/** * Removes a given element * * @param {DOMElement} id ID of the element to tear down. * * @return {void} */ async function removeElement(elem) { while (elem.firstChild) { elem.removeChild(elem.firstChild); } elem.parentElement.removeChild(elem); } /** * Function toggleHash toggles a specified location.hash value. * * @param {string} identifier ID to toggle. * * @return {void} */ function toggleHash(identifier) { if (window.location.hash == "#" + identifier) window.location.hash = ""; else window.location.hash = "#" + identifier; } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { let translations = { "en" : { "uploadFile" : "Upload file", "submit" : "Submit", "generate" : "Generate", "embedCodeGenerator" : "Generator for embed code", "helpEmbedCode" : "Here you can create embed code.", "singleObjectTile" : "Single object (tile)", "singleObjectDetails" : "Single object (details)", "singleCollectionTile" : "Single collection (tile)", "singleCollectionDetails" : "Single collection (details)", "singleInstitutionTile" : "Single institution (tile)", "singleInstitutionDetails" : "Single institution (details)", "singleExhibitionTile" : "Single exhibition (tile)", "singleExhibitionDetails" : "Single exhibition (details)", "singleEventTile" : "Single event (tile)", "singleEventDetails" : "Single event (details)", "exhibitionCalendar" : "Exhibition calendar", "eventCalendar" : "Event calendar", }, "de" : { "uploadFile" : "Eine Datei heraufladen", "submit" : "Abschicken", "generate" : "Generieren", "embedCodeGenerator" : "Generator für Einbettungen", "helpEmbedCode" : "Hier können sie den embed-code generieren.", "singleObjectTile" : "Einzelobjekt (Kachel)", "singleObjectDetails" : "Einzelobjekt (Details)", "singleCollectionTile" : "Einzelsammlung (Kachel)", "singleCollectionDetails" : "Einzelsammlung (Details)", "singleInstitutionTile" : "Einzelinstitution (Kachel)", "singleInstitutionDetails" : "Einzelinstitution (Details)", "singleExhibitionTile" : "Einzelne Ausstellung (Kachel)", "singleExhibitionDetails" : "Einzelne Ausstellung (Details)", "singleEventTile" : "Einzelne Veranstaltung (Kachel)", "singleEventDetails" : "Einzelne Veranstaltung (Details)", "exhibitionCalendar" : "Ausstellungskalender", "eventCalendar" : "Veranstaltungen (Kalender)", } }; var debugging = false; /** * Function queryPage queries a web page and runs the specified function over the output. * * @param string url URL to query. * @param function func Callback function to run on the request after loading. * @param boolean debug Enable / disable debug mode. * * @return boolean */ function queryPage (url, func, debug = false) { let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', url); request.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); request.responseType = 'htm'; request.send(); request.onload = function() { func(request, debug); }; } /** * Returns a requested translation from an array in the currently used language. * * @param mixed[] list Translation variable. * @param string specifier Specifies which translation to get. * * @return string */ function getTranslation(list, specifier) { let preferedLang = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].getAttribute("lang"); if (list[preferedLang] !== undefined && list[preferedLang][specifier] !== null) return list[preferedLang][specifier]; return list["en"][specifier]; } /** * Function to get all GET variables passed by user * Based on gion_13's answer at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12049620/how-to-get-get-variables-value-in-javascript * * @return string[] */ function getGETvars () { var output = {}; if(document.location.toString().indexOf('?') !== -1) { var query = document.location .toString() // get the query string .replace(/^.*?\?/, '') // and remove any existing hash string (thanks, @vrijdenker) .replace(/#.*$/, '') .split('&'); for(var i = 0, l = query.length; i < l; i++) { var aux = decodeURIComponent(query[i]).split('='); output[aux[0]] = aux[1]; } } return (output); } /** * Allow toggling of navigation. */ (function() { let navigationMode = window.localStorage.getItem("navigationMode"); if (navigationMode === undefined || navigationMode === null) { window.localStorage.setItem("navigationMode", "1"); navigationMode = "1"; } if (navigationMode === "0") { document.getElementById("mainNav").classList.toggle("invisible"); } document.getElementById("toggleNavigation").addEventListener("click", function(e) { if (navigationMode === "0") { window.localStorage.setItem("navigationMode", "1"); navigationMode = "1"; } else { window.localStorage.setItem("navigationMode", "0"); navigationMode = "0"; } document.getElementById("mainNav").classList.toggle("invisible"); }); })(); /** * Open the URL given in the href attribute of the element with the given ID. * * @param {string} identifier ID of the element with whose href to replace location.href * * @return {void} */ function replaceWindowById(identifier) { var link = document.getElementById(identifier); if (link != null) { window.location.href = link.href; } } (async function() { let trigger = document.getElementById("uploadFile"); if (trigger === undefined || trigger === null) return; trigger.addEventListener("click", function(e) { let overlay = document.createElement("div"); overlay.classList.add("overlay"); let uploadForm = document.createElement("form"); uploadForm.enctype = "multipart/form-data"; uploadForm.action = "files.php"; uploadForm.method = "POST"; let uploadLabel = document.createElement("label"); uploadLabel.textContent = getTranslation(translations, "uploadFile"); uploadLabel.for = "fileUploadInput"; let