diff --git a/backend/ar/object_addendum.json b/backend/ar/object_addendum.json
index 12c12724..cc019866 100644
--- a/backend/ar/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/ar/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/de/object_addendum.json b/backend/de/object_addendum.json
index ce5b8712..b1d949b0 100644
--- a/backend/de/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/de/object_addendum.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"object_add": {
"wobz_inhalt": "Gedacht f\u00fcr Objekte, die einen allgemeinen und zugleich einen wissenschaftlichen (oder anderen zus\u00e4tzlichen) Namen haben (H\u00e4ufig bei biologischen oder mineralogischen Objekten)
Links: Zus\u00e4tzliche Objektbezeichnung
(Maximale Textl\u00e4nge: 250 Zeichen)
Rechts: G\u00fcltigkeitsbereich der Bezeichnung, z.B. \"Wissenschaft\"",
- "loka_inhalt": "W\u00e4hrend innerhalb von \"Ereignissen\" Orte (im Sinne von Ortschaften) erfasst werden - k\u00f6nnen hier genauere Angaben (im Sinne von \"Stelle\") gemacht werden. Also z.B. nicht \"Merseburg\" (Ortschaft, deshalb bei Ereignissen\/Ortsbez\u00fcgen erfasst), sondern \"Merseburg, Domplatz 9\".
Gedacht f\u00fcr z.B. fotografische, biologische oder mineralogische Objekte, wo genauere Angaben zum \"Aufnahmeort\" oder \"Fundort\" sinnvoll sein k\u00f6nnen.
Links: Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie die Lokalisationen beliebig benennen
Beispiel 1: \"5\u00b0 24` 32``, 16\u00b0 12` 8``\"
Beispiel 2: \"Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4\"",
+ "loka_inhalt": "W\u00e4hrend innerhalb vonHere one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners. \"Ereignissen\" Orte (im Sinne von Ortschaften) erfasst werden - k\u00f6nnen hier genauere Angaben (im Sinne von \"Stelle\") gemacht werden. Also z.B. nicht \"Merseburg\" (Ortschaft, deshalb bei Ereignissen\/Ortsbez\u00fcgen erfasst), sondern \"Merseburg, Domplatz 9\".
Gedacht f\u00fcr z.B. fotografische, biologische oder mineralogische Objekte, wo genauere Angaben zum \"Aufnahmeort\" oder \"Fundort\" sinnvoll sein k\u00f6nnen.
Links: Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie die Lokalisationen beliebig benennen
Beispiel 1: \"5\u00b0 24` 32``, 16\u00b0 12` 8``\"
Beispiel 2: \"Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4\"",
"besch_inhalt": "Steht etwas auf dem Objekt geschrieben, das in einem eigenen Feld erfasst werden soll? Hier ist Platz daf\u00fcr.",
"ausm_inhalt": "Hier ist die getrennte Erfassung von Ma\u00dfangaben m\u00f6glich.
Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die jeweiligen Einheiten anzugeben (\u00fcber Aufklapplisten)",
"vergl_inhalt": "Gibt es Vergleichsobjekte in anderen Museen? Hier kann es eingetragen werden. Sie k\u00f6nnen einfach vermerken, in welchem Museum sich ein Vergleichsobjekt befindet, Sie k\u00f6nnen aber auch - wenn bekannt - die dortige Inventarnummer vermerken oder - falls das Objekt im Internet erreichbar ist - die entsprechende URL an dieser Stelle speichern.",
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form des Objektes.",
"sex_explica": "Geschlecht des Objektes (z.B. f\u00fcr Insekten).",
"color_explica": "Prim\u00e4re Farbe des Objektes.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Derzeitiger Standort ist eigentlicher Standort (ID)"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Derzeitiger Standort ist eigentlicher Standort (ID)",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deakzession autorisiert durch",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name der Person, die die Deakzession autorisiert hat.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deakzession genehmigt: Datum",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Datum der Genehmigung der Deakzession.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Freie Beschreibung der Gr\u00fcnde f\u00fcr die Entsorgung des Objektes.",
+ "disposal_method": "Methode der Entsorgung",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Methode der Entsorgung des Objektes.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "Neue Inventarnummer",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "Neue Inventarnummer in Empf\u00e4nger-Institution (f\u00fcr Objekte, die z.B. an ein anderes Museum weitergegeben wurden)",
+ "deaccession_date": "Datum der Deakzession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Datum zu dem das Objekt rechtlich gesehen deakzessioniert wurde.",
+ "disposal_date": "Datum der Entsorgung",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Datum zu dem das Objekt entsorgt wurde (z.B. an dem aus dem Museum abtransportiert oder zerst\u00f6rt wurde).,",
+ "disposal_note": "Allgemeine Notiz zur Entsorgung",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Freitext-Informationen zur Entsorgung des Objektes.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Kosten der Entsorgung",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Gesamtsumme der Kosten, die durch die Entsorgung des Objektes anfallen.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Kosten der Entsorgung (W\u00e4hrung)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Gesamtsumme der Kosten, die durch die Entsorgung des Objektes anfallen. (W\u00e4hrung)",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Preis der Entsorgung",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Gesamtsumme der Einnahmen, die durch die Entsorgung (z.B. den Verkauf) des Objektes anfallen.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Preis der Entsorgung (W\u00e4hrung)",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "W\u00e4hrung in der das Objekt vom Museum ver\u00e4u\u00dfert wird.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Beschr\u00e4nkungen der Entsorgung",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Hier k\u00f6nnen besondere Bedingungen und Beschr\u00e4nkungen der Entsorgung dokumentiert werden. Dies kann hilfreich sein, wenn das Objekt Gefahrenstoffe birgt oder aufgrund rechtlicher oder ethischer Gr\u00fcnde an eine bestimmte Gruppe von Personen gegeben werden muss.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Entsorgung autorisiert von",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name der Person, die die physische Entsorgung des Objektes aus den Best\u00e4nden des Museums autorisiert hat.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Authorisierung der Entsorgung: Datum",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Datum, zu dem die Entsorgung autorisiert wurde."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/dsb/object_addendum.json b/backend/dsb/object_addendum.json
