diff --git a/nodac/de/basis.json b/nodac/de/basis.json index b564ab7f..73d668a2 100644 --- a/nodac/de/basis.json +++ b/nodac/de/basis.json @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ { "basis": { "langswitch": "Sprache wechseln", - "vocswitch": "Vokabular wechseln", "logout": "Abmelden", "objects_change": "Objekt bearbeiten", "objects_show": "Objekt anzeigen", "objects": "Objekte", "send": "Abschicken", "again": "Noch einmal", - "alreadyknown": "ist schon bekannt", "back": "Zur\u00fcck", "back_overview": "Zur\u00fcck zur \u00dcbersicht", "novocabulary": "Bitte geben sie eine Quelle an", @@ -72,8 +70,32 @@ "no_description": "Keine Beschreibung", "no_coords": "Keine Koordinaten", "no_superordinate": "Keine \u00dcberordnung", - "no_translation": "Keine \u00dcbersetzung", + "no_translation": "Translation missing", "missing_information": "Fehlende Information", - "no_entity_encoding": "Keine Kodierung" + "no_entity_encoding": "Keine Kodierung", + "search_restricted": "Beschr\u00e4nkt", + "page": "Seite", + "go_to_page": "Gehe zu Seite", + "has_annotation": "Hat Benutzer-Anmerkung", + "merge_really": "Wirklich zusammenf\u00fchren ?", + "chose_the_term_to_be_kept": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie den Begriff, der behalten werden soll.", + "no_better_not_merge": "Nein, besser nicht zusammenf\u00fchren", + "add_translations_from_wikidata": "\u00dcbersetzungen von Wikidata laden", + "add_new_translation": "Neue \u00dcbersetzung anf\u00fcgen", + "delete_all_translations": "Alle \u00dcbersetzungen l\u00f6schen", + "pagode_explica": "\u00dcbersicht (Statistik)", + "klon_explica": "Sucht doppelte Eintr\u00e4ge", + "fork_explica": "Sucht mehrfache Beziehungen zwischen Eintr\u00e4gen", + "magnet_explica": "Sucht nicht zul\u00e4ssige Verkn\u00fcpfungen (1. Generation)", + "grandfather_explica": "Sucht nicht zul\u00e4ssige Verkn\u00fcpfungen (2. Generation)", + "user_management": "User-Management", + "involvement_types": "Involvement types", + "no_three_letter_entity_encoding": "Entit\u00e4tenkodierung fehlt", + "translation_missing": "\u00dcbersetzung fehlt", + "default_description_too_short": "Beschreibung zu kurz", + "no_coordinates_given": "Keine Koordinaten angegeben", + "not_placed_in_hierarchy": "Nicht in Hierarchie", + "counting_time_missing": "Z\u00e4hlzeit fehlt oder fehlerhaft", + "beginn_after_end": "Anfang nach Ende" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/de/languser.json b/nodac/de/languser.json index 1a0f278d..f72553b7 100644 --- a/nodac/de/languser.json +++ b/nodac/de/languser.json @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ "preferred_language": "Bevorzugte Sprache", "admin": "Administrator", "groupadmin": "Gruppen-Administrator", - "editor": "Bearbeiter" + "editor": "Bearbeiter", + "switch_language": "Sprache wechseln" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/de/persinst.json b/nodac/de/persinst.json index a3876cf2..eba02424 100644 --- a/nodac/de/persinst.json +++ b/nodac/de/persinst.json @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ "updated_noda_link": "Verkn\u00fcpfung zu kontrolliertem Vokabular aktualisiert", "updated_GND_encoding": "GND Entit\u00e4tenkodierung aktualisiert", "linked_to_subordinate_actor": "Mit untergeordnetem Akteur verkn\u00fcpft", - "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Basisinformation zum Akteur aktualisiert" + "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Basisinformation zum Akteur aktualisiert", + "loaded_info_from_gnd": "Zusatzinformationen wurden aus der GND ausgelesen", + "deleted_gnd_info": "Zusatzinformationen aus der GND wurden gel\u00f6scht" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/de/wiki.json b/nodac/de/wiki.json index e779631f..2522c93c 100644 --- a/nodac/de/wiki.json +++ b/nodac/de/wiki.json @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ "new_values": "Neue Werte", "take_it_or_not": "\u00dcbernehmen?", "transferred_from_qid": "Daten von Wikidata \u00fcbernommen", - "transferred_translations_from_qid": "\u00dcbersetzungen von Wikidata \u00fcbernommen" + "transferred_translations_from_qid": "\u00dcbersetzungen von Wikidata \u00fcbernommen", + "fetch_from_wikidata": "Wikidata auslesen" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/en/basis.json b/nodac/en/basis.json index 43078db5..88a26cc1 100644 --- a/nodac/en/basis.json +++ b/nodac/en/basis.json @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ { "basis": { "langswitch": "Change language", - "vocswitch": "Change vocabulary", "logout": "Logout", "objects_change": "Change object", "objects_show": "Show object", "objects": "Objects", "send": "Submit", "again": "Once again", - "alreadyknown": "is known already", "back": "Back", "back_overview": "Back to the overview", "novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source", @@ -72,8 +70,32 @@ "no_description": "No description", "no_coords": "No coordinates", "no_superordinate": "No superordinate", - "no_translation": "No translations", + "no_translation": "Translation missing", "missing_information": "Missing information", - "no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding" + "no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding", + "search_restricted": "Restricted", + "page": "Page", + "go_to_page": "Go to page", + "has_annotation": "Has user annotation", + "merge_really": "Merge really ?", + "chose_the_term_to_be_kept": "In this case, please chose the term to be kept", + "no_better_not_merge": "No, better not merge", + "add_translations_from_wikidata": "Add translations from Wikidata", + "add_new_translation": "Add new translation", + "delete_all_translations": "Delete all translations", + "pagode_explica": "Overview (i.e. statistics page)", + "klon_explica": "Find duplicate entries", + "fork_explica": "Find multiple relations between entities", + "magnet_explica": "Find illegal relations (1. Generation)", + "grandfather_explica": "Find illegal relation (2. Generation)", + "user_management": "User management", + "involvement_types": "Involvement types", + "no_three_letter_entity_encoding": "No 3 letter entity encoding", + "translation_missing": "Translation missing", + "default_description_too_short": "Default description too short", + "no_coordinates_given": "No coordinates given", + "not_placed_in_hierarchy": "Not placed in hierarchy", + "counting_time_missing": "Counting time missing", + "beginn_after_end": "Beginn after end" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/en/languser.json b/nodac/en/languser.json index 577c8b83..8feedac5 100644 --- a/nodac/en/languser.json +++ b/nodac/en/languser.json @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ "preferred_language": "Preferred language", "admin": "Admin", "groupadmin": "Group admin", - "editor": "Editor" + "editor": "Editor", + "switch_language": "Switch language" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/en/persinst.json b/nodac/en/persinst.json index 4419101b..99efefd1 100644 --- a/nodac/en/persinst.json +++ b/nodac/en/persinst.json @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ "updated_noda_link": "Updated link to controlled vocabulary", "updated_GND_encoding": "Updated GND encoding", "linked_to_subordinate_actor": "Linked to subordinate actor", - "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor" + "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor", + "loaded_info_from_gnd": "Loaded additional information from GND", + "deleted_gnd_info": "Additional information from the GND was deleted" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/en/wiki.json b/nodac/en/wiki.json index 18956e60..a7b26e6f 100644 --- a/nodac/en/wiki.json +++ b/nodac/en/wiki.json @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ "new_values": "New values", "take_it_or_not": "Take new value?", "transferred_from_qid": "Transferred data from wikidata", - "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata" + "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata", + "fetch_from_wikidata": "Fetch from Wikidata" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/hu/basis.json b/nodac/hu/basis.json index 957640f5..b4230e08 100644 --- a/nodac/hu/basis.json +++ b/nodac/hu/basis.json @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ { "basis": { "langswitch": "Change language", - "vocswitch": "Change vocabulary", "logout": "Logout", "objects_change": "Change object", "objects_show": "Show object", "objects": "Objects", "send": "K\u00fcld\u00e9s", "again": "Once again", - "alreadyknown": "is known already", "back": "Back", "back_overview": "Back to the overview", "novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source", @@ -72,8 +70,32 @@ "no_description": "No description", "no_coords": "No coordinates", "no_superordinate": "No superordinate", - "no_translation": "No translations", + "no_translation": "Translation missing", "missing_information": "Missing information", - "no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding" + "no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding", + "search_restricted": "Restricted", + "page": "Page", + "go_to_page": "Go to page", + "has_annotation": "Has user annotation", + "merge_really": "Merge really ?", + "chose_the_term_to_be_kept": "In this case, please chose the term to be kept", + "no_better_not_merge": "No, better not merge", + "add_translations_from_wikidata": "Add translations from Wikidata", + "add_new_translation": "Add new translation", + "delete_all_translations": "Delete all translations", + "pagode_explica": "Overview (i.e. statistics page)", + "klon_explica": "Find duplicate entries", + "fork_explica": "Find multiple relations between entities", + "magnet_explica": "Find illegal relations (1. Generation)", + "grandfather_explica": "Find illegal relation (2. Generation)", + "user_management": "User management", + "involvement_types": "Involvement types", + "no_three_letter_entity_encoding": "No 3 letter entity encoding", + "translation_missing": "Translation missing", + "default_description_too_short": "Default description too short", + "no_coordinates_given": "No coordinates given", + "not_placed_in_hierarchy": "Not placed in hierarchy", + "counting_time_missing": "Counting time missing", + "beginn_after_end": "Beginn after end" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/hu/languser.json b/nodac/hu/languser.json index c6528857..65b0d7d1 100644 --- a/nodac/hu/languser.json +++ b/nodac/hu/languser.json @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ "preferred_language": "Preferred language", "admin": "Admin", "groupadmin": "Group admin", - "editor": "Editor" + "editor": "Editor", + "switch_language": "Switch language" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/hu/persinst.json b/nodac/hu/persinst.json index 1f78188f..2d5c1da9 100644 --- a/nodac/hu/persinst.json +++ b/nodac/hu/persinst.json @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ "updated_noda_link": "Updated link to controlled vocabulary", "updated_GND_encoding": "Updated GND encoding", "linked_to_subordinate_actor": "Linked to subordinate actor", - "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor" + "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor", + "loaded_info_from_gnd": "Loaded additional information from GND", + "deleted_gnd_info": "Additional information from the GND was deleted" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/hu/wiki.json b/nodac/hu/wiki.json index 2f349d67..40f2609d 100644 --- a/nodac/hu/wiki.json +++ b/nodac/hu/wiki.json @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ "new_values": "New values", "take_it_or_not": "Take new value?", "transferred_from_qid": "Transferred data from wikidata", - "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata" + "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata", + "fetch_from_wikidata": "Fetch from Wikidata" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/id/basis.json b/nodac/id/basis.json index 9e98dad5..88a26cc1 100644 --- a/nodac/id/basis.json +++ b/nodac/id/basis.json @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ { "basis": { "langswitch": "Change language", - "vocswitch": "Change vocabulary", "logout": "Logout", "objects_change": "Change object", "objects_show": "Show object", "objects": "Objects", "send": "Submit", "again": "Once again", - "alreadyknown": "is known already", "back": "Back", "back_overview": "Back to the overview", "novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source", @@ -17,26 +15,26 @@ "which_vocabulary": "Please choose the source (controlled vocabulary) ...", "enlarge_vocabulary_list": "Please enlarge the list of vocabularies", "delete_vocabulary": "Delete controlled vocabulary or source", - "delete_vocabulary_check": "You are about deleting controlled vocabulary or source", + "delete_vocabulary_check": "You are about to delete controlled vocabulary\/a source", "change_vocabulary": "Change controlled vocabulary or source", "general_source": "General web resource, i.e. no controlled vocabulary or thesaurus", "last_change": "Last changed", - "better_not_delete": "No, that was not meant seriously (back)", + "better_not_delete": "No, that was not what I meant to do (go back)", "better_to_delete": "Of course, I mean what I say. Delete it", "sortorder": "Sort order", "sequence": "Sequence", "selection": "Selection", "showall": "Show all", "checkedonly": "Checked only", + "uncheckedonly": "Unchecked only", "unprocessedonly": "Unprocessed only", "questionableonly": "Questionable only", - "uncheckedonly": "Unchecked only", "namefirstletter": "Name starts with ...", "numberinvoc": "ID in vocabulary", "linktovoc": "Link into vocabulary", "found": "Found:", - "wikilink": "Link to wikipedia (New window)", - "googlelink": "Google-search (New window)", + "wikilink": "Link to Wikipedia (New window)", + "googlelink": "Google search (New window)", "syngroup": "Synonyms", "syngroup_build": "Build group of synonyms", "syngroup_add": "Add a synonym", @@ -52,16 +50,16 @@ "status_red": "Turns status into UNCHECKED", "status_question": "Turns status into TO BE CHECKED", "status": "Status", - "change_status_to": "change to", + "change_status_to": "Change to", "unknown": "is unknown", - "create_new_entry": "create new entry", + "create_new_entry": "Create new entry", "or_go_back": "or: Go back", "select_with_click": "Select by clicking", "noda_source": "Source", - "noda_number": "Nr. in source", + "noda_number": "No. in source", "noda_link": "Link", "egal": "Any", - "in": "in", + "in": "In", "containing": "Containing", "syncronized_values": "Syncronized values", "back_no_change": "Back without changes", @@ -72,8 +70,32 @@ "no_description": "No description", "no_coords": "No coordinates", "no_superordinate": "No superordinate", - "no_translation": "No translations", + "no_translation": "Translation missing", "missing_information": "Missing information", - "no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding" + "no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding", + "search_restricted": "Restricted", + "page": "Page", + "go_to_page": "Go to page", + "has_annotation": "Has user annotation", + "merge_really": "Merge really ?", + "chose_the_term_to_be_kept": "In this case, please chose the term to be kept", + "no_better_not_merge": "No, better not merge", + "add_translations_from_wikidata": "Add translations from Wikidata", + "add_new_translation": "Add new translation", + "delete_all_translations": "Delete all translations", + "pagode_explica": "Overview (i.e. statistics page)", + "klon_explica": "Find duplicate entries", + "fork_explica": "Find multiple relations between entities", + "magnet_explica": "Find illegal relations (1. Generation)", + "grandfather_explica": "Find illegal relation (2. Generation)", + "user_management": "User management", + "involvement_types": "Involvement types", + "no_three_letter_entity_encoding": "No 3 letter entity encoding", + "translation_missing": "Translation missing", + "default_description_too_short": "Default description too short", + "no_coordinates_given": "No coordinates given", + "not_placed_in_hierarchy": "Not placed in hierarchy", + "counting_time_missing": "Counting time missing", + "beginn_after_end": "Beginn after end" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/id/languser.json b/nodac/id/languser.json index 2ea0ecb7..8feedac5 100644 --- a/nodac/id/languser.json +++ b/nodac/id/languser.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "languser": { "active": "The language of your choice is actually", - "choice": "If you like to change the interface language, please take your choice", + "choice": "If you like to change the interface language, please choose another one", "user_add": "Add new user", "userlist": "List of all users", "order_by": "Order by", @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ "preferred_language": "Preferred language", "admin": "Admin", "groupadmin": "Group admin", - "editor": "Editor" + "editor": "Editor", + "switch_language": "Switch language" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/id/persinst.json b/nodac/id/persinst.json index 00cce260..99efefd1 100644 --- a/nodac/id/persinst.json +++ b/nodac/id/persinst.json @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ { "persinst": { - "langbezeichnung": "Name (detailed)", - "langbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [Given name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of Birth][-][Year of Death][)]
Example (person):
Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)

