'Feltöltés', 'select_csv_file_for_upload' => 'Please select a CSV file to create XML files', 'currently_approved_tags' => 'Jelenleg jóváhagyott címkék (oszlopnevek) az md:importhoz', 'object_base_data' => 'Alapvető mezők', 'download_csv_all' => 'Download CSV template with all fields', 'download_csv_by_selection' => 'Download CSV template based on selection', 'select_required_fields' => 'Kötelező mezők kijelölése', 'select_all_fields' => 'Összes mező kijelölés', 'unset_selection' => 'Kijelölés megszüntetése', 'certainty' => 'Egzakt / Nem egzakt', 'image_filename' => 'Kép file neve ', 'file_format' => 'Kiterjesztés', 'validation_errors' => 'Validation errors', 'errors_parsing' => 'Parse errors', 'errors_mandatoryTags' => 'Missing mandatory tags', 'errors_duplicateInvNos' => 'Duplicate inventory numbers', 'errors_dependentColumns' => 'Column dependencies unresolved', 'errors_controlledLists' => 'Controlled lists', 'errors_mainImageResource' => 'Missing main images or resources', 'allowed_values' => 'Allowed values', 'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy policy', 'contact' => 'Contact', 'news' => 'News', 'imprint' => 'Imprint', 'about' => 'About', 'help_where_am_i' => 'What is this page for?', 'help_where_am_i_content' => 'In its most simple usage, CSVXML is a tool for generating XML files from a given CSV table. It comes with a validation tool for checking the validity of the data against the standard import format at museum-digital, e.g. in terms of the availability of required fields and dependencies between fields. After the validation, a ZIP file containing one XML file per object is generated. If the validation proceeded without errors, these XML files can be imported to museum-digital without any further issues. A sample CSV file formatted according to the standard format for imports at museum-digital can be generated below.', 'help_what_is_csv' => 'What is CSV?', 'help_what_is_csv_content' => 'CSV is the abbreviation for „Comma Separated Value“. It describes a file format for expressing tabular information in plain text files, that is supported by most table calculation programms such as MS Excel and LibreOffice Calc. It is thus a useful choice for quickly generating and sharing semi-structured data that can be further processed by other programms.', 'help_how_to_format_csv' => 'How to format CSV files for CSVXML?', 'help_how_to_format_csv_content' => 'CSVXML first of all requires CSV file using semicolons as a separator and double quotation marks as a delimiter. For generating actually importable data, it is advisable to save the CSV file in UTF-8 rather than the standard-conformant ASCII. Both current versions of MS Excel and LibreOffice Calc support export options for exporting CSV files using UTF-8 encoding.', 'file_encoding_is_not_utf8' => 'The file encoding appears to not be UTF-8!', 'non_utf8_file_instruction' => 'Try exporting the file using the format "CSV (UTF-8)" if you use MS Excel or set the encoding to UTF-8 when exporting through LibreOffice!', );