"Submit", "options" => "Options", "start" => "Start", "fileUpload" => "File Uploads", "users" => "Users", "pages" => "Pages", "edit" => "Edit", "administration" => "Administration", "usersOverview" => "Overview of All Users", "listUsers" => "List users", "addUser" => "Add user", "userAdded" => "Successfully added new user: ", "username" => "Username", "helpUsername" => "

Username of the user. The user logs in with his or her username.


", "email" => "Email Address", "helpEmail" => "

Email address of the user. This needs to be saved, to be able to contact the user later on.


", "password" => "Password", "passwordVerify" => "Password (Verification)", "helpPassword" => "

Password of the user. The password needs to be at least 8 characters long.


", "realName" => "Real name", "helpRealName" => "

Full, real name of the user. The full name is displayed next to entries by that person.


", "helpUsers" => "

On this page, you can see access an overview of all users. You can also add new users here.

", "helpStart" => "

This is the start page of md:cms.

", "requiredValueMissing" => "A required value is missing.", "passwordsDoNotMatch" => "The passwords do not match.", "passwordTooShort" => "The passwords is too short.", ]; ?>