If years are unknown, just write the name in regular way
Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"

Names of institution in complete form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", - "kurzbezeichnung": "Name (short)", - "kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [Surname][,][Given name]
Example: Achenbach, Andreas

Names of institutions in short form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", - "english_name": "... in english", + "langbezeichnung": "Extended Name", + "langbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [First name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of Birth][-][Year of Death][)]
Example (person):
Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)

If years are unknown, just write the name in regular way
Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"

Names of institution in complete form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", + "kurzbezeichnung": "Sort Name", + "kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [Surname][,][First name]
Example: Achenbach, Andreas

Names of institutions in short form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", + "english_name": "... in English", "english_name_explica": "Only fill in if known and different from the original name", "birthyear": "Year of birth", "birthyear_explica": "Only fill in if known

A four digit number
Example: 1815", @@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ "deathyear_explica": "Only fill in if known

A four digit number
Example: 1900", "annotation": "Remarks", "annotation_explica": "Please fill in if possible

Might be only short

Example \"Painter, Writer, Actor\"", - "no_short_name": "You have to give a short name (for the person or institution) !", - "no_detailed_name": "You have to give a detailed name (for the person or institution) !", - "entity_known": "A person or institution with this name is already known !", + "no_short_name": "You have to give a short name (for the person or institution)!", + "no_detailed_name": "You have to give a detailed name (for the person or institution)!", + "entity_known": "A person or institution with this name is already known!", "problemtoadmin": "A problem was encountered, please contact admin", "delete_persinst": "Delete the person or institution", "delete_persinst_check": "You are going to delete an entry for a person or institution", - "attention1": "Attention:<\/b> If you change the year of birth or year of death field for a person-entry you have to change the detailed name too !", + "attention1": "Attention:<\/b> If you change the year of birth or year of death field for a person-entry you have to change the detailed name too!", "name_detailed_contains": "Name contains ...", - "unite_titel": "Unite persons etc.", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_really": "Relly unite ?", + "unite_titel": "Bring people togeter", + "unite_with": "Unite with", + "unite_really": "Relly unite?", "unite_instruction": "Please click the entity that should be kept.", "unite_better_not": "No, better not unite", "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", @@ -31,8 +31,10 @@ "please_select": "Please choose a person or institution", "new_persinst": "New person or institution", "add_superordinates": "Superordinate (Companies etc.)", - "add_subordinates": "Subordinate (Firmen etc.)", + "add_subordinates": "Subordinate (Companies etc.)", "build_group_synonym": "Build group of synonyms for actual term", + "nominalbezeichnung": "Regular Name", + "nominalbezeichnung_explica": "The common form of the name is used - i.e. without dates for birth and death", "gender": "Gender", "given_name": "Given name", "family_name": "Family name", @@ -56,6 +58,8 @@ "updated_noda_link": "Updated link to controlled vocabulary", "updated_GND_encoding": "Updated GND encoding", "linked_to_subordinate_actor": "Linked to subordinate actor", - "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor" + "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor", + "loaded_info_from_gnd": "Loaded additional information from GND", + "deleted_gnd_info": "Additional information from the GND was deleted" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/id/places.json b/nodac/id/places.json index 89c0cf0e..d2acb993 100644 --- a/nodac/id/places.json +++ b/nodac/id/places.json @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ "name_contains": "Name contains ...", "placename": "Placename", "unite_names": "Unite locations with", - "unite_with": "unite with", + "unite_with": "Unite with", "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", "unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.", "unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.", "in_hierarchy": "The place is part of the hierarchy", - "not_in_hierarchy": "The place is NOT a part of the hierarchy", + "not_in_hierarchy": "The place is NOT part of the hierarchy", "placename_explica": "Please always fill in

It is a good habit to use the actual name:
Example 1: Groningen
Example 2: Halle (Saale)
Example 3: Soho (London)
Beispiel 4: Smaland - in this case use as placetype: \"Region\"\"

If not avoidable ... you might also use \"Italy\"", - "placetype": "Placetype", + "placetype": "Place type", "placetype_explica": "If the place (or building) is
not<\/b> an actual place of living (village, city, ...) and
not<\/b> an actual existing political entity (county, federal state, ...)
- than please chose a suitable placetype.

