* Start page of the backend.
* Offers a dashboard.
* @author Joshua Ramon Enslin <joshua@jrenslin.de>
* Require files and ensure environment.
require_once __DIR__ . "/inc/functions.php";
ensureEnvironment(); // Ensure existence of system files.
$translations = loadLanguage($settings['defaultLang']); // Load translations.
ensureBackendEnv(); // Ensure session is started etc.
$pages = loadPages(); // Load overview of pages.
* Load data.
* Output
echo printBackendHead($settings, $translations['start'], $translations['start'], $settings['logo']);
echo printBackendHeader($translations['start'], $translations['helpStart']);
echo '
<div id="mainWrapper">
echo printBackendNav($translations);
echo printStaticPagePart("welcomeMsg", "section"); // Print aside (if need be)
<section class="startPgTiles">
<h3>' . $translations['aboutThisSite'] . '</h3>
<th>' . $translations['numberOfPages'] . '</th>
<td>' . (string)count($pages) . '</td>
<th>' . $translations['numberOfPublicPages'] . '</th>
<td>' . (string)count(loadPublicPages()) . '</td>
<th>' . $translations['phpVersion'] . '</th>
<td>PHP ' . (string)phpversion() . '</td>
<h3>' . $translations['aboutMDCMS'] . '</h3>
' . $translations['aboutMDCMS_content'] . '
echo printBackendEnd();