2021-05-05 01:26:32 +02:00
< ? PHP
2022-05-17 23:27:40 +02:00
* This script contains tests for the Wikidata fetcher .
2021-05-05 01:26:32 +02:00
* @ author Joshua Ramon Enslin < joshua @ museum - digital . de >
declare ( strict_types = 1 );
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase ;
2022-05-17 23:27:40 +02:00
* This script contains tests for the Wikidata fetcher .
2021-05-05 01:26:32 +02:00
final class NodaWikidataFetcherTest extends TestCase {
* Test to check whether the HTML page is correctly generated .
* @ author Joshua Ramon Enslin < joshua @ museum - digital . de >
* @ group ValidOutput
2023-11-06 23:46:30 +01:00
* @ small
2021-05-05 01:26:32 +02:00
* @ return void
public function testWikidataIdFromLink () : void {
self :: assertEquals ( NodaWikidataFetcher :: getWikidataIdFromLink ( " https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106697 " ), 'Q106697' );
self :: assertEquals ( NodaWikidataFetcher :: getWikidataIdFromLink ( " https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fedor_Jagor " ), 'Q106697' );
* Test to check whether the HTML page is correctly generated .
* @ author Joshua Ramon Enslin < joshua @ museum - digital . de >
* @ group ValidOutput
2023-11-06 23:46:30 +01:00
* @ small
2021-05-05 01:26:32 +02:00
* @ return void
public function testWikidataIdFromWikipediaRequiresWikipediaLink () : void {
self :: assertEquals ( NodaWikidataFetcher :: getWikidataIdFromWikipedia ( " https://en.about.museum-digital.org/ " ), '' );
* Test to check whether the HTML page is correctly generated .
* @ author Joshua Ramon Enslin < joshua @ museum - digital . de >
* @ group ValidOutput
2023-11-06 23:46:30 +01:00
* @ small
2021-05-05 01:26:32 +02:00
* @ return void
public function testCanGetWikidataIdByWikidataId () : void {
self :: assertEquals ( NodaWikidataFetcher :: getWikidataIdFromWikidataLink ( " https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q106697 " ), " Q106697 " );
2023-08-31 15:38:12 +02:00
* Test for cleaning wikidata info .
2023-11-06 23:46:30 +01:00
* @ author Joshua Ramon Enslin < joshua @ museum - digital . de >
* @ group ValidOutput
* @ small
2023-08-31 15:38:12 +02:00
* @ return void
public function testCleanWikidataInput () : void {
$testStr = ' " <div class= " mw - parser - output " ><table class= " infobox float - right toccolours toptextcells " style= " margin : 0 0 1 em 1 em ; width : 300 px ; " id= " Vorlage_Infobox_Ort_in_der_Ukraine " summary= " Infobox Ort in der Ukraine " >
< tbody >< tr >
< td colspan = " 2 " style = " background-color:#AFD6FF; font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; " > Werbowez ( Kossiw )
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td colspan = " 2 " style = " background-color:#FFC; font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; " >< span lang = " uk-Cyrl " class = " Cyrl " > Вербовець </ span >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr style = " height:120px; background-color:#FFF; " >
< td style = " width: 130px; text-align:center; " >< span typeof = " mw:File " >< a href = " /wiki/Datei:Coats_of_arms_of_None.svg " class = " mw-file-description " title = " Wappen fehlt " >< img alt = " Wappen fehlt " src = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Coats_of_arms_of_None.svg/100px-Coats_of_arms_of_None.svg.png " decoding = " async " width = " 100 " height = " 120 " class = " mw-file-element " srcset = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Coats_of_arms_of_None.svg/150px-Coats_of_arms_of_None.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Coats_of_arms_of_None.svg/200px-Coats_of_arms_of_None.svg.png 2x " data - file - width = " 125 " data - file - height = " 150 " /></ a ></ span >
</ td >
< td style = " width: 170px; text-align:center; " >< table c lass = " centered " style = " background-color: #f9f9f9; border: none; border-collapse: collapse; width: 1px; " >