For actually existing villages, cities, counties ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty

If the place (or building) is not existing anymore than please chose \"historical\"

Only fill in if suitable<\/b>", "tgn_explica": "ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty)", "geonames_explica": "ID of the place at geonames", @@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ "coordinatesNS": "Coordinates, North-South", "coordinatesNS_explica": "Please always fill in

Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)

Example \"Berlin\": 52.518333", "coordinatesWE": "Coordinates, West-East", - "coordinatesWE_explica": "Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen

Please always fill in

Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)

Example \"Berlin\": 13.408333", + "coordinatesWE_explica": "

Please always fill in

Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)

Example \"Berlin\": 13.408333", "zoom": "Zoom", "zoom_explica": "Determines the zoom used on maps. Allowed values: 1-17. Often a good value for a place is: 9, for a country: 7", - "delete_placename": "Delete the placename", + "delete_placename": "Delete the place name", "build_group_synonym": "Build a group of synonyms", "add_superordinates": "Superordinates (political)", "add_subordinates": "Subordinates (political)", "is_the_place": "... is the place looked for", "is_not_the_place": "... this is not the place looked for. Create a new entry", - "similar_placenames": "There are similar placenames", - "placename_not_listed": "The placename is not in the list (create a new entry)", - "delete_ort_check": "You are about deleting a place", + "similar_placenames": "There are similar place names", + "placename_not_listed": "The place name is not in the list (create a new entry)", + "delete_ort_check": "You are about to delete a place", "please_select": "Please select a geographical entity", "new_place": "New geographical entity", "no_placename": "Please specify a name for the place", diff --git a/nodac/id/statistics.json b/nodac/id/statistics.json index d3dff2a7..45fd30a4 100644 --- a/nodac/id/statistics.json +++ b/nodac/id/statistics.json @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ "statistics": { "total_number": "Entries in this vocabulary", "checked": "Checked", - "unprocessed": "Unprocessed", "unchecked": "Unchecked", + "unprocessed": "Unprocessed", "question": "Questionable", "last_changed_by": "Last changed by", "connected_to_authorities": "Connected to authority files", diff --git a/nodac/id/tags.json b/nodac/id/tags.json index 1b00a101..edf05f52 100644 --- a/nodac/id/tags.json +++ b/nodac/id/tags.json @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ { "tags": { "keyword": "Keyword", - "keyword_explica": "Any keyword is allowed here. Names of places, persones or timespans do belong to their own vocabularies", - "in_english": "auf englisch", - "in_english_explica": "Please provide an english translation. Use the plural form if possible", + "keyword_explica": "Any keyword is allowed here. Names of places, people, or timespans do belong to their own vocabularies", + "in_english": "in English", + "in_english_explica": "Please provide an English translation. Use the plural form if possible", "remarks": "Remarks", "remarks_explica": "Short definition of the keyword. If possible with name of the source", "tag_contains": "Keyword contains", "alphabet": "Alphabet", - "unite_names": "Unify keywords", - "unite_with": "unify with", + "unite_names": "Unite keywords", + "unite_with": "Unite with", "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unify two tags. Please select the first", - "unite_second": "Unify two tags. Please select the second", + "unite_first": "Unite two tags. Please select the first", + "unite_second": "Unite two tags. Please select the second", "add_superordinates": "Broader term", "add_subordinates": "Narrower term", "add_related": "Related term", @@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ "insert_tag": "Please give a keyword", "please_select": "Please select a keyword", "new_tag": "New tag", - "delete_tags_check": "You are about deleting a keyword", - "broader_generic": "generic", - "broader_partitive": "partitive", - "broader_instantiate": "instantiate", - "narrower_generic": "generic", - "narrower_partitive": "partitive", - "narrower_instantiate": "instantiate", + "delete_tags_check": "You are about to delete a keyword", + "broader_generic": "broader generic", + "broader_partitive": "broader partitive", + "broader_instantiate": "broader instantiate", + "narrower_generic": "narrower generic", + "narrower_partitive": "narrower partitive", + "narrower_instantiate": "narrower instantiate", "added_new_tag": "Added new tag", "updated_approval_status_of_tag": "Updated approval status of tag", "added_link_to_superordinate_term": "Added link to superordinate term", diff --git a/nodac/id/tempi.json b/nodac/id/tempi.json index 8d6c0524..2007750d 100644 --- a/nodac/id/tempi.json +++ b/nodac/id/tempi.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { "tempi": { "timename": "Time name", - "counting_time_start": "Counting-time starts with", + "counting_time_start": "Counting time starts with", "name_contains": "Time name contains", "unite_names": "Unite two time names", - "unite_with": "unite with", + "unite_with": "Unite with", "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", "time_begin": "Begin (Year)", "time_end": "End (Year)", - "counting_time": "Counting-time", - "counting_time_info": "Counting-time - Info", + "counting_time": "Counting time", + "counting_time_info": "Counting time - Info", "annotation": "Remarks", "time_tool": "Time tool", "time_disassemble": "(Disassemble time)", @@ -17,30 +17,31 @@ "time_month": "Month", "time_day": "Day", "timename_explica": "Please always fill in

You are free to choose any name
Example 1: 16.02.1913
Example 2: 1st half 12. century
Example 3: 1655-1699

(The \"time name\" is a public denomination)", - "time_begin_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"Before 1830\", when the beginning is not known, please put a question mark here", - "time_end_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"After 1830\", when the end is not known, please put a question mark here", + "time_begin_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"Before 1830\", when the beginning is not known, please put a question mark here.", + "time_end_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"After 1830\", when the end is not known, please put a question mark here.", "counting_time_explica": "Important for internal processing", "annotation_explica": "Only fill in if needed

Keep it short!", "please_select": "Please select a time name", "new_time": "Create new time name", "delete_time": "Delete the time-entry", - "delete_time_check": "You are about deleting a time-entry", + "delete_time_check": "You are about to delete a time-entry", "no_time": "Please give a name for this time", "no_time_hint": "Something like \"1784\" or \"12. Januar 1785\" or \"Early mediaval times\"", "no_about": "Please use exact names (not starting or ending with \"about\")", "no_about_hint": "Uncertainty might be expressed in the event module for objects", "no_begin": "Please name a starting point", "no_begin_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the begin was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"until 1902\", where the exact begin is unclear, please put \"?\" here", - "no_end": "Please name an ending point", + "no_end": "Please enter an end time", "no_end_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the end was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"after 1902\", where the exact end is unclear, please put \"?\" here", "no_begin_numeric": "As starting points only years (numeric) are allowed", "no_begin_end_numeric_hint": "Please give a year (numeric) - if needed with \"-\" in front", "no_end_numeric": "As ending points only years (numeric) are allowed", - "no_counting_time": "A (internal) counting-time has to be given always! Minimum: A year (in four digits)", + "no_counting_time": "A (internal) counting-time has to always be given! Minimum: A year (in four digits)", "no_counting_time_hint": "Eg. \"1784\". With timespans larger than one year please calculate the year in the middle (e.g. Time is \"1870-1880\" -> Counting time is \"1875\". Month and day have to be digits, e.g. month -> \"04\", day -> \"12\" - both might be left empty", "wrong_month": "Please give month in the correct way", "wrong_day": "Please give day in the correct way", "end_before_start": "Your time starts after it ended", + "40": "", "added_new_time_entry": "Added new time entry", "updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Updated approval status of time entry", "merged_times": "Zeitbegriffe zusammen gef\u00fchrt", diff --git a/nodac/id/wiki.json b/nodac/id/wiki.json index 2f349d67..a7b26e6f 100644 --- a/nodac/id/wiki.json +++ b/nodac/id/wiki.json @@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ "dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link", "back": "Back", "no_dbpedia": "Search in dbpedia was not successful", - "no_wikipedia": "Search in wikipedia was not successful", - "only_take_exact": "[If the title of the wikipedia-page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]", + "no_wikipedia": "Search in Wikipedia was not successful", + "only_take_exact": "[If the title of the Wikipedia page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]", "overwrite_all": "Overwrite all", "so_far": "Known so far", "new_values": "New values", "take_it_or_not": "Take new value?", "transferred_from_qid": "Transferred data from wikidata", - "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata" + "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata", + "fetch_from_wikidata": "Fetch from Wikidata" } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/basis.json b/nodac/it/basis.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2487318d..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/basis.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -{ - "basis": { - "langswitch": "Change language", - "vocswitch": "Change vocabulary", - "logout": "Logout", - "objects_change": "Change object", - "objects_show": "Show object", - "objects": "Objects", - "send": "Submit", - "again": "Once again", - "alreadyknown": "is known already", - "back": "Back", - "back_overview": "Back to the overview", - "novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source", - "add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary or source", - "add_more_vocabulary": "Add additional controlled vocabulary or source", - "which_vocabulary": "Please choose the source (controlled vocabulary) ...", - "enlarge_vocabulary_list": "Please enlarge the list of vocabularies", - "delete_vocabulary": "Delete controlled vocabulary or source", - "delete_vocabulary_check": "You are about deleting controlled vocabulary or source", - "change_vocabulary": "Change controlled vocabulary or source", - "general_source": "General web resource, i.e. no controlled vocabulary or thesaurus", - "last_change": "Last changed", - "better_not_delete": "No, that was not meant seriously (back)", - "better_to_delete": "Of course, I mean what I say. Delete it", - "sortorder": "Sort order", - "sequence": "Sequence", - "selection": "Selection", - "showall": "Show all", - "checkedonly": "Checked only", - "uncheckedonly": "Unchecked only", - "unprocessedonly": "Unprocessed only", - "questionableonly": "Questionable only", - "namefirstletter": "Name starts with ...", - "numberinvoc": "ID in vocabulary", - "linktovoc": "Link into vocabulary", - "found": "Found:", - "wikilink": "Link to wikipedia (New window)", - "googlelink": "Google-search (New window)", - "syngroup": "Synonyms", - "syngroup_build": "Build group of synonyms", - "syngroup_add": "Add a synonym", - "syngroup_substract": "Take entity from group", - "syngroup_dissolve": "Dissolve group", - "keyword": "Keyword", - "actor": "Actor", - "time": "Time", - "geo": "Place", - "entities": "Entity encoding", - "no_entities": "Not encoded", - "status_green": "Turns status into CHECKED", - "status_red": "Turns status into UNCHECKED", - "status_question": "Turns status into TO BE CHECKED", - "status": "Status", - "change_status_to": "change to", - "unknown": "is unknown", - "create_new_entry": "create new entry", - "or_go_back": "or: Go back", - "select_with_click": "Select by clicking", - "noda_source": "Source", - "noda_number": "Nr. in source", - "noda_link": "Link", - "egal": "Any", - "in": "in", - "containing": "Containing", - "syncronized_values": "Syncronized values", - "back_no_change": "Back without changes", - "sync_no_authority": "Synchronize without links to authorities", - "synchronize": "Synchronize", - "to_tag_control": "Did you mean one of the following keywords?", - "to_tag_new": "It is not in the list. Create new keyword", - "no_description": "No description", - "no_coords": "No coordinates", - "no_superordinate": "No superordinate", - "no_translation": "No translations", - "missing_information": "Missing information", - "no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/gnd_entities.json b/nodac/it/gnd_entities.json deleted file mode 100644 index a5b7ff7e..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/gnd_entities.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tlGndEntities": { - "gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves", - "gif": "Parts of a state", - "gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)", - "gil": "Countries, states (independent)", - "gin": "Natural geographic units", - "gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)", - "gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies", - "giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior", - "giw": "Borders, routes, lines", - "gix": "Extraterrestial territories", - "giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria", - "gxz": "Ficticious places", - "kif": "Companies", - "kim": "Musical bodies", - "kio": "Organs of administrative units", - "kip": "Projects and project-alikes", - "kir": "Religious bodies", - "kiv": "Religious administrative bodies", - "kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria", - "kxz": "Ficticious bodies", - "pif": "Families", - "pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families", - "pip": "Pseudonyms", - "pis": "Collective pseudonyms", - "piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria", - "pxg": "Gods", - "pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales", - "pxs": "Ghosts", - "sab": "Musical group", - "sad": "Data medium", - "saf": "Information about the content of a work", - "sag": "Musical genre", - "sam": "Musical expression", - "saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria", - "sie": "Ethnographic entities", - "sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)", - "sih": "Single historical events", - "sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)", - "sis": "Languages", - "siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)", - "siw": "Software products", - "siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria", - "slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research", - "snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry", - "sxz": "Ficticious keywords", - "szz": "Unknown cases", - "vie": "Congresses, events", - "vif": "Congress series, event series", - "k": "Institutions and bodies", - "s": "Keywords", - "p": "Families and Persons" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/languser.json b/nodac/it/languser.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2ea0ecb7..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/languser.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -{ - "languser": { - "active": "The language of your choice is actually", - "choice": "If you like to change the interface language, please take your choice", - "user_add": "Add new user", - "userlist": "List of all users", - "order_by": "Order by", - "last_login": "Last login", - "username": "Username", - "realname": "Real name", - "mail": "Email", - "password": "Password", - "new_password": "New password (Empty = Keep old one)", - "password_confirmation": "Password confirmation", - "userrole": "Role", - "preferred_language": "Preferred language", - "admin": "Admin", - "groupadmin": "Group admin", - "editor": "Editor" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/persinst.json b/nodac/it/persinst.json deleted file mode 100644 index 00cce260..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/persinst.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -{ - "persinst": { - "langbezeichnung": "Name (detailed)", - "langbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [Given name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of Birth][-][Year of Death][)]
Example (person):
Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)

