droite ouvre une fen\u00eatre de recherche dans le catalogue virtuel de Karlsruhe. Veuillez remplir uniquement si de la documentation a \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9e
Copier l\u2019URL compl\u00e8te (avec \u00ab\u00a0http:\/\/\u00a0\u00bb)
S\u2019il vous pla\u00eet pas<\/b> de liens vers DNB (informations restreintes) ou les associations r\u00e9gionales (par ex. GBV, qui n\u2019est pas int\u00e9ressant en Bavi\u00e8re)",
+ "no_autor": "Veuillez sp\u00e9cifier un auteur",
+ "where_inside": "Emplacement dans la documentation",
+ "where_in_explica": "Ici, vous pouvez indiquer quelle partie de la documentation s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e fait r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 l\u2019objet. Dans le meilleur des cas, il faut non seulement saisir un nombre, mais aussi indiquer ce que ce nombre signifie\u00a0:
Exemple 1 : \u00ab\u00a0N\u00b0 de catalogue 15\u00a0\u00bb
Exemple 2 : \u00ab\u00a0Page 45\u00a0\u00bb
+ "no_where_inside": "Veuillez indiquer un emplacement dans la documentation",
+ "relate_to_object": "Ajouter une association avec un objet",
+ "insert_object_id": "Num\u00e9ro de l'objet indiqu\u00e9",
+ "delete": "Supprimer l\u2019entr\u00e9e de documentation",
+ "literature_show_all": "Afficher tout",
+ "literature_show_assigned": "Afficher ceux qui sont associ\u00e9s \u00e0 une institution",
+ "literature_show_notassigned": "Afficher ceux qui ne sont associ\u00e9s \u00e0 AUCUNE institution",
+ "abbr": "Abr\u00e9viation",
+ "abbr_explica": "Abr\u00e9viation pour l\u2019entr\u00e9e de documentation",
+ "id_in_museum": "Signature (dans le mus\u00e9e)",
+ "id_in_museum_explica": "Signature de la documentation dans la biblioth\u00e8que du mus\u00e9e",
+ "annotation": "Remarques (interne)",
+ "annotation_explica": "Remarques sur cette documentation - non publi\u00e9es.",
"isbn": "ISBN",
- "isbn_explica": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.
Might be left empty<\/b>",
- "isbn_explica_auto": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.
If you enther an ISBN here and store it, you will open the opportunity to retrieve information book from the Library of Congress (Washington) by clicking on the arrow to the right. If you like you can thus overwrite your entry.
Might be left empty<\/b>",
- "gnd": "National Library",
- "gnd_short": "NatLib",
- "gnd_explica": "The number of the book in the catalogue of the National Library
Might be left empty<\/b>",
- "online": "Online version",
- "online_explica": "Link to a version of the literature available online.
Please include http:\/\/ or https:\/\/
Might be left empty<\/b>",
- "no_relation": "Please assign the literature entry to an institution",
- "inlit_added": "A position within the bibliographic entry has been stored.",
- "inlit_removed": "Position within the bibliographic entry has been removed.",
- "added": "Added the work of literature.",
- "edited": "Your edits to the bibliographic entry have been stored.",
- "deleted": "The bibliographic entry has been deleted.",
- "multiple_institutions": "The bibliographic entry belongs to more than one institution.",
- "all_literature_entries": "All literature entries",
- "base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
- "linked_objects": "Linked objects",
- "no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
- "no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
+ "isbn_explica": "Le num\u00e9ro ISBN du livre. Que vous saisissiez avec ou sans tirets et que ce soit ISBN10 ou ISBN13",
+ "isbn_explica_auto": "Le num\u00e9ro ISBN du livre. Que vous saisissiez avec ou sans tirets et que ce soit ISBN10 ou ISBN13
Si vous entrez un num\u00e9ro ISBN ici, puis enregistrez l\u2019entr\u00e9e, alors vous pouvez appuyer sur la fl\u00e8che droite et voir comment ce livre est entr\u00e9 dans la Biblioth\u00e8que du Congr\u00e8s (Washington). Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez reprendre ces entr\u00e9es.",
+ "gnd": "Biblioth\u00e8que nationale",
+ "gnd_short": "NatBib",
+ "gnd_explica": "Le num\u00e9ro du livre dans le catalogue de la biblioth\u00e8que nationale",
+ "online": "Version en ligne",
+ "online_explica": "Lien vers une version de la documentation disponible en ligne
Veuillez saisir http:\/\/ ou https:\/\/ au d\u00e9but",
+ "no_relation": "Veuillez attribuer l\u2019entr\u00e9e de la documentation \u00e0 une institution",
