+ */
+function generateToolTips() {
+ /**
+ * Function for setting the alignment of an element.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} e Event triggering the execution of this function.
+ * @param {DOMElement} elem Dom element to position.
+ *
+ * @return {void}
+ */
+ function getDirection(e, elem) {
+ if (window.innerHeight < e.clientY + elem.clientHeight) {
+ elem.style.top = "";
+ elem.style.bottom = (window.innerHeight - e.clientY) + "px";
+ }
+ else {
+ elem.style.bottom = "";
+ elem.style.top = (e.clientY + 2) + "px";
+ }
+ if (window.innerWidth < e.clientX + elem.clientWidth) {
+ elem.style.left = "";
+ elem.style.right = (window.innerWidth - e.clientX) + "px";
+ } else {
+ elem.style.right = "";
+ elem.style.left = (e.clientX + 2) + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ let triggers = document.getElementsByClassName("newToolTipTag");
+ for (let i = 0, max = triggers.length; i < max; i++) {
+ let trigger = triggers[i];
+ let dataTarget = trigger.getAttribute("data-for");
+ let target = document.getElementById("tooltip_" + dataTarget);
+ trigger.addEventListener("mouseover", function(e) {
+ let newMain = document.getElementById("newToolTipMain");
+ if (newMain !== null) return;
+ newMain = target.cloneNode(true);
+ newMain.id = "newToolTipMain";
+ document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(newMain);
+ newMain.classList.add("visible");
+ getDirection(e, newMain);
+ });
+ trigger.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
+ let newMain = document.getElementById("newToolTipMain");
+ getDirection(e, newMain);
+ });
+ trigger.addEventListener("mouseout", function(e) {
+ let newMain = document.getElementById("newToolTipMain");
+ if (newMain.classList.contains("sticked")) return;
+ newMain.classList.remove("visible");
+ document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].removeChild(newMain);
+ });
+ /*
+ trigger.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
+ document.getElementById("newToolTipMain").classList.toggle("sticked");
+ });
+ */
+ }
diff --git a/csv.php b/csv.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcf0c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csv.php
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ */
+declare(strict_types = 1);
+ini_set('display_errors', "1");
+require_once __DIR__ . "/functions/functions.php";
+if (session_status() != PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
+ session_start();
+// This array contains all available languages
+$allowed_langs = ['ar', 'de', 'en', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'pl','pt'];
+// Some languages are in translation. They will only be available for logged in users.
+if (isset($_GET['navlang'])) {
+ $_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET['navlang'];
+ if (!in_array($_SESSION['lang'], $allowed_langs)) $_SESSION['lang'] = 'de';
+else if (!isset($_SESSION['lang'])) {
+ $_SESSION['lang'] = lang_getfrombrowser($allowed_langs, 'en', "", false);
+$lang = $_SESSION['lang'];
+if (!empty($_POST) and !empty($_POST['selectedFields'])) {
+ $selectionActive = true;
+ $selectedFields = explode(",", trim($_POST['selectedFields'], ","));
+else $selectionActive = false;
+require __DIR__ . "/values/availableFields.php";
+$line1 = $line2 = $line3 = $line4 = [];
+$tLine1 = $tLine2 = $tLine3 = $tLine4 = [];
+foreach ($availableFields as $headline => $fields) {
+ $i = 0;
+ $tLine1[] = $headline;
+ foreach($fields as $fieldName => $field) {
+ if ($selectionActive === true and !in_array($fieldName, $selectedFields)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($i !== 0) $tLine1[] = "";
+ $tLine2[] = $fieldName;
+ $tLine3[] = $field['name_human_readable'];
+ $tLine4[] = $field['remark'];
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if (empty($tLine2)) continue;
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
+ ${"line$i"} = array_merge(${"line$i"}, ${"tLine$i"});
+ }
+header('Content-Type: text/csv');
+if ($selectionActive === true)
+ header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=csvxml_museum-digital_template-{$lang}_selection.csv");
+ header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=csvxml_museum-digital_template-{$lang}.csv");
+for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
+ echo '"' . implode("\";\"", ${"line$i"}) . '"' . PHP_EOL;
diff --git a/favicon.ico b/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ab3724
Binary files /dev/null and b/favicon.ico differ
diff --git a/functions/functions.php b/functions/functions.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54cde44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/functions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ Standardsprache zurückgeben
+ return $default_language;
+ }
+ // Den Header auftrennen
+ $accepted_languages = preg_split('/,\s*/', $lang_variable);
+ // Die Standardwerte einstellen
+ $current_lang = $default_language;
+ $current_q = 0;
+ // Nun alle mitgegebenen Sprachen abarbeiten
+ foreach ($accepted_languages as $accepted_language) {
+ // Alle Infos über diese Sprache rausholen
+ // phpcs:disable Generic.Strings.UnnecessaryStringConcat
+ $res = preg_match('/^([a-z]{1,8}(?:-[a-z]{1,8})*)' . '(?:;\s*q=(0(?:\.[0-9]{1,3})?|1(?:\.0{1,3})?))?$/i', $accepted_language, $matches);
+ // phpcs:enable
+ // war die Syntax gültig?