If years are unknown, just write the name in regular way
Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"

Names of institution in complete form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", - "kurzbezeichnung": "Name (short)", - "kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [Surname][,][Given name]
Example: Achenbach, Andreas

Names of institutions in short form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", - "english_name": "... in english", - "english_name_explica": "Only fill in if known and different from the original name", - "birthyear": "Year of birth", - "birthyear_explica": "Only fill in if known

A four digit number
Example: 1815", - "deathyear": "Year of death", - "deathyear_explica": "Only fill in if known

A four digit number
Example: 1900", - "annotation": "Remarks", - "annotation_explica": "Please fill in if possible

Might be only short

Example \"Painter, Writer, Actor\"", - "no_short_name": "You have to give a short name (for the person or institution) !", - "no_detailed_name": "You have to give a detailed name (for the person or institution) !", - "entity_known": "A person or institution with this name is already known !", - "problemtoadmin": "A problem was encountered, please contact admin", - "delete_persinst": "Delete the person or institution", - "delete_persinst_check": "You are going to delete an entry for a person or institution", - "attention1": "Attention:<\/b> If you change the year of birth or year of death field for a person-entry you have to change the detailed name too !", - "name_detailed_contains": "Name contains ...", - "unite_titel": "Unite persons etc.", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_really": "Relly unite ?", - "unite_instruction": "Please click the entity that should be kept.", - "unite_better_not": "No, better not unite", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.", - "unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.", - "please_select": "Please choose a person or institution", - "new_persinst": "New person or institution", - "add_superordinates": "Superordinate (Companies etc.)", - "add_subordinates": "Subordinate (Firmen etc.)", - "build_group_synonym": "Build group of synonyms for actual term", - "gender": "Gender", - "given_name": "Given name", - "family_name": "Family name", - "gender_female": "Female", - "gender_male": "Male", - "gender_other": "Other", - "gender_explica": "Gender of the actor", - "added_new_translation": "Added new translation", - "deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations", - "deleted_translation": "Deleted translation", - "updated_translations": "Updated translations", - "added_new_actor": "Added new actor", - "removed_link_to_superordinate": "Removed link to superordinate", - "updated_approval_status_of_actor": "Updated approval status of actor", - "deleted_actor": "Deleted actor", - "removed_link_to_subordinate": "Removed link to subordinate", - "linked_to_superordinate_actor": "Linked to superordinate actor", - "linked_to_synonymous_actor": "Linked to synonymous actor", - "removed_link_to_synonymous_entry": "Removed link to synonymous entry", - "transferred_actor_to_tag": "Transferred actor to tag", - "updated_noda_link": "Updated link to controlled vocabulary", - "updated_GND_encoding": "Updated GND encoding", - "linked_to_subordinate_actor": "Linked to subordinate actor", - "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/places.json b/nodac/it/places.json deleted file mode 100644 index 89c0cf0e..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/places.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -{ - "places": { - "name_contains": "Name contains ...", - "placename": "Placename", - "unite_names": "Unite locations with", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.", - "unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.", - "in_hierarchy": "The place is part of the hierarchy", - "not_in_hierarchy": "The place is NOT a part of the hierarchy", - "placename_explica": "Please always fill in

It is a good habit to use the actual name:
Example 1: Groningen
Example 2: Halle (Saale)
Example 3: Soho (London)
Beispiel 4: Smaland - in this case use as placetype: \"Region\"\"

If not avoidable ... you might also use \"Italy\"", - "placetype": "Placetype", - "placetype_explica": "If the place (or building) is
not<\/b> an actual place of living (village, city, ...) and
not<\/b> an actual existing political entity (county, federal state, ...)
- than please chose a suitable placetype.

For actually existing villages, cities, counties ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty

If the place (or building) is not existing anymore than please chose \"historical\"

Only fill in if suitable<\/b>", - "tgn_explica": "ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty)", - "geonames_explica": "ID of the place at geonames", - "remarks": "Remarks", - "remarks_explica": "Short remarks for a better understanding

Might be left empty.", - "coordinatesNS": "Coordinates, North-South", - "coordinatesNS_explica": "Please always fill in

Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)

Example \"Berlin\": 52.518333", - "coordinatesWE": "Coordinates, West-East", - "coordinatesWE_explica": "Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen

Please always fill in

Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)

Example \"Berlin\": 13.408333", - "zoom": "Zoom", - "zoom_explica": "Determines the zoom used on maps. Allowed values: 1-17. Often a good value for a place is: 9, for a country: 7", - "delete_placename": "Delete the placename", - "build_group_synonym": "Build a group of synonyms", - "add_superordinates": "Superordinates (political)", - "add_subordinates": "Subordinates (political)", - "is_the_place": "... is the place looked for", - "is_not_the_place": "... this is not the place looked for. Create a new entry", - "similar_placenames": "There are similar placenames", - "placename_not_listed": "The placename is not in the list (create a new entry)", - "delete_ort_check": "You are about deleting a place", - "please_select": "Please select a geographical entity", - "new_place": "New geographical entity", - "no_placename": "Please specify a name for the place", - "get_geonames_add": "Get additional info from geonames", - "get_geonames_cha": "Change additional info from geonames", - "number_inhabitants": "Number of inhabitants", - "above_zero": "Elevation", - "alternative_names": "Alternative names", - "updated_base_information_of_place": "Updated base information of place", - "synonymizing_with_a_place_itself_does_not_work": "Synonymising with a place itself does not work", - "the_link_was_already_existent": "The link was already existent", - "linked_synonyms": "Linked synonyms", - "deleted_link_to_linked_place": "Deleted link to linked place", - "added_new_translation": "Added new translation", - "deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations", - "deleted_translation": "Deleted translation", - "updated_translations": "\u00dcbersetzung aktualisiert", - "updated_approval_status_of_place": "Updated approval status of place", - "deleted_place": "Deleted place", - "merged_places": "Merged places", - "set_new_main_synonym": "Set new main synonym", - "transferred_to_tag": "Transferred to tag" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/placetypes.json b/nodac/it/placetypes.json deleted file mode 100644 index b4272f33..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/placetypes.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tlPlacetypes": { - "0": "Administrative", - "1": "Historical", - "2": "Region - Landscape - Resort", - "3": "Street - Place", - "4": "Building - City park - Canal", - "5": "Mountain", - "6": "Wood-Forrest", - "8": "Island - Atoll", - "7": "River - Sea - Ocean" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/statistics.json b/nodac/it/statistics.json deleted file mode 100644 index d3dff2a7..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/statistics.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{ - "statistics": { - "total_number": "Entries in this vocabulary", - "checked": "Checked", - "unprocessed": "Unprocessed", - "unchecked": "Unchecked", - "question": "Questionable", - "last_changed_by": "Last changed by", - "connected_to_authorities": "Connected to authority files", - "missing_information": "Missing information" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/tags.json b/nodac/it/tags.json deleted file mode 100644 index 1b00a101..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/tags.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tags": { - "keyword": "Keyword", - "keyword_explica": "Any keyword is allowed here. Names of places, persones or timespans do belong to their own vocabularies", - "in_english": "auf englisch", - "in_english_explica": "Please provide an english translation. Use the plural form if possible", - "remarks": "Remarks", - "remarks_explica": "Short definition of the keyword. If possible with name of the source", - "tag_contains": "Keyword contains", - "alphabet": "Alphabet", - "unite_names": "Unify keywords", - "unite_with": "unify with", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unify two tags. Please select the first", - "unite_second": "Unify two tags. Please select the second", - "add_superordinates": "Broader term", - "add_subordinates": "Narrower term", - "add_related": "Related term", - "delete_tag": "Delete the keyword", - "insert_tag": "Please give a keyword", - "please_select": "Please select a keyword", - "new_tag": "New tag", - "delete_tags_check": "You are about deleting a keyword", - "broader_generic": "generic", - "broader_partitive": "partitive", - "broader_instantiate": "instantiate", - "narrower_generic": "generic", - "narrower_partitive": "partitive", - "narrower_instantiate": "instantiate", - "added_new_tag": "Added new tag", - "updated_approval_status_of_tag": "Updated approval status of tag", - "added_link_to_superordinate_term": "Added link to superordinate term", - "added_new_related_term": "Added new related term", - "added_link_to_synonymous_term": "Added link to synonymous term", - "transferred_tag_to_actor": "Transferred tag to actor", - "added_new_translation": "Added new translation", - "deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations", - "deleted_translation": "Deleted translation", - "updated_translations": "Updated translations", - "updated_base_information_of_tag": "Updated base information of tag", - "removed_synonym_group": "Removed synonym group", - "deleted_tag": "Deleted tag", - "transferred_tag_to_time": "Transferred tag to time", - "transferred_tag_to_place": "Transferred tag to place", - "changed_main_tag_in_synonym_group": "Changed main tag in synonym group", - "added_link_to_subordinate_term": "Added link to subordinate term", - "deleted_link_to_other_tag": "Deleted link to other tag", - "merged_tags": "Merged tags" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/tempi.json b/nodac/it/tempi.json deleted file mode 100644 index 8d6c0524..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/tempi.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tempi": { - "timename": "Time name", - "counting_time_start": "Counting-time starts with", - "name_contains": "Time name contains", - "unite_names": "Unite two time names", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "time_begin": "Begin (Year)", - "time_end": "End (Year)", - "counting_time": "Counting-time", - "counting_time_info": "Counting-time - Info", - "annotation": "Remarks", - "time_tool": "Time tool", - "time_disassemble": "(Disassemble time)", - "time_year": "Year", - "time_month": "Month", - "time_day": "Day", - "timename_explica": "Please always fill in

