This repository has been archived on 2022-07-28. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Joshua Ramon Enslin a49746ab10 Added editing function for pages (using tinymce).
Added editing pages for footer, banner, aside.
Added page overview.
Added public page.
Added settings page.
Added generator for embed pseudocodes.
2018-06-13 20:07:24 +02:00

189 lines
5.1 KiB

* This page offers the opportunity to edit static pages.
* Require files and ensure environment.
require_once __DIR__ . "/inc/functions.php";
ensureEnvironment(); // Ensure existence of system files.
$translations = loadLanguage(); // Load translations.
ensureBackendEnv(); // Ensure session is started etc.
$pages = loadPages(); // Load overview of pages.
* Load contents
// Check for vars.
loadHttpToGlobals(["id", "task", "title", "content", "higher", "public"]);
if (isset($task) and !isset($public)) $public = false;
// Load from ID
if (isset($id) and is_numeric($id) and $id) {
$existent = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/../data/static/$id.json"), true);
foreach (["title", "content", "higher", "public"] as $var) {
if (!isset($$var) and isset($existent[$var])) $$var = $existent[$var];
// Set page title
if (!isset($id)) $pageTitle = $translations['newPage'];
else $pageTitle = $translations['edit'] . ': ' . $title;
* Store if need be
if (isset($task)) {
if ($task == "update") {
if (!isset($title)) $title = "";
if (!isset($content)) $content = "";
if (!isset($higher) or !is_numeric($higher)) $higher = "0";
if (!isset($id)) $id = "0";
$targetID = storePage($pages, ["title" => (string)$title, "content" => (string)$content, "higher" => $higher, "public" => (bool)$public], (int)$id);
header('Location: page.php?id=' . $targetID);
else if ($task == "delete") {
if (isset($id)) {
echo printErrorPage($translations['specifyToDelete']); return;
unlink(__DIR__ . "/../data/static/$id.json");
* Output
if (!isset($public)) $public = false;
echo printBackendHead($pageTitle, $pageTitle, $settings['logo']);
echo printBackendHeader($pageTitle, $translations['helpSinglePage']);
echo '
<div id="mainWrapper">
echo printBackendNav($translations);
echo '
<main class="noPadding">
<form action="" method="POST" class="withAside">
<section id="inputSection">
<input type="text" name="title" class="h1Input" placeholder="' . $translations['staticPageTitle'] . '"';
if (isset($title)) echo " value='$title'";
echo ' required />
<textarea type="text" name="content" id="pageContent" class="mceEditor" placeholder="' . $translations['staticPageTitle'] . '" required>';
if (isset($content)) echo $content;
echo '
<div id="staticPageOptions">
<!-- Public or draft -->
<span class="labelLine">
<label for="public">' . $translations['staticPagePublic'] . '</label>
' . generateHelpToolTip("helpPublic", $translations['staticPagePublic'], $translations['helpStaticPagePublic']) . '
<label class="switch">
<input name="public" id="public" type="checkbox"'; if (isset($public) and $public) echo " checked"; echo '>
<span class="slider round"></span>
<!-- Determine hierarchy -->
<span class="labelLine">
<label for="higher">' . $translations['staticPageHigher'] . '</label>
' . generateHelpToolTip("helpHigher", $translations['staticPageHigher'], $translations['helpStaticPageHigher']) . '
<select name="higher" id="higher">
<option value="0"></option>';
foreach ($pages as $page) {
echo '<option value="' . $page['id'] . '"';
if (isset($higher) and $page['id'] == $higher) echo " selected";
echo '>' . $page['title'] . '</option>';
echo '
<button type="submit">' . $translations['submit'] . '</button>
' . printHiddenInputs(["task" => "update"]) . '
<div id="pageTools">
<h3>' . $translations['tools'] . '</h3>
<div id="embedGenerator">
if (isset($id)) {
echo '
<a href="../?id=' . $id . '&preview=1" class="buttonLike">' . $translations['preview'] . '</a>';
// Check if there is a page subordinate to the current one.
$hasSubordinate = false;
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if ($page['higher'] == $id) $hasSubordinate = true;
if (!$hasSubordinate) echo '
<a href="page.php?id=' . $id . '&task=delete" class="buttonLike">' . $translations['delete'] . '</a>';
echo '
echo '
<script src="./js/tinymce471/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/runTinyMCE.js"></script>
echo printBackendEnd();