*/ declare(strict_types = 1); /** * Provides a list for finding the respective event type for a given place role. */ final class MDConcPlace { /** * Substrings of an place name listed as a key in this array will be replaced * by the corresponding value. */ const NAME_SANITIZATIONS = [ " - " => "-", "unbekannt" => "", "Unbekannt" => "", "unknown" => "", "Unknown" => "", ]; const PLACE_ROLES_TO_EVENT_TYPE = [ // 22: Related place '' => 22, 'Ortsname' => 22, 'Aktueller Staatsname' => 22, 'Münzherrschaft' => 22, 'Orte' => 22, // 1: Production 'Herkunft (Allgemein)' => 1, 'Herstellungsort' => 1, 'Herstellungsland' => 1, 'Entstehungsort' => 1, 'Münzstätte' => 1, // 2: Finding / was found 'Fundort' => 2, 'Fundort/Herkunft' => 2, // 3: Published // 4: Template creation // 5: Displayed actor // 6: Usage / was used 'Verwendungsort' => 6, // 7: Written // 8: Collected // 9: Painted // 10: Recorded / Image taken 'Aufnahmeort' => 10, // 11: Received // 12: Printing plate produced // 13: Sent // 14: Issued // 15: Signed // 16: First description // 19: Drawn // 20: Copied // 21: Lived // 25: Commissioned // 26: Printing 'Druckort' => 26, // 27: Recorded // 28: Sung // 29: Decor designed // 30: Form designed // 31: Modelled // 32: Autographed / signed // 33: Mentioned 'Erwähnter Ort' => 33, // 36: Displayed place 'Dargestellter Ort' => 36, 'dargestellter Ort' => 36, // 37: Painted on // 38: Illustrated // 39: Assembled // 40: Auctioned // 41: Place of buying 'Erwerbungsort' => 41, // 42: Owned // 43: Sold // 44: Restorated // 45: Damaged // 46: Destroyed // 47: Lost // 48: Edited ]; }