You are free to choose any name
Example 1: 16.02.1913
Example 2: 1st half 12. century
Example 3: 1655-1699

(The \"time name\" is a public denomination)", - "time_begin_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"Before 1830\", when the beginning is not known, please put a question mark here", - "time_end_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"After 1830\", when the end is not known, please put a question mark here", - "counting_time_explica": "Important for internal processing", - "annotation_explica": "Only fill in if needed

Keep it short!", - "please_select": "Please select a time name", - "new_time": "Create new time name", - "delete_time": "Delete the time-entry", - "delete_time_check": "You are about deleting a time-entry", - "no_time": "Please give a name for this time", - "no_time_hint": "Something like \"1784\" or \"12. Januar 1785\" or \"Early mediaval times\"", - "no_about": "Please use exact names (not starting or ending with \"about\")", - "no_about_hint": "Uncertainty might be expressed in the event module for objects", - "no_begin": "Please name a starting point", - "no_begin_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the begin was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"until 1902\", where the exact begin is unclear, please put \"?\" here", - "no_end": "Please name an ending point", - "no_end_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the end was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"after 1902\", where the exact end is unclear, please put \"?\" here", - "no_begin_numeric": "As starting points only years (numeric) are allowed", - "no_begin_end_numeric_hint": "Please give a year (numeric) - if needed with \"-\" in front", - "no_end_numeric": "As ending points only years (numeric) are allowed", - "no_counting_time": "A (internal) counting-time has to be given always! Minimum: A year (in four digits)", - "no_counting_time_hint": "Eg. \"1784\". With timespans larger than one year please calculate the year in the middle (e.g. Time is \"1870-1880\" -> Counting time is \"1875\". Month and day have to be digits, e.g. month -> \"04\", day -> \"12\" - both might be left empty", - "wrong_month": "Please give month in the correct way", - "wrong_day": "Please give day in the correct way", - "end_before_start": "Your time starts after it ended", - "added_new_time_entry": "Added new time entry", - "updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Updated approval status of time entry", - "merged_times": "Zeitbegriffe zusammen gef\u00fchrt", - "transferred_time_to_tag": "Transferred time to tag", - "deleted_time_entry": "Deleted time entry", - "updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Updated base information for time entry" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/it/wiki.json b/nodac/it/wiki.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2f349d67..00000000 --- a/nodac/it/wiki.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -{ - "wiki": { - "description": "Description", - "take_description_and_link": "Take description and link", - "dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link", - "back": "Back", - "no_dbpedia": "Search in dbpedia was not successful", - "no_wikipedia": "Search in wikipedia was not successful", - "only_take_exact": "[If the title of the wikipedia-page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]", - "overwrite_all": "Overwrite all", - "so_far": "Known so far", - "new_values": "New values", - "take_it_or_not": "Take new value?", - "transferred_from_qid": "Transferred data from wikidata", - "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/basis.json b/nodac/pl/basis.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2487318d..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/basis.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -{ - "basis": { - "langswitch": "Change language", - "vocswitch": "Change vocabulary", - "logout": "Logout", - "objects_change": "Change object", - "objects_show": "Show object", - "objects": "Objects", - "send": "Submit", - "again": "Once again", - "alreadyknown": "is known already", - "back": "Back", - "back_overview": "Back to the overview", - "novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source", - "add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary or source", - "add_more_vocabulary": "Add additional controlled vocabulary or source", - "which_vocabulary": "Please choose the source (controlled vocabulary) ...", - "enlarge_vocabulary_list": "Please enlarge the list of vocabularies", - "delete_vocabulary": "Delete controlled vocabulary or source", - "delete_vocabulary_check": "You are about deleting controlled vocabulary or source", - "change_vocabulary": "Change controlled vocabulary or source", - "general_source": "General web resource, i.e. no controlled vocabulary or thesaurus", - "last_change": "Last changed", - "better_not_delete": "No, that was not meant seriously (back)", - "better_to_delete": "Of course, I mean what I say. Delete it", - "sortorder": "Sort order", - "sequence": "Sequence", - "selection": "Selection", - "showall": "Show all", - "checkedonly": "Checked only", - "uncheckedonly": "Unchecked only", - "unprocessedonly": "Unprocessed only", - "questionableonly": "Questionable only", - "namefirstletter": "Name starts with ...", - "numberinvoc": "ID in vocabulary", - "linktovoc": "Link into vocabulary", - "found": "Found:", - "wikilink": "Link to wikipedia (New window)", - "googlelink": "Google-search (New window)", - "syngroup": "Synonyms", - "syngroup_build": "Build group of synonyms", - "syngroup_add": "Add a synonym", - "syngroup_substract": "Take entity from group", - "syngroup_dissolve": "Dissolve group", - "keyword": "Keyword", - "actor": "Actor", - "time": "Time", - "geo": "Place", - "entities": "Entity encoding", - "no_entities": "Not encoded", - "status_green": "Turns status into CHECKED", - "status_red": "Turns status into UNCHECKED", - "status_question": "Turns status into TO BE CHECKED", - "status": "Status", - "change_status_to": "change to", - "unknown": "is unknown", - "create_new_entry": "create new entry", - "or_go_back": "or: Go back", - "select_with_click": "Select by clicking", - "noda_source": "Source", - "noda_number": "Nr. in source", - "noda_link": "Link", - "egal": "Any", - "in": "in", - "containing": "Containing", - "syncronized_values": "Syncronized values", - "back_no_change": "Back without changes", - "sync_no_authority": "Synchronize without links to authorities", - "synchronize": "Synchronize", - "to_tag_control": "Did you mean one of the following keywords?", - "to_tag_new": "It is not in the list. Create new keyword", - "no_description": "No description", - "no_coords": "No coordinates", - "no_superordinate": "No superordinate", - "no_translation": "No translations", - "missing_information": "Missing information", - "no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/gnd_entities.json b/nodac/pl/gnd_entities.json deleted file mode 100644 index a5b7ff7e..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/gnd_entities.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tlGndEntities": { - "gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves", - "gif": "Parts of a state", - "gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)", - "gil": "Countries, states (independent)", - "gin": "Natural geographic units", - "gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)", - "gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies", - "giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior", - "giw": "Borders, routes, lines", - "gix": "Extraterrestial territories", - "giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria", - "gxz": "Ficticious places", - "kif": "Companies", - "kim": "Musical bodies", - "kio": "Organs of administrative units", - "kip": "Projects and project-alikes", - "kir": "Religious bodies", - "kiv": "Religious administrative bodies", - "kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria", - "kxz": "Ficticious bodies", - "pif": "Families", - "pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families", - "pip": "Pseudonyms", - "pis": "Collective pseudonyms", - "piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria", - "pxg": "Gods", - "pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales", - "pxs": "Ghosts", - "sab": "Musical group", - "sad": "Data medium", - "saf": "Information about the content of a work", - "sag": "Musical genre", - "sam": "Musical expression", - "saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria", - "sie": "Ethnographic entities", - "sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)", - "sih": "Single historical events", - "sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)", - "sis": "Languages", - "siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)", - "siw": "Software products", - "siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria", - "slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research", - "snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry", - "sxz": "Ficticious keywords", - "szz": "Unknown cases", - "vie": "Congresses, events", - "vif": "Congress series, event series", - "k": "Institutions and bodies", - "s": "Keywords", - "p": "Families and Persons" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/languser.json b/nodac/pl/languser.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2ea0ecb7..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/languser.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -{ - "languser": { - "active": "The language of your choice is actually", - "choice": "If you like to change the interface language, please take your choice", - "user_add": "Add new user", - "userlist": "List of all users", - "order_by": "Order by", - "last_login": "Last login", - "username": "Username", - "realname": "Real name", - "mail": "Email", - "password": "Password", - "new_password": "New password (Empty = Keep old one)", - "password_confirmation": "Password confirmation", - "userrole": "Role", - "preferred_language": "Preferred language", - "admin": "Admin", - "groupadmin": "Group admin", - "editor": "Editor" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/persinst.json b/nodac/pl/persinst.json deleted file mode 100644 index 00cce260..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/persinst.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -{ - "persinst": { - "langbezeichnung": "Name (detailed)", - "langbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [Given name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of Birth][-][Year of Death][)]
Example (person):
Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)