+ "inlit_added": "La r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 un emplacement dans une documentation a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9e",
+ "inlit_removed": "La r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 un emplacement dans une documentation a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "added": "Entr\u00e9e de la documentation ajout\u00e9e",
+ "edited": "Modifications de l\u2019entr\u00e9e de la documentation enregistr\u00e9es",
+ "deleted": "L\u2019entr\u00e9e de la documentation a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
+ "multiple_institutions": "L\u2019entr\u00e9e de la documentation fait partie de plus d'une institution",
+ "all_literature_entries": "Toutes les entr\u00e9es de la documentation",
+ "base_data": "Donn\u00e9es de base concernant l\u2019entr\u00e9e de la documentation",
+ "linked_objects": "Objets associ\u00e9s",
+ "no_literature": "Aucune documentation pour l\u2019instant",
+ "no_literature_text": "Aucune documentation n\u2019a encore \u00e9t\u00e9 saisie pour votre mus\u00e9e (nous ne pouvons donc pas en r\u00e9pertorier). Vous pouvez :"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/loans.json b/backend/fr/loans.json
index 873792fe..cd5b7b8f 100644
--- a/backend/fr/loans.json
+++ b/backend/fr/loans.json
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
"tlLoans": {
- "partner_institution": "Partner institution",
- "partner_institution_explica": "The partner institution with whom the loaning is carried out. Taken from the contacts.",
- "partner_contact_person": "Contact person",
- "partner_contact_person_explica": "The contact person at the partner institution.",
- "start_date": "Start date",
- "end_date": "End date",
- "start_date_explica": "Start date of the loan.",
- "end_date_explica": "End date of the loan.",
- "insurance_value": "Insurance value",
- "insurance_value_explica": "Overall insurance value of the loan.",
- "insurer": "Insurer",
- "insurer_explica": "The insurer insuring the loan.",
- "insurer_person": "Contact person (insurer)",
- "insurer_person_explica": "Contact person at the insurance agency.",
+ "partner_institution": "Institution partenaire",
+ "partner_institution_explica": "L\u2019institution partenaire avec laquelle le pr\u00eat est effectu\u00e9.",
+ "partner_contact_person": "Contact",
+ "partner_contact_person_explica": "Le contact de l'institution partenaire.",
+ "start_date": "D\u00e9but",
+ "end_date": "Fin",
+ "start_date_explica": "Date de d\u00e9but du pr\u00eat.",
+ "end_date_explica": "Date de fin du pr\u00eat.",
+ "insurance_value": "Valeur d'assurance",
+ "insurance_value_explica": "Valeur assur\u00e9e de l\u2019int\u00e9gralit\u00e9 du pr\u00eat.",
+ "insurer": "Assureur",
+ "insurer_explica": "L\u2019assureur aupr\u00e8s duquel le pr\u00eat est assur\u00e9.",
+ "insurer_person": "Contact de l\u2019assureur",
+ "insurer_person_explica": "Contact de l\u2019assureur",
"description": "Description",
- "description_explica": "Description or note on the loan.",
- "special_requirements": "Special requirements",
- "special_requirements_explica": "Special requirements for the loan.",
- "loan_belongs": "Loan of institution",
- "loans_list": "List loans",
- "loan_entry": "Loan entry",
- "loan_added": "Loan entry added",
- "loans_edited": "Loan entry edited",
- "link_with_loan": "Link with loan",
- "loan_obj_remark": "Specific note",
- "loan_name": "Title",
- "loan_name_explica": "A title for the entry.",
- "send_mail_to": "Send mail to ...",
- "export": "Export",
- "export_calendar_item": "Export calendar item",
- "loans_deleted": "The loan entry has been deleted",
- "delete_link": "Remove link",
- "view_loan_entry": "View loan entry",
- "about_loan_entry": "About the loan entry",
- "add_new_contact": "Add new contact",
- "add_new_link_contact": "Add and link new contact",
- "updated_link_loan": "Updated link with loan",
- "deleted_link_obj_loan": "Deleted link of object with loan entry",
- "added_link_obj_loan": "Added link of object with loan entry",
- "loans_list_empty": "Your list of loans is empty thus far.",
- "view_contact_details": "View contact details",
- "select_loan_entry": "Select a loan entry",
- "base_data": "Basic information about the loan entry",
- "all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
- "must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
- "insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
- "loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
