*/ declare(strict_types = 1); require_once __DIR__ . '/inc/datesByCountry.php'; /** * Autotranslater class for times. */ final class NodaTimeAutotranslater { const USECASE_MONTH = 1; const USECASE_DAY = 2; const TRANSLATABLE_NOT = 0; const TRANSLATABLE_AS_MONTH_DAY = 1; const TRANSLATABLE_AS_YEAR_WITH_SUFFIX = 2; const TRANSLATABLE_SINCE_START = 3; const TRANSLATABLE_UNTIL_END = 4; const TRANSLATABLE_ONLY_YEAR = 5; const TRANSLATABLE_CENTURY = 6; const TRANSLATABLE_DECADE = 7; const TRANSLATABLE_TIMESPAN_YEARS = 8; const LANGS_TO_LOCALES = [ 'ar' => 'ar_SY.utf8', 'de' => 'de_DE.utf8', 'en' => 'en_US.utf8', 'es' => 'es_ES.utf8', 'fa' => 'fa_IR.UTF-8', 'fr' => 'fr_FR.utf8', 'hu' => 'hu_HU.utf8', 'id' => 'id_ID.utf8', 'it' => 'it_IT.utf8', 'ka' => 'ka_GE.UTF-8', 'ko' => 'ko_KR.UTF-8', 'pl' => 'pl_PL.utf8', 'pt' => 'pt_BR.utf8', 'ro' => 'ro_RO.UTF-8', 'ru' => 'ru_RU.UTF-8', 'ta' => 'ta_IN.UTF-8', 'tl' => 'tl_PH.utf8', 'tr' => 'tr_TR.utf8', // Languages that don't really need a specific locale 'ja' => 'en_US.utf8', 'zh' => 'en_US.utf8', ]; const LANGS_SINGLE_YEAR_FORMAT = [ 'ar' => '%s', 'de' => '%s', 'en' => '%s', 'es' => '%s', 'fa' => '%s', 'fr' => '%s', 'hu' => '%s', 'id' => '%s', 'it' => '%s', 'ka' => '%s', 'ko' => '%s년', 'pl' => '%s', 'pt' => '%s', 'ro' => '%s', 'ru' => '%s', 'ta' => '%s', 'tl' => '%s', 'tr' => '%s', // Languages that don't really need a specific locale 'ja' => '%s年', 'zh' => '%s年', ]; const LANGS_YEARSPAN_FORMAT = [ 'ar' => '%s-%s', 'de' => '%s-%s', 'en' => '%s-%s', 'es' => '%s-%s', 'fa' => '%s-%s', 'fr' => '%s-%s', 'hu' => '%s-%s', 'id' => '%s-%s', 'it' => '%s-%s', 'ka' => '%s-%s', 'ko' => '%s년-%s년', 'pl' => '%s-%s', 'pt' => '%s-%s', 'ro' => '%s-%s', 'ru' => '%s-%s', 'ta' => '%s-%s', 'tl' => '%s-%s', 'tr' => '%s-%s', // Languages that don't really need a specific locale 'ja' => '%s年から%s年', 'zh' => '%s年至%s年', ]; const LANGS_TO_BCE_FORMAT = [ 'ar' => '-%s', 'de' => '%s v. Chr.', 'en' => '%s BC', 'es' => '%s a.C.', 'fa' => '-%s', 'fr' => '%s av. J.-C.', 'hu' => 'Kr. e. %s', 'id' => '%s SM', 'it' => '%s a.C.', 'ka' => 'ძვ. წ. %s წ', 'ko' => '기원전%s', 'pl' => '%s pne', 'pt' => '%s AC', 'ro' => '%s î.Hr.', 'ru' => '%s г. до н.э.', 'ta' => 'கிமு %s', 'tl' => '%s BC', 'tr' => 'MÖ %s', // Languages that don't really need a specific locale 'ja' => '紀元前%s', 'zh' => '公元前%s', ]; const LANGS_TO_CE_FORMAT = [ 'ar' => '%s', 'de' => '%s n. Chr.', 'en' => '%s CE', 'es' => '%s d.C.', 'fa' => '%s', 'fr' => '%s ap. J.-C.', 'hu' => '%s', 'id' => '%s M.', 'it' => '%s d.C.', 'ka' => '%s წ', 'ko' => '%s', 'pl' => '%s n.e.', 'pt' => '%s dC', 'ro' => '%s', 'ru' => '%s', 'ta' => '%s பொ.ச.', 'tl' => '%s AD', 'tr' => '%s', // Languages that don't really need a specific locale 'ja' => '西暦%s', 'zh' => '%s', ]; const LANGS_SINCE_START_FORMAT_YEAR = [ 'ar' => '%s-', 'de' => 'Seit %s', 'en' => 'Since %s', 'es' => 'Desde %s', 'fa' => '%s-', 'fr' => 'Depuis %s', 'hu' => '%s-től', 'id' => 'Sejak %s', 'it' => 'Dal %s', 'ka' => '%s წლიდან', 'ko' => '%s부터', 'pl' => 'Desde %s', 'pt' => '%s dC', 'ro' => 'Din %s', 'ru' => 'С %s г.', 'ta' => '%s முதல்', 'tl' => 'Mula noong %s', 'tr' => '%s-', // Languages that don't