+ if (!$res) {
+ // Nein? Dann ignorieren
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Sprachcode holen und dann sofort in die Einzelteile trennen
+ $lang_code = explode('-', $matches[1]);
+ // Wurde eine Qualität mitgegeben?
+ if (isset($matches[2])) {
+ // die Qualität benutzen
+ $lang_quality = (float)$matches[2];
+ } else {
+ // Kompabilitätsmodus: Qualität 1 annehmen
+ $lang_quality = 1.0;
+ }
+ // Bis der Sprachcode leer ist...
+ // phpcs:disable Squiz.PHP.DisallowSizeFunctionsInLoops
+ while (count($lang_code)) {
+ // phpcs:enable
+ // mal sehen, ob der Sprachcode angeboten wird
+ if (in_array(strtolower(join('-', $lang_code)), $allowed_languages)) {
+ // Qualität anschauen
+ if ($lang_quality > $current_q) {
+ // diese Sprache verwenden
+ $current_lang = strtolower(join('-', $lang_code));
+ $current_q = $lang_quality;
+ // Hier die innere while-Schleife verlassen
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Wenn wir im strengen Modus sind, die Sprache nicht versuchen zu minimalisieren
+ if ($strict_mode) {
+ // innere While-Schleife aufbrechen
+ break;
+ }
+ // den rechtesten Teil des Sprachcodes abschneiden
+ array_pop($lang_code);
+ }
+ }
+ // die gefundene Sprache zurückgeben
+ return $current_lang;
+ * Function for generating the HTML head.
+ *
+ * @param string $injected Additional code to inject into the head, e.g. a
+ * reference to JS files.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+function printHTMLHead(string $injected = "") {
+ $output = '
+ CSVXML :: museum-digital
+ $output .= $injected;
+ $output .= '
+ museum-digital:csvxml
+ return $output;
+ * Function generateHelpTooltip returns a tooltip for hovering over using the common settings.
+ *
+ * @param string $identifier ID attribute of the tooltip.
+ * @param string $title Title of the tooltip.
+ * @param string $explica More in-depth explanation: body of the tooltip.
+ * @param boolean $setParagraph If set to true (default), the content of the tooltip will be put into a element. Optional.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+function generateHelpTooltip(string $identifier, string $title, string $explica, bool $setParagraph = true):array {
+ $outputTag = ' ';
+ $output = '';
+ if ($setParagraph) $output .= '';
+ $output .= $explica;
+ if ($setParagraph) $output .= '
+ $output .= ' ';
+ return [$output, $outputTag];
diff --git a/new.php b/new.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89c1dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new.php
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ */
+declare(strict_types = 1);
+ini_set('display_errors', "1");
+require_once __DIR__ . "/functions/functions.php";
+if (session_status() != PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
+ session_start();
+// This array contains all available languages
+$allowed_langs = ['ar', 'de', 'en', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'pl','pt'];
+// Some languages are in translation. They will only be available for logged in users.
