noda repository: rewrite gnd/explore links to GND IDs #32

opened 2024-09-12 12:46:50 +02:00 by stefan · 4 comments
Owner should become

Okay, the OGND does not keep relevant IDs in the URL and can thus not be rewritten.

Okay, the OGND does not keep relevant IDs in the URL and can thus not be rewritten.
jrenslin changed title from noda repository: rewrite gnd/explore and ognd-ids to noda repository: rewrite gnd/explore links to GND IDs 2024-09-12 17:05:07 +02:00
awinkler reopened this issue 2024-09-12 17:16:34 +02:00

great! it's "http://" , not "https://" though.

great! it's "http://" , not "https://" though.

No, linking people to HTTP is bad practice security-wise. Correctness trumps everyday practice, but security trumps theoretical correctness.

No, linking people to HTTP is bad practice security-wise. Correctness trumps everyday practice, but security trumps theoretical correctness.

Ok, I can understand this compromise where URIs are used as URLs in the href attribute. It would be great, however, if the proper URI were used in the SKOS files as well as in the LIDO export.

Ok, I can understand this compromise where URIs are used as URLs in the href attribute. It would be great, however, if the proper URI were used in the SKOS files as well as in the LIDO export.
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