< tbody >< tr >< td style = " border: none; padding: 0; text-align: center; " >< div style = " position: relative; z-index: 0; padding: 0; display: inline-block; width: -webkit-max-content; width: -moz-max-content; width: max-content; border: none; " >< figure class = " mw-halign-center noviewer notpageimage " typeof = " mw:File " >< a href = " /wiki/Datei:Ukraine_adm_location_map.svg " class = " mw-file-description " title = " Werbowez (Kossiw) (Ukraine) " >< img alt = " Werbowez (Kossiw) (Ukraine) " src = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/Ukraine_adm_location_map.svg/180px-Ukraine_adm_location_map.svg.png " decoding = " async " width = " 180 " height = " 121 " class = " mw-file-element " srcset = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/Ukraine_adm_location_map.svg/270px-Ukraine_adm_location_map.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/Ukraine_adm_location_map.svg/360px-Ukraine_adm_location_map.svg.png 2x " data - file - width = " 1546 " data - file - height = " 1038 " /></ a >< figcaption > Werbowez ( Kossiw ) ( Ukraine ) </ figcaption ></ figure >< div style = " position:absolute; top:50.7%; left:18.9%; height:0; width:0; " >< div style = " position:relative;z-index:100;left:-4px;top:-4px;width:8px;height:8px;line-height:0px; " >< span typeof = " mw:File " >< a href = " https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Werbowez_(Kossiw)&language=de&params=48.342222222222_N_25.133333333333_E_dim:10000_region:UA-26_type:city(3395)&title=Werbowez+%28Kossiw%29 " title = " Werbowez (Kossiw) (48° 20′ 32″ N, 25° 8′ 0″O) " >< img alt = " " src = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/ButtonRed.svg/8px-ButtonRed.svg.png " decoding = " async " width = " 8 " height = " 8 " class = " mw-file-element " srcset = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/ButtonRed.svg/12px-ButtonRed.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/ButtonRed.svg/16px-ButtonRed.svg.png 2x " data - file - width = " 480 " data - file - height = " 480 " /></ a ></ span ></ div >
< table style = " font-size:90%; border:none; background-color:transparent; border-collapse:collapse; line-height:1em; position:absolute; width:6em; margin: 0 .2em; text-align:left; left:1px; bottom:1px; " >< tbody >< tr >< td style = " border:none; vertical-align:middle; " >< span style = " position:relative; z-index:9; background-color:none; " > Werbowez ( Kossiw ) </ span ></ td ></ tr ></ tbody ></ table ></ div ></ div ></ td ></ tr >
</ tbody ></ table >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr style = " background-color:#AFD6FF; " >
< th colspan = " 2 " > Basisdaten
</ th ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Liste_der_Oblaste_der_Ukraine " title = " Liste der Oblaste der Ukraine " > Oblast </ a >:</ td >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Oblast_Iwano-Frankiwsk " title = " Oblast Iwano-Frankiwsk " > Oblast Iwano - Frankiwsk </ a >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Liste_der_Rajone_der_Ukraine " title = " Liste der Rajone der Ukraine " > Rajon </ a >:</ td >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Rajon_Kossiw " title = " Rajon Kossiw " > Rajon Kossiw </ a >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/H%C3%B6he_%C3%BCber_dem_Meeresspiegel " title = " Höhe über dem Meeresspiegel " > Höhe </ a >:</ td >
< td > 369 m
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Fl%C3%A4cheninhalt " title = " Flächeninhalt " > Fläche </ a >:</ td >
< td > 18 , 77 < a href = " /wiki/Quadratmeter#Quadratkilometer " title = " Quadratmeter " > km² </ a >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Einwohner " title = " Einwohner " > Einwohner </ a >:</ td >
< td > 3.395 < small >< i > ( 2001 ) </ i ></ small >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Bev%C3%B6lkerungsdichte " title = " Bevölkerungsdichte " > Bevölkerungsdichte </ a >:
</ td >
< td > 181 Einwohner je km²
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Postleitzahl " title = " Postleitzahl " > Postleitzahlen </ a >:</ td >
< td > 78605
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Telefonvorwahl " title = " Telefonvorwahl " > Vorwahl </ a >:</ td >
< td >+ 380 3478
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Geographische_Koordinaten " title = " Geographische Koordinaten " > Geographische Lage </ a >:</ td >
