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2019-08-25 21:45:52 +02:00
declare(strict_types = 1);
require_once __DIR__ . "/../functions/functions.php";
if (session_status() != PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
// This array contains all available languages
$allowed_langs = ['ar', 'de', 'en', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'pl','pt'];
// Some languages are in translation. They will only be available for logged in users.
if (isset($_GET['navlang'])) {
$_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET['navlang'];
if (!in_array($_SESSION['lang'], $allowed_langs)) $_SESSION['lang'] = 'de';
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else if (!isset($_SESSION['lang'])) {
$_SESSION['lang'] = MD_STD::lang_getfrombrowser($allowed_langs, 'en', "", false);
$lang = $_SESSION['lang'];
$tlLoader = new MDTlLoader("csxml_evaluate", $lang);
$filename = $_GET['fnam'];
$csv_datei = MD_STD::realpath(__DIR__ . '/../csv/' . $filename);
// Get allowed values * $fieldNoMultiplicator
$fieldNoMultiplicator = 10;
$fieldsGetter = new CsvxmlAvailableFields($lang);
$availableFields = $fieldsGetter->getFields();
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
$validator = new CSVXMLValidator();
$allowed = $eventpart = $eventpartsure = $fieldsWithDependency = $fieldsWithAllowedValueSet = [];
foreach ($availableFields as $categoryName => $fieldCategory) {
$allowed = array_merge($allowed, array_keys($fieldCategory));
// Extended operations for events
if (strpos($categoryName, $tlLoader->tl("basis", "basis", 'event')) !== false) {
foreach ($fieldCategory as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, "_annotation") !== false or strpos($key, "_gnd") !== false) continue;
if (strpos($key, "_sure") !== false) $eventpartsure[] = $key;
else $eventpart[] = $key;
foreach ($fieldCategory as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value->dependsOn)) {
$fieldsWithDependency[$key] = $value->dependsOn;
if (!empty($value->allowedValues)) {
$fieldsWithAllowedValueSet[$key] = $value->allowedValues;
$allowed_inclusion_kind_of = ['inclusion_kind_of', 'Schenkung', 'Kauf', 'Grabung', 'Notbergung', 'Erbschaft', 'Stiftung', 'Enteignung', 'Ursprungsbestand', 'Ajándékozás','Vétel','Feltárás','Hivatalos átadás','Csere','Gyűjtés','Saját előállítás','Törzsanyag','Letét', 'endowment', 'dispossession', 'old stock', ''];
echo printHTMLHead();
2019-08-25 21:45:52 +02:00
echo '<div class="maincontent">';
echo 'Please wait ... (checking validity)';
echo '<form action="index.php" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;">';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Reload" />';
2019-08-25 21:45:52 +02:00
echo '</form>';
///// Check #1
//echo '<pre>';print_r($allowed);echo '</pre>';
echo '1: Only allowed tags (column names) used?';
2021-06-13 23:00:36 +02:00
$fp = fopen($csv_datei, 'r');
$y = 0;
while ($zeile = fgetcsv($fp, 100000, ';')) {
$maxLoopLen = count($zeile);
for ($x = 0; $x < $maxLoopLen; $x++) {
$inhalt[$y][$x] = str_replace("'", "\'", $zeile[$x]);
if ($y == 1) {
// remove byte order mark
$inhalt[$y][$x] = str_replace("\xEF\xBB\xBF", "", $inhalt[$y][$x]);
if (!in_array($inhalt[$y][$x], $allowed)) {
'<br><i style="font-style:normal;color:#990000;">ERROR in column ' . $x
. ' created by value: ' . $inhalt[$y][$x] . '</i>'
$erstezeile = $inhalt[1];
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
if (count($validator->error_msgs) != 0) {
echo '<br><b style="color:#990000;">Not allowed tags found !</b>';
} else {
echo '<br><i style="font-style:normal;color:#009900;">Only allowed tags used !</i>';
//// Check #2
echo '<br><br>2: Not allowed multiple use of tags (column names)?';
$compare = array_unique($erstezeile);
if (count($erstezeile) != count($compare)) {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
'<br><b style="color:#990000;">There are duplicate column names !</b>'
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else {
2021-06-13 23:00:36 +02:00
echo '<br><i style="font-style:normal;color:#009900;">No duplicate column names !</i>';
///// Check #3
echo '<br><br>3: Mandatory tags available and always filled in?';
* Function for finding duplicates?.