If years are unknown, just write the name in regular way
Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"

Names of institution in complete form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", - "kurzbezeichnung": "Name (short)", - "kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [Surname][,][Given name]
Example: Achenbach, Andreas

Names of institutions in short form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", - "english_name": "... in english", - "english_name_explica": "Only fill in if known and different from the original name", - "birthyear": "Year of birth", - "birthyear_explica": "Only fill in if known

A four digit number
Example: 1815", - "deathyear": "Year of death", - "deathyear_explica": "Only fill in if known

A four digit number
Example: 1900", - "annotation": "Remarks", - "annotation_explica": "Please fill in if possible

Might be only short

Example \"Painter, Writer, Actor\"", - "no_short_name": "You have to give a short name (for the person or institution) !", - "no_detailed_name": "You have to give a detailed name (for the person or institution) !", - "entity_known": "A person or institution with this name is already known !", - "problemtoadmin": "A problem was encountered, please contact admin", - "delete_persinst": "Delete the person or institution", - "delete_persinst_check": "You are going to delete an entry for a person or institution", - "attention1": "Attention:<\/b> If you change the year of birth or year of death field for a person-entry you have to change the detailed name too !", - "name_detailed_contains": "Name contains ...", - "unite_titel": "Unite persons etc.", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_really": "Relly unite ?", - "unite_instruction": "Please click the entity that should be kept.", - "unite_better_not": "No, better not unite", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.", - "unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.", - "please_select": "Please choose a person or institution", - "new_persinst": "New person or institution", - "add_superordinates": "Superordinate (Companies etc.)", - "add_subordinates": "Subordinate (Firmen etc.)", - "build_group_synonym": "Build group of synonyms for actual term", - "gender": "Gender", - "given_name": "Given name", - "family_name": "Family name", - "gender_female": "Female", - "gender_male": "Male", - "gender_other": "Other", - "gender_explica": "Gender of the actor", - "added_new_translation": "Added new translation", - "deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations", - "deleted_translation": "Deleted translation", - "updated_translations": "Updated translations", - "added_new_actor": "Added new actor", - "removed_link_to_superordinate": "Removed link to superordinate", - "updated_approval_status_of_actor": "Updated approval status of actor", - "deleted_actor": "Deleted actor", - "removed_link_to_subordinate": "Removed link to subordinate", - "linked_to_superordinate_actor": "Linked to superordinate actor", - "linked_to_synonymous_actor": "Linked to synonymous actor", - "removed_link_to_synonymous_entry": "Removed link to synonymous entry", - "transferred_actor_to_tag": "Transferred actor to tag", - "updated_noda_link": "Updated link to controlled vocabulary", - "updated_GND_encoding": "Updated GND encoding", - "linked_to_subordinate_actor": "Linked to subordinate actor", - "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/places.json b/nodac/pl/places.json deleted file mode 100644 index 89c0cf0e..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/places.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -{ - "places": { - "name_contains": "Name contains ...", - "placename": "Placename", - "unite_names": "Unite locations with", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.", - "unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.", - "in_hierarchy": "The place is part of the hierarchy", - "not_in_hierarchy": "The place is NOT a part of the hierarchy", - "placename_explica": "Please always fill in

It is a good habit to use the actual name:
Example 1: Groningen
Example 2: Halle (Saale)
Example 3: Soho (London)
Beispiel 4: Smaland - in this case use as placetype: \"Region\"\"

If not avoidable ... you might also use \"Italy\"", - "placetype": "Placetype", - "placetype_explica": "If the place (or building) is
not<\/b> an actual place of living (village, city, ...) and
not<\/b> an actual existing political entity (county, federal state, ...)
- than please chose a suitable placetype.

For actually existing villages, cities, counties ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty

If the place (or building) is not existing anymore than please chose \"historical\"

Only fill in if suitable<\/b>", - "tgn_explica": "ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty)", - "geonames_explica": "ID of the place at geonames", - "remarks": "Remarks", - "remarks_explica": "Short remarks for a better understanding

Might be left empty.", - "coordinatesNS": "Coordinates, North-South", - "coordinatesNS_explica": "Please always fill in

Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)

Example \"Berlin\": 52.518333", - "coordinatesWE": "Coordinates, West-East", - "coordinatesWE_explica": "Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen

Please always fill in

Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)

Example \"Berlin\": 13.408333", - "zoom": "Zoom", - "zoom_explica": "Determines the zoom used on maps. Allowed values: 1-17. Often a good value for a place is: 9, for a country: 7", - "delete_placename": "Delete the placename", - "build_group_synonym": "Build a group of synonyms", - "add_superordinates": "Superordinates (political)", - "add_subordinates": "Subordinates (political)", - "is_the_place": "... is the place looked for", - "is_not_the_place": "... this is not the place looked for. Create a new entry", - "similar_placenames": "There are similar placenames", - "placename_not_listed": "The placename is not in the list (create a new entry)", - "delete_ort_check": "You are about deleting a place", - "please_select": "Please select a geographical entity", - "new_place": "New geographical entity", - "no_placename": "Please specify a name for the place", - "get_geonames_add": "Get additional info from geonames", - "get_geonames_cha": "Change additional info from geonames", - "number_inhabitants": "Number of inhabitants", - "above_zero": "Elevation", - "alternative_names": "Alternative names", - "updated_base_information_of_place": "Updated base information of place", - "synonymizing_with_a_place_itself_does_not_work": "Synonymising with a place itself does not work", - "the_link_was_already_existent": "The link was already existent", - "linked_synonyms": "Linked synonyms", - "deleted_link_to_linked_place": "Deleted link to linked place", - "added_new_translation": "Added new translation", - "deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations", - "deleted_translation": "Deleted translation", - "updated_translations": "\u00dcbersetzung aktualisiert", - "updated_approval_status_of_place": "Updated approval status of place", - "deleted_place": "Deleted place", - "merged_places": "Merged places", - "set_new_main_synonym": "Set new main synonym", - "transferred_to_tag": "Transferred to tag" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/placetypes.json b/nodac/pl/placetypes.json deleted file mode 100644 index b4272f33..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/placetypes.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tlPlacetypes": { - "0": "Administrative", - "1": "Historical", - "2": "Region - Landscape - Resort", - "3": "Street - Place", - "4": "Building - City park - Canal", - "5": "Mountain", - "6": "Wood-Forrest", - "8": "Island - Atoll", - "7": "River - Sea - Ocean" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/statistics.json b/nodac/pl/statistics.json deleted file mode 100644 index d3dff2a7..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/statistics.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{ - "statistics": { - "total_number": "Entries in this vocabulary", - "checked": "Checked", - "unprocessed": "Unprocessed", - "unchecked": "Unchecked", - "question": "Questionable", - "last_changed_by": "Last changed by", - "connected_to_authorities": "Connected to authority files", - "missing_information": "Missing information" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/tags.json b/nodac/pl/tags.json deleted file mode 100644 index 1b00a101..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/tags.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tags": { - "keyword": "Keyword", - "keyword_explica": "Any keyword is allowed here. Names of places, persones or timespans do belong to their own vocabularies", - "in_english": "auf englisch", - "in_english_explica": "Please provide an english translation. Use the plural form if possible", - "remarks": "Remarks", - "remarks_explica": "Short definition of the keyword. If possible with name of the source", - "tag_contains": "Keyword contains", - "alphabet": "Alphabet", - "unite_names": "Unify keywords", - "unite_with": "unify with", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unify two tags. Please select the first", - "unite_second": "Unify two tags. Please select the second", - "add_superordinates": "Broader term", - "add_subordinates": "Narrower term", - "add_related": "Related term", - "delete_tag": "Delete the keyword", - "insert_tag": "Please give a keyword", - "please_select": "Please select a keyword", - "new_tag": "New tag", - "delete_tags_check": "You are about deleting a keyword", - "broader_generic": "generic", - "broader_partitive": "partitive", - "broader_instantiate": "instantiate", - "narrower_generic": "generic", - "narrower_partitive": "partitive", - "narrower_instantiate": "instantiate", - "added_new_tag": "Added new tag", - "updated_approval_status_of_tag": "Updated approval status of tag", - "added_link_to_superordinate_term": "Added link to superordinate term", - "added_new_related_term": "Added new related term", - "added_link_to_synonymous_term": "Added link to synonymous term", - "transferred_tag_to_actor": "Transferred tag to actor", - "added_new_translation": "Added new translation", - "deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations", - "deleted_translation": "Deleted translation", - "updated_translations": "Updated translations", - "updated_base_information_of_tag": "Updated base information of tag", - "removed_synonym_group": "Removed synonym group", - "deleted_tag": "Deleted tag", - "transferred_tag_to_time": "Transferred tag to time", - "transferred_tag_to_place": "Transferred tag to place", - "changed_main_tag_in_synonym_group": "Changed main tag in synonym group", - "added_link_to_subordinate_term": "Added link to subordinate term", - "deleted_link_to_other_tag": "Deleted link to other tag", - "merged_tags": "Merged tags" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/tempi.json b/nodac/pl/tempi.json deleted file mode 100644 index 8d6c0524..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/tempi.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tempi": { - "timename": "Time name", - "counting_time_start": "Counting-time starts with", - "name_contains": "Time name contains", - "unite_names": "Unite two time names", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "time_begin": "Begin (Year)", - "time_end": "End (Year)", - "counting_time": "Counting-time", - "counting_time_info": "Counting-time - Info", - "annotation": "Remarks", - "time_tool": "Time tool", - "time_disassemble": "(Disassemble time)", - "time_year": "Year", - "time_month": "Month", - "time_day": "Day", - "timename_explica": "Please always fill in

You are free to choose any name
Example 1: 16.02.1913
Example 2: 1st half 12. century
Example 3: 1655-1699

(The \"time name\" is a public denomination)", - "time_begin_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"Before 1830\", when the beginning is not known, please put a question mark here", - "time_end_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"After 1830\", when the end is not known, please put a question mark here", - "counting_time_explica": "Important for internal processing", - "annotation_explica": "Only fill in if needed