< td >< span id = " text_coordinates " class = " coordinates plainlinks-print " >< a class = " external text " href = " https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Werbowez_(Kossiw)&language=de&params=48.342222222222_N_25.133333333333_E_dim:10000_region:UA-26_type:city(3395) " >< span title = " Breitengrad " > 48 ° & #160;21′  <abbr title="Nord">N</abbr></span>, <span title="Längengrad">25° 8′  <abbr title="Ost">O</abbr></span></a></span><span class="geo noexcerpt" style="display:none"><span class="body"></span><span class="latitude">48.342222222222</span><span class="longitude">25.133333333333</span><span class="elevation"></span></span><span id="coordinates" class="coordinates noprint"><span title="Koordinatensystem WGS84">Koordinaten: </span><a class="external text" href="https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Werbowez_(Kossiw)&language=de&params=48.342222222222_N_25.133333333333_E_dim:10000_region:UA-26_type:city(3395)"><span title="Breitengrad">48° 20′  32″ <abbr title="Nord">N</abbr></span>, <span title="Längengrad">25° 8′  0″ <abbr title="Ost">O</abbr></span></a></span>
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/KATOTTH " title = " KATOTTH " > KATOTTH </ a >:
</ td >
< td > UA26100010030094355
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/KOATUU " title = " KOATUU " > KOATUU </ a >:
</ td >
< td > 2623682401
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Verwaltungsgliederung_der_Ukraine " title = " Verwaltungsgliederung der Ukraine " > Verwaltungsgliederung </ a >:
</ td >
< td > 1 Dorf
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td > Adresse :
</ td >
< td > вул . Миру , буд . 15 < br /> 78605 с . Вербовець
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /wiki/Website " title = " Website " > Website </ a >:
</ td >
< td >< a rel = " nofollow " class = " external text " href = " http://verbovets.kosiv.net/ " > Offizielle Webseite </ a >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td colspan = " 2 " style = " padding-bottom:3px; text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid #bbb; border-top:1px solid #bbb; " >< a rel = " nofollow " class = " external text " href = " http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/z7503/A005?rdat1=31.08.2023&rf7571=13801 " > Statistische Informationen </ a >
</ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td colspan = " 2 " style = " padding-bottom:3px; text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid #bbb; border-top:1px solid #bbb; " >
< table class = " centered " style = " background-color: #f9f9f9; border: none; border-collapse: collapse; width: 1px; " >
< tbody >< tr >< td style = " border: none; padding: 0; text-align: center; " >< div style = " position: relative; z-index: 0; padding: 0; display: inline-block; width: -webkit-max-content; width: -moz-max-content; width: max-content; border: none; " >< figure class = " mw-halign-center noviewer notpageimage " typeof = " mw:File " >< a href = " /wiki/Datei:Ivano-Frankivsk_location_map.svg " class = " mw-file-description " title = " Werbowez (Kossiw) (Oblast Iwano-Frankiwsk) " >< img alt = " Werbowez (Kossiw) (Oblast Iwano-Frankiwsk) " src = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Ivano-Frankivsk_location_map.svg/290px-Ivano-Frankivsk_location_map.svg.png " decoding = " async " width = " 290 " height = " 347 " class = " mw-file-element " srcset = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Ivano-Frankivsk_location_map.svg/435px-Ivano-Frankivsk_location_map.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Ivano-Frankivsk_location_map.svg/580px-Ivano-Frankivsk_location_map.svg.png 2x " data - file - width = " 533 " data - file - height = " 637 " /></ a >< figcaption > Werbowez ( Kossiw ) ( Oblast Iwano - Frankiwsk ) </ figcaption ></ figure >< div style = " position:absolute; top:63.3%; left:74.4%; height:0; width:0; " >< div style = " position:relative;z-index:100;left:-4px;top:-4px;width:8px;height:8px;line-height:0px; " >< span typeof = " mw:File " >< a href = " https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Werbowez_(Kossiw)&language=de&params=48.342222222222_N_25.133333333333_E_dim:10000_region:UA-26_type:city(3395)&title=Werbowez+%28Kossiw%29 " title = " Werbowez (Kossiw) (48° 20′ 32″ N, 25° 8′ 0″O) " >< img alt = " " src = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/ButtonRed.svg/8px-ButtonRed.svg.png " decoding = " async " width = " 8 " height = " 8 " class = " mw-file-element " srcset = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/ButtonRed.svg/12px-ButtonRed.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/ButtonRed.svg/16px-ButtonRed.svg.png 2x " data - file - width = " 480 " data - file - height = " 480 " /></ a ></ span ></ div >