* @param array $array Input array.
* @return array
2021-06-13 23:00:36 +02:00
function Get_duplicates(array $array):array
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
return array_unique(array_diff_assoc($array, array_unique($array)));
$mandatory = ['inventory_number','object_type','object_title','object_description'];
foreach ($mandatory as $tMandatoryField) {
if (!in_array($tMandatoryField, $erstezeile)) {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
'<br><i style="font-style:normal;color:#990000;">Mandatory: Column <b>'
. $tMandatoryField . '</b> missing</i>'
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else {
$spaltenr = array_search($tMandatoryField, $erstezeile);
for ($j = 0; $j < $y; $j++) {
if ($inhalt[$j + 1][$spaltenr] == '') {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
'<br><i style="font-style:normal;color:#990000;">Missing value for <b>'
. $tMandatoryField . '</b> in row ' . ($j + 1) . '</i>'
if ($tMandatoryField == 'inventory_number') {
$inv_array[] = $inhalt[$j + 1][$spaltenr];
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
if (count($validator->inv_errors) == 0) {
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
echo '<br><i style="font-style:normal;color:#009900;">All mandatory tags available and with values !</i>';
///// Check #4
echo '<br><br>4: Inventory_number unique ?';
if (in_array('inventory_number', $erstezeile)) {
2021-06-13 23:00:36 +02:00
$doppelte_inv = Get_duplicates($inv_array);
$doppelte_inv = array_values($doppelte_inv);
if (!empty($doppelte_inv)) {
foreach ($doppelte_inv as $tDublicateInvNo) {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
'<br><i style="font-style:normal;color:#990000;">Multiple use of inventory_number <b>'
. $tDublicateInvNo . '</b></i>'
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else {
echo '<br><i style="font-style:normal;color:#009900;">All inventory_numbers are unique !</i>';
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
'<br><b style="font-style:normal;color:#990000;">Aborted, column inventory_number is missing</b>'
///// Check #5
echo '<br><br>5: Dependent colums observed ?<br>';
// Check for correct handling of dependent fields
foreach ($fieldsWithDependency as $tField => $tDependentFields) {
2021-06-13 23:00:36 +02:00
if (array_search($tField, $erstezeile) !== false) {
foreach ($tDependentFields as $tDependentField) {
if (array_search($tDependentField, $erstezeile) === false) {
$depencymessage[] = "Dependency issue at column $tField: Corresponding column $tDependentField is missing";
if (!empty($depencymessage)) {
echo '<b style="color:#990000;">Dependent columns were not observed !</b>';
foreach ($depencymessage as $tDepMsg) {
$validator->addError('<br>' . $tDepMsg);
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else {
echo '<i style="font-style:normal;color:#009900;">Dependent columns were observed !</i>';
///// Check #6
echo '<br><br>6: Dependency of content observed?';
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
//TODO: get the values for these arrays dynamically?