really need a specific locale 'ja' => '%s以来', 'zh' => '自%s以來', ]; const LANGS_UNTIL_START_FORMAT_YEAR = [ 'ar' => '-%s', 'de' => 'Bis %s', 'en' => 'Until %s', 'es' => 'Hasta %s', 'fa' => '-%s', 'fr' => 'Jusqu\'en %s', 'hu' => '%s-ig', 'id' => 'Sampai %s', 'it' => 'Fino al %s', 'ka' => '%s წლამდე', 'ko' => '%s까지', 'pl' => 'do %s roku', 'pt' => 'até %s', 'ro' => 'până în %s', 'ru' => 'до %s г.', 'ta' => '%s வரை', 'tl' => 'Hanggang %s', 'tr' => '%s-', // Languages that don't really need a specific locale 'ja' => '%sまで', 'zh' => '直到%s', ]; const LANGS_CENTURY_FORMAT = [ 'ar' => 'القرن ال %s', 'de' => '%s. Jahrhundert', 'en' => '%s. century', 'es' => 'Siglo %s', 'fa' => 'قرن %s', 'fr' => '%sème siècle', 'hu' => '%s. század', 'id' => 'abad ke-%s', 'it' => '%sesimo secolo', 'ka' => 'მე -%s საუკუნე', 'ko' => '%s 세기', 'pl' => '%s wiek', 'pt' => 'século %s', 'ro' => 'secolul al %s-lea', 'ru' => '%s век', 'ta' => '%s ஆம் நூற்றாண்டு', 'tl' => 'Ika-%s na siglo', 'tr' => '%s. yüzyıl', 'ja' => '%s世紀', 'zh' => '%s世紀', ]; const LANGS_CENTURIES_FORMAT = [ 'ar' => 'القرن ال %s-%s', 'de' => '%s.-%s. Jahrhundert', 'en' => '%s.-%s. century', 'es' => 'Siglo %s-%s', 'fa' => 'قرن %s-%s', 'fr' => '%s-%sème siècle', 'hu' => '%s.-%s. század', 'id' => 'abad ke-%s-%s', 'it' => '%s-%sesimo secolo', 'ka' => 'მე -%s-%s საუკუნე', 'ko' => '%s-%s 세기', 'pl' => '%s-%s wiek', 'pt' => 'século %s-%s', 'ro' => 'secolul al %s-%s-lea', 'ru' => '%s-%s век', 'ta' => '%s-%s ஆம் நூற்றாண்டு', 'tl' => 'Ika-%s hanggang ika-%s na siglo', 'tr' => '%s.-%s. yüzyıl', 'ja' => '%s世紀-%s世紀', 'zh' => '%s-%s世紀', ]; const LANGS_DECADE_FORMAT = [ 'ar' => '%s-%s', 'de' => '%ser Jahre', 'en' => '%ss', 'es' => '%s-%s', 'fa' => 'دهه %s', 'fr' => 'Années %s', 'hu' => '%s-as évek', 'id' => 'Tahun %s-an', 'it' => '%ss', 'ka' => '%s-იანი წლები', 'ko' => '%s 년대', 'pl' => '%s roku', 'pt' => 'Década de %s', 'ro' => 'Anii %s', 'ru' => '%s-е годы', 'ta' => '%s கள்', 'tl' => '%ss', 'tr' => '%s\'ler', 'ja' => '%s年代', 'zh' => '%s年代', ]; const LANGS_DECADES_FORMAT = [ 'ar' => '%s-%s', 'de' => '%s-%ser Jahre', 'en' => '%s-%ss', 'es' => '%s-%s', 'fa' => 'دهه %s-%s', 'fr' => 'Années %s-%s', 'hu' => '%s-%s-as évek', 'id' => 'Tahun %s-an sampai tahun %s-an', 'it' => '%s-%ss', 'ka' => '%s-%s-იანი წლები', 'ko' => '%s-%s 년대', 'pl' => '%s-%s roku', 'pt' => 'Décadas de %s-%s', 'ro' => 'Anii %s-%s', 'ru' => '%s-%s-е годы', 'ta' => '%s-%s கள்', 'tl' => '%s-%ss', 'tr' => '%s-%s\'ler', 'ja' => '%s年代から%s年代', 'zh' => '%s年代-%s年代', ]; /** @var MDMysqli */ private MDMysqli $_mysqli_noda; /** @var integer */ private int $_znum; /** @var MDMysqliStmt */ private MDMysqliStmt $_insertStmt; /** * Checks if a time is translatable. * Translatable times have either a counting time day and month or at least a month. * * @param string $zeit_beginn Beginn year. * @param string $zeit_ende End year. * @param string $zeit_zaehlzeit_monat Counting time month. * * @return integer */ public static function check_translatability(string $zeit_beginn, string $zeit_ende, string $zeit_zaehlzeit_monat):int { if ($zeit_ende === "?") { return self::TRANSLATABLE_SINCE_START; } if ($zeit_beginn === "?") { return