
684 lines
26 KiB

* Represents an external norm data repository.
* @author Joshua Ramon Enslin <>
declare(strict_types = 1);
* Represents an external norm data repository.
enum MDNodaRepository implements MDValueEnumInterface, JsonSerializable {
case allgemein; // General link to a good source
case aat;
case ackerbau;
case bne;
case bnf;
case cona;
case editionhumboldtdigital;
case gnd;
case grobsystematik;
case iconclass;
case klbb;
case lcsh;
case loc; // Duplicate?
case mbl;
case mindatorg;
case moebeltypologie;
case ndb_adb;
case ndl;
case ndp_ikmk;
case ndp_ikmk_persons;
case nomisma;
case npg;
case oberbegriffsdatei;
case orcid;
case osm;
case pim;
case pleiades;
case rkd;
case ulan;
case viaf;
case wikidata;
case wikipedia;
* Returns a value of this type based on a string.
* @param string $input Input to get a value from.
* @return MDNodaRepository
public static function fromString(string $input):MDNodaRepository {
return match($input) {
'allgemein' => self::allgemein, // General link to a good source
'aat' => self::aat,
'ackerbau' => self::ackerbau,
'bne' => self::bne,
'bnf' => self::bnf,
'cona' => self::cona,
'edition humboldt digital' => self::editionhumboldtdigital,
'gnd' => self::gnd,
'GND' => self::gnd,
'o-gnd' => self::gnd,
'O-GND' => self::gnd,
'pnd' => self::gnd,
'' => self::gnd,
'' => self::gnd,
'' => self::gnd,
'' => self::gnd,
'grobsystematik' => self::grobsystematik,
'iconclass' => self::iconclass,
'klbb' => self::klbb,
'kl-bb' => self::klbb,
'lcsh' => self::lcsh,
'loc' => self::loc, // Duplicate?
'mbl' => self::mbl,
'MBL' => self::mbl,
'' => self::mindatorg,
'moebeltypologie' => self::moebeltypologie,
'ndb/adb' => self::ndb_adb,
'NDB/ADB' => self::ndb_adb,
'ndl' => self::ndl,
'ndp-ikmk' => self::ndp_ikmk,
'ndp-ikmk-persons' => self::ndp_ikmk_persons,
'nomisma' => self::nomisma,
'npg' => self::npg,
'oberbegriffsdatei' => self::oberbegriffsdatei,
'orcid' => self::orcid,
'osm' => self::osm,
'pim' => self::pim,
'pleiades' => self::pleiades,
'rkd' => self::rkd,
'ulan' => self::ulan,
'ULAN' => self::ulan,
'viaf' => self::viaf,
'wikidata' => self::wikidata,
'Wikidata' => self::wikidata,
'WIKIDATA' => self::wikidata,
'WIKIPEDIA' => self::wikidata,
'wikipedia' => self::wikipedia,
'Wikipedia' => self::wikipedia,
default => throw new MDpageParameterNotFromListException("Unknown noda repository: '" . $input . "'"),
* Returns the name as stored in the DB.
* @return string
public function toDbName():string {
return match($this) {
self::allgemein => 'allgemein', // General link to a good source
self::aat => 'aat',
self::ackerbau => 'ackerbau',
self::bne => 'bne',
self::bnf => 'bnf',
self::cona => 'cona',
self::editionhumboldtdigital => 'edition humboldt digital',
self::gnd => 'gnd',
self::grobsystematik => 'grobsystematik',
self::iconclass => 'iconclass',
self::klbb => 'kl-bb',
self::lcsh => 'lcsh',
self::loc => 'loc',
self::mbl => 'MBL',
self::mindatorg => '',
self::moebeltypologie => 'moebeltypologie',
self::ndb_adb => 'NDB/ADB',
self::ndl => 'ndl',
self::ndp_ikmk => 'ndp-ikmk',
self::ndp_ikmk_persons => 'ndp-ikmk-persons',
self::nomisma => 'nomisma',
self::npg => 'npg',
self::oberbegriffsdatei => 'oberbegriffsdatei',
self::orcid => 'orcid',
self::osm => 'osm',
self::pim => 'pim',
self::pleiades => 'pleiades',
self::rkd => 'rkd',
self::ulan => 'ulan',
self::viaf => 'viaf',
self::wikidata => 'wikidata',
self::wikipedia => 'Wikipedia',
* Returns the URL prefix for the current repository.
* @return string
public function getUrlPrefix():string {
return match($this) {
self::allgemein => '',
self::aat => '',
self::ackerbau => '',
self::bne => '',
self::bnf => "",
self::cona => '',
self::editionhumboldtdigital => '',
self::gnd => '',
self::grobsystematik => '',
self::iconclass => '',
self::klbb => '',
self::lcsh => '',
self::loc => '',
self::mbl => '',
self::mindatorg => '', // Has suffix
self::moebeltypologie => '',
self::ndb_adb => '',
self::ndl => '',
self::ndp_ikmk => '',
self::ndp_ikmk_persons => '',
self::nomisma => '',
self::npg => '',
self::oberbegriffsdatei => '',
self::orcid => '',
self::osm => '',
self::pim => '',
self::pleiades => '',
self::rkd => '',
self::ulan => '',
self::viaf => '',
self::wikidata => '',
self::wikipedia => '',
* Returns the base of the repository's entity page URLs.
