 * Generic collection of functions used in CSVXML.
 * @file
 * @author
declare(strict_types = 1);

// Set autoloader
# \error_reporting(E_ALL);
# \ini_set('display_errors', "1");
\set_error_handler("mdErrorHandler", E_ALL);

require_once __DIR__ . '/../inc/constants.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

 * Autoloader for museum-digital.org.
 * @param string $className Name of the class to load.
 * @return void
function mdCsvxmlAutoloader(string $className):void {

    $classDirs = AUTOLOAD_DIRS;

    foreach ($classDirs as $classDir) {

        if (\file_exists("$classDir/$className.php")) {
            include "$classDir/$className.php";



 * Own error handler: Set to enforce exit on any error.
 * @param integer $errno  Error number.
 * @param string  $string Error message.
 * @param string  $file   File in which the error occured.
 * @param integer $line   Line number.
 * @return void
function mdErrorHandler(int $errno, string $string, string $file, int $line):void {

    $getStr = [];
    foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) continue;
        $getStr[] = $key . "=" . $value;

    $userMsg = "";
    if (isset($_SESSION['anmnam']))   $userMsg .= " User: " . $_SESSION["anmnam"];
    if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) $userMsg .= " (" . $_SESSION["username"] . ")";
    if ($userMsg) $userMsg = " |--" . $userMsg;

    $errorMsg = "";

    if (!empty($_SERVER) && !empty($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) {

        $errorPage = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . implode("&", $getStr);
        $errorPageFull   = "https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $errorPage;

        $errorMsg  = "*$errno (<a href='https://www.google.de/search?q=php+" . str_replace(" ", "+", $string) . "'>$string</a>) at $file: line_ $line _";
        $errorMsg .= $userMsg;
        $errorMsg .= " |-- Error generating page: <a href='$errorPageFull'>$errorPage</a>";
        $errorMsg .= " |-- Used RAM / Peak RAM / Allowed: " . MD_STD::human_filesize(memory_get_usage()) . " / " . MD_STD::human_filesize(memory_get_peak_usage()) . " / " . ini_get("memory_limit");

        $errorMsg = str_replace(PHP_EOL, " ", $errorMsg);



    if ($errno == E_ERROR) exit;


 * Exception handler to also be able to handle custom exceptions.
 * @param Throwable $exception Exception.
 * @return void
function mdExceptionHandler(Throwable $exception):void {

    $formatErrorPage = function(string $errorMsg = "", string $versionName = "") :string {

        if (PHP_SAPI === "cli") {
            return $errorMsg . PHP_EOL;

        $output = '<!DOCTYPE html>
<html id="errorPage">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
    <link rel="manifest" href="./manifest.webmanifest" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/csvxml.min.css" />
    <link rel="shortcut icon" sizes="128x128" href="assets/img/mdlogo-csvxml.svg" />';
        $output .= '
    <title>Error :: ';
        $output .= $versionName;
        $output .= '</title>

        <img src="/assets/img/mdlogo-csvxml.svg" />
        <p>' . $errorMsg . '</p>

            <a href="index.php?t=home">Home</a>
            <a href="index.php?t=museum">Museum</a>
            <a href="index.php?t=collection">Collection</a>
            <a href="index.php?t=exhibitions_overview">Exhibition</a>
            <a href="index.php?t=events">Event</a>
            <a href="index.php?t=topics">Topics</a>
            <a href="index.php?t=listen&sv=+&done=yes">Objects</a>
            <a href="index.php?t=kontakt">Contact</a>
            <a href="index.php?t=impressum">Impressum</a>
            <a href="index.php?t=privacy">Privacy Policy</a>


        return $output;

    $errorReporter = new MDErrorReporter("md:csvxml", "bugs-csvxml@museum-digital.de");
    $errorCategory = MDErrorReporter::categorizeError($exception);


    switch ($errorCategory) {
    case MDErrorReporter::MD_ERROR_KNOWN:

        if (isset($_GET["output"]) and $_GET['output'] === "json") {
            header('Content-type: application/json');
            $output = [
                "status" => "Error",
                "msg"    => $exception->getMessage(),
            echo MD_STD::json_encode($output);

        echo $formatErrorPage($exception->getMessage(), "");

        $errorReporter->sendErrorReport($exception, "joshua@museum-digital.de");
        echo $formatErrorPage("Uncaught exception ...<br />Our team has been notified and will get to fixing this error shortly.", "");