< table style = " font-size:90%; border:none; background-color:transparent; border-collapse:collapse; line-height:1em; position:absolute; width:6em; margin: 0 .2em; text-align:right; right:1px; bottom:1px; " >< tbody >< tr >< td style = " border:none; vertical-align:middle; " >< span style = " position:relative; z-index:9; background-color:none; " > Werbowez ( Kossiw ) </ span ></ td ></ tr ></ tbody ></ table ></ div ></ div ></ td ></ tr >
</ tbody ></ table >< span style = " display:none; " >< a href = " /w/index.php?title=Vorlage:Positionskarte_ISO_3166-2/Wartung/noregion&action=edit&redlink=1 " class = " new " title = " Vorlage:Positionskarte ISO 3166-2/Wartung/noregion (Seite nicht vorhanden) " > i1 </ a ></ span >
</ td ></ tr ></ tbody ></ table >
< p >< b > Werbowez </ b > ( < b >< span style = " font-style:normal;font-weight:normal " >< a href = " /wiki/Ukrainische_Sprache " title = " Ukrainische Sprache " > ukrainisch </ a ></ span > < span lang = " uk-Cyrl " class = " Cyrl " style = " font-style:normal " > Вербовець </ span ></ b > ; < span style = " font-style:normal;font-weight:normal " >< a href = " /wiki/Russische_Sprache " title = " Russische Sprache " > russisch </ a ></ span > < span lang = " ru-Cyrl " class = " Cyrl " style = " font-style:normal " > Вербовец </ span > , < a href = " /wiki/Polnische_Sprache " title = " Polnische Sprache " > polnisch </ a > < span lang = " pl " style = " font-style:italic;font-weight:normal " > Wierzbowiec </ span > ; < span style = " font-style:normal;font-weight:normal " >< a href = " /wiki/Rum%C3%A4nische_Sprache " title = " Rumänische Sprache " > rumänisch </ a ></ span > < span lang = " ro-Latn " style = " font-style:italic " > Verboveț </ span > ) ist ein < a href = " /wiki/Dorf " title = " Dorf " > Dorf </ a > in der < a href = " /wiki/Ukraine " title = " Ukraine " > ukrainischen </ a > < a href = " /wiki/Oblast_Iwano-Frankiwsk " title = " Oblast Iwano-Frankiwsk " > Oblast Iwano - Frankiwsk </ a > mit etwa 3400 Einwohnern ( 2001 ) .< sup id = " cite_ref-1 " class = " reference " >< a href = " #cite_note-1 " >& #91;1]</a></sup>
</ p >
< figure class = " mw-default-size mw-halign-left " typeof = " mw:File/Thumb " >< a href = " /wiki/Datei:%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG " class = " mw-file-description " >< img src = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG/220px-%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG " decoding = " async " width = " 220 " height = " 147 " class = " mw-file-element " srcset = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG/330px-%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG/440px-%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG 2x " data - file - width = " 5184 " data - file - height = " 3456 " /></ a >< figcaption > Blick auf das Dorf </ figcaption ></ figure >
< p > Das um 1650 erstmals schriftlich erwähnte Dorf < sup id = " cite_ref-2 " class = " reference " >< a href = " #cite_note-2 " >& #91;2]</a></sup> liegt im Osten der <a href="/wiki/Historische_Landschaft" title="Historische Landschaft">historischen Landschaft</a> <a href="/wiki/Galizien" title="Galizien">Galizien</a> am Ufer der <a href="/w/index.php?title=Rybnyzja_(Fluss)&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Rybnyzja (Fluss) (Seite nicht vorhanden)">Rybnyzja</a> (<span lang="uk-Cyrl" class="Cyrl">Рибниця</span>), einem 56 km langen Nebenfluss des <a href="/wiki/Pruth" title="Pruth">Pruth</a> 7 km nordöstlich vom Rajonzentrum <a href="/wiki/Kossiw" title="Kossiw">Kossiw</a> und 95 km südlich vom Oblastzentrum <a href="/wiki/Iwano-Frankiwsk" title="Iwano-Frankiwsk">Iwano-Frankiwsk</a>. Südlich der Ortschaft verläuft die <a href="/wiki/Territorialstra%C3%9Fe" title="Territorialstraße">Territorialstraße</a> <i>T– 09– 09</i>.
