Added editing pages for footer, banner, aside. Added page overview. Added public page. Added settings page. Added generator for embed pseudocodes.
85 lines
4.3 KiB
85 lines
4.3 KiB
$translations = [
"submit" => "Submit",
"options" => "Options",
"start" => "Start",
"fileUpload" => "File Uploads",
"users" => "Users",
"pages" => "Pages",
"pagesOverview" => "Overview of Pages",
"newPage" => "Adding a Pages",
"edit" => "Edit",
"settings" => "Settings",
"administration" => "Administration",
"tools" => "Tools",
"preview" => "Preview",
"banner" => "Banner",
"delete" => "Delete",
"languageUnavailable" => "This language is not available.",
"settingsUpdated" => "Updated settings.",
"staticPageTitle" => "Page title",
"staticPageContent" => "Page content",
"staticPagePublic" => "Draft / Public",
"helpStaticPagePublic" => "<p>Using this switch, you can publish the document.</p>",
"staticPageHigher" => "Higher page in hierarchy",
"helpStaticPageHigher" => "<p>The next higher page in the hierarchy of pages.</p>",
"helpPagesOverview" => "<p>This page provides an overview of all static pages available here.</p>",
"helpSettings" => "<p>This is the settings page for general settings.</p>",
"helpURL" => "<p>URL of the page. Filling out this field helps with optimization for search engines.</p>",
"startPage" => "Start page",
"helpStartPage" => "<p>The start page of the public site.</p>",
"logo" => "Logo",
"helpLogo" => "<p>The logo of the site. Is mainly used for the little icon you see in the browser, right next to the title of the tab.</p>",
"mdVersion" => "Version of Museum-Digital",
"helpMDVersion" => "<p>Much of the data in md:cms is pulled from museum-digital.</p>",
"settingsPageTitle" => "Website Title",
"helpSettingsPageTitle" => "<p>The page title displayed in the browser. Could be, e.g., your museum's name.</p>",
"admin" => "Admin",
"helpAdmin" => "<p>Is the user an administrator?</p>",
"language" => "Language",
"helpLanguage" => "<p>The default language of this instance of md:cms.</p>",
"maxFileSize" => "Maximum upload size",
"helpMaxFileSize" => "<p>The maximum file size of file uploads.</p>",
"IDatMD" => "ID at museum-digital",
"embedFromMD" => "Embed from museum-digital",
"helpEmbedFromMD" => "<p>In this field, you can select one type of embedding from museum-digital. To have the embedding take effect, you need to specify the ID of the entry you want to embed in the field right below.</p>",
"footer" => "Footer",
"helpfooter" => "<p>On this page, you can edit the footer. To not display a footer, simply empty this page.</p>",
"banner" => "Banner",
"helpbanner" => "<p>On this page, you can edit the banner.</p>",
"aside" => "Sidebar",
"helpaside" => "<p>On this page, you can edit the sidebar. To not display a sidebar at all, simply empty this page.</p>",
"urlAbbr" => "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL</abbr>",
"url" => "URL",
"specifyToEdit" => "Please specify what you want to edit.",
"specifyToDelete" => "Please specify what you want to delete.",
"usersOverview" => "Overview of All Users",
"listUsers" => "List users",
"addUser" => "Add user",
"userAdded" => "Successfully added new user: ",
"username" => "Username",
"helpUsername" => "<p>Username of the user. The user logs in with his or her username.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>",
"email" => "Email Address",
"helpEmail" => "<p>Email address of the user. This needs to be saved, to be able to contact the user later on.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>",
"password" => "Password",
"passwordVerify" => "Password (Verification)",
"helpPassword" => "<p>Password of the user. The password needs to be at least 8 characters long.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>",
"realName" => "Real name",
"helpRealName" => "<p>Full, real name of the user. The full name is displayed next to entries by that person.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>",
"helpUsers" => "<p>On this page, you can see access an overview of all users. You can also add new users here.</p>",
"helpStart" => "<p>This is the start page of md:cms.</p>",
"helpSinglePage" => "<p>On this page, you can add or edit static pages.</p>",
"requiredValueMissing" => "A required value is missing.",
"passwordsDoNotMatch" => "The passwords do not match.",
"passwordTooShort" => "The passwords is too short.",