Keep it short!", - "please_select": "Please select a time name", - "new_time": "Create new time name", - "delete_time": "Delete the time-entry", - "delete_time_check": "You are about deleting a time-entry", - "no_time": "Please give a name for this time", - "no_time_hint": "Something like \"1784\" or \"12. Januar 1785\" or \"Early mediaval times\"", - "no_about": "Please use exact names (not starting or ending with \"about\")", - "no_about_hint": "Uncertainty might be expressed in the event module for objects", - "no_begin": "Please name a starting point", - "no_begin_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the begin was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"until 1902\", where the exact begin is unclear, please put \"?\" here", - "no_end": "Please name an ending point", - "no_end_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the end was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"after 1902\", where the exact end is unclear, please put \"?\" here", - "no_begin_numeric": "As starting points only years (numeric) are allowed", - "no_begin_end_numeric_hint": "Please give a year (numeric) - if needed with \"-\" in front", - "no_end_numeric": "As ending points only years (numeric) are allowed", - "no_counting_time": "A (internal) counting-time has to be given always! Minimum: A year (in four digits)", - "no_counting_time_hint": "Eg. \"1784\". With timespans larger than one year please calculate the year in the middle (e.g. Time is \"1870-1880\" -> Counting time is \"1875\". Month and day have to be digits, e.g. month -> \"04\", day -> \"12\" - both might be left empty", - "wrong_month": "Please give month in the correct way", - "wrong_day": "Please give day in the correct way", - "end_before_start": "Your time starts after it ended", - "added_new_time_entry": "Added new time entry", - "updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Updated approval status of time entry", - "merged_times": "Zeitbegriffe zusammen gef\u00fchrt", - "transferred_time_to_tag": "Transferred time to tag", - "deleted_time_entry": "Deleted time entry", - "updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Updated base information for time entry" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pl/wiki.json b/nodac/pl/wiki.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2f349d67..00000000 --- a/nodac/pl/wiki.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -{ - "wiki": { - "description": "Description", - "take_description_and_link": "Take description and link", - "dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link", - "back": "Back", - "no_dbpedia": "Search in dbpedia was not successful", - "no_wikipedia": "Search in wikipedia was not successful", - "only_take_exact": "[If the title of the wikipedia-page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]", - "overwrite_all": "Overwrite all", - "so_far": "Known so far", - "new_values": "New values", - "take_it_or_not": "Take new value?", - "transferred_from_qid": "Transferred data from wikidata", - "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/basis.json b/nodac/pt/basis.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2487318d..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/basis.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -{ - "basis": { - "langswitch": "Change language", - "vocswitch": "Change vocabulary", - "logout": "Logout", - "objects_change": "Change object", - "objects_show": "Show object", - "objects": "Objects", - "send": "Submit", - "again": "Once again", - "alreadyknown": "is known already", - "back": "Back", - "back_overview": "Back to the overview", - "novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source", - "add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary or source", - "add_more_vocabulary": "Add additional controlled vocabulary or source", - "which_vocabulary": "Please choose the source (controlled vocabulary) ...", - "enlarge_vocabulary_list": "Please enlarge the list of vocabularies", - "delete_vocabulary": "Delete controlled vocabulary or source", - "delete_vocabulary_check": "You are about deleting controlled vocabulary or source", - "change_vocabulary": "Change controlled vocabulary or source", - "general_source": "General web resource, i.e. no controlled vocabulary or thesaurus", - "last_change": "Last changed", - "better_not_delete": "No, that was not meant seriously (back)", - "better_to_delete": "Of course, I mean what I say. Delete it", - "sortorder": "Sort order", - "sequence": "Sequence", - "selection": "Selection", - "showall": "Show all", - "checkedonly": "Checked only", - "uncheckedonly": "Unchecked only", - "unprocessedonly": "Unprocessed only", - "questionableonly": "Questionable only", - "namefirstletter": "Name starts with ...", - "numberinvoc": "ID in vocabulary", - "linktovoc": "Link into vocabulary", - "found": "Found:", - "wikilink": "Link to wikipedia (New window)", - "googlelink": "Google-search (New window)", - "syngroup": "Synonyms", - "syngroup_build": "Build group of synonyms", - "syngroup_add": "Add a synonym", - "syngroup_substract": "Take entity from group", - "syngroup_dissolve": "Dissolve group", - "keyword": "Keyword", - "actor": "Actor", - "time": "Time", - "geo": "Place", - "entities": "Entity encoding", - "no_entities": "Not encoded", - "status_green": "Turns status into CHECKED", - "status_red": "Turns status into UNCHECKED", - "status_question": "Turns status into TO BE CHECKED", - "status": "Status", - "change_status_to": "change to", - "unknown": "is unknown", - "create_new_entry": "create new entry", - "or_go_back": "or: Go back", - "select_with_click": "Select by clicking", - "noda_source": "Source", - "noda_number": "Nr. in source", - "noda_link": "Link", - "egal": "Any", - "in": "in", - "containing": "Containing", - "syncronized_values": "Syncronized values", - "back_no_change": "Back without changes", - "sync_no_authority": "Synchronize without links to authorities", - "synchronize": "Synchronize", - "to_tag_control": "Did you mean one of the following keywords?", - "to_tag_new": "It is not in the list. Create new keyword", - "no_description": "No description", - "no_coords": "No coordinates", - "no_superordinate": "No superordinate", - "no_translation": "No translations", - "missing_information": "Missing information", - "no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/gnd_entities.json b/nodac/pt/gnd_entities.json deleted file mode 100644 index a5b7ff7e..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/gnd_entities.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tlGndEntities": { - "gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves", - "gif": "Parts of a state", - "gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)", - "gil": "Countries, states (independent)", - "gin": "Natural geographic units", - "gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)", - "gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies", - "giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior", - "giw": "Borders, routes, lines", - "gix": "Extraterrestial territories", - "giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria", - "gxz": "Ficticious places", - "kif": "Companies", - "kim": "Musical bodies", - "kio": "Organs of administrative units", - "kip": "Projects and project-alikes", - "kir": "Religious bodies", - "kiv": "Religious administrative bodies", - "kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria", - "kxz": "Ficticious bodies", - "pif": "Families", - "pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families", - "pip": "Pseudonyms", - "pis": "Collective pseudonyms", - "piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria", - "pxg": "Gods", - "pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales", - "pxs": "Ghosts", - "sab": "Musical group", - "sad": "Data medium", - "saf": "Information about the content of a work", - "sag": "Musical genre", - "sam": "Musical expression", - "saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria", - "sie": "Ethnographic entities", - "sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)", - "sih": "Single historical events", - "sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)", - "sis": "Languages", - "siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)", - "siw": "Software products", - "siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria", - "slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research", - "snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry", - "sxz": "Ficticious keywords", - "szz": "Unknown cases", - "vie": "Congresses, events", - "vif": "Congress series, event series", - "k": "Institutions and bodies", - "s": "Keywords", - "p": "Families and Persons" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/languser.json b/nodac/pt/languser.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2ea0ecb7..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/languser.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -{ - "languser": { - "active": "The language of your choice is actually", - "choice": "If you like to change the interface language, please take your choice", - "user_add": "Add new user", - "userlist": "List of all users", - "order_by": "Order by", - "last_login": "Last login", - "username": "Username", - "realname": "Real name", - "mail": "Email", - "password": "Password", - "new_password": "New password (Empty = Keep old one)", - "password_confirmation": "Password confirmation", - "userrole": "Role", - "preferred_language": "Preferred language", - "admin": "Admin", - "groupadmin": "Group admin", - "editor": "Editor" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/persinst.json b/nodac/pt/persinst.json deleted file mode 100644 index 00cce260..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/persinst.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -{ - "persinst": { - "langbezeichnung": "Name (detailed)", - "langbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [Given name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of Birth][-][Year of Death][)]
Example (person):
Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)

If years are unknown, just write the name in regular way
Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"

Names of institution in complete form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", - "kurzbezeichnung": "Name (short)", - "kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in

Write name of person as: [Surname][,][Given name]
Example: Achenbach, Andreas

Names of institutions in short form
Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH

If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"
Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)", - "english_name": "... in english", - "english_name_explica": "Only fill in if known and different from the original name", - "birthyear": "Year of birth", - "birthyear_explica": "Only fill in if known

A four digit number
Example: 1815", - "deathyear": "Year of death", - "deathyear_explica": "Only fill in if known

A four digit number
Example: 1900", - "annotation": "Remarks", - "annotation_explica": "Please fill in if possible

Might be only short

Example \"Painter, Writer, Actor\"", - "no_short_name": "You have to give a short name (for the person or institution) !", - "no_detailed_name": "You have to give a detailed name (for the person or institution) !", - "entity_known": "A person or institution with this name is already known !", - "problemtoadmin": "A problem was encountered, please contact admin", - "delete_persinst": "Delete the person or institution", - "delete_persinst_check": "You are going to delete an entry for a person or institution", - "attention1": "Attention:<\/b> If you change the year of birth or year of death field for a person-entry you have to change the detailed name too !", - "name_detailed_contains": "Name contains ...", - "unite_titel": "Unite persons etc.", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_really": "Relly unite ?", - "unite_instruction": "Please click the entity that should be kept.", - "unite_better_not": "No, better not unite", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.", - "unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.", - "please_select": "Please choose a person or institution", - "new_persinst": "New person or institution", - "add_superordinates": "Superordinate (Companies etc.)", - "add_subordinates": "Subordinate (Firmen etc.)", - "build_group_synonym": "Build group of synonyms for actual term", - "gender": "Gender", - "given_name": "Given name", - "family_name": "Family name", - "gender_female": "Female", - "gender_male": "Male", - "gender_other": "Other", - "gender_explica": "Gender of the actor", - "added_new_translation": "Added new translation", - "deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations", - "deleted_translation": "Deleted translation", - "updated_translations": "Updated translations", - "added_new_actor": "Added new actor", - "removed_link_to_superordinate": "Removed link to superordinate", - "updated_approval_status_of_actor": "Updated approval status of actor", - "deleted_actor": "Deleted actor", - "removed_link_to_subordinate": "Removed link to subordinate", - "linked_to_superordinate_actor": "Linked to superordinate actor", - "linked_to_synonymous_actor": "Linked to synonymous actor", - "removed_link_to_synonymous_entry": "Removed link to synonymous entry", - "transferred_actor_to_tag": "Transferred actor to tag", - "updated_noda_link": "Updated link to controlled vocabulary", - "updated_GND_encoding": "Updated GND encoding", - "linked_to_subordinate_actor": "Linked to subordinate actor", - "updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/places.json b/nodac/pt/places.json deleted file mode 100644 index 89c0cf0e..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/places.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -{ - "places": { - "name_contains": "Name contains ...", - "placename": "Placename", - "unite_names": "Unite locations with", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.", - "unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.", - "in_hierarchy": "The place is part of the hierarchy", - "not_in_hierarchy": "The place is NOT a part of the hierarchy", - "placename_explica": "Please always fill in

It is a good habit to use the actual name:
Example 1: Groningen
Example 2: Halle (Saale)
Example 3: Soho (London)
Beispiel 4: Smaland - in this case use as placetype: \"Region\"\"

If not avoidable ... you might also use \"Italy\"", - "placetype": "Placetype", - "placetype_explica": "If the place (or building) is
not<\/b> an actual place of living (village, city, ...) and
not<\/b> an actual existing political entity (county, federal state, ...)
- than please chose a suitable placetype.