 * Function for generating the HTML head.
 * @param string $injected Additional code to inject into the head, e.g. a
 *                         reference to JS files.
 * @return string
function printHTMLHead(string $injected = ""):string {

    $output = '<!DOCTYPE HTML>
<html lang="en">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

    <meta name="theme-color" content="#FFF" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/css/csvxml.min.css" />
    <link rel="shortcut icon" sizes="128x128" href="assets/img/mdlogo-csvxml.svg" />
    <script src="assets/js/csvxml-overview.min.js" type="text/javascript" defer></script>

    <title>CSVXML :: museum-digital</title>

    <meta name="keywords" content="Imports, museum-digital" />

    $output .= $injected;

    $output .= '


    <img src="assets/img/mdlogo-csvxml.svg" />

    return $output;


 * Function generateHelpTooltip returns a tooltip for hovering over using the common settings.
 * @param string  $identifier   ID attribute of the tooltip.
 * @param string  $title        Title of the tooltip.
 * @param string  $explica      More in-depth explanation: body of the tooltip.
 * @param boolean $setParagraph If set to true (default), the content of the tooltip will be put into a <p> element. Optional.
 * @return array
function generateHelpTooltip(string $identifier, string $title, string $explica, bool $setParagraph = true):array {

    $outputTag = '<a class="newToolTipTag icons iconsHelp" data-for="' . $identifier . '" title="Help"></a>';
    $output = '<span class="newToolTip" id="tooltip_' . $identifier . '" data-title="' . $title . '">';
    if ($setParagraph) $output .= '<p class="toolTipCont">';
    $output .= $explica;
    if ($setParagraph) $output .= '</p>';
    $output .= '</span>';

    return [$output, $outputTag];


 * Outputs a DOMDocument with correct header and then aborts.
 * Used mainly for debugging.
 * @param DOMDocument $xmlDoc XML object.
 * @return string
function printDOMDocToXML(DOMDocument $xmlDoc):string {

    return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . $xmlDoc->saveXML($xmlDoc->documentElement);


 * Function for creating a DOMElement with a text node inside.
 * @param DOMDocument $xmlDoc  XML document.
 * @param string      $tag     Tag.
 * @param string      $content Text content.
 * @return DOMElement
function createTextDomElement(DOMDocument $xmlDoc, string $tag, string $content):DOMElement {

    try {
        $element = $xmlDoc->createElement($tag);
    catch (DOMException $e) {
        echo "Error at " . __FILE__ . ", line #" . __LINE__ . PHP_EOL . "<br/>";
        echo "Cannot create DOM element for $tag / $content";


    return $element;


 * Function for creating a DOMDocument record channel.
 * @return array
function getBlankRecordChannel():array {

    $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
    $xmlMainElem = $xmlDoc->createElement("record");
    $record_node = $xmlDoc->appendChild($xmlMainElem); //add RSS element to XML node

    return [$xmlDoc, $record_node];


 * Function for removing a directory with all its contents.
 * @param string $dir File path of the directory to remove.
 * @return void
function rrmdir(string $dir):void {
    if (is_dir($dir)) {
        $objects = scandir($dir);
        foreach ($objects as $object) {
            if ($object != "." && $object != "..") {
                if (filetype($dir . "/" . $object) == "dir") rrmdir($dir . "/" . $object); else unlink($dir . "/" . $object);


 * Function for checking if two arrays have identical values / contents.
 * @param array $arrayA First array to compare.
 * @param array $arrayB Second array to compare.
 * @return boolean
function identical_values(array $arrayA, array $arrayB):bool {
    return $arrayA == $arrayB;


 * Function for retrieving the anti-csrf token or generating it if need be.
 * @return string
function getAntiCsrfToken():string {

    if (empty($_SESSION['csrf-token'])) {
        $_SESSION['csrf-token'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));

    return $_SESSION['csrf-token'];


 * Function for validating anti-csrf tokens. Each anti-csrf token is removed
 * after use.
 * @return boolean
function validateAntiCsrfToken():bool {

    $validity = false;
    if (!empty($_POST['csrf-token'])
        && !empty($_SESSION['csrf-token'])
        && hash_equals($_SESSION['csrf-token'], $_POST['csrf-token']) === true
    ) {
        $validity = true;
    $_SESSION['csrf-token'] = null; unset($_SESSION['csrf-token']);

    return $validity;