+if (isset($_GET['navlang'])) {
+ $_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET['navlang'];
+ if (!in_array($_SESSION['lang'], $allowed_langs)) $_SESSION['lang'] = 'de';
+else if (!isset($_SESSION['lang'])) {
+ $_SESSION['lang'] = lang_getfrombrowser($allowed_langs, 'en', "", false);
+$lang = $_SESSION['lang'];
+$toInject = '
+echo printHTMLHead($toInject);
+echo '
Currently approved tags (column names) for md:import
+require __DIR__ . "/values/availableFields.php";
+$tooltips = [];
+foreach ($availableFields as $headline => $fields) {
+ echo "
+echo '
+echo implode($tooltips);
+echo '
diff --git a/values/availableFields.php b/values/availableFields.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ed9053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/values/availableFields.php
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+ [
+ "inventory_number" => [
+ "required" => true,
+ "format" => 'text/utf8',
+ "allowedValues" => 'freetext',
+ "dependsOn" => [],
+ "remark" => 'Only unique values allowed',
+ "name_human_readable" => $object_basis['inventory_number'],
+ "explica" => $object_basis['inv_explica'],
+ ],
+ "object_type" => [
+ "required" => true,
+ "format" => 'text/utf8',
+ "allowedValues" => 'freetext',
+ "dependsOn" => [],
+ "remark" => 'Keep it short! Field is needed to create valid LIDO from museum-digital entries',
+ "name_human_readable" => $object_basis['object_type'],
+ "explica" => $object_basis['oart_explica'],
+ ],
+ "object_title" => [
+ "required" => true,
+ "format" => 'text/utf8',
+ "allowedValues" => 'freetext',
+ "dependsOn" => [],
+ "remark" => 'Best is not to repeat the title again and again for many objects, e.g. vase, vase, vase ... better: Green vase, Blue vase, Yellow vase, ...',
+ "name_human_readable" => $object_basis['object_name'],
+ "explica" => $object_basis['oname_explica'],
+ ],
+ "institution_name" => [
+ "required" => false,
+ "format" => 'text/utf8',
+ "allowedValues" => 'freetext',
+ "dependsOn" => [],
+ "remark" => 'If name of institution is given it has to be exactly the same as already known in museum-digital',
+ "name_human_readable" => $museum['museum_name'],
+ "explica" => $museum['musnam_explica'],
+ ],
+ ]
+ * Repeat fields
+ */
+// Collection names
+for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
+ $availableFields["basic"]["collection_name{$i}"] = [
+ "category" => "basic",
+ "required" => false,
+ "format" => 'text/utf8',
+ "allowedValues" => 'freetext',
+ "dependsOn" => [],
+ "remark" => 'Use if object belongs to a collection. If collection is already in museum-digital, please use exactly the same name',
+ "name_human_readable" => $museum['museum_name'],
+ "explica" => $museum['musnam_explica'],
+ ];
+$allowed = array(
+array ('object_title','y','text/utf8','freetext','none','Best is not to repeat the title again and again for many objects, e.g. vase, vase, vase ... better: Green vase, Blue vase, Yellow vase, ...'),
+array ('object_description','y','text/utf8','freetext','none','A good description of the objects is fundamental to make the objects searchable in the internet'),
+array ('object_material_technique','n','text/utf8','freetext','none','This is a cummulative field for material and technique. It is also possible to additionally save the information separate in the fields: material_separate and technique_separate '),
+array ('object_dimensions','n','text/utf8','freetext','none','This is a cummulative field for dimensions (values and units). It is also possible to additionally save the information separate. See the block: separate dimensions '),
+array ('object_publication','n','One letter only','"y","n"','none','Shall the object be visible directly after import?'),
+array ('object_other_title','n','text/utf8','freetext','object_other_title_kind_of','If the field object_other_title is used. It has to be specified where this alternative title is used. Specification should be done within the field: object_other_title_kind_of '),
+array ('object_other_title_kind_of','n','text/utf8','de: "Wissenschaft", "Alltagssprache", "Umgangssprache", "Dialekt" hu: "Tudományos", "Köznyelvi", "Nyelvjárás"', 'object_other_title', 'This field has to be used togehter with object_other_title '),
+array ('detailed_description','n','text/utf8','freetext','detailed_description_md and detailed_description_extern','If detailed_desription is made available for an object, detailed_description_md and detailed_description_extern have to have values too'),
+array ('detailed_description_md','n','One letter only','"y","n"','detailed_description and detailed_description_extern','Shall detailed description be visible at museum-digital? If detailed_desription is available for an object, detailed_description_md and detailed_description_extern have to have values too'),
+array ('detailed_description_extern','n','One letter only','"y","n"','detailed_description_md and detailed_description','Shall later exports from museum-digital include the detailed_description?If detailed_desription is available for an object, detailed_description_md and detailed_description_extern have to have values too'),
+array ('inscription','n','text/utf8','freetext','inscription_md and inscription_extern','If inscription is made available for an object, inscription_md> and inscription_extern have to have values too'),