index 92f0b300..ad092dd9 100644
--- a/backend/dsb/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/dsb/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/en/object_addendum.json b/backend/en/object_addendum.json
index 7e56b40f..639c13fa 100644
--- a/backend/en/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/en/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/es/object_addendum.json b/backend/es/object_addendum.json
index 12c12724..cc019866 100644
--- a/backend/es/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/es/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/fr/object_addendum.json b/backend/fr/object_addendum.json
index 9c1518f0..9452bd47 100644
--- a/backend/fr/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/fr/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/hsb/object_addendum.json b/backend/hsb/object_addendum.json
index 92f0b300..ad092dd9 100644
--- a/backend/hsb/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/hsb/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/hu/object_addendum.json b/backend/hu/object_addendum.json
index 43865465..2ceba4a6 100644
--- a/backend/hu/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/hu/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/id/object_addendum.json b/backend/id/object_addendum.json
index ab323412..cbcf0ea8 100644
--- a/backend/id/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/id/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/it/object_addendum.json b/backend/it/object_addendum.json
index 12c12724..cc019866 100644
--- a/backend/it/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/it/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/iw/object_addendum.json b/backend/iw/object_addendum.json
index 12c12724..cc019866 100644
--- a/backend/iw/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/iw/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/nl/object_addendum.json b/backend/nl/object_addendum.json
index 12c12724..cc019866 100644
--- a/backend/nl/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/nl/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/pl/object_addendum.json b/backend/pl/object_addendum.json
index 544eb91c..6796b8ce 100644
--- a/backend/pl/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/pl/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/pt/object_addendum.json b/backend/pt/object_addendum.json
index fe04b3da..2552ef00 100644
--- a/backend/pt/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/pt/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/ru/object_addendum.json b/backend/ru/object_addendum.json
index 80af932d..aea4cefb 100644
--- a/backend/ru/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/ru/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/tl/object_addendum.json b/backend/tl/object_addendum.json
index 12c12724..cc019866 100644
--- a/backend/tl/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/tl/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/tr/object_addendum.json b/backend/tr/object_addendum.json
index ac1a0374..1239abdf 100644
--- a/backend/tr/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/tr/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/uk/object_addendum.json b/backend/uk/object_addendum.json
index adebe79f..610545ab 100644
--- a/backend/uk/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/uk/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [
diff --git a/backend/zh/object_addendum.json b/backend/zh/object_addendum.json
index 7e56b40f..639c13fa 100644
--- a/backend/zh/object_addendum.json
+++ b/backend/zh/object_addendum.json
@@ -215,7 +215,36 @@
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
- "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space"
+ "current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
+ "deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
+ "deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
+ "deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
+ "deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
+ "disposal_reason": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
+ "disposal_method": "Disposal method",
+ "disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
+ "disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
+ "deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
+ "deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
+ "disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
+ "disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
+ "disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
+ "disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
+ "disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
+ "disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
+ "disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
+ "disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
+ "disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
+ "disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
+ "disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
+ "disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
+ "disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
+ "disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
+ "disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
+ "disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
+ "disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given."
"ortart": [