- "loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
- "select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
- "partner_person": "Contact person",
- "title": "Title",
- "loans_added": "Loan added",
+ "description_explica": "Description ou note (sur) le pr\u00eat.",
+ "special_requirements": "Conditions particuli\u00e8res",
+ "special_requirements_explica": "Conditions particuli\u00e8res du pr\u00eat.",
+ "loan_belongs": "Pr\u00eat de",
+ "loans_list": "Liste des pr\u00eats",
+ "loan_entry": "Processus de pr\u00eat",
+ "loan_added": "Pr\u00eat ajout\u00e9",
+ "loans_edited": "Pr\u00eat \u00e9dit\u00e9",
+ "link_with_loan": "Associer avec un pr\u00eat",
+ "loan_obj_remark": "Note sur l\u2019objet en pr\u00eat",
+ "loan_name": "Titre",
+ "loan_name_explica": "Un titre pour cette entr\u00e9e",
+ "send_mail_to": "Envoyer un e-mail \u00e0",
+ "export": "Exporter",
+ "export_calendar_item": "Entr\u00e9e du calendrier",
+ "loans_deleted": "Le pr\u00eat a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9",
+ "delete_link": "Annuler le lien",
+ "view_loan_entry": "Examiner le pr\u00eat",
+ "about_loan_entry": "Vers le pr\u00eat",
+ "add_new_contact": "Ajouter un nouveau contact",
+ "add_new_link_contact": "Ajouter un nouveau contact et associer",
+ "updated_link_loan": "L\u2019association avec le pr\u00eat a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9e",
+ "deleted_link_obj_loan": "Association entre le pr\u00eat et l\u2019objet supprim\u00e9e",
+ "added_link_obj_loan": "Association entre le pr\u00eat et l\u2019objet ajout\u00e9e",
+ "loans_list_empty": "Votre liste de pr\u00eat est encore vide",
+ "view_contact_details": "Consulter les coordonn\u00e9es de contact",
+ "select_loan_entry": "S\u00e9lectionner un pr\u00eat",
+ "base_data": "Donn\u00e9es de base pour le pr\u00eat",
+ "all_loan_entries": "Toutes les entr\u00e9es du pr\u00eat",
+ "must_be_numeric": "Doit \u00eatre un chiffre",
+ "insurance_currency": "Valeur d'assurance : devise",
+ "loans_list_empty_text": "Aucun pr\u00eat n\u2019a encore \u00e9t\u00e9 saisi pour votre mus\u00e9e (nous ne pouvons donc pas en r\u00e9pertorier). Vous pouvez :",
+ "loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note sur les conditions sp\u00e9cifiques de l'objet en pr\u00eat.",
+ "select_loan_entry_explica": "Choix du pr\u00eat avec lequel l\u2019objet doit \u00eatre associ\u00e9. Si le pr\u00eat n\u2019a pas encore \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9, il peut \u00eatre ajout\u00e9 en cliquant sur le symbole \u00ab\u00a0+\u00a0\u00bb.",
+ "partner_person": "Contact",
+ "title": "Titre",
+ "loans_added": "Le pr\u00eat a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9",
"loan_type": "Loan type"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/login.json b/backend/fr/login.json
index 3d8bd8e7..cc4adae7 100644
--- a/backend/fr/login.json
+++ b/backend/fr/login.json
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"tlLogin": {
- "username": "Username",
- "password": "Password",
- "login": "Login",
- "remember_me": "Remember me",
- "global_statistics": "Global statistics",
- "recent_blog_posts": "Recent blog posts",
- "public_db_contents": "Published database contents",
- "log_in": "Log in",
- "avg_text_len": "Average object description length",
- "login_using_idp": "Login using your institution's identity provider",
- "select_idp": "Select an identity provider",
- "login_using_device": "Login using device"
+ "username": "Nom d\u2019utilisateur",
+ "password": "Mot de passe",
+ "login": "Connexion",
+ "remember_me": "Se souvenir de l\u2019identifiant",
+ "global_statistics": "Statistiques globales",
+ "recent_blog_posts": "Derniers articles de blog",
+ "public_db_contents": "Contenus de la base de donn\u00e9es publi\u00e9s",
+ "log_in": "Se connecter",
+ "avg_text_len": "Descriptions d\u2019objet : longueur moyenne",
+ "login_using_idp": "Se connecter avec votre institution",
+ "select_idp": "S\u00e9lectionner la source d'identit\u00e9",
+ "login_using_device": "Connexion via une caract\u00e9ristique d\u2019authentification mat\u00e9rielle"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend/fr/more.json b/backend/fr/more.json
index e7ec5563..3e8326c7 100644
--- a/backend/fr/more.json
+++ b/backend/fr/more.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"tlMore": {
- "video_conference": "Video conference",
- "please_select_an_institution": "Please select an institution",