uploadSize = document.createElement("input"); uploadSize.type = "hidden"; uploadSize.name = "MAX_FILE_SIZE"; uploadSize.value = "300000"; let uploadTask = document.createElement("input"); uploadTask.type = "hidden"; uploadTask.name = "task"; uploadTask.value = "upload"; let uploadInput = document.createElement("input"); uploadInput.type = "file"; uploadInput.id = "fileUploadInput"; uploadInput.name = "file"; let uploadButton = document.createElement("button"); uploadButton.type = "submit"; uploadButton.textContent = getTranslation(translations, "submit"); uploadForm.appendChild(uploadLabel); uploadForm.appendChild(uploadSize); uploadForm.appendChild(uploadTask); uploadForm.appendChild(uploadInput); uploadForm.appendChild(uploadButton); overlay.appendChild(uploadForm); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(overlay); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].addEventListener('keydown', async function(e) { if (e.keyCode != 27) return; removeElement(overlay); }); queryPage( encodeURI('./files.php'), function (request) { let allFiles = JSON.parse(request.response); for (let i = 0, max = allFiles.length; i < max; i++) { console.log(allFiles[i]); } }); }); })(); /** * Embed code generator. */ (function() { function generateToolTip(toolTipID, toolTipText, toolTipTitle = "", triggerId = "") { let trigger = document.createElement("span"); trigger.classList.add("newToolTipTag"); trigger.classList.add("helpToolTip"); trigger.setAttribute("data-for", toolTipID); let toolTip = document.createElement("div"); toolTip.id = "tooltip_" + toolTipID; toolTip.classList.add("newToolTip"); toolTip.setAttribute("data-title", toolTipTitle); let toolTipCont = document.createElement("p"); toolTipCont.textContent = toolTipText; toolTip.appendChild(toolTipCont); trigger.appendChild(toolTip); return trigger; } let generator = document.getElementById("embedGenerator"); if (generator === undefined || generator === null) return; // Define generator types let generatorTypes = [ ["", "", false], ["singleObjectTile", getTranslation(translations, "singleObjectTile"), true], ["singleObjectDetails", getTranslation(translations, "singleObjectDetails"), true], ["singleCollectionTile", getTranslation(translations, "singleCollectionTile"), true], ["singleCollectionDetails", getTranslation(translations, "singleCollectionDetails"), true], ["singleInstitutionTile", getTranslation(translations, "singleInstitutionTile"), true], ["singleInstitutionDetails", getTranslation(translations, "singleInstitutionDetails"), true], ["singleExhibitionTile", getTranslation(translations, "singleExhibitionTile"), true], ["singleExhibitionDetails", getTranslation(translations, "singleExhibitionDetails"), true], ["singleEventTile", getTranslation(translations, "singleEventTile"), true], ["singleEventDetails", getTranslation(translations, "singleEventDetails"), true], ["exhibitionCalendar", getTranslation(translations, "exhibitionCalendar"), true], ["eventCalendar", getTranslation(translations, "eventCalendar"), true], ]; // Add help tooltip let generatorLabelSpan = document.createElement("span"); generatorLabelSpan.classList.add("labelLine"); let generatorLabel = document.createElement("label"); generatorLabel.textContent = getTranslation(translations, "embedCodeGenerator"); generatorLabelSpan.appendChild(generatorLabel); generatorLabelSpan.appendChild(generateToolTip("embedGeneratorToolTip", getTranslation(translations, "helpEmbedCode"), getTranslation(translations, "embedCodeGenerator"))); generator.appendChild(generatorLabelSpan); let selectType = document.createElement("select"); for (let i = 0, max = generatorTypes.length; i < max; i++) { let generatorOption = document.createElement("option"); generatorOption.value = generatorTypes[i][0]; generatorOption.textContent = generatorTypes[i][1]; generatorOption.setAttribute("data-useSpecifier", generatorTypes[i][2]); selectType.appendChild(generatorOption); } generator.appendChild(selectType); let generatorSpecifier = document.createElement("input"); generatorSpecifier.classList.add("invisible"); generator.appendChild(generatorSpecifier); let buttonGenerate = document.createElement("a"); buttonGenerate.classList.add("buttonLike"); buttonGenerate.textContent = getTranslation(translations, "generate"); generator.appendChild(buttonGenerate); let generatorField = document.createElement("fieldset"); let generatorFieldCont = document.createElement("div"); generatorField.appendChild(generatorFieldCont); let generatorLegend = document.createElement("legend"); generatorField.appendChild(generatorLegend); selectType.addEventListener('change', function(e) { generatorSpecifier.value = ""; if (selectType.options[selectType.selectedIndex].getAttribute("data-useSpecifier") == "true") { generatorSpecifier.classList.remove("invisible"); } else generatorSpecifier.classList.add("invisible"); generatorLegend.textContent = selectType.options[selectType.selectedIndex].textContent; generatorFieldCont.textContent = ""; }); function runGenerator() { if (selectType.value == "") return; generatorFieldCont.textContent = "[" + selectType.value + "]"; if (generatorSpecifier.value != "") { generatorFieldCont.textContent += "{" + generatorSpecifier.value + "}"; } } generatorSpecifier.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode != 13) return; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); runGenerator(); }); buttonGenerate.addEventListener('click', function() { runGenerator(); }); generator.appendChild(generatorField); if (debugging === true) { console.log("Generated generator for pseudocode for embedding from museum-digital."); } })(); });