self::TRANSLATABLE_UNTIL_END; } if (intval($zeit_ende) >= 0 && intval($zeit_beginn) < 0) { return self::TRANSLATABLE_NOT; } if (intval($zeit_ende) % 100 === 0 and (intval($zeit_beginn) - 1) % 100 === 0) { return self::TRANSLATABLE_CENTURY; } if ((intval($zeit_ende) + 1) % 10 === 0 and intval($zeit_beginn) % 10 === 0) { return self::TRANSLATABLE_DECADE; } if (intval($zeit_ende) < 0 && intval($zeit_beginn) < 0 || intval($zeit_ende) < 1000) { return self::TRANSLATABLE_AS_YEAR_WITH_SUFFIX; } if ($zeit_ende === $zeit_beginn and trim($zeit_zaehlzeit_monat, ", .0") === "") { return self::TRANSLATABLE_ONLY_YEAR; } if ($zeit_ende !== $zeit_beginn and trim($zeit_zaehlzeit_monat, ", .0") === "") { return self::TRANSLATABLE_TIMESPAN_YEARS; } // Conditions speaking against translatability. if (trim($zeit_zaehlzeit_monat, ", .0") === "") { return self::TRANSLATABLE_NOT; } return self::TRANSLATABLE_AS_MONTH_DAY; } /** * Gets suffix mode for years with suffix. * * @param integer $start Start year. * @param integer $end End year. * * @return integer */ public static function getSuffixModeForYearsWSuffix(int $start, int $end):int { if ($start < 0 && $end < 0) { $suffixMode = 2; // 2; // " v. Chr."; } else if ($end < 1000) { $suffixMode = 1; // " n. Chr."; } else $suffixMode = 0; // Times larger than 1000 n. Chr. return $suffixMode; } /** * Applies suffix format to a time string. * * @param string $tLang Two digit ANSI language code. * @param string $timeName Time name. * @param integer $suffixMode Suffix mode. * * @return string */ public static function applyBcBceFormat(string $tLang, string $timeName, int $suffixMode):string { switch ($suffixMode) { case 0: return $timeName; case 1: return sprintf(self::LANGS_TO_CE_FORMAT[$tLang], $timeName); case 2: return sprintf(self::LANGS_TO_BCE_FORMAT[$tLang], $timeName); default: throw new Exception("Unknown case encountered for time translations."); } } /** * Translated years or timespans below 1000 CE. * * @param array $timeInfo Time information. * * @return array */ public static function translateYearsWithSuffix(array $timeInfo):array { $start = intval($timeInfo['zeit_beginn']); $end = intval($timeInfo['zeit_ende']); $suffixMode = self::getSuffixModeForYearsWSuffix($start, $end); $output = []; foreach (self::LANGS_TO_CE_FORMAT as $tLang => $ceFormat) { if ($start === $end) { $year = sprintf(self::LANGS_SINGLE_YEAR_FORMAT[$tLang], (string)abs($start)); } else $year = sprintf(self::LANGS_YEARSPAN_FORMAT[$tLang], (string)abs($start), (string)abs($end)); $output[$tLang] = self::applyBcBceFormat($tLang, $year, $suffixMode); } return $output; } /** * Translated only years: 1994. * * @param array $timeInfo Time information. * * @return array */ public static function translateYearOnly(array $timeInfo):array { $start = intval($timeInfo['zeit_beginn']); $output = []; foreach (self::LANGS_SINGLE_YEAR_FORMAT as $tLang => $format) { $output[$tLang] = sprintf($format, (string)abs($start)); } return $output; } /** * Translated only years: 1994. * * @param array $timeInfo Time information. * * @return array */ public static function translateTimespanYears(array $timeInfo):array { $start = intval($timeInfo['zeit_beginn']); $end = intval($timeInfo['zeit_ende']); $output = []; foreach (self::LANGS_YEARSPAN_FORMAT as $tLang => $format) { $output[$tLang] = sprintf($format, (string)abs($start), (string)abs($end)); } return $output; } /** * Translates century names: 19. Jahrhundert. * * @param array $timeInfo Time information. * * @return array */ public static function translateYearsAsCentury(array $timeInfo):array { // Beginn: 1500. (1501 - 1) / 100 + 1 = 16. 16th century is the time. $start_cen = ((intval($timeInfo['zeit_beginn']) - 1) / 100) + 1; // End: 1600. 16th century is the time. $end_cen = (intval($timeInfo['zeit_ende']) / 100); $suffixMode = self::getSuffixModeForYearsWSuffix((intval($timeInfo['zeit_beginn']) - 1), intval($timeInfo['zeit_ende'])); $output = []; if ($start_cen === $end_cen) { foreach (self::LANGS_CENTURY_FORMAT as $tLang => $format) { $tLangValue = sprintf($format, (string)$start_cen); $output[$tLang] = self::applyBcBceFormat($tLang, $tLangValue, $suffixMode); } } else { foreach (self::LANGS_CENTURIES_FORMAT as $tLang => $format) { $tLangValue = sprintf($format, (string)$start_cen, (string)$end_cen); $output[$tLang] = self::applyBcBceFormat($tLang, $tLangValue, $suffixMode); } } return $output; } /** * Translates decade names: 1920er Jahre. * * @param array $timeInfo Time information. * * @return array */ public static function translateYearsAsDecade(array $timeInfo):array { // Beginn: 1500. (1501 - 1) / 100 + 1 = 16. 16th century is the time. $start_cen = (intval($timeInfo['zeit_beginn'])); // End: 1600. 16th century is the time. $end_cen = (intval($timeInfo['zeit_ende'])); $suffixMode = self::getSuffixModeForYearsWSuffix((intval($timeInfo['zeit_beginn']) - 1), intval($timeInfo['zeit_ende'])); $output = []; if ($start_cen === $end_cen - 9) { foreach (self::LANGS_DECADE_FORMAT as $tLang => $format) { $tLangValue = sprintf($format, (string)$start_cen, (string)$end_cen); $output[$tLang] = self::applyBcBceFormat($tLang, $tLangValue, $suffixMode); } } else { foreach (self::LANGS_DECADES_FORMAT as $tLang => $format) { $tLangValue = sprintf($format, (string)$start_cen, (string)($end_cen - 9)); $output[$tLang] = self::applyBcBceFormat($tLang, $tLangValue, $suffixMode); } } return $output; } /** * Translated years or timespans below 1000 CE. * * @param array $timeInfo Time information. * * @return array */ public static function translateYearsSinceStart(array $timeInfo):array { $start = intval($timeInfo['zeit_beginn']); $innerTimeInfo = $timeInfo; $innerTimeInfo['zeit_ende'] = $timeInfo['zeit_beginn']; $output = []; foreach (self::LANGS_SINCE_START_FORMAT_YEAR as $tLang => $format) { $dateAlone = self::getTranslations($innerTimeInfo)[$tLang]; $timeName = sprintf($format, $dateAlone); $output[$tLang] = $timeName; } return $output; } /** * Translated years or timespans below 1000 CE. * * @param array $timeInfo Time information. * * @return array */ public static function translateYearsUntilEnd(array $timeInfo):array { $end = intval($timeInfo['zeit_ende']); $innerTimeInfo = $timeInfo; $innerTimeInfo['zeit_beginn'] = $timeInfo['zeit_ende']; $output = []; foreach (self::LANGS_UNTIL_START_FORMAT_YEAR as $tLang => $format) { $dateAlone = self::getTranslations($innerTimeInfo)[$tLang]; $timeName = sprintf($format, $dateAlone); $output[$tLang] = $timeName; } return $output; } /** * Gets translations for a given entry type. * * @param array $timeInfo Time information. * * @return array */ public static function getTranslations(array $timeInfo):array { if (!