* @param string $id Identifier to link to.
* @return string
public function getEntityLink(string $id):string {
return match ($this) {
self::ndb_adb => '' . $id . '.html',
self::mindatorg => '' . $id . '.html',
default => $this->getUrlPrefix() . $id,
* Returns a link to search for a given search term.
* @param string $searchTerm Search term.
* @return string
public function getSearchLink(string $searchTerm):string {
return match($this) {
self::allgemein => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::aat => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&page=1&note=',
self::ackerbau => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&kind=tag|ackerbau',
self::bne => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::bnf => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '+&filtre=1&pageRech=rau',
self::cona => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::editionhumboldtdigital => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::gnd => '' . urlencode((string)str_replace(' ', ' and ', $searchTerm)) . '%26any&categoryId=subjects',
self::grobsystematik => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&kind=tag|grobsystematik',
self::iconclass => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&q_s=1',
self::lcsh => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::klbb => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::loc => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::mbl => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&methode=or&schreibung=nein',
self::mindatorg => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&q_s=1',
self::moebeltypologie => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&kind=tag|moebel',
self::ndb_adb => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::ndl => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::ndp_ikmk => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::ndp_ikmk_persons => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::nomisma => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::npg => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::oberbegriffsdatei => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&kind=tag|oberbegriffsdatei',
self::orcid => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::osm => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::pim => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::pleiades => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::rkd => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
self::ulan => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&role=&page=1&nation=',
self::viaf => '' . urlencode('"' . $searchTerm . '"') . '"&sortKeys=holdingscount&recordSchema=BriefVIAF',
self::wikidata => '' . urlencode($searchTerm) . '&ns0=1&ns120=1',
self::wikipedia => '' . urlencode($searchTerm),
* Validates a numeric ID, returning a string or false.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @param string[] $prefixes Prefixes to strip off.
* @return string|false
private static function validateNumericId(string $id, array $prefixes):string|false {
if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
$toRemove = [];
foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
$toRemove[$prefix] = "";
$id = strtr($id, $toRemove);
// FILTER_VALIDATE_INT fails on overly large IDs (e.g. VIAF IDs having
// more than 20 digits).
// In these cases, simply check for the existence of non-numeric characters.
if (strlen($id) > 9) {
if (empty(trim($id, '0123456789'))) {
return $id;
// Strings starting with 0 are quite often linked, notably with the NDL.
// PHP's FILTER_VALIDATE_INT does not accept a leading 0 however, so it
// is stripped before checking.
if (filter_var(ltrim($id, '0'), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) {
return false;
return $id;
* Validates a iconclass ID, returning a string or false.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @return string|false
private static function validateIconclassId(string $id):string|false {
if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
$id = strtr($id, ['' => '', '' => '', '' => '']);
if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-z\/]*$/", $id) === false) return false;
return $id;
* Validates a BNE ID, returning a string or false. The BNE is basically equalivalent to the
* GND, just that the X character can be prepended to the number.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @param string[] $prefixes Prefixes to strip off.
* @return string|false
private static function validateBneId(string $id, array $prefixes):string|false {
return self::validateGndId($id, $prefixes);
* Validates a GND ID, returning a string or false.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @param string[] $prefixes Prefixes to strip off.