2021-06-13 23:00:36 +02:00
// JRE: Maybe we can merge them into availablefields
$crosscheck1 = ['object_other_title','detailed_description','detailed_description','inscription','inscription','dimensions_separate_length_value', 'dimensions_separate_width_value', 'dimensions_separate_height_value', 'dimensions_separate_diameter_value', 'dimensions_separate_wall_thickness_value', 'dimensions_separate_weight_value','closer_location','bought_for','worth_value','worth_insurance_value'];
$crosscheck2 = ['object_other_title_kind_of','detailed_description_md','detailed_description_extern','inscription_md','inscription_extern','dimensions_separate_length_unit', 'dimensions_separate_width_unit', 'dimensions_separate_height_unit', 'dimensions_separate_diameter_unit', 'dimensions_separate_wall_thickness_unit', 'dimensions_separate_weight_unit','closer_location_as','bought_for_currency','worth_unit','worth_insurance_unit'];
foreach ($crosscheck1 as $l => $tCrossCheck) {
if (in_array($tCrossCheck, $erstezeile)) {
for ($j = 1; $j < ($y + 1); $j++) {
if ($inhalt[$j][array_search($crosscheck2[$l], $erstezeile)] !== '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search($tCrossCheck, $erstezeile)] == '') {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
'<br>Tag <b>' . $crosscheck2[$l] . '</b> given but no entry for <b>'
. $tCrossCheck . '</b> (row ' . $j . ')'
foreach ($eventpart as $l => $tEventPart) {
if (in_array($tEventPart, $erstezeile)) {
for ($j = 1; $j < ($y + 1); $j++) {
if ($inhalt[$j][array_search($eventpartsure[$l], $erstezeile)] !== '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search($tEventPart, $erstezeile)] == '') {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
'<br>Tag <b>' . $eventpartsure[$l] . '</b> given but no entry for <b>'
. $tEventPart . '</b> (row ' . $j . ')'
if (in_array('dimensions_separate_show_md', $erstezeile)) {
for ($j = 1; $j < ($y + 1); $j++) {
if ($inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_show_md', $erstezeile)] !== '' and ($inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_length_value', $erstezeile)] == '') and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_width_value', $erstezeile)] == '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_heigt_value', $erstezeile)] == '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_weight_value', $erstezeile)] == '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_diameter_value', $erstezeile)] == '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_wall_thickness_value', $erstezeile)] == '') {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
'<br>Tag <b>dimensions_separate_show_md</b> given but no separate values available (row '
. $j . ')'
if (in_array('dimensions_separate_show_extern', $erstezeile)) {
for ($j = 1; $j < ($y + 1); $j++) {
if ($inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_show_extern', $erstezeile)] !== '' and ($inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_length_value', $erstezeile)] == '') and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_width_value', $erstezeile)] == '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_heigt_value', $erstezeile)] == '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_weight_value', $erstezeile)] == '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_diameter_value', $erstezeile)] == '' and $inhalt[$j][array_search('dimensions_separate_wall_thickness_value', $erstezeile)] == '') {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
'<br>Tag <b>dimensions_separate_show_extern</b> given but no separate values available (row '
. $j . ')'
for ($im=1;$im<11;$im++)
if (in_array('image_name'.$im,$erstezeile))
for ($j=1;$j<($y+1);$j++)
if ($inhalt[$j][array_search('image_rights'.$im,$erstezeile)]!=='')
echo '<br>TAG <b>image_name'.$im.'</b> given but no value available for image_rights'.$im.' (row '.$j.')';
if ($inhalt[$j][array_search('image_visible'.$im,$erstezeile)]!=='')
echo '<br>TAG <b>image_name'.$im.'</b> given but no value available for image_visible'.$im.' (row '.$j.')';
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
if (count($validator->depcon_errors) == 0) {
echo '<br><i style="font-style:normal;color:#009900;">Dependency of content was observed !</i>';
///// Check #7
echo '<br><br>7: Not allowed values in controlled lists?<br>';
for ($i = 2; $i <= $y; $i++) {
foreach ($inhalt[$i] as $key => $value) {
$columnName = $inhalt[1][$key];
2021-06-13 23:00:36 +02:00
// Only do the check if the field is not restricted
if (isset($fieldsWithAllowedValueSet[$columnName])) {
// For others: check if the value is from the list of allowed values.
if (!in_array($value, $fieldsWithAllowedValueSet[$columnName])) {
// It may be that the value is empty together with all dependent fields,
// because it's in a repeat field that was needed earlier.