</ p >< p > Am 12. Juni 2020 wurde das Dorf ein Teil der neu gegründeten < i > Stadtgemeinde < a href = " /wiki/Kossiw " title = " Kossiw " > Kossiw </ a ></ i > im < a href = " /wiki/Rajon_Kossiw " title = " Rajon Kossiw " > Rajon Kossiw </ a >< sup id = " cite_ref-3 " class = " reference " >< a href = " #cite_note-3 " >& #91;3]</a></sup>, bis dahin bildete es zusammen mit dem Dorf <a href="/w/index.php?title=Staryj_Kossiw&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Staryj Kossiw (Seite nicht vorhanden)">Staryj Kossiw</a> (<span lang="uk-Cyrl" class="Cyrl">Старий Косів</span>) die <i>Landratsgemeinde Werbowez</i> (Вербовецька сільська рада/<i>Werbowezka silska rada</i>) im Osten des Rajons.
</ p >
< ol class = " references " >
< li id = " cite_note-1 " >< span class = " mw-cite-backlink " >< a href = " #cite_ref-1 " > ↑ </ a ></ span > < span class = " reference-text " >< a rel = " nofollow " class = " external text " href = " http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/z7503/A005?rf7571=13801 " > Ortswebseite </ a > auf der offiziellen Webpräsenz der < a href = " /wiki/Werchowna_Rada " title = " Werchowna Rada " > Werchowna Rada </ a > ; abgerufen am 14. November 2017 ( ukrainisch ) </ span >
</ li >
< li id = " cite_note-2 " >< span class = " mw-cite-backlink " >< a href = " #cite_ref-2 " > ↑ </ a ></ span > < span class = " reference-text " >< a rel = " nofollow " class = " external text " href = " http://ukrssr.com.ua/ifrank/kosivskiy/verbovets-kosivskiy-rayon-ivano-frankivska-oblast " > Ortsgeschichte Werbowez </ a > in der < a href = " /wiki/Geschichte_der_St%C3%A4dte_und_D%C3%B6rfer_der_Ukrainischen_SSR " title = " Geschichte der Städte und Dörfer der Ukrainischen SSR " > Geschichte der Städte und Dörfer der Ukrainischen SSR </ a > ; abgerufen am 14. November 2017 ( ukrainisch ) </ span >
</ li >
< li id = " cite_note-3 " >< span class = " mw-cite-backlink " >< a href = " #cite_ref-3 " > ↑ </ a ></ span > < span class = " reference-text " >< a rel = " nofollow " class = " external text " href = " https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/714-2020-%D1%80#Text " > Кабінет Міністрів України Розпорядження від 12 червня 2020 р . № 714 - р " Про визначення адміністративних центрів та затвердження територій територіальних громад Івано-Франківської області " </ a ></ span >
</ li >
</ ol >
NewPP limit report
Parsed by mw1396
Cached time : 20230831121013
Cache expiry : 42588
Reduced expiry : true
Complications : []
CPU time usage : 0.219 seconds
Real time usage : 0.274 seconds
Preprocessor visited node count : 6414 / 1000000
Post‐ expand include size : 33611 / 2097152 bytes
Template argument size : 12317 / 2097152 bytes
Highest expansion depth : 34 / 100
Expensive parser function count : 9 / 500
Unstrip recursion depth : 0 / 20
Unstrip post‐ expand size : 1476 / 5000000 bytes
Lua time usage : 0.080 / 10.000 seconds
Lua memory usage : 3398800 / 52428800 bytes
Number of Wikibase entities loaded : 0 / 400
Transclusion expansion time report ( % , ms , calls , template )
100.00 % 239.600 1 - total