For actually existing villages, cities, counties ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty

If the place (or building) is not existing anymore than please chose \"historical\"

Only fill in if suitable<\/b>", - "tgn_explica": "ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty)", - "geonames_explica": "ID of the place at geonames", - "remarks": "Remarks", - "remarks_explica": "Short remarks for a better understanding

Might be left empty.", - "coordinatesNS": "Coordinates, North-South", - "coordinatesNS_explica": "Please always fill in

Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)

Example \"Berlin\": 52.518333", - "coordinatesWE": "Coordinates, West-East", - "coordinatesWE_explica": "Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen

Please always fill in

Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)

Example \"Berlin\": 13.408333", - "zoom": "Zoom", - "zoom_explica": "Determines the zoom used on maps. Allowed values: 1-17. Often a good value for a place is: 9, for a country: 7", - "delete_placename": "Delete the placename", - "build_group_synonym": "Build a group of synonyms", - "add_superordinates": "Superordinates (political)", - "add_subordinates": "Subordinates (political)", - "is_the_place": "... is the place looked for", - "is_not_the_place": "... this is not the place looked for. Create a new entry", - "similar_placenames": "There are similar placenames", - "placename_not_listed": "The placename is not in the list (create a new entry)", - "delete_ort_check": "You are about deleting a place", - "please_select": "Please select a geographical entity", - "new_place": "New geographical entity", - "no_placename": "Please specify a name for the place", - "get_geonames_add": "Get additional info from geonames", - "get_geonames_cha": "Change additional info from geonames", - "number_inhabitants": "Number of inhabitants", - "above_zero": "Elevation", - "alternative_names": "Alternative names", - "updated_base_information_of_place": "Updated base information of place", - "synonymizing_with_a_place_itself_does_not_work": "Synonymising with a place itself does not work", - "the_link_was_already_existent": "The link was already existent", - "linked_synonyms": "Linked synonyms", - "deleted_link_to_linked_place": "Deleted link to linked place", - "added_new_translation": "Added new translation", - "deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations", - "deleted_translation": "Deleted translation", - "updated_translations": "\u00dcbersetzung aktualisiert", - "updated_approval_status_of_place": "Updated approval status of place", - "deleted_place": "Deleted place", - "merged_places": "Merged places", - "set_new_main_synonym": "Set new main synonym", - "transferred_to_tag": "Transferred to tag" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/placetypes.json b/nodac/pt/placetypes.json deleted file mode 100644 index b4272f33..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/placetypes.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tlPlacetypes": { - "0": "Administrative", - "1": "Historical", - "2": "Region - Landscape - Resort", - "3": "Street - Place", - "4": "Building - City park - Canal", - "5": "Mountain", - "6": "Wood-Forrest", - "8": "Island - Atoll", - "7": "River - Sea - Ocean" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/statistics.json b/nodac/pt/statistics.json deleted file mode 100644 index d3dff2a7..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/statistics.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{ - "statistics": { - "total_number": "Entries in this vocabulary", - "checked": "Checked", - "unprocessed": "Unprocessed", - "unchecked": "Unchecked", - "question": "Questionable", - "last_changed_by": "Last changed by", - "connected_to_authorities": "Connected to authority files", - "missing_information": "Missing information" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/tags.json b/nodac/pt/tags.json deleted file mode 100644 index 1b00a101..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/tags.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tags": { - "keyword": "Keyword", - "keyword_explica": "Any keyword is allowed here. Names of places, persones or timespans do belong to their own vocabularies", - "in_english": "auf englisch", - "in_english_explica": "Please provide an english translation. Use the plural form if possible", - "remarks": "Remarks", - "remarks_explica": "Short definition of the keyword. If possible with name of the source", - "tag_contains": "Keyword contains", - "alphabet": "Alphabet", - "unite_names": "Unify keywords", - "unite_with": "unify with", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "unite_first": "Unify two tags. Please select the first", - "unite_second": "Unify two tags. Please select the second", - "add_superordinates": "Broader term", - "add_subordinates": "Narrower term", - "add_related": "Related term", - "delete_tag": "Delete the keyword", - "insert_tag": "Please give a keyword", - "please_select": "Please select a keyword", - "new_tag": "New tag", - "delete_tags_check": "You are about deleting a keyword", - "broader_generic": "generic", - "broader_partitive": "partitive", - "broader_instantiate": "instantiate", - "narrower_generic": "generic", - "narrower_partitive": "partitive", - "narrower_instantiate": "instantiate", - "added_new_tag": "Added new tag", - "updated_approval_status_of_tag": "Updated approval status of tag", - "added_link_to_superordinate_term": "Added link to superordinate term", - "added_new_related_term": "Added new related term", - "added_link_to_synonymous_term": "Added link to synonymous term", - "transferred_tag_to_actor": "Transferred tag to actor", - "added_new_translation": "Added new translation", - "deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations", - "deleted_translation": "Deleted translation", - "updated_translations": "Updated translations", - "updated_base_information_of_tag": "Updated base information of tag", - "removed_synonym_group": "Removed synonym group", - "deleted_tag": "Deleted tag", - "transferred_tag_to_time": "Transferred tag to time", - "transferred_tag_to_place": "Transferred tag to place", - "changed_main_tag_in_synonym_group": "Changed main tag in synonym group", - "added_link_to_subordinate_term": "Added link to subordinate term", - "deleted_link_to_other_tag": "Deleted link to other tag", - "merged_tags": "Merged tags" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/tempi.json b/nodac/pt/tempi.json deleted file mode 100644 index 8d6c0524..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/tempi.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -{ - "tempi": { - "timename": "Time name", - "counting_time_start": "Counting-time starts with", - "name_contains": "Time name contains", - "unite_names": "Unite two time names", - "unite_with": "unite with", - "unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"", - "time_begin": "Begin (Year)", - "time_end": "End (Year)", - "counting_time": "Counting-time", - "counting_time_info": "Counting-time - Info", - "annotation": "Remarks", - "time_tool": "Time tool", - "time_disassemble": "(Disassemble time)", - "time_year": "Year", - "time_month": "Month", - "time_day": "Day", - "timename_explica": "Please always fill in

You are free to choose any name
Example 1: 16.02.1913
Example 2: 1st half 12. century
Example 3: 1655-1699

(The \"time name\" is a public denomination)", - "time_begin_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"Before 1830\", when the beginning is not known, please put a question mark here", - "time_end_explica": "Please always fill in

Use 4-digit-values only
Example 1: 1913
Example 2: -1800

If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front

With time concept like \"After 1830\", when the end is not known, please put a question mark here", - "counting_time_explica": "Important for internal processing", - "annotation_explica": "Only fill in if needed

Keep it short!", - "please_select": "Please select a time name", - "new_time": "Create new time name", - "delete_time": "Delete the time-entry", - "delete_time_check": "You are about deleting a time-entry", - "no_time": "Please give a name for this time", - "no_time_hint": "Something like \"1784\" or \"12. Januar 1785\" or \"Early mediaval times\"", - "no_about": "Please use exact names (not starting or ending with \"about\")", - "no_about_hint": "Uncertainty might be expressed in the event module for objects", - "no_begin": "Please name a starting point", - "no_begin_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the begin was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"until 1902\", where the exact begin is unclear, please put \"?\" here", - "no_end": "Please name an ending point", - "no_end_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the end was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"after 1902\", where the exact end is unclear, please put \"?\" here", - "no_begin_numeric": "As starting points only years (numeric) are allowed", - "no_begin_end_numeric_hint": "Please give a year (numeric) - if needed with \"-\" in front", - "no_end_numeric": "As ending points only years (numeric) are allowed", - "no_counting_time": "A (internal) counting-time has to be given always! Minimum: A year (in four digits)", - "no_counting_time_hint": "Eg. \"1784\". With timespans larger than one year please calculate the year in the middle (e.g. Time is \"1870-1880\" -> Counting time is \"1875\". Month and day have to be digits, e.g. month -> \"04\", day -> \"12\" - both might be left empty", - "wrong_month": "Please give month in the correct way", - "wrong_day": "Please give day in the correct way", - "end_before_start": "Your time starts after it ended", - "added_new_time_entry": "Added new time entry", - "updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Updated approval status of time entry", - "merged_times": "Zeitbegriffe zusammen gef\u00fchrt", - "transferred_time_to_tag": "Transferred time to tag", - "deleted_time_entry": "Deleted time entry", - "updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Updated base information for time entry" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nodac/pt/wiki.json b/nodac/pt/wiki.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2f349d67..00000000 --- a/nodac/pt/wiki.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -{ - "wiki": { - "description": "Description", - "take_description_and_link": "Take description and link", - "dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link", - "back": "Back", - "no_dbpedia": "Search in dbpedia was not successful", - "no_wikipedia": "Search in wikipedia was not successful", - "only_take_exact": "[If the title of the wikipedia-page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]", - "overwrite_all": "Overwrite all", - "so_far": "Known so far", - "new_values": "New values", - "take_it_or_not": "Take new value?", - "transferred_from_qid": "Transferred data from wikidata", - "transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata" - } -} \ No newline at end of file