if (empty($value) && !empty($fieldsWithDependency[$columnName])) {
$allDependentsEmpty = true;
foreach ($fieldsWithDependency[$columnName] as $depField) {
// Find keys of dependent field
$depFieldKey = array_search($depField, $inhalt[1]);
if (!empty($inhalt[$i][$depFieldKey])) {
$allDependentsEmpty = false;
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
2021-06-13 23:00:36 +02:00
if ($allDependentsEmpty !== true) {
$errormessage[] = "Disallowed value in column <code>{$columnName}</code> on row <code>{$i}</code>: <em>"
. $value . "</em> (allowed values: <small>"
. implode(", ", $fieldsWithAllowedValueSet[$columnName])
. "</small>)";
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
if (!empty($errormessage)) {
echo '<b style="color:#990000;">Columns with controlled values contain invalid values !</b>';
foreach ($errormessage as $tMsg) {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
$validator->addError('<br>' . $tMsg);
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else {
echo '<i style="font-style:normal;color:#009900;">Values in controlled fields are all valid !</i>';
///// Check #8
echo '<br><br>8: Main image or main resource given?<br>';
$hasanyimage = 0;
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
for ($im = 1; $im < 29; $im++) {
if (array_search('image_name' . $im, $erstezeile) != '') {
$imagemain[$im]['name'] = array_search('image_name' . $im, $erstezeile);$hasanyimage++;
if (array_search('image_visible' . $im, $erstezeile) != '') {
$imagemain[$im]['visible'] = array_search('image_visible' . $im, $erstezeile);
if (array_search('image_main' . $im, $erstezeile) != '') {
$imagemain[$im]['main'] = array_search('image_main' . $im, $erstezeile);
if ($hasanyimage > 0) {
$imagemain = array_values($imagemain);
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
for ($i = 1; $i <= $y; $i++) {
if ($i > 1) {
//check if in a row any image_name is given
$maimg = $hatimg = 0;
foreach ($imagemain as $im => $tMainImage) {
if ($inhalt[$i][$tMainImage["name"]] != '') $hatimg++;
if ($hatimg > 0) {
// first check: how many main-images?
foreach ($imagemain as $im => $tMainImage) {
if ($inhalt[$i][$imagemain[$im]['main']] == 'y') {
$merk = $im;
// if there is exacly one main-image, is it visible?
if ($maimg == 1) {
if ($inhalt[$i][$imagemain[$merk]['visible']] == 'n') {
$errormessage[] = '<b style="font-weight:normal;color:#990000">Main image in row ' . $i . ' is not visible</b>';
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
if ($maimg == 0 and $hatimg > 0) {
$errormessage[] = '<b style="font-weight:normal;color:#990000">There is no visible main image given in row ' . $i . '</b>';
if ($maimg > 1 and $hatimg > 0) {
$errormessage[] = '<b style="font-weight:normal;color:#990000">There are ' . $maimg . ' main images given in row ' . $i . '</b>';
if (!empty($errormessage)) {
echo '<b style="color:#990000;">There is not one main image for each object !</b>';
foreach ($errormessage as $tMsg) {
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
$validator->addError('<br>' . $tMsg);
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else {
echo '<i style="font-style:normal;color:#009900;">For each object that has images attached exactly one main image is given !</i>';
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else {
echo '<i style="font-style:normal;color:#009900;">No images to be imported !</i>';
echo '<hr>';
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
if ($validator->overallErrorCount() > 0) {
echo '
2021-06-21 23:33:02 +02:00
<p>Error(s) found: ' . $validator->overallErrorCount() . '</p>';
foreach ($validator->error_msgs as $msg) {
echo $msg;
foreach ($validator->inv_errors as $msg) {
echo $msg;
foreach ($validator->depcon_errors as $msg) {
echo $msg;
2020-12-10 00:49:46 +01:00
echo '<a href="index6.php?fnam=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['fnam']) . '" class="buttonLike">Create XML for md:import (utf8)</a><br>';
2021-05-26 01:08:52 +02:00
} else {
echo '<a href="index6.php?fnam=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['fnam']) . '" class="buttonLike">Create XML for md:import (utf8)</a><br>';
2019-08-25 21:45:52 +02:00
echo '</div>';
echo '