93.55 % 224.134 1 Vorlage : Infobox_Ort_in_der_Ukraine
50.81 % 121.740 2 Vorlage : Positionskarte
49.72 % 119.121 2 Vorlage : Positionskarte +
44.41 % 106.401 2 Vorlage : Positionskarte ~
33.28 % 79.732 2 Vorlage : Positionskarte ~*
25.69 % 61.558 3 Vorlage : Lang
19.41 % 46.499 1 Vorlage : Positionskarte_ISO_3166 - 2
16.90 % 40.486 12 Vorlage : CoordinateLONG
14.02 % 33.586 10 Vorlage : CoordinateLAT
</ div > " - (de.wikipedia.org 31.08.2023)';
$output = NodaWikidataFetcher :: cleanWikidataInput ( $testStr );
$expected = 'Werbowez (ukrainisch Вербовець; russisch Вербовец, polnisch Wierzbowiec; rumänisch Verboveț) ist ein Dorf in der ukrainischen Oblast Iwano-Frankiwsk mit etwa 3400 Einwohnern (2001).' ;
self :: assertTrue (
str_starts_with ( $output , $expected ),
" Start of parsed Wikipedia text should be: " . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $expected . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Real start text is: ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . substr ( $output , 0 , 250 )
$output = NodaWikidataFetcher :: cleanWikidataInput ( ' < div class = " mw-parser-output " >< figure class = " mw-default-size mw-halign-right " typeof = " mw:File/Thumb " >< a href = " /wiki/File:%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG " class = " mw-file-description " >< img src = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG/220px-%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG " decoding = " async " width = " 220 " height = " 147 " class = " mw-file-element " srcset = " //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG/330px-%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG/440px-%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%8C.JPG 2x " data - file - width = " 5184 " data - file - height = " 3456 " /></ a >< figcaption ></ figcaption ></ figure >
< p >< span style = " font-size: small; " >< span id = " coordinates " >< a href = " /wiki/%E5%9C%B0%E7%90%86%E5%9D%90%E6%A0%87 " class = " mw-redirect " title = " 地理坐标 " > 坐标 </ a > : < style data - mw - deduplicate = " TemplateStyles:r65292569 " >. mw - parser - output . geo - default , . mw - parser - output . geo - dms , . mw - parser - output . geo - dec { display : inline } . mw - parser - output . geo - nondefault , . mw - parser - output . geo - multi - punct { display : none } . mw - parser - output . longitude , . mw - parser - output . latitude { white - space : nowrap } </ style >< span class = " plainlinks nourlexpansion " >< a class = " external text " href = " //geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?language=zh&pagename=%E9%9F%8B%E7%88%BE%E5%8D%9A%E9%9F%8B%E9%BD%8A_(%E7%A7%91%E7%B4%A2%E5%A4%AB%E5%8D%80)&params=48_20_32_N_25_8_0_E_scale:30000 " >< span class = " geo-default " >< span class = " geo-dms " title = " 此地的地图、航拍照片和其他数据 " >< span class = " latitude " > 48 °20′ 32″N </ span > < span class = " longitude " > 25 °8′ 0″E </ span ></ span ></ span >< span class = " geo-multi-punct " >& #xfeff; / </span><span class="geo-nondefault"><span class="geo-dec" title="此地的地图、航拍照片和其他数据">48.34222°N 25.13333°E</span><span style="display:none"> / <span class="geo">48.34222; 25.13333</span></span></span></a></span></span></span>