+array ('inscription_md','n','One letter only','"y","n"','inscription_md and inscription_extern','Shall a given inscription be displayed at museum-digital? If inscription is available for an object, inscription_md> and inscription_extern have to have values too'),
+array ('inscription_extern','n','One letter only','"y","n"','inscription_md and inscription_extern','Shall later exports from museum-digital inlude inscription? If inscription is available for an object, inscription_md> and inscription_extern have to have values too'),
+array ('material_separate','n','text/utf8','freetext','none','Additional to collecting material and technique in a combined field (see above), the material(s) can be given here separately'),
+array ('technique_separate','n','text/utf8','freetext','none', 'Additional to collecting material and technique in a combined field (see above), the technique(s) can be given here separately'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_length_value','n','text/utf8','number','dimensions_separate_length_unit, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_length_unit','n','text/utf8','"m","dm","cm","mm"','dimensions_separate_length_value, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_width_value', 'n', 'text/utf8', 'number','dimensions_separate_width_unit, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_width_unit', 'n', 'text/utf8', '"m","dm","cm","mm"','dimensions_separate_width_value, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_height_value', 'n', 'text/utf8', 'number','dimensions_separate_height_unit, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_height_unit', 'n', 'text/utf8', '"m","dm","cm","mm"','dimensions_separate_height_value, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_weight_value', 'n', 'text/utf8','number','dimensions_separate_weight_unit, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_weight_unit', 'n', 'text/utf8', '"m","dm","cm","mm"','dimensions_separate_width_value, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_diameter_value', 'n', 'text/utf8', 'number','dimensions_separate_diameter_unit, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_diameter_unit', 'n', 'text/utf8', '"m","dm","cm","mm"','dimensions_separate_diameter_value, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_wall_thickness_value', 'n', 'text/utf8', 'number','dimensions_separate_thickness_unit, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_wall_thickness_unit', 'n', 'text/utf8', '"m","dm","cm","mm"','dimensions_separate_thickness_value, dimensions_separate_show_md, dimensions_separate_show_extern','If a separated value is given an entry for the respective unit is necessary. If a separated dimension entry is given, dimensions_separate_show_md and dimensions_separate_show_extern need to be filled in, too.'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_show_md', 'n', 'One letter only', '"y","n"','Any field named dimensions_separate ...','If one or more separate dimension-value (and -unit) is given it has to be specified if the separated entries should be made visible at museum-digital'),
+array ('dimensions_separate_show_extern', 'n', 'One letter only', '"y","n"','Any field named dimensions_separate ...','If one or more separate dimension-value (and -unit) is given it has to be specified if the separated entries should be included in a later export from museum-digital'),
+array ('number_of_pieces', 'n', 'text/utf8','number','none','Only to be given if more than one copies of an object are available and catalogued with the same inventory number'),
+array ('number_of_pages', 'n', 'text/utf8', 'number', 'none','Only to be given for books (etc.)'),
+array ('comparable_objects_other_museums', 'n', 'text/utf8', 'freetext', 'comparable_objects_other_museums_show_md, comparable_objects_other_museums_show_extern', 'Name of other museum and if available the inventory number of the respective object. If comparable_objects_other_museums is given comparable_objects_other_museums_show_md and comparable_objects_other_museums_show_extern have to be given too'),
+array ('comparable_objects_other_museums_show_md', 'n', 'One letter only', '"y","n"', 'comparable_objects_other_museums','Necessary if comparable_objects_other_museums is given. Should the information about comparable objects be displayed at museum-digital?'),
+array ('comparable_objects_other_museums_show_extern', 'n', 'One letter only', '"y","n"', 'comparable_objects_other_museums','Necessary if comparable_objects_other_museums is given. Should the information about comparable objects be part of later exports from museum-digital?'),
+//array ('other_object_title', 'n', ''),
+//array ('other_object_title_in', 'n', ''),
+array ('closer_location', 'n', 'text/utf8', 'freetext', 'closer_location_as', 'A place in a special relation to the object. The kind of relation has to specified in closer_location_as '),
+array ('closer_location_as', 'n', 'text/utf8', 'de: "Aufnahmeort", "Fundort", "Früherer Ort"
hu: "Felvétel késztésének helye","Lelőhely","Történelmi elnevezés"', 'closer_location', 'A place in a special relation to the object can be given in closer_location . Here the kind of relation between object and place has to specified'),
+/* Structure of array:
+0: name of element
+1: mandatory? (y or n)
+2: format (eg. text/utf8
+3: allowed values (eg. "m", "cm", ...)
