LIDO is an XML schema intended for delivering metadata, for use in a variety of online services, from an organization’s collections database to portals of aggregated resources, as well as exposing, sharing and connecting data on the web. + Its strength lies in its ability to support the typical range of descriptive information about objects of material culture. + It can be used for all kinds of object, e.g. art, cultural, technology and natural science and supports multilingual portal environments.
+The LIDO schema is the result of a substantial redesign and enhancement of the CDWA Lite and museumdat schemas based on recommendations of the CDWA Lite/museumdat Working Group, community feedback and further CIDOC-CRM analysis. It mainly builds on CDWA and includes additional concepts to meet SPECTRUM requirements.
+For more information on LIDO please refer to:
+The schema is developed at LIDO v1.1 is backwards compatible with LIDO v1.0. +For a summary of changes please refer to the repository’s README. The full history of LIDO can be found in, 2.3 History of the schema.
+Prepared for CIDOC LIDO Working Group by LIDO-DE Working Group.
+Editors: Erin Coburn, Jutta Lindenthal, Gordon McKenna (Collections Trust), Richard Light, Regine Stein (Göttingen State and University Library), Michelle Weidling (Göttingen State and University Library), Axel Vitzthum (digiCULT Verbund e.G.) +
+Contributors: Detlev Balzer, Regine Heuchert (Technoseum), Angela Kailus (Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg), Herdis Kley (Freien Universität Berlin), Marco Klindt (Zuse Institute Berlin), Markus Matoni (Göttingen State and University Library), Timo Schleier (Göttingen State and University Library), Francesca Schulze (German National Library), Martin Stricker (Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik). +
+LIDO name and logo courtesy Rob Lancefield.
+Copyright 2009-2020 ICOM-CIDOC for the LIDO Working Group.