($translation_type = self::check_translatability((string)$timeInfo['zeit_beginn'], (string)$timeInfo['zeit_ende'], (string)$timeInfo['zeit_zaehlzeit_monat']))) { throw new MDgenericInvalidInputsException("Non-translatable date"); } if ($translation_type === self::TRANSLATABLE_ONLY_YEAR) { return self::translateYearOnly($timeInfo); } if ($translation_type === self::TRANSLATABLE_SINCE_START) { return self::translateYearsSinceStart($timeInfo); } if ($translation_type === self::TRANSLATABLE_UNTIL_END) { return self::translateYearsUntilEnd($timeInfo); } if ($translation_type === self::TRANSLATABLE_CENTURY) { return self::translateYearsAsCentury($timeInfo); } if ($translation_type === self::TRANSLATABLE_DECADE) { return self::translateYearsAsDecade($timeInfo); } if ($translation_type === self::TRANSLATABLE_TIMESPAN_YEARS) { return self::translateTimespanYears($timeInfo); } if ($translation_type === self::TRANSLATABLE_AS_YEAR_WITH_SUFFIX) { return self::translateYearsWithSuffix($timeInfo); } if (trim((string)$timeInfo['zeit_zaehlzeit_tag'], ", .0") === "") { $dateStr = "{$timeInfo['zeit_zaehlzeit_jahr']}-{$timeInfo['zeit_zaehlzeit_monat']}-05 00:00:01"; $usecase = self::USECASE_MONTH; } else { $dateStr = "{$timeInfo['zeit_zaehlzeit_jahr']}-{$timeInfo['zeit_zaehlzeit_monat']}-{$timeInfo['zeit_zaehlzeit_tag']} 00:00:01"; $usecase = self::USECASE_DAY; } $dateGeneral = strtotime($dateStr); $output = []; foreach (self::LANGS_TO_LOCALES as $tLang => $locale) { setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); if ($locale !== setlocale(LC_TIME, "0")) continue; if ($usecase === self::USECASE_MONTH) $tLangValue = strftime(getMonthFormatByLang($tLang), $dateGeneral ?: 0); else { # if ($usecase === self::USECASE_DAY) $tLangValue = strftime(getDateFormatByLang($tLang), $dateGeneral ?: 0); } $output[$tLang] = $tLangValue; } return $output; } /** * Runs autotranslater. * * @param array $timeInfo Time information. * * @return void */ public function translate(array $timeInfo):void { $translations = self::getTranslations($timeInfo); foreach ($translations as $tLang => $tLangValue) { $this->_insertStmt->bind_param("iss", $this->_znum, $tLang, $tLangValue); $this->_insertStmt->execute(); } } /** * Constructor. * * @param MDMysqli $mysqli_noda Database connection. * @param integer $znum Time ID. * * @return void */ public function __construct(MDMysqli $mysqli_noda, int $znum) { $this->_mysqli_noda = $mysqli_noda; $this->_znum = $znum; $this->_insertStmt = $mysqli_noda->do_prepare("INSERT INTO `zeit_translation` (`zeit_id`, `trans_language`, `trans_name`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); } /** * Destructor. * * @return void */ public function __destruct() { $this->_insertStmt->close(); } }