+4: dependent fields
+5: remarks
+array ('entry_number', 'n', 'text/utf8','freetext','none','The entry number of the object if available'),
+array ('other_inventory_number', 'n', 'text/utf8','freetext','none','All other inventory numbers (older ones presumably) in one field'),
+array ('subject_group', 'n', 'text/utf8','freetext','none','If the object is part of an subject group this information should be given here'),
+array ('systematic', 'n', 'text/utf8','freetext','none','If the object is put into a museum-systematic the place it has there'),
+array ('bundle', 'n', 'text/utf8','freetext','none','The bundle the object belongs to'),
+array ('part_of', 'n', 'text/utf8','freetext','none','If the object is part of something it can be given here'),
+array ('inclusion_when', 'n', ''),
+array ('inclusion_kind_of', 'n', ''),
+array ('inclusion_who', 'n', ''),
+array ('inclusion_where', 'n', ''),
+array ('registration_first_who', 'n', ''),
+array ('registration_first_when', 'n', ''),
+array ('owner_previous', 'n', ''),
+array ('object_history', 'n', ''),
+array ('bought_for', 'n', ''),
+array ('bought_for_currency', 'n', ''),
+array ('worth_determiner', 'n', ''),
+array ('worth_when', 'n', ''),
+array ('worth_value', 'n', ''),
+array ('worth_unit', 'n', ''),
+array ('worth_incurance_determiner', 'n', ''),
+array ('worth_incurance_when', 'n', ''),
+array ('worth_insurance_value', 'n', ''),
+array ('worth_insurance_unit', 'n', ''),
+array ('state', 'n', ''),
+array ('restauration', 'n', ''),
+array ('abode_actual', 'n', ''),
+array ('abode_regular', 'n', ''),
+array ('exhibition', 'n', ''),
+array ('on_loan_to', 'n', ''),
+array ('on_loan_contact', 'n', ''),
+array ('on_loan_when', 'n', ''),
+array ('on_loan_insurance_value', 'n', ''),
+array ('on_loan_annotation', 'n', ''),
+array ('copyright', 'n', ''),
+array ('rights_of_use', 'n', ''),
+array ('rights_annotation', 'n', ''),
+array ('remarks_short', 'n', ''),
+array ('remarks_long', 'n', ''),
+array ('images_in_museum', 'n', ''),
+array ('documents_in_museum', 'n', ''),
+array ('link_url1', 'n', ''),
+array ('link_show1', 'n', ''),
+array ('link_url2', 'n', ''),
+array ('link_show2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_author1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_year1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_title1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_place1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_abbreviation1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_gnd1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_isbn1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_signature1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_online1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_annotation1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_inlit1', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_author2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_year2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_title2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_place2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_abbreviation2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_gnd2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_isbn2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_signature2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_online2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_annotation2', 'n', ''),
+array ('literature_inlit2', 'n', ''),
+array ('object_group_name1', 'n', ''),
+array ('object_group_description1', 'n', ''),
+array ('object_group_show1', 'n', ''),
+array ('object_group_name2', 'n', ''),
+array ('object_group_description2', 'n', ''),
+array ('object_group_show2', 'n', ''),
+array ('object_group_name3', 'n', ''),
+array ('object_group_description3', 'n', ''),
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+array ('was_mentioned_who2', 'n', ''),
+array ('was_mentioned_who_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('was_mentioned_where2', 'n', ''),
+array ('was_mentioned_where_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('was_mentioned_annotation2', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_when1', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_when_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_who1', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_who_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_where1', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_where_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_annotation1', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_when2', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_when_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_who2', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_who_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_where2', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_where_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('buried_annotation2', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_when1', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_when_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_who1', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_who_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_where1', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_where_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_annotation1', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_when2', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_when_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_who2', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_who_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_where2', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_where_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('intellectual_creation_annotation2', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_when1', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_when_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_who1', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_who_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_where1', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_where_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_annotation1', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_when2', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_when_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_who2', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_who_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_where2', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_where_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('painted_on_annotation2', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_when1', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_when_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_who1', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_who_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_where1', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_where_sure1', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_annotation1', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_when2', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_when_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_who2', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_who_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_where2', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_where_sure2', 'n', ''),
+array ('illustrated_annotation2', 'n', ''),