- "please_select_an_institution_explica": "Please select an institution whose videochat you want to join. You can select one by clicking on the corresponding entry in the drop down menu below.",
+ "video_conference": "Conf\u00e9rence vid\u00e9o",
+ "please_select_an_institution": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner une institution",
+ "please_select_an_institution_explica": "Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner une institution dont vous souhaitez rejoindre le chat vid\u00e9o. La s\u00e9lection s\u2019effectue en cliquant sur l\u2019entr\u00e9e correspondante dans la liste de s\u00e9lection ci-dessous.",
"events_and_exhibitions": "Events and exhibitions",
"online_visitors": "Online visitors"
diff --git a/backend/fr/museum.json b/backend/fr/museum.json
index 937dcc25..9604a1b2 100644
--- a/backend/fr/museum.json
+++ b/backend/fr/museum.json
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
"museum": {
- "delete": "Delete museum",
- "col_short": "Col.",
+ "delete": "Supprimer le mus\u00e9e",
+ "col_short": "Coll.",
"obj_short": "Obj.",
- "export": "Export",
- "museum_name": "Name of museum",
- "musnam_explica": "Please specify the language of this entry. Use ISO 639-1 codes, i.e. two letter code like en<\/code>,
hu<\/code>, ...
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "museum_description": "Description",
- "musbesch_explica": "A description of the museum as an institution dedicated to collecting, safe-keeping, and research. A good length is about 1000 letters (one to two paragraphs).
Of course, a very thorough description is an option, too. If you prefer this, please send the description to the administrator.
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "street_house": "Street address",
- "musstra_explica": "Street adress
Example 1: \"Am Rathaus 1\"
Example 2: \"Unterweg 12a\"
Example 3: \"Rathausplatz\"
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "zip_place": "Zip code and city",
- "musplz_explica": "Zip code and city
Example 1: \"06811 Landsberg\"
Example 2: \"33649 Bielefeld-Holtkamp\"
Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
- "telefone": "Phone number",
- "musfon_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Tel. ...\". Enter the immediate number only.
Example 1: (0366) 121214
Example 2: 0366-121214
This field can be left empty<\/b>",
- "telefax": "Telefax number",
- "musfax_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Fax ...\". Enter the immediate number only.
Example 1: (0366) 121214
Example 2: 0366-121214
This field can be left empty<\/b>",
- "mail": "Mail address",
- "musmail_explica": "Please enter a main mail address of the museum here
If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will have the option to ask for information or sent notes by mail below the museum's objects. To not offer this to option to the users, please leave this field empty.
This field can be left empty<\/b>",
- "isil": "ISIL of museum",
- "musisil_explica": "Enter the ISIL number of your museum. ISIL numbers are especially important for the electronical exchange of data.
You can find your museum\u00b4s ISIL number at:
This field can be left empty<\/b>",
- "url": "URL of museum\u00b4s website",
- "musurl_explica": "Please enter the URL of your museum's own website. If your museum does not have a website, you can simply ignore this field.
Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the beginning of the URL.
This field can be left empty<\/b>",
- "association": "URL at website of association",
- "musverb_explica": "Please enter the URL of the page of this museum on the museum associaton's website. If such a page does not exist, please just leave this field empty.
Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.
This field can be left empty<\/b>",
- "target_image": "URL for clicks on image",
- "musbild_explica": "Here you can enter an URL the user will be linked to upon clicking on the museum\u00b4s image. By this, the user might be linked to for example the website of the museum or a certain object on museum-digital.
Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.
This field can be left empty<\/b>",
- "datasheet": "URL of fact sheet",
- "musdaba_explica": "Please leave this field empty!
The internal place a document with a thorough description of your museum will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a PDF file.",
- "no_name": "A museum's name is required!<\/p>