* Quality Assurance Settings for museum-digital Most of the code used at [[https://www.museum-digital.org][museum-digital]] is written in PHP. To keep a uniform code style throughout the code, we use [[https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer][PHP Code Sniffer]]. ** Tools used - [[https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer][php-codesniffer]] - [[https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan][PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool]] - [[https://phpunit.de/][phpunit]] ** This Repository This repository serves to collect generally applicable rules, that can be embedded into the specific rule sets of the different projects. The file _md_phpcs_rules.xml_ contains the main style guide. When rewriting files to fit the uniform style rules, _md_phpcs_rules_basic.xml_ comes in handy as a first step. It contains the same rules, excluding some which require or encourage a more in-depth look at the code (the prohibition of procedural-style calls to mysqli functions is e.g. a good opportunity to check the efficiency of queries).