</ p >< p >< b > 韋爾博韋齊 </ b > ( < a href = " /wiki/%E7%83%8F%E5%85%8B%E8%98%AD%E8%AA%9E " class = " mw-redirect " title = " 烏克蘭語 " > 烏克蘭語 </ a > : < span lang = " uk " > Вербовець </ span > ),是 < a href = " /wiki/%E7%83%8F%E5%85%8B%E8%98%AD " class = " mw-redirect " title = " 烏克蘭 " > 烏克蘭 </ a > 的村落,位於該國西部 < a href = " /wiki/%E4%BC%8A%E4%B8%87%E8%AF%BA-%E5%BC%97%E5%85%B0%E7%A7%91%E5%A4%AB%E6%96%AF%E5%85%8B%E5%B7%9E " title = " 伊万诺-弗兰科夫斯克州 " > 伊萬諾 - 弗蘭科夫斯克州 </ a > ,由 < a href = " /wiki/%E7%A7%91%E7%B4%A2%E5%A4%AB%E5%8D%80 " class = " mw-redirect " title = " 科索夫區 " > 科索夫區 </ a > 負責管轄, 始建於1456年, 面積18 . 77 平方公里, 2001年人口3 , 395 。
</ p >
NewPP limit report
Parsed by mw1412
Cached time : 20230831132208
Cache expiry : 1814400
Reduced expiry : false
Complications : []
CPU time usage : 0.147 seconds
Real time usage : 0.186 seconds
Preprocessor visited node count : 48 / 1000000
Post‐ expand include size : 2084 / 2097152 bytes
Template argument size : 0 / 2097152 bytes
Highest expansion depth : 3 / 100
Expensive parser function count : 1 / 500
Unstrip recursion depth : 0 / 20
Unstrip post‐ expand size : 362 / 5000000 bytes
Lua time usage : 0.110 / 10.000 seconds
Lua memory usage : 15402517 / 52428800 bytes
Number of Wikibase entities loaded : 1 / 400
Transclusion expansion time report ( % , ms , calls , template )
100.00 % 152.989 1 - total
70.07 % 107.204 1 Template : Lang - uk
29.62 % 45.313 1 Template : Coord
</ div > ' );
$expected = '韋爾博韋齊(烏克蘭語:Вербовець),是烏克蘭的村落,位於該國西部伊萬諾-弗蘭科夫斯克州, 由科索夫區負責管轄, 始建於1456年, 面積18.77平方公里, 2001年人口3,3' ;
self :: assertTrue (
str_starts_with ( $output , $expected ),
" Start of parsed Wikipedia text should be: " . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $expected . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Real start text is: ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . substr ( $output , 0 , 250 )
* Test for cleaning wikidata info .
2023-11-06 23:46:30 +01:00
* @ author Joshua Ramon Enslin < joshua @ museum - digital . de >
* @ group ValidOutput
* @ small
2023-08-31 15:38:12 +02:00
* @ return void
public function testCleanWikidataInputWithoutHtml () : void {
$output = NodaWikidataFetcher :: cleanWikidataInput ( 'Werbowez (ukrainisch Вербовець; russisch Вербовец, polnisch Wierzbowiec; rumänisch Verboveț) ist ein Dorf in der ukrainischen Oblast Iwano-Frankiwsk mit etwa 3400 Einwohnern (2001).[1]' );
$expected = 'Werbowez (ukrainisch Вербовець; russisch Вербовец, polnisch Wierzbowiec; rumänisch Verboveț) ist ein Dorf in der ukrainischen Oblast Iwano-Frankiwsk mit etwa 3400 Einwohnern (2001).' ;
self :: assertTrue (
str_starts_with ( $output , $expected ),
" Start of parsed Wikipedia text should be: " . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $expected . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Real start text is: ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . substr ( $output , 0 , 250 )
2021-05-05 01:26:32 +02:00