* @return string|false
private static function validateGndId(string $id, array $prefixes):string|false {
if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
$toRemove = [];
foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) $toRemove[$prefix] = "";
$id = strtr($id, $toRemove);
// There is an issue with this regex
if (preg_match("/^[0-9-X]*$/", $id) === false) {
return false;
if (is_numeric(strtr($id, ['-' => '', 'X' => ''])) === false) {
return false;
return $id;
* Validates a Library of Congress name ID, returning a string or false.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @return string|false
private static function validateLocId(string $id):string|false {
if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
$id = strtr($id, [
'' => '',
'' => '',
if (in_array(substr($id, 0, 2), ['nr', 'nb', 'no'], true)) {
if (filter_var(trim(substr($id, 2), '0'), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) return false;
else if (substr($id, 0, 1) === 'n') {
if (filter_var(trim(substr($id, 1), '0'), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) return false;
else if (substr($id, 0, 2) === 'sh') {
throw new MDInvalidNodaLinkLocIdIsSh("The link to the Library of Congress authority files refers to the LOC Subject Headings. The subject headings are listed as a separate vocabulary.");
else throw new MDInvalidNodaLinkException("LOC IDs must start with n or nr or nb (provided: " . strip_tags($id) . ")");
return (string)$id;
* Validates a LCSH ID, returning a string or false.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @return string|false
private static function validateLcshId(string $id):string|false {
if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
$id = strtr($id, [
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'.html' => '',
if (substr($id, 0, 2) !== 'sh') {
throw new MDInvalidNodaLinkException("LCSH IDs must start with sh");
if (filter_var(ltrim(substr($id, 2), "0"), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) {
return false;
return $id;
* Validates a PIM ID, returning a string or false.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @return string|false
private static function validatePimId(string $id):string|false {
if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
$toRemove = [];
foreach ([
] as $prefix) {
$toRemove[$prefix] = "";
$id = strtr($id, $toRemove);
// There is an issue with this regex
if (preg_match("/^[0-9-PIM]*$/", $id) === false) {
return false;
if (is_numeric(substr($id, 3)) === false) {
return false;
return $id;
* Validates an NPG ID, returning a string or false.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @return string|false
private static function validateNpgId(string $id):string|false {
if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
$id = strtr($id, ['' => '']);
if (substr($id, 0, 2) === 'mp' && is_numeric(substr($id, 2))) {
return $id;
if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) {
return false;
return $id;
* Validates a wikidata ID, returning a string or false.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @return string|false
private static function validateWikidataId(string $id):string|false {
if (filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
$id = strtr($id, ['' => '']);
if (substr($id, 0, 1) !== 'Q') {
throw new MDgenericInvalidInputsException("Wikidata IDs must be Q IDs - and start with that letter");
if (filter_var(substr($id, 1), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) {
return false;
return $id;
* Validates a BNF ID. BNF IDs are either fully numeric or end on a single non-numeric character.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @return string|false
public static function validateBnfId(string $id):string|false {
if (!is_numeric(substr($id, -1))) {
$validation = self::validateNumericId(substr($id, 0, -1), [""]);
else $validation = self::validateNumericId($id, [""]);
if ($validation === false) return false;
return $id;
* Validates a Wikipedia link.
* @param string $id ID to validate.
* @return string|false
public static function validateWikipediaId(string $id):string|false {
$validation = strtr($id, [
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
if (str_contains($validation, "/")) return false;
return $validation;
* Validates an ID.
* @param string $id Identifier to link to.
* @return string|false
public function validateId(string $id):string|false {
return match($this) {
self::allgemein => filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL),
self::aat => self::validateNumericId($id, [
self::ackerbau => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::bne => self::validateBneId($id, ['']),
self::bnf => self::validateBnfId($id),
self::cona => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::editionhumboldtdigital => self::validateGndId($id, ['']),
self::gnd => self::validateGndId($id, ['', '']),
self::grobsystematik => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::iconclass => self::validateIconclassId($id),
self::klbb => self::validateNumericId($id, ['', '']),
self::lcsh => self::validateLcshId($id),
self::loc => self::validateLocId($id),
self::mbl => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::mindatorg => self::validateNumericId($id, ['', '.html']),
self::moebeltypologie => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::ndb_adb => self::validateGndId($id, ['', '.html', '#adbcontent', '#ndbcontent']),
self::ndl => self::validateNumericId($id, [
self::ndp_ikmk => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::ndp_ikmk_persons => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::nomisma => str_replace('', '', $id),
self::npg => self::validateNpgId($id),
self::oberbegriffsdatei => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::orcid => preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$/', $id) ? $id : false,
self::osm => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::pim => self::validatePimId($id),
self::pleiades => self::validateNumericId($id, ['']),
self::rkd => self::validateNumericId($id, ['', '']),
self::ulan => self::validateNumericId($id, [
self::viaf => self::validateNumericId($id, [
self::wikidata => self::validateWikidataId($id),
self::wikipedia => self::validateWikipediaId($id),
* Lists all available names.
* @return array<string>
public static function caseNames():array {
$output = [];
$cases = self::cases();
foreach ($cases as $case) {
$output[] = $case->name;
return $output;
* Gets an unsorted list of the entries in a translated version.
* @param MDTlLoader $tlLoader Translation loader.
* @return array<string, string>
public static function getUnsortedList(MDTlLoader $tlLoader):array {
return MDValueSet::getTlUnsortedList($tlLoader, self::caseNames(), "attendance_status_set", "attendance_status_set");
* Gets a sorted list of the entries in a translated version.
* @param MDTlLoader $tlLoader Translation loader.
* @return array<string, string>
public static function getSortedList(MDTlLoader $tlLoader):array {
return MDValueSet::getTlSortedList($tlLoader, self::caseNames(), "attendance_status_set", "attendance_status_set");
* Returns the name of the current value in translation.
* @param MDTlLoader $tlLoader Translation loader.
* @return string
public function getTledName(MDTlLoader $tlLoader):string {
return $tlLoader->tl("attendance_status_set", "attendance_status_set", $this->name);
* Provides the option to serialize as a string during json_encode().
* @return string
public function jsonSerialize():string {
return $this->name;